The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 14, 1906, Image 8

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Keep wr /; On Your Credit BALES COTTON GINNED 10,025,445 Your Good Credit is a High Compliment and the best of Capita' Census Bureau Report on the Crop of 1906. Wc Handle Edison Goods Exclusively The New Udison Phonograph Store dally word dlt will he extended unleai ijvph all credit cuttomeiM to beet of elled te *dlt Hpplh- The buxine** mid pmfe**lonnl people »>f this It>* have united their '* r »*dlt Int^rent* »n« canned * Ontrnl fretlli Ufflee. known ni> Tlie H'lnlnon-, .Men a Mutual tro'«'■■ >,«»oolallon to h.- entsMUnhed In ililn olty wherein the ■ redlt N t>indlng "f ov-i and nil concern* 1* recorded for ready reference, anil from now on tv 111 be kepi of eJl credit a'mwIfriftH and liercaft recommended hv the Central thedlt Office, hen" **Th«*hont> in' w-111 bn rewrnrtl. d by a K"o,l crrdl nUndlnK. which will hn In the bud.lnenn ptibllc Wilful debtor* will have no > r.-.m nUndltis and will not be T *3 irllnnnrnt debit,).. will be afforded nn opportunity t" "ellle their debt*, end P"V- nter.e will he M»«-,l to eorne within their men on . musing no hnnlnblp or b. rdeir Tin Hetrelnrv >f Hie Annorlstlon will mull n settlement request to all delinquent debtorn •frordll.K them « wnv to nettle II,el, Jon, debts and pla-e themselves In ,,.0,1 rrtdll e'nndln. All wlm nte hom-st should work In bnrmnny wltll the Assn- fin ion .ml fnfnpel ll.e p.rtlee they pntronlie lo nmke « report ...memlln, their credit. BH Kooti , ieitIt In n high compliment nml the The btishtene nml profennlonnl people were . omt Tnnke It poenltile t,, iiccomnioiln'" Hie worthy ci ^The^AniorhiHtfn V.*,"no collector nod nil letters having nny 'Onneotlon with It will hi elgntd h> Ihc Annorlntlon, I’ny the hoelnenn mid profinelonnl people rewnrd you with n K"'>'1 credit standing Pewnre of pnrtlec who tuny In, likely It le bed. , Thin As-opintlnii in organized mid will bo conducted liv the business mid pro fessional mount (’owclii miuidy, with u central office located m Newimu, On., wiiloll ih iiiiw npi ii mid doing business nl Room 4, Atkinson Building. All parties doing n credit business nr who iimv Imve hIow or doubtful account, m notes, me requisled to investigate and jinn this AssooiatJon nr mice mid help the pond work along. Ask the merchants mid doolnrtt of Newimn, who are now getting tfinel money on their old claims. Address Business Men’s Mutual Protective Ass’n., Telephone No. 249. Newnan, Ga. pi Y n 1. co-opcfHt*» hi ord«»r to lit and not h« Imposed A*socl*t1n ain't*. thty who h*v< None fithcr* can. condemn thin concern -look up tholr credit aixjM<l- Washington, December 10.—The census bureau today issued bulle tin showing the total amount of cotton of the crop of 111015, ginned to December I, to have been 10,- '025,445 bales, counting round bales as half bales The total num- ! bur of ginneries in operation is given as 28,211. This is compared with the fig ures of 11105, when the report showed 8,(WJI,6ii:i 1 tales ginned and 2S,000 active ginneries. By states , the cotton ginned and the numlter of ginneries were as follows: Bales Ginneries 21 Greenville Street: ' = Now have a full stock of all the new and choice music, and machines of all sizes. Your repair work will receive promptand careful attention cf skilled workmen. We extend a cordial in vitation to the ladies to call and see us, and we will be glad to play over all the latest music for you. f.ffitfittWiff.ij FARMERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY NEWNAN, GA. Beg to announce to the farmers of Coweta and surrounding counties that they are now prepared to weigh and store cotton. Owing to the fact, that we have equipped the warehouse with Improved Automatic Sprinklers, have made the walls fire-proof, and the building modern in every respect, we are able to secure the lowest possible rates of in surance, and are therefore prepared to offer Free Insurance StlltCS. Alabama Arkansas Florida - Georgia Inilimi Territory Kentucky Louisiana. Mississippi Missouri North Carolina i Iklaliouut South Carolina Tennessee I Texas - — Virginia .i,oi!»,4;a 570,81)8 . 50,800 .J,801.406 887,186 088 (170,80(1 .1,018,272 28,1101 IIK), 141 276,(118 770,244 188,557 .8,25(1,545 10,187 on all cotton from the time the wagon, and it is taken from Extra Storage Charge of 15 cents Per Bale. Mr. J. A. Stephens will be in charge of the weighing and is prepared to give, you prompt and efficient service. We shall be pleased to have your patronage. Farmers’ Warehouse Co.< Ncwnan, Ga. Palmetto. Miss Annie Nixon, one of the most popular young ladies in the county, was married at the home of her parents,Dec. 2nd, to Mr. George ICstes, of Selma, Ala. The Imppy couple left immediately for their new home, where the groom holds a line position with the Western Rail way of Alabama. Miss Annie Gene Culbreath entertain ed last week in honor of Miss White, of Grantvillo. Miss Vesta Devine, of Kairburn. is visiting the Misses Hudson. Miss Lois Dean,of Spartanburg S. O., and Miss Stevie Timmons, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs. S. M. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Johnston left Inst week for Washington, D. O., fora visit lo their son, Mr. Herman Johnston. Young Johnston has recently returned from the Philippines, but at present holds a government position at Wash ington. Mrs. S. (3. Clark, of Augusta, is spend ing some time with her son at the St. KIiiio Hotel. Mrs. I), H. Bullard entertained last, week for Mrs. J. A. Smith, of Atlanta, and Miss Glover, of Bowman. Mrs India Kstes has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Will Perker- huii, in Atlanta. Mrs. Maggie Dean Morris returned Tuesday from Atlanta, where for the past week she had been the guest of Mrs. Carlton Miller. Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mr ett were quietly married on Sunday af ternoon at the First. Methodist church. Mr. Tout Daniel’s handsome new cot tage is about completed oil “The Hill.” Tile City Council is prewiring to im prove the sidewalk around the bank corner. The tiling lias arrived and will lie placed at an early date. Rev. George Barrett left Thursday for Ids new home Rev. Mr. Barrett and his wife left tunny friends in Palmetto, who wish them much success in their new Held of labor. Mr. Tom Arnold is moving this week into his new colonial home on Main Sr. yuite a party leave for IgiGraugn on tlie 20th to attend the marriage of Mr. Harvie Mobley and Miss Mary Truitt. (Join Outfit, complete $12.10 Gem Outfit, larger $14.20 Standard Outfit, complete $27.10 Standard Outfit, larger Home Outfit, complete Easy payments can if desired. lie $29.20 $45.00 arranged This outfit $32.00, payable $5. per week We can fit you up with an outfit at most any price you desire from $ 1 2.1 0 to $ 100, and you can arrange easy payments if you wish. Our Mr. Bailey will be glad to demonstrate one of these phonographs at your home if desired. EDrsON (GOLD MOULDED RICQROS Only 35c each. The New Edison Phonograph Store, Old Bank Building L. W. BAILEY, Mgr. Newnan, Georgia minister's time. Heretofore this' ehureh has luitl preaching only l three Sundays in each month; this being the case during the pastor ate of Rev. O’N. Martindale. Rev. Mr. Hannah is a young preucher whose future appears to be very promising. At present he is preaching to the Presbyte rian churches atThomaston,Green- john Png- ville, Sonoia and Turin. He is an interesting preacher and a thor oughly consecrated minister, and is a gentleman of splendid social : <Iuulites and attractive personality. Get it at THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Fincher-Morris. A Home Made Happy by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. About two months ago our baby girl 1 had measles wliioh settled on her lungs DougiiiHville. mid at lost resulted in a severe attack of bronchitis. We had two doctors hut no relief was obtained. Everybody thought' she would die. I went/to eight different stores to find n certain remedy which Imd lieen recommended to me and failed j to get it, when one of the storekeepers insisted that 1 try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, f did so and our baby is olive and well today.—Goo. W. Spence, Holly Springs, N. U. For sale by Pemston & Lee, Newnan, Gn. If it’s anything in our line, we’ve got it and at prices our competitors can’t meet We Guarantee ’Em! Invitations have Ihhmi issued to the marriage of Miss Fannie Eliza beth Morris and Mr. Oscar S. Fincher, which is to occur at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. J. A. Morris, on Wednesday ! evening,Dec. 2(>that seven o’clock. The young couple reside in the western part of Coweta county, where they are quite well known and popular. At First Baptist Church. Rev. A. .1. Moncrief, President of Cox College, will preach at this church next Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. He is one of the foremost Baptist ministers of the State and a very able anti interest ing preacher. The public is cor dially invited to attend this service. Winter time will soon Ik* here with its rain and sleet, anil traveling in an open buggy will l*e very disagreeable. Why not call on us and get a comfortable, light-running top buggy.' MADE IN NEWNAN We put on rubber tires. Presbyterians Call Pastor. MERCK Buggy & DENT Builders. At a congregational meeting of 1 mem Iters of the Newnan Presby terian ehureh, held last Sunday I morning, Rev. Joseph K. Hannah, of Thomas ton, was extended a unanimous call to the pastorate of the act there, this church. Dr. James Stacy acted as moderator of the assem bly: and the membership of the ehureh was a unit in extending the call to Mr. Hannah. While his answer to the call will Cliumberlain s Dough not l*c received until some time later, it is belie veil Mr. Hannah will accept the charge of this church. The call is for all of the We sell Dry Goods, Notions Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. When to Oo Home. From the Blufftou, Inch, Banner: "When tired out, go home. When you want consolation, go home. When you want fan, go home. When you want to show others that you imve reformed, go home and let your family get acquainted with the fact. When you want to show yourselt at your best go home and do When you feel like Ixdiig ex:ru liberal go home ami practice on your wife and children first. When you want to shine with extra brilliancy go home ami light up the whole house hold ” To which we would add. when you have a l»ad cold go home and take Remedy and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Penis- ton & L-e. Newnan, Ga. Give us a call. There’s money I. in it for you. Have you voted? THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE