The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 14, 1906, Image 8

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— A Stopped Watch Doesn’t cmiKi' an much wor ry a* oii<* t lial ruiih i*it her too fimt or too slow, in mi ••rrntie fashion. The first you never depend upon—the other kind i* u soureeiif con* stunt annoyiince. Nowadays miiKi people ean and do own a watch, But no person can utTord to own an uncertain watch; and with my repair department at your service, there is no excuse for carry ing anything but a properly regulated and accurate watch. I am always ready to remedy your watch troub les. Consult me when your timepiece goes wrong. Frank J. Flannery Walihtnaktr and Jtwcltr. (irantville. "Bonny t'astlo" presented a lovely np- pi'iirnnre last Tluirsdny evening when its doors were thrown o|m-ii to the in vited Kue«t« nt n uin*quernile given by Mrs. Colley heigh la honor of I)r. (>wpn*by, of Hnltimoro. The lawn and veranda* were lirlllinntly illuiaiimted with Ja|iaiieno lantern*, while the li brary, reception hull nail dining-room Were thrown together mid exquisitely decorated witli | Nil ins and ferns. The receiving |sirty consisted of Mrs. Colley Ijeigli, Mrs Jethro Jones, of White*- hurg, Mrs A. it S. Bngg, Mrs, Mary Oweushy and Miss Kiiiinu Belle Zellers. Many hamlsoiiie and imhpie eostutni's were worn. The prizes, a brooch and stick pin, fur the best representation of character jsrrtrayed, were wen by Miss Mary Beth Word, of Hogansvllle, rep- reseliting Idttle Bo I’ccp and 1‘aul Bligg li Chiiieso, I'lnk and white cake with colored tees were served. In the dining room punch was served hv Minncn Ger trude and Mnud Bugg The guest* In vited to meet Dr. tIwenstiy were: Misses Aurelia Mobley, Mary Beth Word, < f Hogansvllle, Benetta Orr, of Newuau, Ada Bryan, of Clnrkaton, Annie Dick son, of Atlalitn; Misses Emilia Bello Zel- lars, I.nolle Banks, Kilim White, Tom mie White, Kstelle /i liars, !*allte Bo* 11rtiiiiou, Mary ('lower, Mamie Banks, Bertha and Janie Nell, l.nctlo Arnold, Gladys While, Mary Andrews, Mattie l.uok, Dr. Owiishy, ol Baltimore, Her- r.v mull Loiigiun, of Faitbtmi, Philip Orr. of Newnan, William Banks, W. A. Bohannon, Deliuar Owens, Worley Nall, Bcsizer Bayne, Jim Barron. Jon and Kiihorl Bohannon. Kdwlti Banks, Hold, and I*ntiI Bugg. I.ewm Dealt, Slaughter l.amhcrt, Tom l-'uller, T. M. Zolhirs and Lindsey Whltehend. The marriage of Mr. K. O Smith, of Grnutvllle, and Miss Fannie Haynie, of Moreland, took place today at u o'clock a. in. at the home of the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles llavnic. Tlw ceremony was performed by Rev. W. It Lambert, of liogausvllle. Mrs. ,1. I) Moreland, Mr* W G Sad h r and Lowndes Sadler are hone from a trip lo New York and other eastern Cities. Grantville will be well r. presented at several of the lending college* in the Stale Mis* Marv France* Blinks lias returned to Wesleyan, Mi** Kurile Ar nold. who la*t term was at Agues Scott, is al*o at Wesleyan, Misses Brrtlm mol Janie Nall nut Gladys White are nt the Normal and Industrial College at Mil- ledgcville, Charlie Stewart Colley has returned to the G M A college at Col lege Bark ; next week Miss Kstelle Zel- lnrs will return to Agnes Scott, Salltc Bohannon and Sarah Glower to l,n- Grange Female College, Hubert and Paul Bugg and I.imtsey Whitehead to Emory, Jack Camp will attend a busi ness collegi iu Atlauta. Mi**e* 1.nolle Hunks ami Touimie W:iit« were in Newnan Ynesdnv Mr. and Mrs. A A. Johnson, of Nor- cross. are guests of Dr and Mr* Kelson, Miss Onto Braunon, of Moreland, is visitiug her aunt, Mrs. J. H Got Ion. Mr. ami Mrs. G. A. Situs sjient Tues day in Atlauta, Mesdames A. H. S. Bngg, J T. White, L. P. Bryant and B. J Sewell attended the annual