The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 16, 1906, Image 7

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China and Bric-a-brac. The result of a year's work and'planning is now ready for your inspection, approval and purehas s. Such a collection of fancy goods, line china and bric-a- brac has never been attempted in Newnan as we have gathered together for yotir convenience and selection. Better buying facilities than ever before have contrib uted a stock rich in beauty, of great variety, and full of special values. The experience of years has taught us many things about buying that have resulted in a saving for you and us. Our buyer has gone through the stocks of the principal dealers in America in making up our selections. Two trips to New York have been made this year for this pur pose alone. Thus we have made selections right on the ground from the entire world’s productions, and have taken from each those items we considered best—best in beauty, best in quality, best in price. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOl WANT AT HOLT & CATES’ AT A PRICE YOl WILL BE GLAD TO PAY. Here is a rough outline of what we have. Lack of space and the impossibility of describing the goods prevents details*. Salad Bowls and Cake Plates. More salads and cake plates are sold than any other ar ticle of china, and the reason is not hard to discover. No other pieces are adapted to so many uses, are so showy, and make such appropriate gifts as these. Our stock is unusual: in size, in character of ware, in decoration and in price. Salads and Cake Plates at 25c, :(5c, 50c, 75c, #1.00, #1.25, #1.50, #2.00, #3.00 and #5.00. Vases—Imported and Domestic. In vases our showing is remarkable for grace of design and reasonable prices. Many of our customers have re marked at the small cost of oiu most handsome designs. Such appreciation is truly well merited, for we have been at considerable pains to get good values here as well as elsewhere, and have succeeded. Prices range from 15c through every figure up to the most expensive pieces, which bring #10. Whether at the high or the low price every vase is a value at the price. Our Christmas Opening will be on Wednesday, November 21. Come. American Dinner Ware. The dinner sets offered below are of superior quality American manufacture and are unusual in many particu lars. They are made by The Sevres China Co., and each 100-piece set is composed of large and useful dishes, in cluding such pieces as Soup Tureen, Turkey Platter, etc. The decorations are artistically executed and the appear ance of the ware is thoroughly satisfactory. No. 1305A, #12.50; No. 1490, #15.00; No. 1381, #18.00. This ware is carried by ns in open stock and any broken dish can be promptly secured. Toilet Sets. Ten-piece toilet sets, pitcher, bowl, etc., in particularly graceful pattern and decoration. These sets make practi cal and desirable gifts and are good values at our prices. Three styles, $5.00, $6.50 and #7.50. 1 Lemonade and Water Sets. Among our recent importations arc a large lot of partic ularly beautiful Bohemian Glass Water, Lemonade and Wine Sets in delicate colors, handsomely decorated with floral designs. These are the most attractive goods of the kind ever shown here, and will be appreciated by any one in search of pretty things in glass. Water sets contain pitcher and 6 tumblers. Prices arc from #1.50 te #3.00. Wine sets contain decanter and 6 glasses on glass tray. Prices #3.50, #5.00 and $6.50. Other Things in China. Chocolate pots, chocolate sets, sugar and creams, crack er jars, cups and saucers, shaving mugs, comports, Japan ese china, tea sets, teapots, tankards, oatmeal sets, bisque figures, plaster busts, decorated globes, jardiniers. Large Shipment «l Japanese China Now on the Way "We have all kinds of lamps at prices from 25c to #8.00. Holt & Cates have returned home, after a visit to Miss Jennie Cates. P. L. Sutherland, Ksq., is in Florida looking after bis business interests. Mrs. Thomas E. Patterson, of Griftin, visited Newnan relatives this week. T. W. Powel, Jr., of Alexander City, spent several days at home this week. Misses Clyde Spearman and Fan nie Belle Wood visited at Corinth last Sunday. Raincoats, in a variety of cold's, from #12.50 to #tS, at Barnett, St. John it Co’s. Underwear time is here. Most complete stock in Newnan at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. Mi's. 1). B. Bullard, of Palmetto, I visited Mrs. T. P. Zellars a few I days last week. Your clothing wants can be sup plied at moderate priccsat Barnett, i St. John it Co’s. Miss May Herring spent the I week end in Atlanta, the guest of Miss Mozel Gann. i Some handsome styles in brown panama skirts just opened at I*. F. Cuttino it (Vs. Mrs. W. L. Stallings has return ed from a visit to Mrs. Charles Northen in Atlanta. J Dr. J. T. Edwards, of Senoia, | spent Monday night with the fam ily of Dr. Z. Greene. i Overcoats of only the best sorts. Largest and most complete line at . P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. i Mrs. Edward 1 bikes, of Palmet to, visited Mrs. Will Murpltcy I several days last week. Mrs. W. B. Orr, who has been critically ill several months, is thought to lie improving. Picture frames at Scroggin Fur niture Co.’s give satisfaction. We make a specialty of frames. If Miss Mattie Hester and Master Karl Hester, of Monroe, Ga., are the guests of Mrs. J. T. Fain. Miss Clyde .Spearman attended an entertainment given by friends at Madras last Tuesday night. Winter suits for men and young men, #10 to #20. Barnett, St. John & Co. Sideboards! Yes, we have them. | Call and see some beauties. tf Scroggin Furniture Co. Douglas,Clapp and Ziegler shoes. We sell them. P. F. Cuttino it Co. “The Country Girl” show fur nishes a barrel of fun. At Audi torium Friday night, Nov. Kith. Gloves of all kinds for women. Kid and calf skin gloves, woolen golf gloves. P. P. Cuttino it (’o. WANTED—Boys to work in our frame factory. Newnan Picture Frame Works. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nicholson, of 72 blast Washington Street, announce the arrival of a little lady visitor, who came Monday. Goin’ Huntin’? Then see ovr GINS Hammerless flHESGUN Repeater Automatic Double Single Rifles For Cartridges and Air, too Pistols is the WORST CRANK until he gets a PIEPER SHOT GUN the Gun that kills Cranks by making them happy and satisfied Shoot the “PIEPER” Clothing Coats Canvas and Corduroy Leggins Canvas and Leather Shell Vesfts Game Bags Gun Covers and Cases Shells: All Powders and Loads Cartridges===all Calibers Newnan hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. New line of ladies’ and misses’ 'tourist coats just received by ex press. P. F. Cuttino & Co. M iss Marguerite Niinnally re- turned to Rome last week, to re sume her studies at Shorter (College. Smart suits and overcoats for boys, in a variety of attractive styles, at Barnett, St. John & Co’s. Judge L. A. Perdue has received the IkiihIh and commissions of all the newly elected county oflicers. “The Country Girl” show is one of the top notchers. See it at Au ditorium Friday night, Nov. Kith. The “Hawes” hat for men. None better made. Agents, P. F. Cuttino & < ’o. I If you want to be introduced to the “Country Girl” go to the Au- Iditorium Friday night, Nov. ltith. Mrs. W. B. Pringle has returned | from Chiekamauga, accompanied by Mrs, Gordon Lee, who will IN OUR ANNEX Tailor-made suits for women. The newest style garments, per lent lilting, hand-tailored. Tourist coats for women in ’.ho fashionable plaid or plain cloths. Rain coats for women, exceptional values. Cloaks of all kinds for children, attractively priced. The largest line of high grade skirts ever shown in this section. Rugs Carpets Mattings Curtains Draperies Blankets IN OUR ANNEX i Local News of Newnan ? ohn Faver, of LaGrange, spent iday at home. j. R. Powell pays the highest ces for bides. tf t. S Bowden,Esq., was up from -in last Saturday. J rs . E. D. Power has lieen quite i for several days. Jr. Edward Dominick was up m Turin yesterday, lugh Hackney, of Atlanta, nt Sunday at home. )r. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad- listered; Salbide Bldg. tf Jiss Cleone Ham visited rela- B8 at Turin last week. 3. R. Barrett, E*q., was in At- ta several days this week. Jiss Mary Jones, of Turin,spent eral days in the city recently. Mrs. E. A. B. Leo has recovered from a severe attack of lagrippe. New line of men’s neckwear just opened at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. Prof. F. Roy Almon was over from Whitesburg last Monday. Hall racks at Scroggin Furniture Co.’s are beauties, and prices low. Mrs. Hewlett Hall and little son are visiting relatives in Hamilton, Ga. Meet the “Country Girl” at the Auditorium, Friday night, -Nov. 16th. S. S. Bridges, from near Sargent, was a visitor to Newnan last Sat- 1 unlay. i Dr. R. E. Foster, of Sharpsburg, was greeting Newnan friends yes terday. i Mrs. Clarence Kestler has re turned from a visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. Mayme Bacon Cox and Miss Alice Cox, of College Park, you nave a coin y< some niadioine to cure it; and if you haven't one you want some to keep you from taking one. Wo can supply your needs in either or both of these cases. Colds, la grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia are going \<t abound and you are going to need medicine. We have most all of the drugs and remedies used for these throat and lung affections, and we offer them to you. Among the lot are: Pine Tar and Honey. Lemon Hof Drops. Laxutive Hroino Quinine. Cheney’s Expectorant. King’s New Discovery. One minnte Cough Cure. Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. Week’s cold cure. Only make known your wants to ns and we will do the rpst. Peniston&Lee Druggists. Removal Notice I have removed from Greenville Street to No. 1 Ea^t Broad Street, next door to the new bank. Have a new and nicely appointed store and an absolutely new stock of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, etc. All goods, the latest and most beautiful in the various lines carried in a store of this kind. Their freshness and loveli ness delight every beholder. May we have the pleasure of showing you the new stoic and the new stock'/ Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. spend several weeks in Newnan lad'ore going to Washington City for the winter. Mrs. W. A. Turner, Jr., and. Mrs. DeWitte Poole have returned from a visit to relatives in Carroll ton. Earl Wynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Wynn, who is attending school in Newnan, has been quite sick. Miss MaryHioodrum is at home, after spending several weeks with j Mrs. I. ('. MeCrory, at College j Park. I Miss Kate Waldo and Miss Mary j Crew Cumlell, of Atlanta, are the; Auditorium Friday Night, Nov. 16. Alley & Freemont’s Musical Cyclone of Fun and Laughter. Presenting the Big City Show THE COUNTRY GIRL in Three Acts. attractive guests of Miss Evelyn ; .Martin. Our winter stock of goods is ' large, and we intend to sell it. : Give us a call. Barnett, St. John & Co. i Mrs. M. E. Neimann, of Barnes- ! ville, who had been visiting Mrs. IT. E. Wadsworth for the past |week, returned home Wednesday. Electrical Effects Special Scenery Elaborate Costumes Whistling Music Beauty <'horn i An Attraction Strictly Guarautect Prices: 25c, 50c and 75c. ; .'■■'-■z—. — I Have your mules and horses in jsured in the Mutual Life Stock In I surance (’oinpany of Georgia. Ful | face value of all policies will lx paid. For information and terms !call on or write to J. W. Will i coxon. agent for Coweta and Car I roll counties, Newnan, tf