The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 07, 1906, Image 7

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ORDINARY'S NOTICES. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. GEORGIA—Coweta County: After four week's notice, pursuant to Section 2,540 of the Civil Code, a peti tion of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. R. W. Freeman, Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in said county on the loth day of September, 11100. C. B. Gloveu. Nasturtiums. Onasturtiums, sweet nasturtiums, With your golden, glowing gleam, How you till the room with brightness Like the magic of a dream. Pray thee, did some kindly fairy O’er thee svave her magic wntul? In thee weave the sunbeam’s likeness With her slender, tender hand. ZULU WAR TACTICS. Method Attn Creneent We Don’t Lose Any Time plumbing. when called on to do If you discover n leak Prorftpt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Hon. R. W. Freeman,Judge of the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of C. B. Glover shows: First, That he is guardian of Milton Glover, heretofore duly appointed ns such gnnrdinu in said county. Second, That he desires to sell for re investment at privnte sale an undivided one-fifth interest in and to the following lands, to-wit: Fractional lots numbers lor plumbing if you want it well one hundred and thirteen (118) and one done. We don’t charge high are always ready to come. and W. L. SEXTON, The Newnan Plumber. New Arnnll Building. hundred and sixteen (lit!), containing together ninety-one and one-half (91,'j) acres; fractional lots numbers one hun dred and fourteen (114) and one hundred and fifteen (115) containing together one hundred and thirteen and three-quarter (118 3 .,) acres; fractional lot number one bundled and fifty-six (160), containing Phone 15|) - s ‘ xt y-ttve (05) nores; fractional lot num- ' her one hundred and thirty-seven (187). , containing fifty (50) acres; east half of i ot number one hundred and thirty- [|! three (188), containing one hundred and [I one-quarter (101) acres more or less; !|i east half of lot number one hundred and j|] thirty-four (184). containing one bun- =f] dred and one-quarter (104 |j or less; forty (-10) aorea off the oast end I of lot number one hundred and thirty- 1 live (185); all the above lots and parts T. M. MARTIN Did she o'er thee gently stooping Kiss thy lips to rosy red? Did she cause that gentle drooping Of thy dainty, gold-crowned head? Did she with her gentle lingers Blend in thee the sunset bright, Rosy glow of morning's dawning, And the moouheam’s gentle light? O nasturtiums, gay nasturtiums, Flowers so richly, brightly hued Witli the glow of dawn and morning; With the light of heaven imbued. —Ruth Fostek. The Home. Married people would be hap pier, says the Boston Gazette; If home trials were never told to the neighbors. If they kissed and made up af ter every quarrel. With iti Formation. Zulu military tactics are associated with the name of Tyaku, the ruthless Zulu conqueror, who welded Into the stock of the Amuxulu. the people of the heavens, all the v. men of the va rious tribes lie conquered, incorporat ing them into regiments and thus building up « powerful military na tion. Yet it was to Diugislwayo, the wanderer, that the Inception was due. This man, the son of the chief of the Uni tot wn, was driven Into exile In con sequence of an abortive plot to seize the reins of power. During that exile he lived in Cape Colony and saw the military methods ! of the British. With Instinctive genius he saw how the idea could he adapted to Ills own nation, and on Ills return and accession to tile chieftainship he divided Ids people Into regiments, dis tinguishing them by names ^ i by a special color of shield for w i regi ment. though for a time they retained the umkomto, or throwing assagai, as their chief weapon. He heard the great use made by the British Infantry of their favorite weapon, the bayonet, and so he replaced the umkomto by the lxwn, or broad blnded stabbing assa gai. The peculiarity of the Zulu tactics has earned It the name of the crescent formation for attack, and It Is note worthy (Init, broadly speaking. It was WHILE YOU WAIT, MR. FARMER For tin' nppenniiHT of the lirst. bale of new cotton, for everybody to get busy with the crop of IllOfi mill for full truilo to begin to hum, come around to the Big Furniture Store and spend a while. We want to show vim the largest ami most com plete stock of furniture and house furnishings in Newmiii while you have] leisure to inspect it. The tilings yon need and want are here. Come while you have time to exam ine the stock, make wise selections and satisfy yourself in every par ticular with quality and prices of your purchases. OEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE,- NEWNAN, 6A. ! the method employed liy the Boers ill If household expenses were l (Uelr invasion of Natal and adopted by proportioned to receipts. Lord Roberts In Ills advance through tried to be as agreeable 1 Grange River Colony, and It was the Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. If they . - i four of Its success which kept the as in courtship days. Boors continually on the run. Thu best If each would try and he a sup-! (lilng with which to compare It is tho ) acres,more port and comfort to the other ' head of the slag headed beetle. If each remembered the other was a human being, not an angel, of lots aggregating five hundred and ] If women were as kind to their sixty-two and three-quarter (5112 3 ,,) j husbands as they were to their acres, more or less, the same lying and ; lovers. being in the Fourth Land District of! j f fue , and provisions were laid said county and lying oil and along the . , . ...... c m during the high tide of summer i Chattahoochee river with all tho rights I ° h work. Expert work nml low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The S cent packet is enough for usual occasions Tht|famlly bottle (flu centsi contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No, 64. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons * Newnan, Georgia. appurtenant thereto. Third: Snid land is a long way from market and yields but a small income and it would be to the best interest of the ward to sell the same. Fourth: Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of suoli solo in . Fifth : Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks, ns required by law. C. B. Gloveh. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of August, 1908, Mike Poweli,, Notary Publio. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 6-2 calls. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of W. F. Hole man, late of said county, deoeased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly mndo out. All persons indebted to snid deoeased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of August, 100(5. ALDORA HOLEMAN, 24 Executrix of W. F. Holomnn. Famous Columbus Home. The fine old residence on Rose Z. Greene, D. D. 8., Hiil which was the home of the ' late Absalom IT. Chappell tor so many years, and which is now be- Office on fcecoml I* looi of j n g remodeled aud fitted into a It both parties remembered that they married for worse as well as better. If men were as thoughtful for their wives as they were for their sweethearts. If there were fewer silk and vel vet costumes for the street, and more plain, tidy house dresses. If there were fewer “please, dar lings” in public, and more polite manners in private. If wives and husbands would take some pleasure as they go along, and not degenerate into mere toiling machines. Recrea tion is necessary to keep the heart in its place and to get along with out it is a big mistake. If men would remember that wo men can’t always be smiling, who have to cook the dinner, answer the bell half a dozen times,and get rid of a neighbor who has dropped in, tend to a sick baby, tie up the cut finger of a two-year-old, bind up the head of a six-year-old on skates, and get an eight-year-old ready for school, to say nothing of sweeping, cleaning, etc. A woman with all these to contend with may Horns arc thrown out widely on either flank, while the iiiiiln body forms the head Itself. From tho main body a small force Is detached to engage the enemy while the horns creep around llio flanks. This force in the days of Tyaku was frequently dispatched with the com mand, “Go, sons of Zulu, go and re turn no more,” and death at the hands of their fellows was the fate of those who returned. While tills force was holding the enemy the horns carried out tlielr task If possible, and as soon ns the two horns had met In the rear of the enemy the head or chest was launched upon the position, and the upshot was that tho whole force of tho foe tasted (he assagai, for In war no quarter was given or naked.—South African Bun. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Keep away from peoplo you dislike anil don’t talk about them. Put a hog In a parlor and lie would brenk out and wallow In a mudhole. It becomes necessary occasionally for every man to take punishment. When your time comes don’t annoy others with your screams. Isn’t It a fact that the most success ful men you know are polite men? Then doesn’t it follow that if you hope to succeed you must ho polite? When you hear a man abused be hind Ills buck we do not think, “IIow unpopular other people are!” but ‘‘IIow we all catch It when we are not around I” Don’t worry If you are not good looking. You look all right to your friends. Tho best looks on earth could not make you look good to your ene mies, and those who are not Interested In you don’t know how you look.— Atchison Globe. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anythin' in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENUE OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION OFFICE AND WORKS NEWNAN, CEORCIA MERCK & DENT IMPROVED HIGH GRADE BUGGIES A Tip Top Job in the"repairing of eurringeH, wagons and oilier vehicles is tho only kind we attempt or turn out. success in repair work, your business when you thing in our line and we’ll satisfy you in price as well as work. Wo Hence our We want have auy- we’ll work use only the best colors and varnish, thus getting the best results in bug gy painting. < let one. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. SuvimI liy n Coni Ill-nil, Sir Andrew Clarke while traveling In Italy ascended u high tower one even- Black Bl'OS. Co.’s Building thoroughly comfortable and model j claim it a privilege to look and [ n s «nd found at theitop another tour- dwelling by Mayor L. H. Chap-^ feel a little tired some times, and j llu qy f ortl few minutes when suddenly pell, as a permanent home for his a word of sympathy would not be thu stranger seized Sir Andrew by tHo ‘I nm go- The man was physician had only a in which to gather his but that moment saved him. L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. family, is a house with a history. Doubtless few people of the younger generation know that at Office on Second Floor of the Arnall t ^at hospitable mansion President Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Millard Fillmore was once enter tained. The same residence was the scene ot a brilliant ball, given in honor of Miss Augusta Evans, now Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilson, one of the most popular and wide ly-read novelists in the world to day. Seventy-two years ago the old residence was built by the late Randall Jones. It was occupied by Mr Jones and family for years CL yvui u t/i ojr iuu nil < i neiALti i^ii /iiiui too much to expect from the man shoulders and said quietly, who, during the honeymoon, i,1K to tbro ' vr Y° u ever. Tin .... a maniac. The physician li wouldn’t let her carry as much as a sunshade. We earnestly request all young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. The Gt.