The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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10 PAGES THE NEWNAN NEWS. io ta VOL. ordinal* 0« ic8 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1906. NO. 34 he News Will Give Away an Elegant $350.00 Clinton Piano on December 24th. K0D1STS MEET IN CARTERSVILLE Plorth Georgia Conference Will Convene in Bartow Capital Next Year. The North Georgia Conference closed its sessions in Vi illedgovillo last Tuesday at noon. Cartersville ■’ ■was selected as the place of meet ing next year. The Conference : was royally entertained in Mil- ledgeville, and the sessions were ; attended with profit and pleasure [ to the preachers and delegates. As usual, the appointments were read by the Bishop just before the ad journment of Conference. Those for the LaC5range District are as follows: .1 B Bobbins, presiding elder. First church, 1 N Hopkins. South LaGrange. .1 11 House. St. John and i'nity. <i L Chas tain. West Point,.l M Tumlin. NVeijt Point Circuit. W W Gaines. Mountville Circuit, I’> P Searcy. "Greenville and Trinity. John Spier. Oakland mission. V JO La u ford. Woodbury circuit, W B Wacky. Chipley circuit, L W Uiveis. Glenn circuit. L I. Landrum. Hogansville. M S Williams. Franklin circuit. B I 1 ' llodnett. (irantville ami Lone Oak. A 11 B l*<igg. Morelahd and Lutbersville. A A Tilley.' Newnan, .1 W (juillian. Lovejoy Memorial mission. \Y S Gaines. Whitesburg mission, V B Ken nedy. Turin circuit. E A Ware. Palmetto circuit. .1 O Brand. Eairburn circuit, C M l.ipham. Bowden circuit. ,1 M Fowler. Boopville mission.W W Benson. LaGrange Female College. 11 M Smith. Several changes were made in this district. Hew B. P. Allen, who had served four years as Pro siding Elder, was given the pastor ate of the tirst church in Elberton. His successor is Dr. ,1. B. Bobbins, who comes from the Augusta Dis trict. where he has been serving as Presiding Elder. The Method ists of the District will regret the removal of Mr. Allen, who is one of the most efficient and faithful men in the Conference, but they will welcome Dr. Bobbins, who is a splendid preacher and one of the strongest men in North Georgia Methodism. Only one change was made in the pastorates in Coweta county. All the preachers were returned except Bov. Frank Quilliau, who goes to Calhoun station in Gordon county. 11 is successor is Bov. A. A. Tilley. Tile people generally will wel come the return of all the Method ist preachers to their fields of la bor in this county. All are earn est, consecrated, successful minis ters. The First church in New nan is especially pleased with the return of Dr. .1. W. Qulllian, who is doing a great work here, and who is admired and loved by the people of all denominations in this city. Bev.J. B King, in whom the people of Newnan have an abiding interest, was returned to Gaines ville District as Presiding Elder. Reese Drug Store Sold. The Beese drug store, the oldest establishment of the kind in the city, has been sold by Dr. W. A. Turner, of Newnan, and C. B. Turner, of Carrollton, to Mrs. E. II. Bowman. If. W. A mail and A. 11. Freeman. The concern will be incorporated as the Beese Drug Co. E. II. Bowman, who has so successfully managed the business for several years, will remain in charge of the store. CITY COURT MILL GRINDING Court Adjourned for Thanks giving, but Convenes Again This Morning. PIANO CONTEST. The vote in the News’ piano voidest was as follows, when the paper went to press this week: Votes Miss Bessie Kirby. Newnan g.'.iyr, “ Jewel Paver •• S.'lOO “ Kate Snead “ l.g(X) Kuril McDonald,lltli Dist.. ..s.tlOO “ Maybelle Sewell, (trantvitte aOO “ Lottie White “ .1,760 “ Maude Warren, Sargent 100 •• Opal McKnight, Senoin. 1,100 ‘Tige’ Pulled by Deputy Sheriff. Deputy Sheriff T. .1. Eutrekin, ol'Senoia. who is in Newnan this week attending City Court, whiled away some spare time by trapping a blind tiger Wednesday. Ho caught Jim Walker, a negro whis key dealer. in the act of selling booze. Jim was delivered to the city authorities and when arraign ed before Mayor Burdett, His Hon or informed Jim that#50 would lie required to ‘•make it square" with the city. City Court is in session this week and much business has been disposed of. 'fhe Court adjourned for Thanksgiving, but opens for business again this morning. Judge A. D. Freeman is presiding in his usual able manner and Solicitor W. L. Stallings is making his tirst appearance in this important posi tion. He is winning commenda tion on every side and will no doubt develop into one of the most efficient solicitors the Court has ever had. Following is a summary of the cases hcaid this week up to W ed nesday’s adjournment: State vs. Ed Griffin, larceny from house; plea of guilty; #55 and costs or six months in ehaingang. State vs. Green McCarty, carry ing concealed weapons; plea of guilty: #50 and costs or 12 months in chuiugang. State vs. Ernest Jones, carrying concealed weapon: plea of guilty: #50 and costs or 12 months in the fhaiugung. State vs. A. D. Wright, carrying concealed weapon; plea of guilty; | Sot) and costs or 12 months in the | ehaingang. State vs. Jackson Hill, larceny