The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 14, 1906, Image 5

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JUST TEN DAYS TILL •®CHRISTMAS«« Christmas is ton days off. but only eight of these arc trading days, so the exact amount of time left to complete your plans and pur chases is but eight days. Just a little over a week’s time to do all you intend to do. Can you do itt Yes, if you will let us help. Don’t delay your buying, bad weather may interfere. Acci dents may happen. At any rate you can trade with twice the comfort now, with greater satisfaction, with better results. However, no mattei^whether you are ready fo buy now or prefer waiting until IntCT, you will find that the one store best equipped to supply you with just the goods you want at the price you will l>e glad to pay, is this one. The store overflows with Christmas goods. It is easy to buy here—prices marked plainly on everything; plenty of clerks; plenty of delivery boys; prompt service even now when everything is crowded. Make up a list of those whom you wish to remember, then look over this advertisement and visit the store. Give Shears and Scissors. What gift more suitable for wife or mother than a pair of new shears sharp to the points and beautifully finished! We have them in the following styles, every one warranted. Embroidery seisHors, 50c. Nail scissor*, 75c. Outioh* scissors, 1.00. Barbers' soissors, Kfto. Shears. 50c to KOc. Give Pocket Knives When in doubt as to the suitable gift for a man, young or old. Every man has con stant use for a knife—without one he is completely lost. Even if he owns an old one, a bright new knife of good quality will tickle him immensely. You can’t be wrong hel^e. Oar stock shows i very kind ami price, 100 kinds in all. Prices, l5o, 25c, 50c, (S">c, 75o, 1.00, Pearl handle knives, ?6o, 1.00, 1.26, 1.50, 2.00. Give Carving Sets. Carving sets make especial ly appropriate gifts for Christ mas, as they will find immedi ate use on the Christinas turkey. Every family needs one of these useful table articles. No feast is complete without a carver. 8 00, 4 00, 6.00, 7.60, 8.50. Give Razors, Mugs, etc. A real business-like razor will be gratefully received by any man, making a gift that will save dol lars ant) lie productive of much comfort. Never buy a poor razor—better give none at all. Those we sell are all good; every one is warranted and will he exchanged if not good. Prioes aro about like this, 1.00, 1.50 '2.00, 2.50, 8.00, 6.00. Strops for sharpening, 25c, 60o, 76c and 1.00. Mugs, brashes soaps, styptic jien- oils, bay rum, eto. Give Perfumes and Toilet Waters. Perfume is the gift that can always be used with satisfaction and the cost can be what you like. We show the finest ex tracts attractively boxed from 25c to 2.50. The quality in ev ery cate is the same, so you will not lie misrepresented by your gift when the perfume is bought here. Toilet waters in the pop ular makes, Colgate, Rogers and ({allot, Palmer, Alfred Wright, 25c, 50c, 76c and 1.00. Give Toilet Cases or Mani cure Scls. Our display of Toilet cases has all that is new and good. Combs, brushes, mirrors ami manicure accessories in satin- lined cases. These make gifts of peculiar appropriateness from young men to their lady friends. Our line must be seen to be ap preciated . Prices nre 76o, 1.60, 8 00, 8.60, 5.00 aud a few a* high a* $15, (18 and $25. Give Cigars to Men. For the Christmas trade we have our liost selling brands put up in box es of 25 and 50 cigars. Every smoker is ac quainted with the , following brands aud satisfaction is guar anteed. Our large cigar busi ness makes it easy to .know’ the wants of smokers, and we assure you that these are worthy: White Knight, 25 to box, 1.00. La Gaoedn, 25 to box, 1.00. H. & C. Sjiec’al, 25 to box, 1,26. •* " 60 to box, 2 85. El Principe du Gales, 25 to bx, 2.50. Heriian Cortez, 25 to box, 2.60. “ *• 60 to box, 4.50. Regensburg’* American, 60, 4 50 .Munget’* Perfeoto, 60 to box, I 50. Give Work Boxes or Jewel Cases. These articles combine beau ty and utility and ate always appropriate gifts. They