The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 14, 1906, Image 4

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**i - : -.‘’iij--, -t , • --v,—i) #-«»,*«,» ■ i SOCIETY NEWS AND NOTES Surprise Party. Missus (/'ift Hollinshead and Julia May Hackney were Riven a delightful surprise Tuesday l>y a crowd of young people. The hostesses were quite equal to the emergeiiey. and a most pleas ant evening was enjoyed. After rounds of conversation, a delicious course of “sweets” was served in the dining room, where the decorations of the room and table seemed to herald the holiday gayeties, so soon to follow, 'file table had for a center a lovely lace piece over red, on which rested a silver mounted mirror loaded with pretty fruits. Suspended from the chandelier were tiny red ( ’hrist mas Isdls, and brought to each of the fout corners of the room was the ml tulle. Silver candlesticks, with red silk shades ami burning tapers, and cut glass dishes tilled with Ism lions, added their lieauty to the table. Among those present were: Misses Mary Goodruin, Bessie Powell, Katie Arnall, Kate Snead and Onie Brannon; Messrs. Frank Hughes, Boh Orr, Frank liee,Jack Powell, Pierce DePass, I. N. Orr, Cleveland Orr, Simmons and Terhune, of Moreland. in the dining room, where the, decorations of the room and table were in exquisite taste. Those present were, Mesdames Allers Hertel, J. T. Kirby, N. E. I’owel, Sanders Hibson, Irving Walker, Alton Arnall, James T. Fain, Be Witte Poole. Huy Cole, Mrs. Barrow and Miss Nelie Lou Walton. Mrs. Annie Freeman Orr, Mary Clinton Orr and Miss Virginia Freeman left Tuesday for Home, ta attend the wedding of their cousin, Mr. Nixon Mrs. Orr and little daughter will return the lat ter part of this week: though Miss Freeman will prolong her visit. one evening recently, complimen tary to Mr. and Mrs. Allers Her tel. Mrs. Price Wooley and little daughter, of Atlanta, are the BRADLEY’S Complimentary to Mr». P. B. Murphty. Mrs. H. O. Jones entertained “The Twelve” Friday afternoon at a pretty luncheon in honor of Mrs. P. B. Murphey, who moved this week to her pretty home on (irecnville St. The Hrst part of the afternoon was given over to dominos, after ward the guests were served with a delightful hot luncheon in the dining room, where the color scheme of ml was most artistically carried out. The luncheon and general enjoyment of the afternoon was a delightful finish to the week’s pleasures. Those invited were, Mesdames M ike Powell, Tom Goodrum,Ernest Powcl, Louis Hill, J. T. Kirby, Frank Cole and P. B. Murphey, Misses Maie Campbell and Julia May Hackney. Miss Mary Parrott, who has been ill for some time, left Wed nesday for Philadelphia for treat ment by a specialist. She was ac companied by her mother and I)r. T. B. Davis. Her friends wish for her complete restoration to health. Miss Belle Vernon King, who has been spending some time with her uncle in Rome, will return home Friday. After the hoiidajs she will visit relatives in Savan nah. Misses Nelie and Emma Potts entertained very informally Thurs day evening at a small Bridge party. After the game a delight ful salad course was served. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ham Mur ray, on West Washington Street. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. North have returned from Atlanta, after spending several days, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. G. Addy. Mr. Joe Dent left Tuesday for his home in Oakley, Maryland, af ter spending sometime looking af ter his interests in Georgia. Miss Hattie Starr, of Newnan, is spending several days at the Kim ball with Miss Willie 8mith.— Tuesday’s Atlanta Journal. The Christmas Store Miss Annie May Powel, of Hog* ersville, Tenn., left Thursday to join her father at Monticello. after a pleasant visit to the family of Mrs. T. W. Powel. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey North at tended the funeral of their brother- in-law, Mr. James McKelden, in Atlauta, Monday. Mr. and Mi's. P. B. Murphey and family are comfortably domi ciled in their pretty home on Greenville Street. If any Newnan store deserves this season to bear the name of The Christmas Store, that place is Bradley’s. The size of the stock, the variety and attractiveness of the goods, and the low prices make this the ideal place for Christmas shopping. We have hundreds of articles in this immense stock that will delight every Christmas buyer. But few of them can be mentioned in a small ad. Visit our store and see the stock in all its beauty. Mere Mention of a Few Lines •* *»«* of Christmas Goods Mn. Rlchird i Luncheon. Mrs. Ellison Richards was the charming hostess at a delightful luncheon last Friday morning in honor of Mrs. Hertel, whose de parture for Baltimore will cause regret among her friends. Mix hand euchre was the inter esting game enjoyed, for which Mrs. Alton Arnold won the first prize, a unique china Ikmi bon dish. Mrs. Guy (’ole received the consolation,a china hairpiece. Mrs. Hertel was presented with a spe cial prize a beautiful vase. After the game an elaborate hot luncheon of six courses was served Euchre Club. The Tuesday afternoon Euchre (Mill) enjoyed a delightful meeting with Mrs. Hertel at the home of Mrs. R. E. Milner. There were three tables of six- hand, and after a number of in teresting games, Mrs. Woodyard, of LaGrange, won the first prize— a beautiful real lace handkerchief. Mrs. Alton Arnall won the second, a dainty china Iron bon (liah. The I consolation fell to Mrs. Z. Greene 1 —a pretty picture, and Mrs. Guy I Cole received the booby, a linen i scurf. The next meeting will la? with i Mrs. Ellison Richards. Miss Nelie Lou Walton is spend ing several days in Atlanta this week. She will assist Miss Grace i Lee Brown in her recital given Friday evening. Miss Onie Brannon will entertain a small crowd of young people very informally next Monday even ing at her lovely home on Green ville Street. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks an il mnee the birth of a little girl, Virginia Irene, Friday, Dec. 7th. Mis. Eugene Askew and chil dren have returned from a delight ful visit to the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Anderson, at West F’oint. Miss Sarah Buchanan has re turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill, at West Point, where she was delightfully enter tained. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arnall en tertained several couples at tea € ADAMS THE CITY GROCER Como to us for your Santa Clans, fruits, nuts. etc. Smithtield Hams are line for Christinas. B 1 o w vourself for one. Adams The City Grocer PHONE ONE e WMHHfMMBbMMn \ Mr. and Mrs. Allers Hertel and jamily will leave Monday for Bal timore, to the regret of many New- nan friends. Mrs. Calvin Holmes and Miss Leize Holmes, of Atlanta, are the guests of Capt. and Mrs. Halier- sham King. Miss Irma Scheusler has return ed to her home in Roanoke, Ala., after a pleasant visit to Miss Doro thy Burpee. Mr. W. C. McBryde and family will take possession of their pretty home in Hast Newnan the tlrst of January. Miss Frances Prather, of Ho- gansville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. I). 8. Summers, oil Spring Street. Mrs. T. P. Zellars left last week for her home in Palmetto, carry ing with her little Martha Orr Wynn. Violins, 3.00 to 5.25. Guitars, 3.00 to 6.- 75. Mandolins,.5.25. Banjos, 2.50 to 6.00. Every one a beautiful and dependable instru ment from one of America’s greatest music houses. Fine for Xmas gifts. Dolls of all kinds, from 1 Oc to 7.50 each. An immense stock of the newest Toys. Beautiful Work and Clothes Baskets—new and novel patterns—all priced just right. An immense line of elegant Stationery and everything needed for correspondence; also, beautiful Xmas Cards, Books, Pictures, ect. Collar and Cuff Boxes and Toilet Goods in bewildering abundance; and splendid line of Pocket Books and Purses for ladies and gen tlemen and Hand Bags for ladies. A line of artistic China and Jap. Ware and fine Cut Glass in great profusion. See it. Give us your orders for fine Candies. Call and see the tempting display of candies. v Mrs. Homer Lewis, of Atlanta,' has returned home, after visiting relatives for several days in the! city. C. R. BRADLEY'S Mr. and Mrs. Hawson Dent en tertained several of their relatives at a delightful ’possum dinnerSun-1 day. Mrs. Sarah Parrott will return in a few days from a visit to Mrs. Waller Booze, at Cedartown. I Mrs. Saddler, of prautville, has 1 returned, after a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jones. John Overby and little son, William, spent several days of last week at Longstreet. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Milner, of Atlanta, are visiting their mother, , Mrs. R. F. Milner. Mrs. Jack Powell and little son, Wyatt, are visiting relatives in | Koine. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. W. G.j Post, a son, December 3rd. Mrs. P. L. Sutherland spent' Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. W. B. Pringle visited At- i lanta Wednesday. Mrs. Allers Hertel spent Tuesg day in Atlanta. Mrs. Irving Walker visited At lanta Tuesday. J. E. Dent spent Tuesday-in At lanta. Mr. James R. McKeUliu, a prominent business man of At lanta,who passed away on Sunday, | Dec. 9th, was a brother-in-law of Mrs. H. H. North, of Newnan. He married a daughter of Capt. ; W. W. Draper, of Atlanta, who is j well known in Newnan. The Newnan Orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. W. H. Stubblevine, went to Luthersville this afternoon to take part in the concert at that place. The concert is given by Prof. Albert Pender- grast to raise money to pay for ' seats iu his school. Thomas J. Wilkinson, Esq., has accepted a position with H. C. Glover & Co. and will be with that firm until uext year when it be- 1 comes necessary for him to take i charge of the office of Tax Receiver. DON’T MISS <3* Our before Christmas sale of clothing for men, young men and boys. This is an unusual event that places part of our great stock of winter suits and overcoats at your command at money sav ing prices. From Saturday, Dec. 15 lo Dec. 25, we have de cided to put on the market our entire stock of clothing at a discount from 10 to 25 per cent, on each suit or overcoat. In this stock you will find an almost endless variety of patterns in garments of the latest fashion and guaranteed to fit per fectly and give you satisfaction for your money. Remember, it is not only the style and fit of our clothing that will appeal to you, but excellent materials and workmanship that make our values unquestionably the biggest in this town. This you can readily see if you will call and let us show you our goods and give you some prices. We have just received a new shipment of clothing by express. Also have just re ceived a new shipment of Stetson Hats in the very latest styles. Give us a chance at you, and we will save you dol lars on your purchases. BARNETT, ST. JOHN & CO. $ Greenville Street. V < ■ catmmwmmmam rams i