conference ot the Home Mis sion Society in Hogansvllle Sunday and Monday. Among the notable members present were, Mrs. Higginbotham, of West Point, Pres.; Mrs K. B. Milan, of Atlanta, Corresponding See., and Mrs. Connally, of Atlanta, one of the man agers, liesides our own District Score- taiy, Mrs. Oovin, of Hogansvllle. We desire to tlmuk the people of Hognu*- vtile for kindness and hospitality shown os while in their pleasant little city J. K Dean mid Miss Kiln Dean are s]*-liding the week ill Palmetto. Miss Ethel Hearn, of Carrollton, is the guest of Miss Lilia Cato Miss Mary Good rum, I. K Orr. Frank Hughe* and Tom Goodrum were in Gian tv die Sunday. Mrs. Gleuu Arnold acouuipauiod her daughter, Mi** Lucile, to Wesleyan to- d11v She will return home Saturday. lion nod Mrs W. A. Post and Miss Gertie Post have been attending the l» dode of «*ol. W. G. Po«f, of Newnan, Ho* week. We are glad to learn lie is some In tt'-r today. H Abner Gamp, who has ju«f return- e ! from Colorado, and Henry Camp, of Moreland, are in (Jrantville today. Miss Tommie Lou Lester is visiting In i M*ter Mrs. Albert McKoy, nt Wei. come. Mi«*'-« M vrtis O'Neal and Mary Broad water were in Newnan Snturday. W. A. Bohannon was in Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. and .Mrs. M. B. I*ambert and Miss Willie May Lambert are in Hogansvllle today. Hawkins Hooker spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Me*danies J. D. Moreland, W. G. Sadler and Glenn Arnold were in New- nnn Saturday. Judge 0. P. Glower and J. T White attended court in Newnan Tuesday Misses Kstelle Zellers, Belief fa Orr and Annie Dickson s|ient Monday with Mis* Mary Beth Word in Hogansvllle. Fa il Bryant of Atlanta is the guest of Willie Glower. Mrs. Bob Jenkins attended the funeral services of her slsterdn-lnw, Mrs. Bar tow Jenkins, in Hngnnsvillc Sunday. Mr. and Mrs W. P. Jackson, who have Imm'H absent several weeks visitiug relatives iu Oglethorpe county, have re tui lied home. Mrs. H J. Sewell nnd daughters, Misses Zell and Inez, are home from a visit to relatives at Athens. Misses Milford Stanford of Mount- ville, nod Mary Livingston of Colum bus, were guests a few days last week of Mrs. A H S Bugg The death of L. J. Lowry occurred nt Ills home here nt 'J o'clock this morning, lie had been a sufferer from rheuma tism and nervous debility for several month*. He leave* a wife and children who have our sympathy in their be reavement. The interment will tnka place tomorrow at Hngansville. Palmetto. Prof. Mouorief, President of Gox Col lege, ha* lieen called to the pastorate of the Baptist church. Mr. Moucrief Is remarkably gifted, both ns an orator and an expositor of Bible truths, amt Iinroh will lie very fortunate to se- cure his services. The Western Association convenes with Baiuah church to October A large utteiiihtncH is anticipated. The new house of worship will soon tie completed and will he used on that occasion. A new organ, recently purchased, ha* Ju*t arrived and been plaoeri in the First Methodist church. Prof. Banks opened sellout with mi iiuiiHiially large enrollment for the fall term. Miss Conyers, ot Newnan, has a full music class. Mrs Clifford Brown, of Macon, is a guest of Mrs. Harry Hill on Mato St The follow mg young ladies left Tues day, Sept lltli, for different schools over the State: Miss Leto Arnold re turns to Cox College, Miss Kindle Daniel return* lo Shorter, Miss Flora Cornier enters at Milletlgeville and Miss LuoUe Smith goes to Wesleyan. Mrs. Klliiigton and her daughter. Miss Snlllo Kate, who have been spending some time with Mrs. Abrams, left Tuesday tor tlietr home at Meridian. M iswissippi. The Snturday Nightclub was enter tained b\ Mis Kdwurd Duke, in honor of (lie visiting young ladies and tlie