The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 19, 1906, Image 2

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Tor Tour Protection wo jilnoo thin liiliel on every package of Scot i 'h Kiniilnlon. The limn with a IIhIi on IiIh buck In our tradc-inark, and It. )h a guarantee that Scott's Emul sion will «lo all that 1h claimed for It. Nothing better for lung, t hroat or bronchial Iroubles In Infant or adult.. Scott's Emul sion Is one of the greatest, flesh- luilMers kuuwn to the medical world. W'#•// ttnd you a aampla trot. scon & BOWNE, * 1 The Newnan News Issued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE,IS 1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phono No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLDG Mr. Gompers will please make a hard- note of the fact that the politiciansI*'""’ ' N , ’" t,mH,aHtl( ' 1,1 >'Ih pmlHi) of (llmiiihcrliiia'H (lough Udnedy. education oT the school, and the ot Georgia by the greatest majo- country. Remarkably little crime companionship of friends and coni- rity in its history, declares his be- was committed in the city and so rad os which continues to mould lief that the races may eventually much of good order and good na il"' character by the powerful in- separate, and that the policy of the ture prevailed, that the prohibition lluence of example. Men of all Caucasian must be founded upon continued for some time after the a^cs cannot help imitating those the wisest and safest control ot immediate necessity was felt to with whom they associate. If the negro while he is a part of our be removed. young men are wisely influenced system of government. "The When the recent riot broke out and directed anil exert their own fourteenth amendment,” declares in Atlanta, there was an early call tnc energies, they will seek the Mr. Smith, “hinders the most in- on the mayor of the city for simi- soeiety of those I rotter than them- telligent mode of handling the lar action, and he at once respond- sclvcs and strive to* imitate their subject,” and he intimates that the 1 ed, his proclamation setting forth example. There are persons whom time will come when the national the fact that all the evil passions to know is to love, honor and ad- government must legislate for the of men both white and colored mire, and others whom to know is, negro as it has long been accus- were aroused and intensified by t i shun and dispise. Live with tomed to legislate for the Indian, liquor. Now, no one will ever sus- persons of elevated character and The governor-elect devotes much pect Atlanta’s mayor of being in you will feel lifted up in them, time to the discussion of the any way an enemy of liquor. He "Live with wolves,” says the criminal negro, the idle, loafing with others, merely had his eyes Spanish proverb, “and you will negro, and the vagrant, and the opened a little wider than they had learn to howl.” The life of every methods of keeping them under been to the evil effects of liquor, man is a daily inculcation of good rigid control, lie stresses the The opening had come by reason or had example to others. The necessity of teaching the negro in of the events of the black Satur- lilc ol a good man is at the same the public schools more of char.'c- day night. He knew that every " time the most eloquent lesson of ter, industry and responsibility drink of liquor taken by any man virtue and the most severe reproof than of the contents of books, and intensified the dangers, which were 1 ol vice. There arc men in whose he emphasizes with all his great already serious enough, ot terrible natural force the important fact 1 bloodshed* He knew that every the industrious and law-abiding evil passion of men, already ex negro can only escape responsi- cited, is increased by *the use of bilily for the crimes of his race liquor, and that its use would when he contributes all his ener- awaken such passions even in the have uttered, the examples they gies and all his honesty to prevent hearts of those who, up to the time have set, live through all time, these crimes and to deliver the of its use, had been calm and self- presence we feel as if we breathed spiritual ozone, refreshing and in vigorating, like inhaling mountain air or enjoying a bath of sunshine, 'I lie golden words that good men I hose being undisputed facts how criminals of his race to justice. careliilly our young people should select t heinassoeiates and be found only with those whose example tliev can take pride in following.— Exchange. A Certain Cure for Croup*-Usod for Ton Years Without a Failure. W. O. Hot.t., ii Star Oily, bid. To this sound and candid ex pression Mr. Smith adds the as surance that the white man must and will protect the industrious controlled. The whole city en dorsed his action, for the people all knew what he knew about the demoralizing power of liq mr. Further: for some time past, the do not hesitate to work more than eight hours a day. Jacob Riis says Roosevelt’s sim plified spelling idea is "rot.” That’s simple enough to be un derstood by everybody. Anyway President I’nlma I l Ins lumeily never fulled to tilfeot a speedy cure Ho Ims recommended it to his friends mid neighbors, mid all who possesses none of the elmmeteris- j | lftVt , UH0(1 u Huy it 1H , Uli |,.<t for ties ol a Pennsylvania politician, eronp and whooping cough. For sale by as he left ifI.‘1,000,0011 in the <‘u Penmton & bee, Druggists, ban treasury. " - — and law-abiding negro and help , newspapers-and who would charge him in every possible way. the daily papers of Atlanta with : 1 It is refreshing and inspiring to any leaning towards prohibition?— < the philosopher of events to find 1 of the city have been urging the in the first utterance of the next closing of the negro dives and bar- governor of Georgia an utter ab- rooms of the city. Wh>? Recause ; sence of those empty platitudes of | they are the breeders of crime, maudlin regret which have been J But, if this be so as to negro bar- all too common in the atmosphere rooms, why not so as to white of recent discussion, and a bold men’s barrooms? Liquor is liquor and vigorous expression of a mind I and human brains are human liquor affects alike and [ subject to Hovorc attacks of Croup, but mettle of our present danger and I for the worse all human brains, 11 in children have all been subjoot to oroup and lie law UHed tliin remedy for the pant ten years, and I bough they much feared the oroup, bin wife and be always fell safe open retiring when a bottle of Olminherluin’H Cough Remedy was III (lie house, lbs oldest child was and spirit which grasps firmly the brains, an POTTS AND PARKS i WE SELL LADIES’ GOODS. We are the only exclusive dealers in Newnan, in dress goods, silks, trimmings, notions, lad ies and children’s shoes. Our special atten tion to this line enables us to procure the best materials at the lowest prices. FALL DRESS GOODS. Broad cloths in black, white and colors, priced #1.50, #1.25 and #1.00 per yard. Wool Batistes These are very popular and were bought at low figures; shown in black, white and many shades. Grey Suitings. London smoke, hair-line checks and shadow plaids, Chester field and mohairs. Scotch Plaids For ladies’ waists and children’s dresses. SILKS. Plaids, plain and fancy waist silks, novelty and plain yard wide dress silks. Yard-wide black peatt de soie silks at #1.25 and #1 per yard. Black taffeta silks, yard wide, at #1.25, #1.00, fit) cents ami SO cents per yard. SATIN. Fight shades yard wide satins for only #1.00 per yard. TRIMMINGS. One hundred styles of braids and appliques, many rich ef fects in embroidered all-overs and Baby-Irish laces. WE SELL American Lady corsets, Ladies’ Shoes, medi um and grades children’s and infants’ shoes, Butterick Patterns. Tin? The baseball championship ol the world having been settled, many baseball enthusiasts can pro eeed to give attention to the small er ulliiirs of life. Governor-Elect Good. Makes proposes to advocate and to exe- All barrooms are breeding-places cute the racial policies upon which of crimes. the will and the wish of the people | No return is ever claimed by has been so magnificently express- any community for the evils of ed in the last state election. liquor-selling, save one, and that Timidity and the commercial the return of money in revenue, spirit are the debilitating influ-(But this is a false claim, as has ences which hamper the firm and been shown again and again by problems of our time. show, beyond the shadow of a jjj wwwwBWMBwwfcw There was never a crisis in 1 doubt, that the only financial re- jjj POTTS & Phope!109 Bay Street PARKS Newnan, Ga. When a great people in a dis tinct emergency elect from their . . number a strong man to be their wb ' cb b °th courage and commerce turn any community gets from the $ leader and executive, they expect I were not called upon for tribute sale of liquor is on the wrong side j jjj and sacrifice and in this great of the account, question which involves the tegrlty of race, the unity of the time of laborers, in destruction ot The expense in- jjj curred through crime, in loss of Vj Augusta girl married Florida °f him leadership and direction- hero who saved her life during the not timidity and time-serving, recent hurricane at Fensacola. And to this standard of expecta Boor girl' She will soon learn j tion, Hoke Smith, governor-elect | re i ,ublic < and the sanctity of our property, and in loss of actual i| that no man is a hero viewed from I of Georgia, rose on Wednesday at ,,oble women - ic is a matter mnn ™ in r:,rmcr fnr " an - 1 8 I LaGrange. joicing that at thohelm of state we There is all too much of timidity, bave a brave > band tb:lt will hesitation and cowardice in the be always duly regardful,but never atmosphere of Georgia since the s * av ' sb and subordinate to the Atlanta riot. Apology, explana whine of the dollar or tbe selfish- tion and protest have mled the ness °f tradt r« I hour, and in the wake of the priest * be governor-elect has or the tradesman, the voice of the good in his first utterance in Geor- j a hundred others that might be jjj people and ot the press have been, K' a * and we congratulate both him cited from time to time? Or will ! jjj in the main, timorous, indefinite andourse ' ves upon the courage of I the desire for apparent revenue 11 and altogether lacking in that b ‘ s views and the inspiring candor j from the sale of liquor blind them $ strong and aggressive comprehen- °f their expression.—The Georgian, to its true character and its certain jjj siou which shapes public events ““““effects? 