The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 14, 1906, Image 9

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Legal Advertisements We Don’t lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing. If you discover a leak Ordinary’s Notices. GRf)RGIA—Ooweta County. Mrs. M. E. lunch having applied to the Court of Ordinary of snid county for Letters of administration on estate of W. D. Linch, deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in Jan uary next, if any they can, why suid ap plication should not be granted. This Deo. 8id, 190ft. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Notice. All persons indebted to the J. T.Reese Driii; Store, or to Dr. J. T. Reese, up to November 1, 190ft, are hereby notified to settle at onee wit I: Major W. A. Turner, or T. F. Rawls, attorney nt law. as the stock of goods, etc., of the said drug store was sold on the above date to an other party. All persons having claims against the J. T. Reese Drug Store will present them to the above named par ties. The hooks will be found in the office of T. F. Rawls. This Nov.28,190ft. Mrs. E. J. Turner, 07 Executrix of ,T. T. Reese. j GEORGIA—Coweta County. Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us I Court of Ordinary of said oounty for the j guardianship of Willie Jackson, minor, ! all persons concerned are required to lor plumbing if you want it " ell | s | low on use in said court by the first (lone. We don’t charge high and . Monday in January next, if any they i can, why snid application should not be are always ready to come. w. L. sexton. The Newnan Plumber. GEORGIA—Oowota County. G. W. Byrain, adnir. of Thos. G.Dick son, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for E. E.Jackson having applied to the i of dismission from his snid trust, all persons concerned are required to show cause In snid Court by the first Monday in January next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Deo. 11,1906. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. E New Arnall Building. Phone 169 T. M. MARTIN Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert, work and low prioes win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. granted. This Dec. Ord, 190ft. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. T. J. Windham having applied to the Court of Ordina.ty of snid oouutv for letters of guardianship of Callie D.Sliaw, Annie May Shaw, Bessie Shaw, John Henry Shaw and Willie T. Shaw, min ors, all persons oonoernod are required to show enuso ill said court by the first Monday in January next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Deo. Ord, 100ft. L. A..PERDUE, Ordinary. j GEORGIA—Coweta County. i The estate of Willie and Joseph J. i Morgan, of said county, being uurepre- | Rented and not likely to be represented, all persons concerned are required to show enuse in the Court of Ordinary of said Couuty, on the first Monday in Jan uary next, why such guardianship of said minors should not be vested in the County Guardian, This Dec. Ord, 1900. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinury. Application for Bank Charter. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Gn.: We, C. F, Hollborg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Sibley, L. P. Brnndonberg, J. T. Ar nall, H. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook, E. H. Estes and Leo Hand, all of Senota, Coweta County, Georgia, ap plicants, as inooriHirators under An Aot of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap proved December 00th, 1890, entitled “All Act to carry into effeot paragraph eighteen of Section seven of Article three of the Constitution of 1877, ns nmended, in relation to chartering of hanks, to provide for the incorporation of hanking companies by the Secretary of State.and for other purposes,” make this our declaration, praying that we be incor porated as n body corporate and politic for the purpose of doing a general bank ing business, with all the rights, pow ers, privileges and 1'eBtriotiouB of said Aot, under and by the name and stylo of Bank of Senoia, and that the princi pal ottioe of said company shall bo locat ed in the oity of Senoia, county of Cow- 1 i »......, i Robert. 