The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 16, 1906, Image 8

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I Train Jumps the Track. The ‘‘Sunset Limited" from Chi rollton. due in < • ritlin at, 8:80 o’clock a. m., collided with a drove of cow * near Vaughn yester flay, which resulted in the death of one steer, lielongiiig to \V. .1, Hridges, and the derailment of the engine and tender. The limited is the special charge of Conductor G. II. Littleton and Engineer t'harley Itradhury, and is the only train coming into Grifliti that is acquainted with the ollicial time card. It did not arrive until 2 fi’cloek p. m. yesterday, delaying tin- departure of the morning train to Chattanooga several hours. The track was torn up for some distance, Iml no one was hurt. An engine and t wo conches were sent to the scene to transfer the passengers to Griftiii in time to catch the Central train to Huvan- nah.—Tuesday's tirillin News and Him. cies in New Vork. Lalmrers sent to the Alabama lnmlier firms had been promised by the New York agencies much higher wages than the company had proposed to pay oi could afford to pay. I 'pon ar- rn ing and learning of t his fact.the InlKirers became dissatisfied and wanted to leave. In the mean time the I ii in I Mir company had paid for their board and transportation middle west. For the first time the South is beginning to receive a few immigrant lalmrers who here tofore have been going to other sections. Perhaps the interests of those other sections have been po tent in -persuading the attorney general that immigrants brought into the South arc,subject to harsh and illegal treatment. The culti vation of such a public idea of the . • »*! *< lM and had expended money for other facts in the ease will not promote the coining of immigrants to the South and -there will 1m; more la borers for other sections.—Colum bus Enquirer-Bun. purposes on their account. Natur ally the company wanted to lie re imbursed in money or lalmr and out of this grew the peonage charges. It is alleged, and doubt less not without reason, that some of t he men did not really intend to | ___ work, having agreed to go to Ala- j Rev F. ,1. Am in tilted Ids regular np- bama for the purpose of securing | polntments at Bowdon Saturday and transportation without cost to A, > ',”5 Welcome. .Sunday. , ... . »| Allen (train, of Newnan, visited them from the rigorous climate of j HuMday New York to the more comfortable here A Mothortlst Minister Recommends Chnrnlirrlnin s Cough Remedy. We Iiiivi used I'liniiilieilidn's (lough Remedy in our home for seven yen i s, and II hits always proved lo tie ii relialitn remedy. We Imve found tlmt it, would do mote than 11- iiiiiiinlm-turi-rH claim for it. It is eh|X(-m|ly good tor eroup and whooping rough Rev. .hours A. Lewis, Pastor Milncn, Minn., M, Iv (limit'll. C’lmmheiliuus (lough Remedy In sold by I’em Nine .V Lon, Newimu, (hi. So-Galled Peonage Cases. temperature of a Southern state. This is not the first so called peon age ease in which facts of a simi lar character have been brought to light. Several weeks ago the Massa chusetts gentleman who happens to be the attorney general of the I nited Stales, announced with iniich noise that his department would investigate alleged peonage eases in the South and, should the facts warrant prosecutions, pro ecedings would be begun at once. An assistant attorney general was delegated to investigate and prose cute and he is endeuvoriug, evi dently, to please his superior ofli- cor and earn his salary, .lust why the regular olllcials of the Federal Con i ts were not espial to the task of Inking action in peonage eases is not clear. The sending of a Mneli surprise Inis been created, according lo an Associated Press dispatch this morning, by the in dielmenf in a Federal Poin t ill Mobile, Ala., of olllcials ol'a lum ber company on the charge of special attorney may have resulted peonage. This surprise is natural from the fact that Attorney f Jen- if the facts in the ease are taken oral Moody perhaps clings to the into Consideration, only. Viewed idea that as n rule Southerners are J. K. Rootle anil Miss Maude McKoy j vlnited Mr. and Mrs. (i. N. Strong lnut, j .Sunday. i Minn Sarah Aunt in visited her niHter, I