gue*t of Miss tillin' Gene Ctilhreath Those invited were: Miss Klliiigton, of Miss., Misses Mary Johnson, Stevie Timmons, Lotte Goliglitly, Janie Hud son. Louise Beckman, Callie Abrams, the Misses Held, Miss Myitic Given*, the Misses Cochran; Messrs Howard Johnson, Will JnliUMOii. B. 1. Timmons, ol \tlnuta. Kail Buttain, Freeman Bui lard. Iiviii and Clunil Culhreath. Dr. P. S. Zellars. a highly re*|NHded citizen, is very ill at Ins home on Tombs St. Misses Bethea and Lovejov, who Imvt been the guest* of Mis* Annie Gene Cul- breutli, have returned home. Clyde Givens, of l*nGrange, visited Ins father, Mr Joseph Givens.last week. Mrs. Huff and family, after »|*'udmg the •uinnier at the St Elmo Hotel, left for their home in Columbus Tuesday. Mrs. S. M. Dean, Regent of the Pled- moat Continental Chapter, D. A. H.. at tended the luncheon given by Mrs. Thomas Morgan at her home on Peach tree Street, complimentary to Mrs. Hal lie Rouiisavillf, of Rome, the distin guished State Regent. "Iced lemonade" takes its leave like all summer visitors, as lemons are now quoted at $8 j>er box. day. He will also officiate ot the bap tismal service nt!» o’clock, a m.. of the same day. Farmers around Whiteshurg are very busy with their fall work Jnst now. ('utting hay. ptilliug fodder and picking cotton nre all being carried ou nt the same time. The rains continue, which cause some inconvenience; though every one Is try ing to save some portion of the hnrve«t. W. L. Drake, one of car clever black smiths, was awakened at an early hour Monday morning by something after his chirkfiiM. Ou investigation Im found something was in his lion house among tlie chicken*, nnd procuring a light, was somewhat surprised to find n large jms- sum sitting in one corner, ready to pounce upon the nearest chicken. Mr. Drake lost no time iu shooting the early morning intruder. He found that the possum bail already killed one chicken, and lie is now satisfied that Bro. possum is to hlnniH for a number of chickens that lie ha* missed recently. J. H Li|iscnmb, a great lover of music and one of the best singers in the coun ty, nttouded the singing convention nt Carrollton last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Laura Daveiqiort, of South Geor gia, visited relatives here last week. Dot Jones, of Clem, s|ient Sunday af ternoon in tlie city with friends. Jerome Patterson, of Carrollton, was in Whiteshurg and vicinity Sunday nnd Monday. Miss Mary Hodnett, of Carrollton, h|m'Ut a few dnvs with relatives here the latter |>art of last week. Miss Lizzie Steven* visited her sister, Mrs. Ben New, of Carrollton, Sunday nmt Monday. Welcome Pniks went up to Atlanta Monday. Rev. K. 0. Betterton, of Dalton, Ga., is s|M'iidiug a few days with his family, at the homo of Rev. W. A Parks. (Bis Jones, of Newnan, :s visiting his parents near town this week. We are glad to note that Bob Hollo- war is much bettor tills week. G W. Byiogton. the clever nnd suc cessful insurance uinii, was ill town Inst Tuesday. Rev. J. W. Moliood, who has been quite sick with fever, lias about recover ed Ids health, and lie with his family arc visitiug Ills father nt Carrollton this week. P. T. MoOntohen, of Newnun, was iu tlie citv one day Inst week on business. Jett Austin, of Sargent, will superin tend the ginnery of O. A. Duncan this fall. We are sorry to learn flint Miss Dorn Duncan lins been quite sick for several days Milltown. Whiteshurg. Whiteshurg. Ga , Sept. li. I'.HMl —The entertainment to be given here Friday , end Saturdav evenings promises to tv one of the most interesting exercises seen here this year. The benefits de rived from the exercises will be doiuiteii to the Methodist parsonage. A cordial luvitatiou is made to all to come to tin entertainment. A