Newspaper Page Text
Legal Advertisements
Ordinary’s Notices.
All persoiiR indebted to the J. T.Reese
Drug Store, or to Dr, .T. T. Reese, up to
November 1, 190(1, are hereby notified to
settle at onee with Major W. A. Turner,
or T. F. Rawls, attorney at law, ns the
With the Exchanges T
Miss Lois Johnson, who is teach-
stook of goods, etc., of the said drug j j n g a flourishing school in Sharps
nioMnpTv f^nmotn I'onufr , store wns sold on the above date to an* . • ,
GEORGIA—Coweta County. burg, was in the citv yesterday on
Mrs. M.E. Linch having applied to other party. All persons having claims * , ’ / .
the Court of Ordinary of said county for «K<dnst the ,T. T. Reese Drug Store will her wa y t0 /ac,,a t0 S P eml tlie
Letters of administration on estate „f | present them to the above named par
ties. The books will lie found in the
office of T. F. Rawls. This Nov.28, 1900.
MrR. E. J. Turner,
87 Executrix of ,T. T. Reese.
We Don’t lose Any Time
when called on to do plumbing.
If you discover a leak
Prompt Plumbing Action
is what you want. Always get us
for plumbing if you want it well
done. We don’t charge high and
arc always ready to come.
W. D. Lincli, deceased, all persons con
cerned are required to show cause in
said Court by the first Monday in Jan
uary next, if any they can, why said ap
plication should not be granted.
This Deo. 3id, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
E. E. Jackson having applied to the
Court of Ordinary of said county for the
guardianship of Willie Jackson, minor,
all persons concerned are required to
show cause in said court by the first
Monday in January next, if any they
can, why said application should not be
granted. This Deo. Itrd, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Christmss holidays with relatives.
—Griffin News and Sun,
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
G. W. Byram, adnir, of Tlios. G.Dick
son, deceased, having applied to the
Court of Ordinary of said County for
letters of dismissiou from his said trust,
ail persons concerned are required to
show oause in said Court by the first
Monday in January next, if auy they
can, why said application should not be
granted. This Deo. II, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
The New nan Plumber.
New Arnall Building.
Phone 169
Does all
kinds of
Tin Work, Roofing
Plumbing and
Expert work and low
prioes win. Shop op
posite Pinson Hotel.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
T. J. Windham having applied to the
Court of Ordinary of said county for
letters of guardianship of Callie D.3haw,
Annie May Shaw, Bessie Shaw, John
Henry Shaw and Willie T. Shaw, min
ors, all persons concerned are required
to show cause in said court by the first
Moinlay in January next, if any they
i can, why said application sliould not be
granted. This Deo. 8rd, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Z. Greene, D. D. fe?.,
Office on Second Floor of
Black Bros. Co.’s Building
L. M. Farmer,
Application for Bank Charter.
To the Hon. Philip Cook, Seorolary of
State, Atlanta, Ga.:
We, C. F, Hollborg, W. .T. Estes, W.
F. Sibloy, L. P. Brandenburg, .T. T. Ar
nall, H. L. Ware, Vindox Hand, T. W.
Cook, E. H. Estes and Lee Hand, all of
Senoia, Coweta County, Georgia, ap
plicants, ns incorporators under An Aot
of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap
proved December 20th, 1898, entitled
"An Aot to carry into effeot paragraph
eighteen of Section seven of Article three
of the Constitution of 1877, ns amended,
in relntion to chartering of bnnks, to
provide for the incorporation of hanking
companies by the Seoretary of State,and
for other purjiOReR,” make this our
declaration, praying that we he incor
porated ns a body corporate and politio
for the purpose of doing a general bank
ing business, all tho rights, pow
ers, privileges and restrictions of said
Aot, under nud by the name and style
of Bnnk of Senoia, and that the princi
pal oflloe of snid company shall be looat,-
! ed in the oity of Sonoin, oounty of Gow-
GEORGIA—Coweta County. eta, State of Georgia, with a capital
Mrs. M. S. Moore, Adinx. of estate of of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (25,-
Robert O. Moore, deceased, having np- 000.00), divided intoshnres of Fifty Dol-
plied to the Court of Ordinary of said 1 Itrs ($50,00), each, and that tho sum of
county for leave to sell the lands of said i Fifteen Thousand Dollars (.jt 15,000) of
deceased, ail (lersons concerned are re- the. capital subscribed lias actually been
quired to sho* cause in said Court by l'»'d by the subscribers and that the
the first Monday in January next, if any same is in tact held, and is to he used
they can, why said application should solely for the business and purposos of
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
The estate of Willie and Joseph J.
