The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 16, 1906, Image 10

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v. rwmk ’• yiKAV^ *w. V9MNMl|WMM!NKMl< ~"*"‘*S'.'' **" -*frr"—* ^r^TyiT' vT***' 1 «qO»i»i' ■ •• «. '•' "''»tj^W'* 10 HUTCHENS’ CENT CASH STORE A new line and lower prices f 'itun batting, per lb 10c Window nliadi.'H 10c and 25c 75o men's negligee nhii'ts 48c 2(*H) yds 7c brown sheeting 6c i'lxiOin. heavy towels, pr 23c ♦'•x24 in. lownlt*, pr 10c W’xfiO wool .Smyrna nil! 1.39 '.tidies’ knit niid*-rw<-ar, wnit 55c } mlies’ knit underwear, unit 95c Men's knit underwear, suit 95c ( hildren’s silk Imutls, good valm*H .it, 23c. 4Bc ami B5c Kali millinery. Ladies' trim- olmap dmap. IIII1111 MTV. rr •'<! hutWi■ dun't *e I at a, lint rail a limit grade c (’all and sec tlii‘tn. Mata worth l?.(Mt at I lilt a worth 2 d<> at I Ini h wort li 8.50 at lint a wort h li.(K) at One look w ill convince ym < nr prices an right. 1.25 1.50 2.00 4.00 I hat Household Necessities. Bargain in toilet. snap. 3 aka 8 cpiart dish pan IT quart dish pun Large enameled wushpun Iatrgo t in waahpan White* cedar bucket !! brass hoop rod it r bneket IT ql. galvunized toot ttil* I! pind* fancy water act Wash haain and pitcher Large roll howl and pitcher 10 foot .clothea wire (iood brace and bit Mucking brush Hair bruith Shaving hrindi Work II'laket School banket Coffee mill Suit cane dc liiindkerchiefa for 11 packages onveli p'*a for Idc lamp chimney for Pearl top lamp chimney Grantville. People wtin grow tired of the name- m*aa ot tilings and like a clmnge. are no doabt delighted witti the present month up to date. After several days ot bean* , tiful Hammer weather, with doors and windows open, flies unnecessary, the , temperature suddenly falls, Hint we an* in the midst of winter, with ice, wrap- 1 lied in fnrs and overcoats, clear and frosty for two days, then we awake to flail it sleeting, followed by cloudy, 1 gloomy weather with almost incessant i rain. Such is weather! And who will deny that the loveliest of weather would grow moiiofomous without a change. Lewis Dean was in Newnau Friday. | Mrs. H. D. Pace and children, wl o have been guests of Mrs. (J. E. Sewell, have returned home to Bartlesville. Misses Arlitm and Clara Bryant were iu Newnau Saturday. Mrs. Anna Jeter returned home Tues day from a visit to relatives at Thur man. Miss Lilia Cato wns in Newnau Sat urday Miss Mattie Luck s|ienf Saturday and Sunday witli relatives in Newnau. Misses Mabel Sewell and Jessie Post 1 were in Newnau one day recently. Ml»s Heard Meadows is visiting Mrs. , O. A. Burks at tier country home near 1 Grantville. t Misses Bessie Lambert and Gertrude 23c Mr*. Glean Arnold gave a spend the 10C day party Saturday, complimentary to . IOC her Sunday school class. The members »“«* " ere Mo,,d "J- “Wit of Mias 24c present were Misses Mildred Sewell, N e» e Kale Lambert Well Sewell and Coriune Holloway. The M,d F nl w n,,d fB '“ ilv * " f °^* „ other guests were Mrs A. W. Smith, of "P« , » *"" A ” Ht l,on "’ of ^ W Appling, Avici Mihh Edna White. On ' * u ' r ' , t% * l«C next Satnrday the members of the clans , 40C invited are Misses Luo.le Sewell, Lottie !" 0#, °? U " d,lV ’ 25 C i White, Ethel Banks and Maude Bugg. W H Wlilk ”' wtts * u Nuw,mn 8H,ur ’ Mr Siin Zt'llnrs, of Palmetto, is the <ln J r ' J. G. Smith and J. H. J nmplans went 1.50 59c 1.00 10c 25c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 2Sc 75c 4c 5c 10c 5c Carloads of the very Highest Grade Coal are being received by CATES COAL COMPANY and wagon loads are daily going out to our customers. Phone 117 stim guest of Ills brother, Onpt. T. E. Zellnrs. .... Miss Gertie Post spent Tuesday iu to Hogansville Saturday. Atlanta Among the yonng mwi v ini tors Sun- ' mM *A. W. Smith, of Appling, who were Messrs. J. W. Wiltooxon. Sid- has been visiting her parents, Mr. and "V Smith, Goy Stanton. Fred Toller, Mrs. W. M White, was called homo: N«; Litus Murphy and Henry Monday by a telegram informing tier of Morelluid Mr * Hammett, of tlie sail deatli of tier sister-in-law, Miss t.orin111. Love Smith,which oc<*..rred at her home ! night at a negro frolic. ..ear in Thomson; the result of being