come in leather, leatheroid, celluloid, etc., beautifully decorated and lined. Prices, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50. Glove boxe* and’ basket*, 20c, 25c aud up. Handkeroliief boxes and baskets, 15c, 20o, 50c and 75o. Collar ami Cuff boxes, 50o, 75c, 1 50. Give Hand Mirrors. Ebony and rosewood backs with finest French plate mirrors of perfect finish, r.00, 1.75, 2.50 and 3.75. Give Parlor Lamps. Our stock of lamps contains lamps of all prices and of lieau- tiful decorations. Our stock is bought direct from the makers and in this way we are enabled to make prices which other dealers cannot touch for the same goods. All of our lamps are equipped with the best fit tings and are first-class in every respect. Decorated parlor lnmps. 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 8.00, 5.00, Hanging parlor lamp*, $2, (2.60, $5. Hall lamps, 2.50 to 5.00. Give China, Vases, Glassware. Our showing of these gifts of utility and beauty is remark able. Every piece of china, every vase, is selected for dec orative beauty or on account of its low price. It is easily pos sible to select from this stock a gift for any lady, for all ladies love fine china and will welcome the addition of a dainty, bit to their collection. Salads, Dishes. 25c, 35c, 50o, 05c, 70c, 1.00, 1.50 to 6 00. Chocolate potm, tea sets, sugar and creams, cups and suuccrs, vases, wa- t -r sets, etc. Give Leather Goods. A purse, or card ease, a music roll or cigar case will often prove .just the gift wanted. We have these and numerous articles in leather goods. Work boxes, jewel cases, eto. Toys lor the Children The toy stock of this store compares most favorably with that shown in any of the larger cities. All of the new things in mechan ical toys are here and tin; obi standbys are here also. Our stock is immense, well selected, new, clean, and rightly priced. - HOLT & CATES - ;; Local News of Newnan! Everything for the fruit cake. Phone 1. Home-raised seed wheat. 38 Orr & Powell. We are selling crockery cheap. Phone 1. L. R. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tf Mr. Fred Hunter was up from Turin last Tuesday. Wanted—One five to eight-room house, close in. J. W. Stripling. Mr. Mike Powell was in Atlan ta last Wednesday. FOR RENT—Extra two horse farm. Apply to M. G. Keith, tf Wesson salad oil, Dnrkee dress ing and Lea A Perrin’s sauce for Xmas use. Phone 1. Watch for the big thermometers. They will tell you when, where and how to buy eoal. 37 Rugs of all sized and styles; a complete stock at I*. F. Cuttino & Go’s. (Annex). Lot of 2x4, 10 aud 12 feet scantling, 50c per 100. 38 Orr & Powell. The most complete stock of un derwear in Newnan ut P. F. Cut- tino & (Jo’s. Sideboards! Yes, we have them. (’all and see some Inanities. tf Scroggin Furniture (’o. Watch for the big thermometers. They will tell you when, where and how to buy coal. .37 WANTED—One good second hand two horse wagon. Must be a bargain. D. W. Boone. Just received shipment of white China matting (best quality). P. F. Cuttino & Co. Picture frames at Scroggin Fur niture Co.’s give satisfaction. We make a specialty of frames. tf Special value in 10-1-4 linen sheeting at 85c yard, at P. F. Cut tino A Co’s. Give ns your orders early for Xmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits. Adams. ’Phone 1. Watch for the big thermometers. They will tell you when, where aud how to buy coal. 37 The liest values in cloaks, suits and skirts in Newnan, in our An nex. P. F. Cuttino A Co. We will save you on every suit or overcoat purchased from us. Barnutt, St. John A Co. We are selling our ('rockery cheap to *lose it out. Adams. ’Phone I Watch for the big thermometers. They will tell you when, where j and how to buy coal. 37 | Fine table linens; damasks with ' napkins to man'll in handsome de signs, at P. F. Cuttino A Co’s. Saturday 15th to Dec. 25th, wc | offer you some treats in suits and overcoats. Barnett, St. John A Co.i You Should Come to see our line of Holiday Goods. We have a choice stock o f n i c e tilings for Christinas time. Large stock and great va riety. Old and