1 he licensing of liquor jjj into future policies, and dominates Affl,cted with Sore Eyes for 33 years i saloons in our towns and cities the real and durable in- ‘ l,,lve beo " ftttlio,ed with sore eyes for !W years. Thirteen years ago I beoatne his wife’s standpoint. Those persons who love to dis cuss the proposition of "Howto b? happy though married,” are respectfully referred to the fart that most women seem to prefer marriage to happiness. money expended in caring for pau- ^ pers produced by liquor and in the i jjj detection and punishment of crim- 5j inals made by it, are far greater; ;-jj than the income derived from the |j licenses to sell it. i ;-j» Will our people learn the les- jjj made jsons taught by these incidents,and jjj SHOE NEWS FOR ..THE LADIES.. Scientist has announced that the sun will be dead in twenty million years The jNews confi dently believes all of its subscribers will be getting their papers regtt larly by the time the universe be gins to get chilly. Convict Stenslund will be put to work making brooms. As a gentleman who knows how to make a clean sweep, Mr. Stensland ought to be very successful in the broom manufacturing industry. crises tn terests of civilization. ,,• , . ,,. , , . ,i totally blind and was blind tor six years. * here is no cowardly and in- My eyes wore badly inflamed. One of definite note in lloke Smith's ut- m.v neighbors insisted ui>oii my trying terance at LaGrange. He was fthamberlnin’s Snlve and gave me half a elected in the majesty of magnifi- l,ox °* to my surprise it healed my . , , .. . , eyes and my sight came back to me.—P. cent numbers upon a definite plat- 0 . Karls. Cynthia, Kv. Chamberlain's form of white supremacy, and he Salve is for sale by Pouistou & Lee. has not forgotten the issue and __ the people who answered it in the splendid emphasis of the August primaries. if there have been needed Liquor and Crime. any On tin* NOIst Imllot, after being in session 42 days, the First l>is- Steadily and fearlessly the next arguments to convince the people tnet Congressional convention sue- governor of Georgia lays down the of our country that the bar rooms reeding in naming a candidate who doctrine that these two opposite, or any selling places of liquor are has agreed to accept the noininu- antagonistic and unequal races unmitigated evils, these, these turn. The man is Charles (J. Kd- cannot and must not be treated as have been abundantly supplied by wards, a young lawyer of Silvan- equal under the laws of Georgia. the events of the last few months, null, who is but 2!» years uI age Without a moment’s hesitation events occurring in widely separat- and comparatively unknown. Mr. the strong man of August 22 de- ed sections of our land. And these Edwards now occupies the position dares that the white man must ac- arguments have been furnished, of a man who has had honor thrust C ept the full responsibility and not by the temperance advocates, control of the situation, and that but by the friends of the saloon. leads to much of the ■j . S crime com- j jjj mitted by the negroes. Who is jjf responsible for this crime? The negroes alone?—Christian Index, i :-j* I a — Constitutional Amendments! j;; Expensive. a; V: a a is upon him very unexpectedly. Influence of Example. the legislation and its execution which is to remedy the appalling evils of the present must be The natural education of the wrought out under the doctrine of No sooner had the earthquake destroyed the homes and' business houses of San Francisco than the authorities-—who have never been home is prolonged far into life, in- the white man’s eternal superior- accused ot any sympathy with tern- deed it never entirely ceases. But ity and supremacy which is not in- perance —ordered every place bhe time arrives, in the process of consistent with the black man’s : where liquor was sold to close up years, when the home ceases to ex- safety and protection under the ana keep closed. The good effects erewe^n exclusive influence on the ■ law. of this action were so marked that formation of character and it is t It jw significant beyond measure they have been widely commented succeeded by the more artificial j that the man just elected governor on by the newspapers all’over the Constitutional amendments, al though necessary, are expensive, the proof of which is that the bills for advertising in the newspapers I |j of the State the three amendments Vi Vi voted on at the recent State elec- jK lion for the establishment of the V; I v< court of appeals, for additional St superior court judges and for the creation of the new county of Ben Hill, amounted to #3,293.88, war rants on the treasury in payment of which were mailed yesterday by the executive department to the various newspapers.—Atlanta Con stitution. You have seen in The La dies’ Home Journal, The Delineator or some other prominent magazine illus trations and facts about the Red Cross shoe for women who want ^tyle and comfort. This is a remarkable shoe, and we only ask you to let us show you the goods and not the advertising matter. Our line of ladies’ shoes is complete now and we will be pleased to have you call and see them. Miss Lucile Thompson, of New nan, will be in Atlanta soon as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Smith. Miss Thompson Is one of j the most popular and attractive! young women in Newnan, and her; marriage will be one of the social | events there in November.—Sun day’s Atlanta Journal. W. M. ASKEW, Successor to Askew Bros. waia'attataatirrfirrririnrrni'ififii