The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 21, 1906, Image 1

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NEWNAN NEWS; VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1906. NO. 37 The News Will Give Away an Elegant $350.00 Clinton Piano on December 24th. ANNUAL MEETING OF FIRI N Annual Supper and Election of Officers Occurred Fri day Night. Friday night of last week was the occasion of the annual meeting of members of Newnan Fire De partment, and the supper and elec tion of officers afforded opportunity lor a pleasant gathering of the firemen and a small party of their friends. After a splendid oyster and bird supper had been served to the gallant fire fighters and their guests, speeches followed as is customary on these occasions. Fire Chief J. L. Brown presided and preceded the speaking with a 1 nice little talk. In response to j calls Mayor Burdett, Dr. G. A. Nunnally, Councilman Goodrum, Capl*. John B. Goodwyn, Council- mon-elect Arnall, Glover and Cole, City Attorney A. H. Freeman, Messrs. W. A. Steed and J. T. Fain felicitated the department upon the past year’s successes, fu ture prospects, the pleasures of the evening and various matters re garded as subjects for the exchange of mutual good wishos and con gratulations. The needs of the tire department and the city in general were discussed and plans outlined for the future that will lead to the advancement of New- nan’s interests and the promotion of good citizenship and good fellow ship. After the supper members of the department proceeded with the annual election of officers. Chief Brown, after a service of seven years as the head of the depart ment, announced his determina tion to retire, and Joe A. Stephens was elected as his successor. The election resulted in the choice of the foil wing named officers: J. A. Stephens, Chief; J. P. Shackelford, Asst. Chief; ,T. H. Widener, Foreman; John Kersey, Asst. Foreman; C. A. Merck, Sec retary; T. M. Goodrum, Treasurer; Dr. J. W. Quillian, Chaplain; Dr. T. S. Bailey, Surgeon; J. C. Beav ers, Paid Fireman. Newnan has one of the most ef ficient volunteer (ire departments to lie found ^iu this State. There is always ready response to the call of duty among the members and determined and efficient work always follows the sounding of the lire alarm. For the year 1900 Newnan has a record of only one disastrous fire. During the year the department responded to ten calls, as follows: March 0th—Baseball park fence. No damage. March 7th—Cotton fire at A. & I*, depot. 1 )amage small. April 4th—Dr. T. 8. Bailey’s residence. No damage. July 24th—Mrs. Minnie Britt’s residence. No damage. July 24th—J. H. Widener’s ten ant house. Destroyed. Sept. 25th—Chinese laundry. Damuge, #25. Oct. 25th—J. B. Hutchens’ resi dence. Damage, #10. Nov. 8th—M. Cole’s residence. Destroyed. Nov. 4th—Newnan Grocery Co. Damage, #10. HOUSE BURNED; NEGROES ARRESTED Seab and Will McCombs are Charged with Setting Fire toj. B. Beaver’s Home. J. B. Beavers, who lives in the Fourth District at old Lodi, lost a new residence by fire last Saturday night. The house was about 300 yards from Mr. Beavers’ present home, had just been completed and had never l>een occupied. His loss amounted to about #350; no insurance. Mr. Beavers suspected that his house was fired by incendiaries, and Sheriff Brown was notified early Sunday morning. The Sheriff and other persons put the county’s dogs on a trail ami they traced it to the homes of Seab and Will McCombs, negroes, who are NEGRO CHARGED WITH MURDER George Redwine Believed by Coroner’s Jury to be Slayer of James Burns. | Dec. 1st—J. L. Brown’s barn. ! Damage #5. i It will be noted above that all ' the tires of the year have been