0. Moore, deceased, having up- 000.00), divided into shares of Fifty Dol- plted to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all persons concerned are re- Z. Greene, D. D. 8., lrinrvv ,\f quired to show oause m said Court by office on Second Hoo ; oI . ? he lirflt , Moilday in . Ift!lunry if nliy BlackJBrOS. Co. S Building thoy onn, why said application should solely for the business and purposes of Inrs ($60.00), each, and that the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) of the capital subscribed has actually boon paid by the subscribers and that the same is in faot held, and is to be used With the Exchanges From Last Week's Senoia Enterprise-Gazette. Dr. G. A. Nunnallv, of Newnan, came down Sunday afternoon and delivered a most interesting tem perance lecture at the Methodist church at the Anti-Saloon League meeting. He gave some very in structive and interesting statistics in regard to the cost of liquor to the people of the United States, together with some very touching incidents in regard to the wreck and ruin brought upon some fam ilies by the use of this abominable stuff. Like we have contended for a long time, Dr. Nunnally says we need, and seme day will have,a set of law-makers in the Georgia Legislature with back bone enough to make laws to protect dry coun ties from the whiskey express business. A large crowd was out to hoar Dr. Nunnally, and the Se nota League was greatly strength ened by this able address, and we hope soon to have the pleasure of hearing this man of God again. He has been fighting liquor for forty years and is an expert at the busi ness. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Hugh Hill was at home to her friends in compliment to her guest, Miss Huchanan, of Newnan. She was assisted in receiving by Miss Jessie Lewis Johnson,Mrs. Arthur Baker and Mrs. Hugh McCullough. Refreshments were served. About fifty guests enjoyed Mrs. Hill’s hospitality.—West Point letter in Sunday Constitution. Mrs. C. C. McKnight and Mrs. J. D. Hunter left yesterday for a six week’s visit to relatives and friends in Louisiana, the former going to Lake Charles and the lat ter to her old home at LaFayette. They expect to visit several points in Texas also before returning YOUR CHRISTMAS JOYS Will be grnitlv increased if you make some o( your holiday purchases at this store. If fortune ins smil ed on you and you are sharing; in the general pros perity of the country, you will find in the elegant and abundant lines we are offering the most invit ing furniture and house-furnishing investments. If this has been a hard year with you and you have to carefully count the cost with every purchase, you will he able to spend here the least money to the best possible advantage in your Christmas shopping. Let us show you how to make your gift money go farthest, and buy something useful as well as orna mental. Dozens of articles in this store’s big stock are suitable for Christmas gifts for persons of all ages. Take a look through this stock and see how many nice Chrismas presents can be found. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. L. M. Farmer, lawyer. j not be grnuted. This Deo. 5th, 190ft. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. GEORGIA—Coweta County. In the Court of Ordinary. H. A. Boyd vs T. F. Rawls, Adnir. of Martha Bal lard, deceased. Application to have titles executed under bond for titles. To the heirs nt law of Martini Ballard, deceased: Take uotloe that application is ninde to compel the administrator of the estate ojo GEORGIA NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to he first class in every particular. Parties needing anythin ' in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. IRON FENCE OF NIL KINDS FOR ULE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, CEORCIA the corporation The fee of Fifty (50.00) Dollars is herewith enolosod as fee for charter or certificate of incorporation iih required by said Aot. Senoia, Georgia, 5th day of Doc, 1900, Respectfully submitted, C. F. Hollborg, W. J. Estes. W. F. 1 ... , , T Arnall a S ooc ' citizen and our people will home. Dr. E. L. Merrill, of Turin, has rented rooms at the Pollock house ar.d expects to move to Senoia be tween now and January ist. Dr. I Merrill is an expert physician and Sibley, L. P. Brandeuberg, J 11. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook, E, H. Estes, Leo Hand, Incorporators. of Martha Ballard, deceased, t,n make titles to land under a bond for titles ex- Treats all diseases of domestic animals j eoutod by said Martha Ballard before Galls answered day or night. Office i her death, and Mint I will pass upon the at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. same at the January term, 1907, of tins court. This Dec. Ord, 190ft. L, A. PERDUE, Ordinary, HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnest ly request all young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain u thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate ^|j CR Parham offer. Success, independence and prolmble fortune arc guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.-Ala. Basinet* College, Macon. Ga. GEORGIA—Ooweta County. Mansfield Par- ) Libel for Divorce ham i In Oowota Mu- ) perior Court, March j Term, 1907 County of Oowota. Before me personally appeared O. F. Hollborg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Hibloy, L. P. Brnndeuberg, ,T. T. Arnall, II. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook, E. H. Estes and Loo Hand, the incorporators of Bank of Senoia, located in the oity of Senoia, oounty of Coweta, and State of Georgia, wiio on oath deposeth mid saitli that Fifteen Thousand Dollars (15,000. • 00) of the capital subscribed lias boon actually paid by tile subscribers, and i To Alice Parham,defendant in the above «>*t. *• «amo is in fact held, and is to be used solely for the business and pur- “Red Star Jellico” This is the name of a do mestic coal that will give ev ery user perfect satisfaction. It burns readily, leaves no clinkers and but few ashes, and affords the maximum amount of heat. It is an ideal coal for family use, or for heating purposes when used in any grate or coal stove. We supply “lied Star Jelli- co” in any quantity and fill or ders promptly. I’rices are reasonable. Will appreciate your coal orders, and believe our stock will give perfect satisfaction. NEWNAN ICE & COAL COMPANY Paul Smith, Manager Office at R. R. junction. Phone No. 218 fltfttod CAH6' | You are hereby commanded to be and j P° 808 of the corporation j appear at the next term of said oourt to j Qp GEORGIA ! bo hold on the first Monday ill March, | 1907, thon and there to answer the plain tiff’s libel for divoroe. In default ttiere- ; of the Oourt will proceed ns to justioo i may appertain. i Witness the Hon. R. W. Freeman, ! Judge of said court, this the 29th day of j Oct. 190ft. L. TURNER. Clk. Superior Court Coweta Oounty. Office of Secretary of State. gladly whlcome him and his excel lent wife to Senoia. Bailiff McCollough has been do ing some more good detective work this week, and yesterday af ternoon, in company with Marshal Banks, went out in the country and captured Sol Wright, the negro who shot Hob Smith about a month ago. Mrs, Annie Freeman Orr and Miss Virginia Freeman, of New nan, will be Mrs. Mary P Nixon’s guests this week.—Rome letter in Sunday Constitution. GEORGIA—Oowota County. T. F. Rawls, adnir. of estate of Mrs. Oussie Wenvcr, deceased, having ap of Bank of Senoia for a Charter, the original of which is now of file in this Department. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto sot my luind and uffixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the Oity of , , , Atlanta, this fttli day of December in tile By virtue of an agreement by and be- of ()nr Lor( , Ono Tll0UKttnf , Niui , tween the heirs p t law or M Sale of Realty. GEORGIA—Coweta County. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of j t 0 t| (0 Court of Ordinary of said the State, of Georgia, do hereby ceitiiy i <; oun ty f or letters of dismission from his That the nttaehed three pages of typo-i ,qi persons oouoerued are re written and printed mutter contain a f | U i rt) q ; 0 hIiow cause in said Court by true and correct copy of the application I t | 1{) q rHf Monday in January next, if any they cun, why said application should not be granted. This Doc. 7th, 190ft. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. For Sale. I will sell at public sale on Dec. 12, 1906, beginning at nine o’clock a. m. at my home 2j4 miles south east of Newnan, on Sharpsburg road, all my tools and farming im plements, corn and hay, some household and kitchen furniture. 