Newspaper Page Text
The Newnan News j!
Issued Every Friday. ,
J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher
’Phone No. 20.
C. A.
Birthday Supper.
On<> of the lovliewt affairs of la«t week
was the birthday supper aiven by Mr.
and Mrs Alton Arimll, mh h surprise to
Miss Katie ami Mr. Frank Arnall in
honor of their twenty-first birthday.
Six congenial oouples were invited to
]>ArtnUe of the evening's pleasure.
The dining room where a delicious
which rested a mirror heajied up with
pretty fruits.
Cut glass and silver dishes filled with
stuffed flutes, and bon lions of the same
color, were placed around the table.
Many pretty red bells were swinging
from Mie chandelier.
The score cards of holly were very ap
propriate souvenirs of theoceasion. The
new game, "Kant-Kateh," was very
much enjoyed. Several pretty pnzes
were given. The first, a cut glM«s bon
bon dish. The consolation, a Japanese
doll, and the booby, a dainty basket
filled with dates.
A delicious buffet luncheon was served
Holmes, the weddiug to take place early
iu January.—Sunday's Atlanta Journal.
This announcement will be read with
interest by Miss Broom's Newnan friends
in her former home. The wedding will
take place t*'e 3rd of January and will
be a quiet home affair.
Little Misses Mary Moore and Minnie
Lythgo, of NeWnan, will act as flower
girls and will be the only attendants.
Miss Broom, the only c'dld of Mrs.
George A. Broom, is a young lady of
rare musical talent.
Euchre Club.
supiier of seven courses was served was
a rosy vision in a color scheme of pink j carrying out further the pretty color
President W. A. Brannon of the and white. Lovely lace pieoes of baten- , ®° ,ler “ e of red
„ . tk . . . . burg almost covered the table having a Quite a number were present and the
< 4>weta Division of Houtnern < ot* < Q f entertainment was a delightful one
ton AHHOeiation has issued a call Crystal candlesticks with unshaded 1 1 “
for a meeting to Is* held in New- j p ‘ nk , *P erH IM,d »d v o r dishes filled with j Mill Brannan Entertained.
pink and white mints added their bean-
nan at the court house on .Satnr- ty ,
day morning, Dee. 29th. 'Phis Occupying the center of the table was
call appears elsewhere in this 1 * lovely cake with twenty-one burning
week's News, and the attention of candles circling around it.
all farmers himI business men of
The place cards were unique, on one
side was the name of the guest in gold
the county is directed to it, with lettering, on the other were the dates
the exportation that hearty re- , l«8r>-190«. Attached to these cards were
spouse to the call may Is* evidenced j miniature pink horns,
on the day of meeting. I A pretty lovi,, « ROp - a * l,t ,rom the
„ . , . „ , . . guests, was presented witli a fitting and
President Brannon desires to
hear from the farmers and busi
ness men of <low eta in regard to
matters that vitally affect their in
terests and the interests of the en
tire South, and desires to have
them go on record liefore the world
in reference to these matters.
The News joins President Bran
non in urging the farmers and
appropriate si>eeuli by Mr. I. N. Qrr, and
Hie health of thtl guests was drunk with
enthusiasm. For two hours this circle
of friends sat around the prettily deco
rated table.
After supper several games of cards
were enjoyed.
Those present were Misses Katie Ar-
nail, Kate Hnead, Bessie Powell, Julia !
May Huokney, Clift Hollinsliead, Onie '
Brannon and Messrs. Frank Arnall, Jack
Monday evening Miss Onie Brannon
entertained in a delightful manner a
small circle of friends at her pretty
home on Greenville St.
The hall, dining room and parlor were
artistically decorated in red and green.
Red Christina* bells were swinging from
the chandeliers which were twined with
srnilax. Ferns ami pot plants were
brightened with lovely vases of red ger
aniums scattered through die house.
A delioious salad course was served
buffet in the dining room.
Those present were Misses Julia May
Hackney, Olift Hollinsliead. Katie Ar-
nall, Bessie Powell and Kate Snead,
Messrs. Frank Hughes, Jack Powell, I.
N. Orr, Bob Orr, Frank Lee, Pierce De
Pass and T A. Simmons.