I from the house; guilty; #55 and j costs or cS months in ehaingang. State vs. Ernest Bayne, breaking pound; guilty. State vs, Tom McCloud; gam bling: pica of guilty. State is, Ebb Whatley, carrying pistol concealed; plea of guilty; Soil and costs or 12 months in gang. A case against Whatley was nolle pressed. State vs. Ed Long, gambling; plea of guilty; #20 and costs or 12 months. State vs. Lcandcr Watkins, car rying pistol concealed; pica of guilty; #50 and costs or 12 months. ! State vs. Ed Nelson, pointing gun at .mother; nolle pressed be cause of error in name; the defen dant's real name being Melson. State vs Bob Maynard, gam bling; #50 and costs or 12 months. State vs John Evans, assault and battery; #25 and costs or twelve mouths. State vs Jim Cochran, Ben <)w- ensby, Levi Thomas, 'Pom Wyatt, gambling; not guilty. II. II. Mobley vs A. S. Bobort- son. complaint; judgment tor plain till’ for * 11 1.21. principal. *25.14, interest, and coats. C. W. Bobertson vs A. S. Bob orison, complaint; judgment for plaintiff for *17:1.71, principal, #G2 07, interest, and costs. State vs George Budwine, mis demeanor; nolle pressed. State vs Jim Cochran, carrying pistol concealed; not guilty. Stale vs John Martin, misde meanor; indictment quashed. State vs Bart Moore, disturbing divine worship; nolle pressed. Bart Moore was lined $50 for car lying pistol concealed, the alter native being 12 months. State vs Joe IIcndctsun. carry ing pistol concealed; #50 and costs CITY PRIMARY HELD TUESDAY A mail, Cole, Boone and Glov er Were Nominated for Gouncilmen. While the registration was smaller than usual, more than the average per cent, of the registered i voters cast their ballots. Of the III registered white voters 420 east their ballots. The present members of the School Board were unopposed and there was but one ticket tor members of the Exccu live (’ommittee. All of the eight eaud(dates for eouneilmen received highly com plimenlury votes. The winners are II. C. Arnall. Jr., E. G. Cple, D. W. Boone and C. it. Glover. f l'he votes received by the alderma nic candidates are us follows: • 11. C. A mail, .11 E. G. < ’ole D. W. Boone (’. It. Glover G. B. Spender . W. S. Askew J. L. Taylor I A. M. Norris .ton. 244 21 :t 210 , 2o:» 101 . 170 ...I 4S I Messrs. Askew and Sponelei, present members of Council, were 'defeated. Both tire good men and served the city well and their friends sincerely regret their do leal. All of the couucilmen-eluct are young men. They are eutei ((Nmtimimi nii Stli page). or 12 months. State vs Frank Tolbert, disturb ing di\ inc wicsliip; not guilty. H. S. B A N T A ’ S The Store With A Reputation THE WATCH STORE This store almost merits the name of The Watch Store, because of the large and varied stock of cases and movements to he found here. The strong points of our watch stock are its size, heautv and the high quality of every case and movement we sell. As a matter of course, we sell only standard products from the world's greatest factories, and there is not an unreliable, uncertain case or movement in our store. We know the goods and sell them for just what they are, at just what they are worth. The extent of our watch stock frequently amazes our customers. They do not expect to find in a small city the line we carry constantly in stock ; but the stock is here, and we desire to sell it, and it will be our pleasure to show the goods to all callers. Any person wishing to buy a watch case or movement will not hesitate long about giv ing us an order, after an examination of our display. Briefly we mention a few facts in reference to the stock in our watch department. In gold filled cases fur gentlemen we Imve 0, 12, 10 and IS sizes at #12 to #(10. Large number of beautiful pattcniH to select from. Holid gold watches at. #H0 to #100 will intercut any gentleman who desire* a fine case, Ladies’ Watches. This stock is the pride of our watch department,. In Hnliil gold cases we have nothing of a lower grade than 11-carat. There are diamond set eases, engraved cases and polished cases—a large number of styles—every one a ntarvel of artistic beauty. Solid gold watches for ladies are priced from #20 to #li(). In gold filled cases we have a full stock of beautiful styles, priced from $10 to $25. A special selection of lovely enumeled cases will delight all the ladies. MOVEMENTS, CHAINS, ETC. Gentlemen’s Watches. t >ur famous working man’s watch—silveroid cuse, 18-si/.e. Elgin or Waltham movement u #7.50, is the best watch ever sold for the money. Every purchaser of this watch is pleased with it after giving it a trial. At all times we have a large stock of Elgin and Waltham movements in stock, 7 to 2!J jewels. We can supply movements of any manufacture. Elegant chains and charms in greut variety of patterns and in wide range of prices are a part of the stock in our watch department. On all these goods we quote close prices, and at all times are prepared to meet competi tion in prices on any’ of the standard goods we carry in stock or sell. What makes a better Christmas present than a nice watch? Get it at Banta’s. H. S. BANTA’S, The Store with a REPUTATION ■ ■ V .. v. ■? ----•