The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 16, 1906, Image 9

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I Legal Advertisements i next, if any they can, why said applica tion should not be grunted. This Nov. Oth, 1906. L.A. PERDUE, Ordinary. We Don’t Lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing. If you discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us for plumbing if you want it well done. We don’t charge high and are always ready to come. W. L. SEXTON, The Newnan Plumber. New Aruall building. Phone IBP T. M. MARTIN Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prioes win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. . i mi Viotor E. Mntiget, Jr., Dan T. Manget and Frank G. Hughes, Jr., all of said State and County, respectfully shows: | 1. That they desire for themselves, 1 their associates, successors and assigus, to be incorporated under the tmuiennd ; style of the Manget-Braunon Company '■ for the period of twenty years, with the | privilege of renewal. 2. Thu object of snid corporation is | pecuniary gain and profit to the sliare- I holders. SI. The capital stock of the oorpora- I tion is to be Thirty-Five Thousand Dol lars ($25,000.00) divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars (#100 00) each, witli right to iucreasc or diminish the ' same at any time, and from time to time, so that the capital stock shall not exceed in the aggregate One Hundred 'Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) nor be less than Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars | (115,000.00); the amount of t)ie capital j stock, actually paid in. is Thirty-Five 1 Thousand Dollars (115,000.(X)). I 4. The chief place of doing business i and principal office of said corporation shall be in Ncwnan, said State and coun ty; they desire to have branch offices and store-rooms and salesrooms, oither I or all, in such other places in snid State, | or elsewhere, as they may determine. I 5. Tlie particular business they pro- I pose to carry on is purchasing and sell- | iug, at wholesale, groceries, tobacco,and I nil kinds of like or other merchandise; to manufacture and make any article or thing handled in mercantile business; purchasing and selling, for cash or on credit, any articles and things ns are usually kepteinhraaod in a general mer cantile business, and all such articles and things ns are handled and sold in u mercantile business; acting as general and special agents, or ns brokers, for other persons, companies nnd corpora-; tions; purchasing, holding nud selling real estate; electing or procuring to be erected buildings, improvements and do - 1 vclopnieuts ujjoii real estate ns they may determine; purchasing and selling bonds or stocks; to loan money nud taking se curities therefor ns they see tit ns well 1 as to borrow money and secure same ns may bn determined. (i. They desire thnt they may have nil other (lowers, privileges and immunities incident and appropriate under the laws of Georgia, t-o a corporation similar and of like purpose. 7. Wherefore they pray legal tiling, record and publication of this (ictition, GEORGIA—Coweta County. Mrs. M. S. Moore, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for betters of ml ministration on estate of Robert C. Moore, deceased, all per sons concerned are required to show Tho petition of William A. Brannon, j oaURl , j„ Ra i d o 0 urt bv the llrst Monday Petition for Charter. 1 GEORGIA—Coweta County, i To the Sinterior Court of said County : in December next, if any they can, why said application should not he grunted. This Nov. fltth. 190(1. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Have You Noticed Dr. G. W. Burnett and Mr. T. W. | Camp have opened un a now drug store in the new brick building. Everything new hut the gentlemen, who own nnd ’ run it. nnd they have been tried and found to be true, and willing to be tried again. A tnnn claiming to be nil insurance 1 agent', hired a buggy and horse from our j carry the stock necessary to do a prosperous business l had to have room. That 1 have built a large addition to my house? Well, l I J , and that means I am here to stay, and in order to have Tax Collector’s Notice. liveryman, Mr. T. F. Friddoll, two weeks ago. The agent is now absent one week over time. Friddoll thinks lie has lost a good horse nnd buggy. Master Maurice Edgeworth, who has been sick so long with fever, will soon be able to be playing with Ins school mates again. EtEEEiSiasBsasasasasasasssasasBSi iteESsl! Third and Last Hound. I will la* at the places mimed below on dates specified for the purpose of collecting State and county taxes for the year 190(1: Grantville, Nov. 19th. Moreland, Nov. 20th, a. in. and until 2 p. m. St. Charles, Nov. 20th, 2 to 5 p. m. Palmetto, Nov. 21st. Corner 11 ranch, Nov. 22d, 8 to 10 a. m. Handy, Nov. 22d, 12:30 to 3:80 p. in. lloseoe, Nov. 23d, 9 to 12 a. in. Happy Valley, Nov. 23d, 1 to 3:30 p. m. Ncwnan, Nov. 24th, and Dec. 1st, 3d and 4th. Slmrpsburg, Nov. 20th. Turin, Nov. 27th. Haralson, Nov. 28th. Senoia, Nov. 29th and 30th. Sargent, Dec. 5th, p. m. I will be at my office in Court house after Dec. 5th to Dec. 19th, when the liooks will close. \V. S. Huiiiiaki), T. O. I also do up-to-datt is at the disposal o UNCERINC COLD Withstood Other Treatment But .. ... ,, _ Quickly Cured by Chamberlain's tingS, Wall Paper. Cough Remedy. "Last- winter I caught a very severe cold whioli lingered for weeks,” says J. Urquluvrt, of Zephyr, Ontario. "My cough was very dry and harsh. The lo cal dealer recommendud Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and guaranteed it, so I gave it u trial. One small bottle of it mired me. 1 believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo tho best l have I ever used." This remedy is for sale by 1 Peniston & Lee, Newnaii, Un. 1 am receiving now goods every day and enn supply your wants. See some of the line 1 carry— Parlor Furniture, Bed-Room Furniture, Din ing Room Furniture, Kitchen Furniture, Pic ture Frames, Mirrors, Window .Shades, Mat- undertaking, and my line Funeral Car my customers. Our prices are right. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE,- NEWNAN, GA. Cigar Factory Notes. Z. Greene, D. D. 8., Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building A Reliable Remedy for Croup. Mrs. S. Romnthal, of Turner, Mlohi- gun, says: “Wo hnvo used Chamber lain's Cough Medicine for ourselves nml children for several years and like it very much I think it is the only rem edy for croup and enn highly recommend it.” For Bnlo by Peniston & Lee. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Whitesburg. Another mid-week has arrived for the News’ correspondents to send in their budget of news that everybody delights to read. Every one thinks ho or she lives in the best town, best community, , , ... has the best, neighbors, and thnt at no and for an order granting the application ' ... . . other plncc are people so prosperous and Treats all diseasos of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. herein mude. W. G. POST, Petitioner’s Attorney. Filed iu office, this Nov. 7,190tS. L. TURNER, Clk. S. O. C. C. I Georgia. Coweta County. | I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court iu nnd for said County, do hereby HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request nil younir persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rato offer. Success, independence and probnblc fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. Tho Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon, Ga. j Imppy. So gentle reader, if you nrn casting about for au ideal plucu, where one would delight to make a second visit and snleot a future home among gentoel business and money-making people, nnd those who attend church nud Sabbath certify that the above and foregoing is a i services, and greot you with a friendly true and correct oopy of the original ap plication for charter of the Mangot- j Brannon Gotnpnny, as appears of file bund and pleasant smile that makes you feel good and at home, come to Whites- burg. If you pay us one visit, you will and record in this office. Witness iny I wnnt to come again and linger a whilo. hand and the Real of said oourt, this If yon are hnnting for a good school, we Nov. 1906. L. TURNER, Clk. S. C. C. C. SHERIFF’S SALE. Clarence Hollis, practical painters: Andrew Jenkins, ; have the best in many resiieots. Rev. | F. G. Golden has charge of Hutcheson College. He is an up to date teacher i and a live wire in the school room. Cotton and corn is fairly good, but not quite so good as they were last year. Some farmers are ubout through picking GEORGIA—Coweta County. Will bo sold defore the oourt house door in the City of Newnaii, said State co tton, while others are not more than The many friends of O. ,1. Jack- son art* delighted to see him on the streets again, after his severe ac cident. Harvey N. Lane has returned from Atlanta. Jas. T. Goldman hus returned to the city. Paul Lowe, after spending a couple of days in Atlanta, has returned. ,T. P. Jackson has returned to the city from ('urrollton. Joe Rose is welcomed back to the city from Atlanta. The friends of Frank Men- (lis arc glad to see him out on the streets, after a couple of days ill ness. Lester Pitt will leave Saturday for Atlanta. Bowen Reese, our clever fore man, and Claude Swint, our popu lar packer, are ever ready and willing to show strangers through the shops. J. P. Oswald will leave in a couple of weeks to spend the holi days with his mother. After the holidays he expects to return to the city. Denatured Alcohol. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA'MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to he first class in every particular. Parties needing anythin ’ in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENCE 0FIALLLKIND8 FOR 8ALE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, GEORGIA and County, between the legal hours of half done gathering. Cotton pickers are Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for oauned I 0I , tlie lirat Tuesday iu December, getting 60 to 60 oents a hundred pounds, oil, which ought to cost but »0 oents a 100fii th0 foUowing , lo8cribe(1 pr01 , e rty, but they complain that it is mnoh more Ready-mixed paint is half oil towit: J 1 One-ninth undivided remainder inter- eat in and to the following land: All that tract or parcel of land known as lot, them that Job in his most trying days, gallon. , and half paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel and add it to the L. & M. Paint i which is semi-mixed. When you buy L. & M. Paint you get j trouble to piok than common. Our people do not take mnoh stock iu grumbling, but we delight to say for No. 58 and that part of the east half of a fall gallon of paint that won t wear | ^ w bi c h lies south of New River off for 10 or 15 years, because L. & M . | pj . y orgall 0 r eek in the Grantville Dis- Ziue hardens tho L. & M. White Lead tr j ct0 f Ooweta county, Georgia; bound- and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron. , ed Qn the „ orth bv landH of j 0 | m Dun- 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gal- j bftr a|)f j tbe New River; east by lands of Ions linseed oil will paiut a moderate sized house. Actual costL. & M. about $120 per gallon. S. E. Leigh nud T. E. Zellers; south by lands of Scott Davis; west by lands of John Dnnbtir; containing in the aggre gate 288 acres, more or less. Levied on was never so worried by delayed pas senger and mail trains. Henry T. Lipscomb left last week for Dublin, Ga., where he has gone to keep books for a large mercantile establish ment. Henry is a young man of splen did business ability and we predict for] him a successfui career. | it will supplant kerosene for light Rev. W. W. Roop preached at the | . 11 ° The name “alcohol" is composed of two Arabic words, “ol kohl,” meaning “the devil," which goes to show that the Arabs knew a thing or two, "Denatured alcohol,” as the fur ther name somewhat vaguely in dicates, means alcohol which has been put througn a process, by wbich it is rendered poisonous and hence unfit for use as a basis for intoxicants or tor use in patent medicines. The removal of the internal tax on the making of it reduces the price of such denatured alcohol from #2 50 to 25 cents a gallon, and is done with a view to furnish ing cheaper light, fuel and trans portation. The advocates of the measure have predicted many marvelous jthings for the future under the | new regime. It is contended th.p | its use as a substitute for gasoline 1 will reduce the cost of running automobiles to a very I irge extent; 4* For CaKe Baking We furnish the particular housekeeper with every thing needed for the baking of cakes—from Hour to fruits and nuts. Everything is fresh and of the finest quality. We have just opened up a fresh shipment, of all kinds of nuts, seeded and layer raisins, currants, citron, etc. Good cooks can hake good cukes from tlie materials we furnish. Again we call attention to our canned goods stock. Wc sell everything canned by American and foreign canneries. No matter what you want in tinned products, we have it. This department, is one of our largest and best, and receives con stant and careful attention. Asa result, goods of high quality are always obtainable at, this store. C. P. STEPHENS & CO. Telephone No. 31. Sold in the North, East, South and ! ag tbe property of A. B. Caldwell, by West. O. S. Andrews, Ex-Mtyor, Danbury, Conn., writes: "Painted my house 19 years ago with L. & M. Looks well to day.” Sold by ALEXANDER POPE. Newuau, Ga. j virtue of a fi fa, issued from the city i court of Newnan, iu favor of Burdette 1 and Roberts and against said Caldwell. Tenant in possession notified in terms of ! the law. This Nov. 8th, 1906. J. L. BROWN, Sheriff. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usuol force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and oathartics only made matters worse. I do not know where I should have been today had I not tried Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen the diges tive functions, helping tlie system to do its wort naturally.—Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for cals by Peniston & Lee, Newnan, Ga. The latest books, magazines and newspapers will always be found on sale at Peniston & Lee’s drug store. Ordinary’s Notices. GEORGIA—Coweta County. The estate of Martha Ballard, late of ; Confederate reunion iu Savannah, said County, deceased, being unrepre sented and not likely to be represented, all persons concerned are required to show cause iu the Court of Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday in December next, why buoIi administra tion should not be vested iu tlie County Administrator. This Nov. 5th, 1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Baptist church Sunday night, on his way home from Macedonia. He deliver ed a splendid discourse. We are glad to report that Dr Reeves is able to be out again, after an attack of fever. Messrs. J. H. Lipscomb, T F. Frid- dell, Jett Austin, O. A. Duncan and Miss Dora Duncan spent last Monday in Newnan, owing partly, to a much de layed passenger train. Rev. W. A. Parks is attending the He was chaplain of a regiment during the war between the states. He will preach for them again this week while at tlie renuion. Bro. Parks will attend the North Georgia Conference at Milledge- ville while on this trip. He is very com panionable, always looking on the bet- ing purpose-*; that it will be used f ir heating our houses; that it will revolutionize th : making of smoke less powder, etc. This is but a casual list of the many things which it is expected will be accomplished by the gener al use of denatured alcohol. A reduction of from $2 50 to 25 cen s a gallon is quite a slump and it is easy to be seen that it will readily come into very general use for the purposes to which it is adapted. The new law goes into effect with the beginning of the new year.—Summerville News. Mr. Rockwood Cummings, of Palmetto, died at his home Tues- GEORGIA—Coweta County. T. F. Rawls, Temp. Admr. of estate of Mrs. M. C. Shaw Gnffin, deceased, ; regular meeting days at having applied to the Court of Ordinary ! church of said County for Permanent Letters of administration on said estate,all persons oonoerned are required to show cause in ■aid Coart by the first Monday in Deo ter side of life, ami will show up to be ; jay, aged about 85 year?. The burial occurred at Newnan Wed nesday. Mr. Cummings was a long time resident of this section and had many friends in Hogans* ville. Among others who attend ed tbe funeral were Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Covin and Mr. J. W. Jen kins.— Hogans ville News, I the youngest brother at the Conference. He intends speudiug the winter in south 1 Georgia | Next Saturday and Sunday are the tlie Baptist Rev. J. W. McLeod is the preacher in charge. Mrs. S. G. Alteu and Crain, of Sar gent, were mingling with friends in Whitesburg last Sunday. • Sewing Machines at Slaughtered Prices. 100 machines, guaranteed to do good work, going at $5 each. 25 machines, good as new but slightly defaced, going from $10 to $25 each. All drop head ma chines. Reduced prices for cash or on easy terms. Singer Sewing Machine Company M. L. DUKE, Man. Newnan, Georgia A Good Liniment. When you need a good reliable lini ment try Chamberlnin’s Pain Balm. It has no superior for sprains and swellings. A piece of flannel slightly dampened with Paiu Balm is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains in the side or chest. It also relieves rheumatic pains and makes sleep and rest possible. For sale by Peniston & Lee, Newnan, Ga. Money to loan on real estate »t 7 per eent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. REGISTRATION NOTICE. The city registration books are now;ope» in the clerk’s office at the city hall aud|citizens who wish to qualify for the city election, to lie held Saturday, I>ee. l*t, 19(81, are required to register. Please register early and avoid the rush. 31 E. D. FOU8E,Gity Clerk.