-AU. Baiinen College, Macon, Ga. Pain from a Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on the hand, aud as cold applications only increased the in flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nich- lfave your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Ktock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will be paid. For information and terms, call on or write to J. W. Will coxon, agent for Goweta and Gar- roll counties, Newnan, Ga. tf As a dressing for sores, bruises anil burns Chamberlain’s Salve is all that can be desired. It is soothing and heat- and it was one of the most popu- j hig in its effect. It allays the i»in of a lar and hospitable homes in the 1 burn alm08t i,18tantl y- Tlli " 8al ™ is al- r , .. go a certain cure for chapped hands and city. Mr. Jones, who was quite , di8eafje of the skin . Price 25 cents. For wealthy, lived in great elegance, ^ sa [ e by Peniston & Lee, Newnan, Ga. and it. was his delight to entertain ; his friends. I Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Earnest have In 1854 Millard Fillmore, who moved into their new home, 165 had just retired from the presi- Juniper street. Mr. and Mrs. Van moment thoughts, ‘‘I’ooh!” lie replied unconcernedly. ‘‘Anybody can throw a man off the tower. If we were oil the ground you could not throw me up. That would ho too difficult.” “Yes, I could,” retorted the maiiluc, “I could easily throw you up here from the ground. Let us go down, and I will do It.” The descent was accordingly made, during which Kir Andrew managed to secure help and release himself from his perilous situation. dency, visited Columbus,and while Astor Batchelor will be at home in the city was Mr. Jones’ guest, j with them for the winter.—Atlanta He was making a general tour of Journal. the South at the time. „ , Miss Augusta Evans, who was When KdlMon Apologised. When Thomas A. Edison ilrst came to Washington to display the grupho- pbone, which had Just recently been in vented, Itoscoe Conkllng, who was al ways quite vain, was there too. Mr. Conkllng wore a little curl on his fore head, and when Mr. Edison repeated something about a little girl with a little curl right In the middle of her forehead the New York senator thought that, of course, the remark was made for him, and Mr. Edison had to apolo gize.—Dr. Iteyhurn’s Itemlniscences of Charles Sumner In Washington 1’ost. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's olssays: 11 ! advised him to use Cham- born in Columbus, at the old Gar-! Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree - herlaiu’s Pain Balm, and the first ap- rard p) ac e, and who was reared at able and so natural you can hardly real- plication drew out the inflammation and Rimo Cantain Jerry Slade's ize that it; is P rodacetl b Y a medicine, gave immediate relief. I have used this _ , _ L ,._, , ; T1 caveirnmeumc * — , , , , .. , . These tablets also cure indigestion. For liniment myself and recommend it very beautiful home, a pu is 1 sa ,i e p,y Peniston <& Le e , Newnau, O-a.. A Lofty Mind. A lofty mind ulways thinks nobly. It easily creates vivid, agreeable and natural fancies and places them in their best light, clothes them with all appropriate adornments, studies others’ tastes and clears away from its own thoughts all that Is useless and dis agreeable.— Kochefoueauld. ofterTfor cuts, burns, strains aud lame ‘'Inez” and was writing “Beulah back and have never known it to disap- at the t,me that Mrs. Randall nnint ” For sale by Peniston & Lee. Jones gave her celebrated Dali in poin ' ^_______ honor of the rising young author- , ess. It was one of the most bril- Miss Lucile Thompson, o - liant social events of a season nan, is the attractive gue^t of Mrs. when t h e elegance and luxury of J. H. Longino.—Last Fairburn News. Week’s the old South was at its height.- Culumous Enquirer-Sun. Little Misses Mary and Jimmie Daniel, of Newnan, have returned home, after a several days visit to little Misses Mildred and Norene Daniel.—Franklin News and Ban ner. Unworthy of Itemrmbrance. My Dear Friend—I beg you to lend me 6,000 francs. Then forget rne for ever. I am not worthy to be remem bered.—From a Letter Found by Paris Figaro. In the Good Old Summer Time Or any other timi* of tin* year, is the best time to buy groceries at the store ol'O. I*. Ktcpiiens and Company. Why? Because the stock if the largest, complctcst and freshest to be found in Newnan; and because we serve our patrons in the most careful and prompt manner possible. These are safe, sane, sound reasons; and ought to he suf ficient to induce you to give us yoiir orders. A fair trial of this store is all we ask. Once a customer, always a customer, is a statement that can he made with absolute regard for the truth in speaking of this store. The trial orders, the beginning of your business, we solicit, if you are not already numbered among our After becoming acquainted with this store, the rest for us. is what patrons, is easy C. P. STEPHENS S CO. Proprietors of the New Bakery. Telephone No. 31. Some Labor Day Musings. Jailelniljr Revised. Never hit a man when be Is up.- las Morning News. ■DaF Solid marching or, Labor Day will not accomplish as much in tne way of good results as solid voting on election day. Union labor that marches for it self and votes for the other fellow nas no grounds to complain if it gets the worst of it. A vote in the box is worth a mile in the parade. A man is known by the candi dates he Vutes tor. The best labor parade is straight home from the cashier’s window — Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Acts on Nature’s Plan. The Commoner. mm MMRMNSMSN* The most successful medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expec toration, open the secretions and aid nature in restoring the system to healthy condition. Thousands iiave testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, Price, 25 cents. Large size, 50 cents. Forjsale by Peniston & Lee. Mrs. W. H. Daniel and daugh ter, Miss Cammie, of Newnan, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Daniel.—Franklin News and Ban ner.