in- | significant, except the one which destroyed the Cole residence. New- nan has l>eon remarkably free from loss by fire, and this fact affords grounds for mutual congratulations and thanksgiving on the part of all our people. The News extends the greetings of the season to ex-Chief Brown, to the newly elected officers of the department and to the patriotic citizens who man Newnan’s lire fighting appliances. A merry Christmas and happy New Year to ull! The jury that investigated the murder of James Burns, the old Irishman who was killed last week in his home near Sharpsburg,found a verdict charging George Bed- wine, a negro, with lining the old man’s slayer. Bedwine’s home is near the Burn’s place and the negro admits going to the Irish man’s home the evening when the old man is supposed to have been killed. Bedwiue was arrested and lodged in jail here. Burns was supposed to have a considerable sum of inoiie> in his cabin and the object of his slayer was doubtless robbery. The old mau was killed by a charge of shot fired through an auger hole in one of the o bin doors. He was sitting on a box in front of the fire and, apparently, engaged in cooking supper when the shot was fired. He was shot in tin* head. A few dollars was found on his person, but no money was found in the house. This case was thoroughly in vestigated by Coroner Broadwater and a jury composed of \V. J. Wood, Dr. G. W. Poddy, W. B. Sharp, C. H. North, L. B. Banks and L. Z. Johnson. The jury decided that Burns was killed by the negro, Bedwiue. Many citizens in that section of the county believe Bedwiue is in nocent, the News is informed. On last Monday Governor Terrell of fered a reward of #200 for the ar rest of the unknown person who killed Burns. This seems to com plicate matters, and leads to the conclusion that there is wide dif ference of opinion as to the iden tity of Burns’ slayer. * Redwine has had no commitment trial and remains in jail here. VOTES PILE UP IN PIANO CONTEST Thousand of Votes Cast in Contest this Week and Interest is High. father and son. They were ar rested and lodged in jail, and were given a preliminary hearing yes terday before Justice A.II. Bohan- non. Attorney A. H. Freeman represented the negroes and At torney W. C. Wright uppeared for the Stale. ’Squill* Bohannon decided to hold both of the negroes and bound each of them over to the Superior Court under a #400 bond. What the Police Have Been Doing. In police court during the past week Mayor Burdett has passed sentence on several offenders and the city treasury has lieen enriched considerably. The arrests were made by Chief Brewster and Po licemen Shackleford and Fincau- non. The record of triuls is as fol lows: Classic Wisdom, #25 fine; paid. If. T. Carter, #50 line; working on streets. Tom Knox.#50 line; paid. Wm. Bailey, #50 fine; ccrtioraried George Sims, decision withheld. Andrew Hayes, 2 cases; set for hearing Friday. Only three days of the News’ great piano contest remain, includ ing today. The contestants and their friends are busily at work i and seem determined to make the closing days the most strenuous of all. Thousands of votes have lieen cast this week, and many thousand more will come in between this time and four o’clock next Mon day afternoon. All those who are interested in the contest are work ing faithfully for the several con testants, and it seems that the af fair is going to be a buttle royal right up to the last minute. The bust information the News will give out in reference to the voting appears below. From now until the contest closes no informa lion in regard to the standing of any eontestuut will be furnished ut this office or by any person con nceted with the News. 