The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 19, 1906, Image 8

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We Help You to Keep Cool or Get Warm The Ncwmin Ice anil Coal Co. operates the Newnan ice factory and sells only high grade ice, in <jimuti- tics from 100 pounds up to car loads. The < 'ompanj also does a wholesale and retail coal business, handling some of the best brands of coal ship ped into Georgia. “Hod Star .lellioo” is our loader for t>)ic coal trade, and it can’t la* excelled. Don’t fail to get our prices on coal. We believe we can save money for you on your sup ply for the winter. pone, see tho process of girmintf and lastly, tho manufacture of the cloatli, the product of the mill. A dinner will t).i served in the park, and trie ladies of Palmetto will assist in entertaining the visitors. Miss Maggie Hollemnn and Mr. Will Reeves will be married on the evening of the 25th at the home of the bride, j Miss Holloman is a daughter of the late benjamin Hollemnn, and is a young- lady possessing many fine traits of char acter Mr. Reeves is one of the most successful young farmers in the county. Miss Allltie Tolbert, of Atlanta, is the , guest of Miss Katharine Reid. Mrs. Hello Givens Crawford, who is visiting her father during his sickness, spent the week end with her family in Atlanta. Mrs. S. M. Doan, Regent of the Pied mont Continental Chapter, 1). A. it., at tended the meeting of the Chapter in Atlanta on the loth. M. D. Thurmond and daughter, Miss Lucyle, and Mrs. W. M. Jackson and son s]ient Saturday last with relatives in Palmetto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bowen spent Sat urday and Sunday last with the former’s jiBrents in Campbell comity. Willie McGee made a business trip to Newnan last Tuesday. O. C. Gamel attended the Association at Raniali last Wednesday. There will lie a singingnt Rock Spring next fourth Sunday afternoon. Every body cordially invited to cciue. Milltown. of the time seemingly at the point of death, tlip little daughter of B.F. Farm er and wife, is better. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. William White has been quite sick . M. S. Key, from Tyus, Ga., visited J. E. Farmer’s family last Sunnay. Columbus Bunn cut off one of his fingers in the mill last Friday. Rev. VV. S. Gaines will preach next Sunday morning and evening at Love- joy Memorial. The morning service will be specially for the Junior Order] All are Invited to attend. Those who don't belong to the Ofder, come and give him a good attendance. Bro. Layton came up and preached two interesting sermons Inst Sunday. CATES COAL COMPANY Sells the best high- grade screened Dodson. NEWNAN ICE & COAL COMPANY Paul Smith, Manager Office it R. R. Junction, Phone No. 218 Palmetto. The Western Association elosid on Thursday evening, after a session of unusual interest. To the j suitor, Rov. Reuben Rhodes, nitioli of the credit for the entertainment of delegates, dispatch of business, and an awakening of the uigent needs for the increase of collec tions for all t he calls of the church, is due. Kspeoinlly fine sermons were given by I)r G. A Nunnnlly, of Newnan, Dr, A. J. Monoricf, of College Park, Rev. J. 8. Hardaway, of Newnan, and Rov. Mr. Bond, of West Point. The death of Rev. Sam Jones was a national calamity. His many friends in Palmetto will go to Atlnn'a Friday to look for the last time on the face of the great evangelist, lie preached here on one occasion, and stirred the people to respond to Ills cull for charily as no one hut this remarkable man could do. Much interest in being manifested by the citizens ol Palmetto in the Mann- fncturers and Builders Convention which meets in Atlanta the last of the month. About five hundred of tlm num ber will ennui tn Palmetto, the guests (it the oltleiiils (if the Palmetto Cotton Mill. They will ooiuii down at iiiiiin on a spe cial car, lie the spectators of a cotton picking in a field bought for the pur- Rev. W. W. Roop filled his regular appointment at Macedonia Saturday and jSunday. Dr. Kirby \V. Starr went to Atlanta last week to resume his studies in den- j tistry. - There was a singing at Andrew Chap el Sunday evening. It lias been announced thnt a Sunday school will *ie organized at Muoedonia next Hundny at 11:110 o’clock. Every body is invited. The telephone line which is being built from Mr. Joe Hutcheson’s to New-. nan, will ho completed in a few days. | 0. T. Sewell, who has been ill for several weeks, is somewhat better. Ill conference at Alnocdonin Inst Sat urday Rev. W. W. Roop was called to | preach for r.hc ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. S. (J. Dukes visited the latter's parents Sunday. Albert Hyde audtfamily have decided not tn move to Atlanta