royal good time i* p.ounscd to all who attend Remember the dates. Friday and Satorday night* Sept. 14th and 16th. Rev. W. W. Koop. of Carrollton, will preach at the Baptist ohuroh next San- Fall 1906 Fall 1906 A. E. BROD’S Cut Price Store Having* anticipated the rise in price of cotton and woollen g’oods we placed large advance orders for all staple numbers at the lowest price. In view of this fact I am in position to meet competition from any market. Our stock is more extensive and at tractive than ever before. I cordially invite you to inspect same and get our prices before buying. A. E. BROD 10 Greenville Street Newnan, Georgia Hirnui Mobley and Arthur Heuuick *pen' Sunday in Grtfttn. Robert Rich in Ima moved with his family and located near tin West Point depot. John Bhilli|is and wife visited Ids fa tlier Saturday night and Sunday. After having a loug and tedious strug gle with typhoid fever, Tom Smith is able to Hit up. Judge and ClinHes Attawiiv, from Sargent, spent liiKt Sunday with their sister, Mrs, Hiram Mobley, noil family. Henry Turner was up from iNtGrange Sunday. After spending several weeks with her pnrentN, Lon Jordan and wife, Mrs. An drew Cliandler lins returned .to her home in Texas Misses Alice and Matilda Mobley visited at Hogansvillc Sunday. Janies Townsend and wife, from Heard county, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs Norris. Holm McKenzie, from (’Olivers, was here last Sunday. Buford, little son of Jack Ward and wife lies been quite sick After spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. John Dewberry, Mrs. Nancy Brown returned to IsiGrangc Sunday. Kittle Horace Pitts, who was so sick at our Inst writing, is very much better. Misses Ada and Bessie Yarbrough vis ited relatives in Carrollton Sunday. After s|N>udiug several days at Ban ning with relatives and friends, Mrs. Jesse Florence and children returned home last Sunday. Hiram Mobley bad an acoident Tues day evening of Inst week. He drove to Liberty ohuroh nnd on Ins return home something broke about the harness causing the horse to run away, throwing \lr. Mobley out and crippling him, but not seriously. Homer Howard, from Columbus, was here a few days last week, guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry Bryant. Hasting West and Miss Beulah Shell were united in marriage last Sunday af ternoon Rev. J. E. D. Taylor officiating. "Grandfather" Ayers, from Carroll ton. is visiting his children here. After a three weeks' visit to relatives iu Tyus and other places iu Carroll county. Miss Susie Farmer returned home Inst week Mrs. Charlie Newsom, who has been sick so long, lias been very much worse for several days. Her bills' is also quite sick. Calvin Hemrick visited relatives in Athens last week. Mias Ophelia Thompson, from Tyus, is spendiug several days with her cous- tu. Mrs. J. E. Farmer. Little Arling Cook has been real sick for several days. Mrs. J. J. Hendrix came in from Sar gent ami spent Sunday witli tier daugh ter, Mrs. Homer Allen. Oar singing proved quite a success last Sunday afternoon—so much so that several suggestions weie made to organ ize a elnss If anybody knows of a teach er we could get, let us know. Miss Cynthia Hanson visited relatives at Banning last Sunday. We Imd i< fine Sunday school last Sun day. Mis. Jennie Cole's Barnn m elnss is on a hnniu. She is a splendid teacher and knows excellently how to hold a class together. Ijiist Sunday Brother Layton preached two as litic sermons ns we ever heard. Hi* subject mi tlie morning was John the Baptist's uiis-ioii iu rim world, as com pared to the mission of tlie church. He stated at the close of tlie evening sev- vice tlmt our next meeting day, which is the fourth Sunday, is the time to elect a