Some Chriitmai Events.
A series of bright events have marked
business men of onr county to at- j Hirnnionn* ^ ° ,r ’ ' i ,lle week’s social calendar and holiday
tend this meeting. Next week be
ing the season of leisure among!
our people there will la* little to
prevent it large attendance at the
meeting; and, douhtlcsH, the occa-
Hion will prove of into rent and
lienctit to all who come. It is
probable that one of the State of
ficers of the Hon them Gotten As-
NiN'iution will lie present and ad
dress the assemblage.
Wesson salad oil, Ibirkcc dress
ing and Lea & Perrin’s sauce for
Xmas use. Phone 1.
Watch for the big thermometers.
Mrs. Guy Cole was die charming hos
tess Thursday afternoon of the Salma
gundi Club at her pretty home on East
Brond St.
The entire lower floor was thrown
open and the decorations very suggestive
of ynletide. Iu the reception hall were
jardilliers and vases tilled with the lnv-
liest holly thickly studded with red lier-
ries. In the'ymrlor were ferns nud pot.
plants and the dining romp presented a
beautiful appearance with it* color
scheme of red. The walls were hauked
with holly and the round table was pret
tily decorated in red. A canopy of tulle
stretching from the ohiuidelior was
| season will oontinue them.
Monday evoniug the Presbyterians
! will ooinpliment the juvenile members
of their Holiday School with a Christmas
tree at the South Newnan Public School
building. Old Santa Clause with his
i ling of toys and good things will be in
evidence and much will be done for the
pleasure of tile little folks.
Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock
the Enohrc Club will he entertained by
Miss Nnlie Lou Walton and Mrs. Do-
Witte Poole.
The Twelve Club will meet Friday af.
ternoon at, two-thirty o’clock with Mrs.
Louis Hill.
J drawn at intervals around the table and Mrs. George A. Broom, College Park,
I hey will tell you "hen, \v here, 0O iillne<l with butterfly bows of the same, announces the engagement of hordaugli-
mill bow to buy coal. .’17 'A hand-made lace center over rod on | tor, Pinkie, to Mr. Thomas Carroll
Come to us for your
Santa Claus, fruits,
nuts, etc. Smith field
Hams are lint* for
Christmas. B 1 o w
yourself for one.
The City Grocer
<3* 3*
The Euchre Club met with Mrs.
son Richards Tuesday afternoon.
A number of games of six hand were
enjoyed. Mrs Sanders Gibson winning j
the highest score received a beautiful'
china pnff box. Mrs. J. T. Fain was ,
, lucky in drawing the consolation prize, !
a dainty match holder in the shape of a j
little red boot.
Mrs. Richards oomplimeuted the club i
with a dainty hot luncheou.
; Mrs. Jack Powell and little son,
: Wyatl, returned Saturday from a de
lightful visit to relatives in Rome. Mrs. '
Powell’s friends will regret te learn that!
while there Wyatt contracted a mild i
case of scarlet fever.
Miss Edith Powel, who teaches in the I
public school at Bartow, Fla., and Miss
Mildred Powel, who is attending the
Uuiversity at. Knoxville, Tenn., wilier-1
: rive home the latter part of the week to j
spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Sutherland and j
family and Mrs. Bettie Mattox lert Sat
urday for Florida, whe<e they will
spend the winter. They were nccnin- |
pained by Mr. and Mrs. Will Mattox
and children.
Mrs. T. L. Camp, Mrs. I. T. Stanley
and Miss Maude McKoy formed a con
genial party who visited Mrs. J. R.
Sims and Miss Kate Smith iu Palmetto
last Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Cole will go down to La-
Grange.Friday afternoon to be present,
at the Mobley-Truitt reception that
evening. She will be one of the receiv
ing party.
Mrs. Loula Campaiid family, of More-
laud, moved to Newiinu last week and
are, living with her mother, Mrs. Wil
liam Leigh, on Greenville Street.
Mrs. I\ S. Bniley left this week to'
spend Christmas in Washington, the
guest of her mother, Mrs. I. B. Massey.
Dr. Bailey will joiu ner later.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hood, who have
recently moved from Grinitvillc to make
Newnan their home, are living on
Thompson Street.