this fall and will remain in this ('(immunity. A H. Copeland and family visited Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sanders last Sunday. Mrs. Mutt, Hyde Ims been visiting relatives in Fairburu. Rock Spring. Mr. nnikMis Willie MoGoo visited relatives at Flat Creek last Sunday. Gwen Harper and sisters, MisHcs Geor gia and Nora, visited relatives near Palmetto last Saturday and Sumlny. Johnnie Overby, of Newnan, spent, last Friday night with relatives here, liis old neighbors nntl friends here are glad to known that lie is coming back to the farm to spend next year. Mrs. Ozburn Attison, from Palmetto, is spending a few weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Newsom. W. B Bennett moved to Sargent this week. Ida and Joe Freeman had severe nt- tieks of grippe last week, hut seem very much better. Messrs. Grady Smith and Gus Watts, from Carroll county, visited the family of L. A. Bryant last Saturday and Sun day. They were accompanied by Misses I.essie Duflle and Ella Pitts. Donnie Christian was sick last week. Mattie, the little daughter of Mrs. Nancy Ray, happened to quite a dan gerous nooident last Saturday afternoon. A dead limb from a tree in the yard fell on her head, inflicting an ugly wound. Mrs. Ellon Smith siient a few days last week in LaGrangn. Will Pitts, from Banning, was hero last Sunday. Hiram Mobley and Ed Pritchard visit ed in Carrollton last Sunday. W. F. Polk, from Spartanburg, S. 0., is in our midst. He lias a position with O. T. Bailey, the burlier. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Dunbar linvea very sick baby. Walter Bryant, from Grantville.cnine up and spent lust Sunday with his mo ther. Mrs. Hiram Mobley received intelli gence last Sunday that her niece, Miss Lorena Attaway, died Saturday night. After suffering for over two weeks with grippe, Mrs. Nannie Owens is bet tor. Mrs. Nancy Brown from LaGrange spent last Sunday with Newnan friends. A window sash fell on little Ada Richie’s hand last Sunday morning and cut (iff a finger. George Anderson, wife and baby were all siok last week. Mr«. Sarah Parks, of Madras spent, last week with her son. After a longaml painful illness, Mr. Henry Gllos and little daughter, Mary, are able to sit up; After lingering for several weeks, part Grantville. A WISE MAN Or woman will read advertisements because they recognize the fact that this is the business man’s method of giving out information which is of vital importance to all who are pros pective buyers in the various i iVili lirr—— MawBawa T lines of merchandise. It is our nature to want the best goods for the least possible outlay of cash, and the mer chant who watches his busi ness closely and buys his goods right,.can surely meet all competition and often times place bargains before you which competition can’t touch, an investigation of our stock and a close study of the high quality and excellence of our furniture offerings for this month, will result in the satisfying of your wants at prices which will make you feel like you got the goods for nothing. Finest line of all wool blankets ever brought to only. Other grades from £2.50 to *7.00. Newnan, from Si.OS to SO.50 per pair. A most elegant line of rockers just received at Beautiful comforts from SI.OS to £3.50. low prices. Stove prices out almost in half. National sanitary felt mattresses, “best on Swollest line of framed pictures in town, earth," fancy lickings, at £12.75, 10 days Art squares, rugs, etc., are priced way down. The Home Mission Society will meet at the M. E church Sunday afternoon at SI:80. All members requested to he present. Mrs. Glenn Arnold visited her daugh ter, Miss Luoile, at Macon Inst week. Miss Nelie Shaddix visited Miss Love Windinan at Moreland Sumlny. Miss Fannie Hopkins visited her sis- 1 tor, Mrs. Robert Yeager, at Bethlehem, Sunday. Capt. T. E. Zollnrs and Miss Emma, Belle Zellars are attending the fair in Atlanta. Misses Edna White and Mattie Luok 1 spent a day nr so in Hognnsvilln. Mrs. William O’Brien and grandson, G. W., spent Saturday in Moreland. Mrs. R. 1. Sewell and Mrs. Ross Bar ton spent Thursday in Atlanta. W. G. Sadler attended the Western Baptist Association at Palmetto Thurs day. Miss Tommie O. White is spending the week with friends in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert visited Newnan Snturday and Sunday, Mrs. Eva Dawson, of Alabama, and Miss Imogene Simms, of Newnan, are nt the home of Mrs. Henry Camp. Mr, L. 8. Sewell spent Tuesday ill Atlanta Mrs. F. T. Meucliani ami little son, Franl., were among those who attended Gently Bros, show in Newnun last week. Miss Luoile Banks is visiting in At lanta. W. F. Hopson has moved into tho uew rock livery stable recently built by J. R. Cotton. Rev. A. H. H. Bugg and J. T. White attended quarterly oouiereuce at Lone Oak Friday. Mr. Ross Barton, .Tr., of Alexander City, Ala., visited the family of R. 1. Sewell Sunday. Mrs. Barton returning with him Monday. Mrs. J. T. White is visiting her son, Roy F. Wliito, in Atlanta, this week. W. A. Walker spent a few days in At- Iniita last week. The Parsonage Society meets with Mrs. B. J. Sewell Wednesday afternoon. Miss Myrtis O’Neal is visiting in At lanta. Miss Annie Loster lias returned from a visit to Palmetto. W. A. Brannon, of Morelnnd, was in Grantville Saturday. Col J. N. Worley, of Elbarton, is visiting liis sister, Mrs. F. T. Menclmm; also Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Worley will spend the winter with their daughter, j Mrs. Meaclmui. Bro. Worley was pas- ; tor of the M. E. church here several | years ago, and liis ninny friends will bp, glad to have him and liis good wife among them again. Rev. W. It. Lambert is being enter tained ut the home of T. M. Lester. Mrs. Otis Smith visited her parents Sunday at White Oak. W. A. Bohannon made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. Otis White, of Mountville, was in Grantville Sunday. Mildred Sewell spent several days in Moreland tliis week. S. S. White, of Atlanta, visited liis sisters, Mrs C. B. Cotton nud Miss Ella White, Sunday. Mrs. Uollev Leigh, Thomas and James Colley spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. N. O. Blinks and Mrs. Bobo Banks spent Tuesday in Newnan. Col. W. A. Post and daughter. Miss Gertie, attended the fair this week. Dr. ,J. F. Letson 1ms moved into liis new home. Mrs. J. B. Broadwater is spending several days in Seiioin. Mr. J. R. Cotton and wife spent Sun day at the home of Mr. J. P. Bohannon in the !lrd district. F. M. Martin and Luciie Sewell are visiting relatives in Atlanta. J. G. Smith was in Atlanta Saturday. Miss Leila Rosser spent Monday with Miss Tommie Lou Lester. Miss Lester accompanied her home and will spend several days. F. T Menclmm spent Tuesday in the Gate City. Misses Willie Mae Lambert and Mary Glower are visiting in Atlanta. Orders solicited. Prompt service rendered. Office and yards at R. R. Junction. Phone 1 1 7 Cates Coal Company HOW WE SELL HATS .‘L50 grades for . . . 2.00 2.50 grades for 1.50 2.00 grades for . . 1.00 1.50 grades for . . . .75 HOW WE SELL CAPS 2.00 values for . . . 1.00 1.50 values for . . . .75 1.00 values for . . . .50 .75 values for . . . .39 .50 values for . .. .25 ORB AND POWELL (NOT IN THE. CIRCUS TRUST) NEWNAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 1ST Presenting under TEN AC I.ES oT WATER PROOF Tents 500 RARE AND COSTLY WILD ANIMA DOUBLE HERD Of ELEPHANTS Pondera senting s. Performing Pachyderm s, Pre program OoniiqUH of Per ' < 'on. A STnT,N'i)Ol]S RKA LI STIC PRODUCTION Ol-’’ldi.Jd BATTLE OF WOUNDED KNEE Introducing 5()o INDIANS, COWBOYS, hCOUTS AND SOLDIERS THE LEAVER SWORTH ZOUAVES Direst, from u Successful European Trip rica's (rrcatost Militai y Company, Present ini; Butt's Manual of Arms to Music, TWO 'SuE COMPANBES OF CAVALRY Late of the U. S. Army, in expert feats of horsemanship. ZEUS WORTH FILIAL!’: ZOUAVES C APT. WINSTON’S WONDERFUL EDUCATED SEALS The' Luciizob Sisters, - Wonderful Aerial Iron Jaw Act PLYING BAIWARBS, Sens«tioiui European Aerkiisis The Latest Foreign Novelty, Mr. James Dutton and Mile. Winnie Van Grand Spectacular Double Riding Act. McNUTT TROUPE Aerial Cycle Whirl Riders Prof. Nygard’s School of Wonderfully Trained Menage Horses, 12 in Number - MALE AND FEMALE RIDERS - 20 20 Come to my ^tore and buy goods at low prices. Yours for business, Attractive prices on seasonable millinery are the attractions at this GRAND $300,000.00 store, as well as the quality of the STREET : J. N. MARBURY : Successor to Newnan Furniture Co. K. T. Nolan and family, former- Ch j eI vhile Thunder’s Band of Indians. - lyof Aragon, Ga., visited Mr. J. T. Nolan aud family several days, j The Celebrated BANDA ROSA •nc hour’* musical program before each pcrfomance \ performance recently. They left Monday for TWO SHOWS DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE, Millstead, near Couyers, where ^ they will reside iu the future. (EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS 300 Daring Gymnast*, Nimble Acrobats and Talented Aenalists, The Pick of Ali Arenic Celebrities FORTY MERRY OLD CLOWNS. PARADE 3 Miles of Gold Bedecked Wagons aud Chariots, Praucin? Horses, Dens of Rare goods, bee my tall ami winter a ud Costly Wild Auimuls, and including tl ie season's newest novelty, a Stock. quarter of a million dollar reproduction of the Battleships of our Navy. -t Mrs Jennie Bower Lee. The Grand Musical Ballet, 500 men, women and children in the cast SO Bucks, Squaws and Papooses