pastor. There will he a singing connected with the Sabbath school next Sunday morn ing. Our people nr" becoming quite musical. That is encouraging. What we might say here about the Studebaker line of farm wagons, carriages, buggies and harness, might or might not have much weight with you. What you can see with your own eyes will tell the story better than volumes of our talk* There fore we say Sec the Studebaker Agent Here are some of the things he will show you: Why the Studebaker Wagon, while stronger, heavier and more durable (being made of heavier timber and more heavily ironed) is nevertheless the lightest running wagon on earth. Why the Studebaker axles ()4 to # inch deepet than others and reinforced with heavy truss) havegreater carrying capacity. Why the Studebaker nub does not split, check nor crack. Wny the Studebaker slope-shoulder spokes (larger than others) make a stronger wheel. Why the Studebaker wagon-box with reinforced bottom, is the strongest and most convenient box made* the Studebaker vehicles are ao popular; why more people but Turin. George Smith has completed his new residence aiul will move this week. Miss Jimmie Shell returned from At lanta Saturday, where she spent a week visiting her consins, tlie Misses Hnuiii- outt. G. P. Arnall made a business trip to Fayette Tuesday. Zeh Christopher mid Will Englnnd are attending court nt Newnan this week Rev. E. A. Wnre was in Newnan Monday. George Hardy gave a family barbecue Wednesday. Wulter Hardy, of East Point, is visit ing his grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Hardy. Misses Alice Moses and Norma Jones are visiting friemlsmt Hollouville. Rev C. O'N. Martiudale filled his np- nointiueut here Sunday and Suiulay night. He received two members into tlie church Sunday. Miss Margaret Day is attending school at Seuoia. Mrs. Jesse Howell is with her uieoe, Mrs. Maggie Gay. Torn McGough, of Fayetteville, was in Turin Suiulay ' Tom Aruall. of Seuoia, was iu town Monday. Welcome. Owing to so much wet weather but little fodder has been saved. Farmers will be quite busy the next three mouths gathering the fleecy staple. On ncenunt ot sickness. Rrv. F. .1 Amis did not fill his appointment at Bowden last week. Miss Ethel Copeland,who has been sick for some time, is convalescing. Miss Mary Amis is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Miss Grace Summers has returned home, after spendiug u week very pleas antly with relatives and friends iu New- ltau. Miss Mnud McKov left Inst week for Rome, where she will spend some time. Charlie King, from Fort Worth, Texas, is visitiug relatives hero. Mrs. O. L. Moore is ou tlie sick list. Mrs. A. A. Wright visited her sister, Mrs. “Gap" Puokette, neur Moreland, last week. Miss Lillian Summers is visiting her s'*ter, Mrs. Charles Amis, in Newiinu. Joe Dial and wife spent Sunday iu \ Newnan at tlie bedside ot the latter’s ; sister, who lias been critically ill for i some time. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Notice is hereby givou to all creditors of the estate of Mrs. Laura N. Hubbard, late of said county, deceased, to render hi an account of their demands to me within tlie time prescribed by law, properly made out. All persons indebt ed to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to tlie un dersigned. This 8th day of Sept., l!H)ti. 28 L. M. FARMER, Adiur. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all erudite uf the estate of Mrs. Cornelia A. Denu |laieof said county, deceased, to rend in nu nccounr of their demands to n within the tune prescribed by la' properly made out. All persons indel I **d lo *nid deceased ara hereby request- i to make immediate payment to the n i dersigned. This 8th day of 3ept., 1!X j 28 L. M. FARMER. Adiur.