Miss Clift Hollinsliead will leave the
latter part of the week for Atlanta, af
ter u delightful stay with Miss Julia
May Hackney.
Col. H. W. Dent and family, of At
lanta, will arrive Saturday to spend
Christmns, the guests of Mr. uud Mrs.
N. E. Powel.
Misses Ruth nud Christine Cole, who |
are attending Fuirinouut College iu
Washington, are at home for the holi
Mrs. H. M. Fisher and children, who
have been visiting the former's parents
in Montezuma, will arrive home Mon
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ramey and chil
dren, of Atlanta, will arrive Friday to
si>end the holidays with relatives iu the
Mrs. H. C. Fisher and Miss Emma
Potts left Tuesday afternoon for a visit
to Mrs. Riley iu New Orleans,. La.
Major W. A. Turner spent several
days in Carrollton last week, the guest
of his son, Mr. Cliff Turner.
Miss Frances Prather has returned to
Hogansville, after a pleasant visit to her
sister, Mrs. D. S. Summers.
Mr. L. J. Melson aud family, from
Atlanta, will spend the holiday *senso»
witli relatives iu the city.
Misses Bessie Powell and Katie Arnall
will leave next, ween to visit Miss. Mary
' Newton at Jackson, Ga.
Mrs. T. P. Bullard, of Palmetto, was
the receut guest of Mrs. 1. P. Bradley
and Mrs. Sam Banks.
I i
Mrs. T. S. Parrott tins returned from
a visit of several days to her sister, Mrs
Ray Lee, in Atlanta.
Miss Bessie Whatley will return this
week from Pelham, Ga ’-to spend the
holidays at home.
MissNelie Lon Walton will return
this week from a pleasant visit to friends
iu Atlanta.
Miss Martha Wright has returned
from a pleasant visit to the Misses Cocke
in Senoia.
T. W. Powel, Jr., of Alexander City,
will arrive Sunday to spend the holidays
at home.
Miss Ruth Whatley visited Miss Fay
Hodnett at Senoia several days last week.
Miss Onie Brauuou will leave next
week to visit friends iu Birmingham.
D. T. Mauget will retell home Satur
day from a business trip to Cuba.
Mrs. A. E. Caldwell is spending some
time with relatives iu Atlanta.
j Mrs. C. P. Stephens spent several days
i in Atlanta last week.
Having decided to go out of business on Jan. 15,
1907, and having already contracted for the sale
of my store, am going to close out all Christmas
goods, sundries and, in fadt, everything in the
&ore except drugs and medicines, at
This is a genuine closing-out sale of all Christ
mas goods, leather goods, lamps, china and cut
glass and everything in the line of druggist’s
sundries. Everything muSt go as soon as possi
ble, and to make the Stock go all prices have
been cut deeply.
This sale affords the people of Newnan and
Coweta county an unprecedented opportunity
for the purchase of Holiday Goods at cut prices.
Our holiday line is unsurpassed. Any person
can seledt desirable Christmas gifts here, and the
prices are the lowest ever made in Newnan.
and make your Christmas purchases from this
great Stock. Much money ’yvill be saved by
buying here now.
The Down-to-date Drug Store
Our before Christmas sale of clothing for men,
young men and boys.
This is an unusual event that places part of our great stock ,
of winter suits and overcoats at your command at money sav- ’
ing. prices. From Saturday, Dec. 15 to Dec. 25, we have de
cided to put on the market our entire stock of clothing at a
discount from 10 to 25 per cent, on each suit or overcoat. In
this stock you will liml an almost endless variety of patterns
in garments of the latest fashion and guaranteed to lit per
fectly and give you satisfaction for your money. Remember,
it is not only the style and tit of our clothing that will appeal
i to you, but excellent materials and workmanship that make
, our values unquestionably the biggest in this town. This
you can readily see if you will call and let us show you our
goods and give you some prices. We have just received a
1 new shipment Of clothing by express. Also have just re-
1 ceived a new shipment of Stetson Hats in the very latest
i styles. Give us a chance at you, and we will save you dol-
, Jars on your purchases.
Greenville Street.