'Phe vote in the News’ piano contest was as follows, when the paper went to press this week: Vote* Minh Mi'rt-ic Kirby, Newimn (l.liaii " Jnwd Favor " 11,650 “ Kftto Sliced " 1,400 “ Ruth McDonald,(lilt Dial. 15,280 11 Miiybclb* Hawaii, Grautville. 860 Lottie Whim •• ..3,100 " Maude Warren, Huraent ..000 I 11 Opal MoKiiiabt, Heiioin 10,2l»:i Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salhide Bldg. tf Have you voted? Banta’s Chriftmas Offerings For Gentlemen. For the Home. $10 up $22 to $60 $1.50 to $6.00 $7.50 to $10 $1.50 to $7.00 . $7.50 to $20 50c to $1.50 $2.50 to $15 Watches— 20-year, gold tilled Solid gold, substantial Fobs— Gold filled Solid gold Chains— Gold filled Solid gold. Cuff Buttons- Gold filled Solid gold Stick Pins— Silver 25c Gold filled .* 25c to 75c Sold gold 75c to $35 Signet Rings— Solid gold $5 to $12 ... Stone jfet rings $0 to $12 Novelties— Match safes $1.00 to $4.00 Coat hangers, sterling 75c Hat marks, sterling 50C Keyrings, sterling 75c to $1.50 Paper cutters, assorted 50c to $1.50 Whisk brooms $1.50 to $3.00 Satchel tags, sterling 50c to $2.00 Key tags, sterling 75c Fountain Pens— Various makes Gut Glass— Every piece in our store is of the famous Libbey make. 8-inch bowls 8-inch nappies Celery dishes Small nappy Vases W r ater pitchers Tumblers (per setaffi) Water bottles Salt and peppers, per pair $6 to $10 $5 $5.00 to $10.00 $1.50 to $7.50 $3.00 to $16.00 $10.00 to $16.00 $7.00 to $15.00 . $4.00 to $6.00 $1.00 to $2.00 Knives and forks, finest plate, set $12.50 Tea and tablespoons, finest plate, set $3.50 to $0.50 Knives and forks, finest plute $5.00 Tea and tablespoons $2.00 to $4.00 •Complete sets, including <> knives, l» forks, <» tablespoons, <> teaspoons, 1 sugar spoon and butter knife $13.50 to $20.00 Carving Sets— ( Staghorn, silver mounted Gorham sterling silver $6.50 to $12.00 $15.00 to $25.00 Special Articles in Sterling— China- Our line of China is made products from Austria, and Japan. Cake plates Salad bowls Pitchers Vases, each Celery dishes Chocolate and tea sets Sugar and cream Odd cups and Saucers up of the liest Germany, France $1.50 to $5.00 $1.00 to $5.00 $5.00 to $7.00 $2.00 to $0.00 $1.50 to $3.50 $5.00 tp $12.00 $2.00 to $4.00 25c to $2.00 Child’s sets Baby spoons Oyster ladles Salad spoons Gravy ladles Butter knives < ’offee spoons, per set $3.50 to $6.75 $1.50 $10.00 $4.00 to $$.50 $7.00 to $0.00 $1.75 to $3.50 $4.50 to $7.50 For Ladies. Lockets Gold filled Solid gold Neck Chains Solid gold Brooches — Gold filled Solid gold Bracelets Gold filled Solid gold Watch Chains - Gold filled Solid gold Beads — Solid gold HatPins— Silver Gold filled Solid gold. $1.00 to $2.50 $3.75 to $20.00 $2.00 to $20.00 $1.00 to $2.58 $2.00 t<> $125.00 $3.00 to $7.00 $8.50 to $45.00 $2.00 to $$.fi0 $7.50 to $20.00 $12.00 to $16.00 50c 50c to $1.50 $2.00 to $0.00 Clocks- $1.00 to $6.00 Elegant wood enameled mantel clocks $6.50 to $10.00 Gold finish small clocks $2.50 to $6.00 Fine compensated gold finish clocks $15.00 to $30.00 Silverware— Knives and forks, solid, set $26.50 to $30 Tea and tablespoons, solid, set $6 to $13 Toilet Sets— Ebony and silver Manicure Sets— Ebony, stag and silver Rings— Solid gold, plain Solid gold, signet Solid gold, stone set . Crosses Gold filled Solid gold $1.75 to $25.00 $1.75 to $6.50 50c to $10.00 $2.00 to $8.00 $1.00 to $25.00 75c to $2.00 Sl.OOtoSfi.OO Thimbles- Silver 50c to $1.25 Solid gold $4.5$ to $5.00 Silver Novelties— Tooth brushes, nail files, l>ook marks, etc 35c to 75c Combs $1.25 to $7.00 Umbrellas Silver and pearl handle, silk $3.00 to $16 Gold filled and pearl. $5.00 to $16.00 Watches— 20-year gold filled $10.00 to $20.90 “0” size, solid gold, American $22 to $50 H. S. BANT A, Jeweler.