Mrs. O. Newman, Sunday. Bob Pitman, from Corinth, wnH here j Sunday. Mrs. T. M. Lester and daughter, Miss i Annie, from Gruntville, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MoKoy. Minhcs Jennie Lee Houston, Maude < lavender, Fannie Morris, and Oscar Fincher, Abe Foster and Luther Dennis visited Miss Pearl Newman Sunday. Mrs. A. A. and Mrs Martha Wright visited at W. L. McKay's Sunday, 1 Misses Kale Newman and Clyde Dial visited at James Bilbo's Sunday. A. B. Story and T. D. MoKoy lire .jnst up from a spell of lagrippe. Rev. W. S. (dailies filled his last ap pointment before Conference at Mt. (larinol Sunday. Rev. F. (L Golden, of Wlilteshurg, will preach at Mt. Caruiel Sunday morning. To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually and Gently; Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; I w+f. i *' i-. .• ■! m ■r There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene ficial effects Acts best* on the kidneys and liver, stomach and bowels; 1W Always buy the genuine — Manufactured by the I Louisville, Ky. Sw\ Francisco* Cal. fie wYork./l.Y. The genuine Syrup of Figs Is for sale by all first-class druggists. The full name of the company—California Fig Syrup Co. — is always printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. Chapped hands arc quickly cured by applying Olmnibarlain'a Salve. Price, •J5 cents. For side by l'eiiiston & Lee. m flic light of the attitude of Washington ollieials, however, the indictments me not surprising. Like other employers of indus trial labor in Hie South the in ! barbarians and that in fact many 1 people in the South are kept in a j state of slavery. The conditions which form the i basis of peonage charges in the Milltown. (f.iist Week's better.) Melvin Mattox and wife, from Wel come, spent last Sunday dieted ollieials seem to have been j Sou III have existed for years in the tfuide the victims of employment j coal lields of Pennsylvania and or self sly led “immigatioii’’ iigen West, Virginia and states ol the FARMERS’ WAREHOUSE COMPANY NEWNAN, GA. with the lat ter's mother, Mrs. Julia Pve. Fred Reese, from Moreland, moved up wiih Ion family last week and has gone to work on the new mill. Mrs. Clove Ktollic spent last week in the country with her slstur-in-law, Mrs. Mary Estes. Mrs. Nancy Brown came up from Urantvillo last Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday with Newnan friends. After spending a weak with lior par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hand, Mrs. Will IbilTiimster returned to her home in Haralson last Saturday. Mrs. Churchill was oonllnod to her room with la grippe several days the past week. Mrs.John Smith visited relatives ill Atlanta last Saturday. Pink Burton and wife went to Win der last week, whoru they will make their home. Jessie, little daughter of Tom Medaris Thursday with Little Lizzie Hudson is suffering from I a violent attack of typhoid lever. M iss Gertrude Byars returned home last week, after spending several months | in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, from Go- ^ ilartnwn, are spending a while with the I former’s parents. Walter Pike has been conduc'd ta his j room for several days. Mrs. Wince Crawford, from Douglas- j vide, is spending the week with her j mother, Mrs. Pressley. Oscar Bryant has gone to Palmetto to take charge of the carding room in the mill. Little Horace Pitts, who lias been siek so long with pneumonia and was j thought to lie better, is worse again. Alvun Powell, from Atlanta, visited j Newnan friends last Saturday night and j Sunday. Miss Lucy Hendrix has been quite ill the past few days. Looncv Winn came down from Ban-j uing and spent hist Sunday with New man friends. Mr. Delk. from Setioiu, spent last j his daughter, ,Mis. Os- J Get it at THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE If it’s anything in our line, we’ve got it and at prices Bog to ‘announce to the farmers of Coweta and surrounding counties that they are now prepared to weigh and store cotton. Owing to the fact that we have equipped the warehouse with Improved Automatic Sprinklers, have made the walls fire-proof, and the building modern in every respect, we are able to secure the lowest possible rates of in surance, and are therefore