fatally , l,ere - ,I,H f " r "‘ ° r VV S * VVo " dH * olw negro, Ben Harrin, shot and killed an other, Pete Boozer. Both negroes were See us for furniture, center tables, plain and rocking chairs. We will .sell you at the old price. Wednesday of each week is Special Bargain Day. Watch our Windows I burned while standing in front of tire. ! Mrs. Froute Brvaut, of 1^(0range, is i s|Mmding the yyerU witli relatives ill , Grantville. ' Miss Bettie Cooper will leave Thurs day tor an extended visit to relatives at Yuteaville. * Mrs. Maltie Moore and Miss Fannie Hopkins were in Newnau Saturday. MesdnmesSallieSewell,W. M. White, Mr and Mrs. Clifford England went to Lutherville Saturday. N. (> Hanks and wife spent Sunday at the country home of Mr. Spate Sims, near Corinth. J. F. Broach spent a few days last week with Ills mother at Columbus. Mrs. >T. M. Lester is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert McCoy, of Wel come. Miss Minnie Wilkinson, of Hogans- ville, was the guest Thursday of Mrs. Ethel Smith and Miss Kdnu White. of good standing, hut had been at outs for some time Hvtchens’ 10c Store West Side Square. PIANO CONTEST. Two young ladies have been en tered in the piano contest this week by their friends. They are Miss Opal Me Knight, of Senoiu, and Miss Maude Warren, of Sargent. Hotli have many friends and no doubt many votes will be east for each of them. N oting has been quite lively this week and several of the young ladies haVe received a number of votes. As the dosing days of the contest draw near, interest is be- After a visit to her homh. W. A Bran- and grout activity non, of Newnaii, and It. F. Brannon, of j s being manifested by the friends of the contestants. The vote in the News' piano contest was as follows, when the paper went to press this week: Votes Miss Beside Kirby, Kcwnnii g,(>(K) SUPPOSED To be an OFF season tor harness. We are making special prices with view of making exception to this ruje. We have in stock over 1 OOTsets'ih irle s s, 3(51sad- dles, 87 horse blankets and over 100 robes. Orr &~Powell Moreland, Mrs. Lou Brannon bus re turned to the Inline ot Iihi daughter,Mrs J. It. Cotton. Prof. H. t*. McBlroy and wife s|«*nt Saturday in Atlanta. Joe Bohannon wear to Newnad Hiiii- dit.v. FURNITURE! Never before have furniture factories turned out such an array of good styles as they are now doing, and we have an attractive gath ering of the season’s newest goods for your approval. One special feature is ouf show ing of moderately priced articles. We have anticipated your needs, and have provided accordingly, endeavor ing ever to bring be fore* our customers the very best at the low est possible prices. We feel it safe to say that all the following are special values that will appeal to all prospective purchasers. Jnwcl Fuvcr Knt« Snt'iid ... . ‘.*,700 t.-'OO '• Uiuh McDonald,(Ith Disr -t,t)25 “ Muybolli* Hawell, Grantvill “ Lottie White •• “ Maude Warren, Sargent ** Opal McKuight. Hmtoin-. *J1K) i ,<mo _ -J01) . 1,100 9M Odd Dressers. At 10.50, square mirror. At 15.00, oval mirror t,princess). At 21.00, oval mirror (princess). At 215.00, oval mirror (princess). At 25.00, oval mirror, swell front. Sideboards At prices ranging from 15.00 to 45.00, Folding Beds. Folding bed lounges, from 1050 to IS.(HI. Hall Racks At prices ranging from 10.50 to 80.0th _ Tables. Extension dining tab’es at from 0.(X) to 40.00. l'arior tables in oak and mahogany at 7.48 to St.08. ■ Chairs. Stylish dining chairs, leather seats, at at tractive prices. Rugs and Art Squares. Rugs and art squares in Smyrna, Velvet, Axminster and Brussels These are ex tremely low in price, but high in quality. Beds, etc. Our spring bed and mattress stock is “up to snutV,” and we invite your especial atten tion to our line. Buy a “Gold Medal’’ spring and a “National Sanitary Felt” mat tress and good rest is yours. All wool blankets at 05, #0 and 87 These are beauties, in white and colors. Comforts in beautiful colors at 2.00, 8.75 and 4 00. Lindeman’s oil shades, 50c to 81. Best grade floor linoleums at 75c a square yard Choice patterns. Pictures to suit everybody at low prices. See me for trunks; 1 have them. Nfctice. The members iff