young have been provided for. I lolls and Toys. Bric-a-Brac. Perfumery and - other Toilet Arti cles. Holiday Station ery. Holiday Books. Many other things suit able as gifts for grown-ups or the little folks. Prices right. Peniston&Lee Druggists. STOVES Stoves! Stov es! We have too many Stoves. The stock MUST be reduced by Jan. 1st. Our present Stove Store at No. 1 1 Greenville Street must be va cated Dec. 31 st. We have no place to put these stoves. THEY MUST GO! . / ♦ Newnan # Hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. A full line of Curtice Bros, can ned goods. They are best. We have the agency. Adams, phone 1. Watch for the big thermometers. They will tell you when, where and how to buy coal. .‘17 Adler’s mocha gloves (liest quality), in reindeer and gray, at P. F. Cuttino A < Jo’s. Don’t forget to rCad our ad. this week. It nmy lie the means of saving you some money. Barnett, St. John A Co. Bananas, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Grapes, Apples, Nuts, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Figs, fine Celery. Adams. ’Phone J. Mrs. W. Tom Brooks has return ed from Cedarlown, where she went to attend the funeral of Mr. L. J. Norton. LOST—Last Saturday or Sun day, in Newnan, gold wreath 1 breast pin. Kinder is requested to 1 return to Mrs. J. R. Herring, 42 J Greenville Street, City. Direct, attention to a line of hand-made Japanese Dresser Scurfs, Center Pieces, Doylies, Handker chiefs, Kirtionas, Collars, Curd Cases, Purses and Belts, suitable for gifts. Tiles?* goods sale in t he Annex. J N >BIERY I’. K. Cuttino iV Co. are agents in Newnan for the “Cadet’’ brand of Hosiery for children, and rec ommend them to their customers as the Best Stock ings on the for Service. These stockings have Linen heels, knees and toes and are guaranteed not to tear. P. F. CUTTINO & COMPANY Christmas Suggestions <3* This is the joyous season of Christ mas aiiopping, and we make a few Hiiggesl ham that. * will help those in H'-aroh of snilahle holiday gifts. We are displaying some attractive jewelry, and particular attention is directed to Signet bins and Kings, Jblain and Set, Kings for ladies’ nnd[gentli'tiien Brooches, Scarf" bins,} Cuff But tons, Bracelets. Necklace* and Lockets, Emblem bins, Hat bins. These are all high elass goods and there is nothing nicer for i hrist- mfiH presents. We are showing a small hut well selected line of fine imported dec orated China. Unique patterns and exquisite decorations make this extremely attractive. Frank J. Flannery HPKCIA L NOTICE:—This store will lie closed on Tuesday, Dec. j 261 li, ( < Jiristmas day). 1*. P. < uttino A < *0. Yon know what Johnson’s ware is in crockery. We arc selling it cheap to close out. Adams. ’Phone I. The latest books, magazines and | newspapers will always bo found on sale at Peniston A Lee’s drug store. tf We will have till kinds of fruits for Xmas; also the same kind of fine celery we have hail for the last ten days. Phone 1. We have .just, received a new , shipment of clothing by express. Call and see them. Beauties. Barnett, Ht. John A Co. We have a few pieces of band- painted China left. Mighty niee for Christmas presents. Adams. ’Phone 1. Hheriff J. L. Brown went to La- Grange last Monday aud secured Arthur Rosser, a negro accused of running a blind tiger til. Moreland. Rosser was jailed here. Bcroggin Furniture Co. can save you 2d to 30 per cent, on furni ture on special orders. < >ur mail order department is complete. Try us on a fine piece. tf ! Postcll’s Elegant, Askew’s Best, K. K. K., Georgia Belle, Graham, Whole Wheat Pan Cake, Buck wheat^ We can please you with flour. Phone I We are just in receipt of an ex press shipment of eight button kid gloves for women, in black, gray, tan and white. Price, 2.00 pair, value 2.50. P. F. Cuttino A Co. We direct especial attention to our line of handkerchiefs, which is most complete. Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes for gifts, line em broidered handkerchiefs for wo men and fine hemstitched hand kerchiefs for men; silk handker chiefs and mufflers. P. F. Cuttino & Co.