prepared to offer and wife, has been sick the past week. Ed Prichard went to Banning last Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday with relatives Mrs. O. J. Boynton, from Fuirhurn, visited here last Saturday and Sunday, the guest of her parents, W. J. Bryant % i and wife. vl i Albert, little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. g j L. Chandler, has been siek for several ^; days. S' Mrs. Charlie Newsom is visiting in Palmetto, the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. Y. Boynton. Mrs. W. J. Bryaut returned home last car Uoidoti. Alex Smith, from Columbus, visited I his parents in our midst last week. Joseph Carroll and Miss Pearl Payton i were united i:i marriage lust Sunday af ternoon. Rev. J E. D. Tnylor officiated. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Payton has been quite siok. Brother Layton will preach for us 'next Sunday. Lotus many as possible come out and give him a good attend ance. He may not come but once u month after next Sunday. our competitors can’t meet Friday, after spending several days in Notice. Fairburn, Mrs. B. F. Farmer and little Free Insurance on all cotton from the time the wagon, and it is taken from Extra Storage Charge ol IS cents Per Bale. Mr. J. A. Stephens will be in charge of the weighing and is prepared to give you prompt and efficient service. We shall be pleased to have your patronage. Farmers’ Warehouse Co., Newnan, Ga. daugh- ! On account of a change in the ter are spending the week with relatives professional relations ol the under- 1 at Bowden. signed, we iind it necessary to Mr. mid Mrs. John Bryant’s eldest dose up ^ ou ,. mattel ^ 0 f business; son Henry, has been quite sick. we reque8 t that all persons hav- I Mrs. Altnediu Stioher is visiting rela- 1 1 NghSiSiSiSiji ] tives iu Tyus. Frank Hanson lias been having chills for several days. Mrs. Henry Howard cauie up from Gntliu last Saturday and will spend ; several wcoks with her mother, Mrs. . Allman. Mrs. Tom Ayers Inus been sick the past week. j George Hendrix, from Atlanta, visited his father's family last Saturday and I Sunday. T. M, Chandler, from Carrollton,spent lost Suuday with the family of J. E. Farmer. Frauk Wlmrton visited in East Point last Saturday aud Sunday. After a long and tedious seige of ty phoid fever, Walter Brown is able to be up again. Mrs. John Stone went to LuGrange ; last Saturday to see her brother-in-law, | Elbert Stone, who has been siok for some I time. i After spending several weeks with his ■ daughter. Mrs. Kittic Field, in Ohicka- mauga, V. B. McClure returned Friday. ing accounts against us will present] them at once; and all persons in- j debted to us are requested to make immediate settlement. Very respectfully, Drs. Davis and Turner, tf Newnan, Ga. We sell Dry Goods, Notions Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Give us a call. There’s money in it for you. Counting Election Returns. The election returns from all but a few of the Georgia counties have been received by Secretary of State Philip Cook, and yesterday he and his assistant, Goode Price, began the count. It will Ik* several days before it can be completed. Among the returns opened yes terday was one from the 1152d j district of Carroll couuty, in which ow,n S only two votes were cast. An ex- ^> ss Jennie Lee aminution of the returns showed there were only two managers in THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE We have heard recently that to her father’s bad health, Houston will be unable to teach our next term ot school. We regret to give Miss Wash White moved back to Banning .this precinct, and it would appear Houston up, as she is an excellent oneday last week. ' that no one but the two managers teacher and loved by her pupils lanta and spent Saturday night and j voted m that box.—Tuesday’s and patrons.—Thurman letter in Sunday with home folks. i Atlauta Constitution. jHogansviile News. Magnetic Hair Tonic The most effective hair restorer on the market. Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the scalp— cleanses it and eradicates dandruff. Restores life aud beauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50c per bottle, at the J. T. Reese Drug Store, Newnan, Ga. mm niMiiirmnii utMnni » •r