tin* City Democratic Executive ('ommittee me requested to meet tit my office on Monday niyht, Nov. tilth at 7 o'clock, fnr the purpose of tlxiulf tin* time and niamier for muui- iiatiiiu fdhl* AMermcii and lour members of the School Board and also a new Ex ecutive Committee, and for considering sneh other business ns may properly oome before tin* Committee. Nov., lOOtl. W. C WRIGHT, Chm. Additional Locals. After several <la,\s visit to his mother, Mrs, 8. A. Devanie, J. R. Biliks has returned to his home iu Atlanta. Mr. and Mix. J. R. Sims, of Palmetto, have returned home, af ter a pleasant visit to the latter’s relatives. Miss Ethel Smith, of Palmetto. flour That is Pure and Reliable \ We Imvo recently equipped mil* Hour mills with the latest anil best machinery and are now making the highest grades of ll"iir on tin* market. We will at all times use tie* best wheat obtainable, and having the best machinery and an expert mil ler to operate, we are assured <d n good uniform Hour. Some of the so-called highest patent l!nui*is made bv bleach- ] iug and in si me cases, it is said, by adulterant ■>. Our Hour is a!*,sol.i'TKt.v I’mB and no artificial means are used iu its manu- taetlire. Trv it and you will be pleased. Vott run no risk, KVKttv UAo is (iPAVANTKKO. We do not sell at retail. You will lind oui* flour witli most of the merchants. Ask your grocer for “Askkw’s Bust" and “Imitkiai,” (our highest patents), "Snow Fi.ake" and “Coweta’’ (our three-quarters patent). Our pure wheat bran and shorts mixed i* the richest food on tin market. Try it and you will use no other. W. S. ASKEW COMPANY •9909999901 Mrs. ,1. A. Weaver, of Cantoo, I Ohio, arrived this week for a visit has returned home, after a delight- to her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Johu ful visit to Or. and Mrs. Paul L. Bailey. Peuiston. Mrs. Joe Arnall has as her Miss Christine Arnold is at home guests this week Misses Nelle from Wesleyan this week. She j Brown and Meta Haynes, of Union came to attend the Arnold-Farmer j Springs. Ala. nuptials. : J. N. MARBURY Successor to Newnan Furniture Co. i Miss Annie Anderson, Mrs.Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hugh Pinson Kinnard and little son, George,, will leave next week for their home left Tuesday to spend the winter in Cordele, after a pleasant visit to j in Bartow. Fla. relatives. T h e Bible Circle of the First! Torn Farmer came up from Mer- Baptist Church will meet with ! eer University this week to lie Mrs. J. H. Sims next Tuesday af- j , present at the Farmer-Arnold ternoon at 3 o’clock, wedding. Mrs. Bettie Mattox has been ill “Cadet” hosiery for lioys ami; girls. Linen lieels, knees anil toes ; tor several day s at the honioot Mr. s t ri . n <rtheri the weak points, and Mrs. P. I. Sutherland, but isj p p Cuttino & Co. improving Mr. 1. N. Orr, Jr's., horse,! LOS1 A signet natch lob. nith ..D au< »* was] insured on May 48, | initials N. E. P. Finder wiU please 190H in tbe’ Atlanta Mutual Live return to First National Lank and Insurance Co. The animal get reward. was on August 12. 1906,and Miss Onie Branuou will have on August 19th Mr. Orr’s claim as her guests Ibis week several 1 for $247.50 was paid in full by the (Allege friends, and will eutertaiu alnive uamed company. Friday eveuiug iu their honor. , tf 1 J. W. "Willeoxon, Agent. Mr. C. G. Lloyd, who until re cently was the proprietor of a drug store in Blue Ridge, now holds a position in G. R. Bradley’s drug store. LOST—Ij&t Friday night, be tween resURnce of R. M. Hackney and Auditorium, a brooch set with garnets. Finder will please leave at News office. Mrs. S. A. Devanie, who resides with her son, W. H. Burks, at 72 East Washington Street, is recov ering from a very severe attack of pneumonia. Our store is now glittering with bargains in men’s and boys’ .fur nishings—suits, overcoats, shoes, hats and underwear. Barnett, St. John & Co. Mr. L. F. Moore, a prominent merchant ami manufacturer of ' Hampton, Ga., was the guest of Judge L. A. Perdue Monday and [Monday night. Scroggiu Furniture Co. cau save you 20 to 30 per cent, on furni ture ou special orders. Our mail order department is complete. Try us on a fine piece. tf