35 H. B. Bartlett. Martha I L. Carter, late of said county, deceased, (said heirs at law being all of the age of ! twenty-one yeurs) will be sold before the I court house door in the oity of Newnan, i Georgia, on the first Tuesday 111 Jan uary, 1907, between the legal boms of , sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following lands belonging to | the estate of Mrs. Martha L. Carter, to- ’ wit: I The soutli half of lot of land, No. 72, in the original 4 th district of suid coun- I ty, now Panther Creek district, contain ing one hundred, one and one quarter ! (101 1-4) acres of land, more or less;and I nineteen and one-half (19)4) acres of I land, more or less, off of lot of land No. 75, in sjiid district of said county, and being the south half of a tract of land containing 09 acres, more or less, am’: ad joining said lot of land No. 72 aforesaid. This land is bounded as follows: West by Chattahoochee River, north by E. A. Carter, east and soutli by Hutcheson lauds. Sold for distribution amongst the heirs at law of said Mrs. Martha L Carter, deceased. This Dec. 3rd, 1906. C. W. CARTER, Heir at law, and representing the re maining heirs of said Mrs. Martha L. Carter, deceased. Read the News lor the news. Stores Will Close Christmas Day. Christmas Offerings at Stephens’ Wi* have an unusually large stock of good things for Christmas, and oiler the best and freshest of everything in the grocery line. From our store and bakery we can supply everything desired for the table during the holidays. The fact we wish to impress is that no matter what the housekeep er’s wauls or needs may lie, it is our business to supply them. Give or send us your orders. We make prompt deliveries, and (111 all orders with the very liest in the store and bakery. Especial attention is directed to our stock of fruits, nuts and candies, We can supply every holiday need in this line with fresh, fine stock. C. P. STEPHENS S CO. Telephone No. 31. Hundred and Six and of the Indopend- We, the undersigned merchants enoe of the United States ot America () f \ ( . whan agree to close our stores the One Hundred and Thirty-first. ,, , , ,, , PHILIP COOK, ill) ,la .V' Tuesday, December 25th, 09 Secretary of State. * hristmas day: ___________ I’. F. Cuttino ft Go., II. G. At For nuy of the ordinary diseases of the I ,ia ^ Merchandise < o., I). W. Boone, skin Chamberlain’s Salve is excellent, j W. M. Askew, Potts ft Parks, At- It, not only allays the itching and smart- kinson Bros., T. G. Farmer & Co., iston & Lee, Newnan, Ga. W . VV . Spence At <,o., Orr A: Pow - 1 ell, Bradley At Banks, Young- Pole Scroggins, Practical Painter: Lythgoe Go., Barnett, St. .John ft Painting is practical work; skill wins. { , Stewart & p iU . ks , j|. <j. (j) ov . It’s the same with paint making. „ ., , ,, ,, , ... , „ " , er ft Go.,Now \ ork Bargain Store, You know 4 gallons L. & M. mixed: ■’ ” Black Bros. < 'o., .‘J7 gal lot witli 0 gallons Linseed Oil makes enough | • L. Brod, paint for a moderate sized house—the j Farmer ft Lee. best paint money can buy—because the , __________ L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. ft M. i Mr . ( N . Orr, Jr's., horse, White Lead and makes the L. ft M. , ,, . . , ,, r . ,., i “Dari,” was; insured on May IS, Paint wear like iron. 1 ‘ . Buy L. ft M. and don’t pay $1.50 a 1 1 D(H», in the Atlanta Mutual Live guilou for Linseed Oil, as you do in, Stock Insurance Go. The animal ready-for-use paint, but buy oil fresh ' was killed on August 12, i(106,and from the barrel at (50 cents, ami mix| on A ugust 19th Mr. Oi l ’s claim , for #247.50 was paid in full by the above named company, tf J. W. Willcoxon, Agent. with the L. ft M. Actual cost L. & M. about $1.20 per gallon. Sold by ALEXANDER POPE, Newnan, Ga Sewing Machines at Slaughtered Prices. 100 machines, guaranteed to do good work, going at $5 each. 25 machines, good as new but slightly defaced, going from $10 to $25 each. All drop head ma chines. Reduced prices for cash or on easy terms. Singer Sewing Machine Company M. L. DUKE, Man. West Side Square Newnan, Georgia —MMBHOMMMMMMO—UMMMHIMMtMMMMIli Money to loan on real estate st 7 oent. Apply to L. M. Fanner. per Have you voted? Magnetic Hair Tonic The most effective hair restorer on the market. Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the scalp— cleanses it and eradicates dandruff. Restores life and lieauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50c per liottle, at the J. T. Reese Drug Store, Newnan, Ga. About Digestion. It is not. the quantity of fowl taken but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and unable them to perform their functions. The result is a relish for yonr food, increased strength and weight, greater endurance and a olear head. Price 26 cents. Samples free. For Hale by PeuiBtou & Lee,Newnan,Ga,