Morgan, of said oounty, being uuropre-
j seuted and not likely to be represented,
| all persons concerned are required to
show cause i*i the Court of Ordinary of
said County, on the first Monday in .Tan-
; uary next, why sucli guardianship of
said minors should not be vested in' the
County Guardian, This Dec. 8rd, 1900.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
not be granted. This Deo. 5th, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
. GEORGIA—Coweta County,
j In the Court of Ordinary. H. A. Boyd j
■■■ vs T. F. Rawls, Admr. of Mnrtlia Ual-
Office on Second Floor of the Arnall lard, deceased. Application to have
Merchandise Co.’s Building titles executed under bond for titles.
To the heirs at law of Martha Ballard,
the corporation.
The foe of Fifty (50.00) Dollars is
herewith enclosed ns fee for charter or
certificate of incorporation ns required
Senoia, Georgia. 5th day of Dec, 1906.
Respeotfully submitted,
C. F. Hollborg, W. J. Estes. W. F.
Sibley, L. P. Brandeuborg, J. T. Arnall,
H. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook,
Dr. C. A. Smith,
Trents all diseases of domestic animals
Calls answered day or nigtit. Office
at Gearreld’s Livery Stable.
rn , ' ' . .. ... . - ; E. II. Estes, Lee Hand, Incorporators.
1 Take notice thnt application is made
! to ooinpel the administrator of the estate yp^TE OF GEORGIA
, of Martha Ballnvd, deceased, to make ^ ' County of Coweta
; titles to land under a bond for titles ex- Bofm . e me perHOna i ly appeared O. F.
ecu ted by said Martha Ballard before Hollbergi w j BsteHi w . i<\ Sibley, L.
her death, and that I will pass upon the , p Bl , mdellbel . gt j. T . Arnall, H. L.
same at the January term, 1907, of tins War6) y i|ldex Haud( T w 0 ook, E. H.
court.. This Dec. 3rd, 1906. j Estes and Lee Hand, tho incorporators
L. A. PERDUE, )r maiy. 0 f y e n 0 ja, located in the oity of
Senoia, oounty of Coweta, and State of
! Georgia, who on oatli doposeth and suitli
! that Fifteen Thousand Dollars (15,000. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stallings will
go to Atlanta Monday to make
their home. Mr. Stallings was a
member of the firm of Stallings &
Orr, who did business in this city
several months ago.—Griffin News
and Sun.
Dr. S. B, Cousins, of Luthers-
ville, after nine ye.’.rs of faithful
service as pastor of Long Cane
church, neui Cabbettville, has ten
dered his resignation- Both the
church and community regret ex
ceedingly much to give him up.—
Christian Index.
Rev. W. R. Lambert,of IIogans-
ville, will spend the winter in
Ocala, Fla. He will not give up
his pastorate, however, but will
have his pulpit supplied during his
absence. For the present his cor
respondents will address him at
Ocala, Fla.—Christian Index.
We received a few days ago,
through the mails, a copy of the
New York Herald of Saturday,
April 15th, 1866, with an account
of the assassination of President
Abraham Lincoln. We knew the
mails were a little, slow and irregu
lar, but had no idea that they were
that bad.—Darien Gazette.
A Georgia daily prints notice
that in will not publish anonymous
communications, that all articles
must lie signed with the author’s
full name. The necessity for such
a notice denotes a peculiar state of
affairs, notan unusual state of af
fairs for it has beon a custom since
the first days of newspapers for
people who are willing to urge the
publisher into all sorts of embar
rassing situations to hide them
selves behind the word anonymous.
The public print is a great correct
or of wrongs. There is no weapon
mightier than the pencil in the
hands of a fearless man. But a
large per cent, of the men who
ought to stand out in the open for
what they believe to be right are
unwilling to take the risk, and for
a time dating back to the first news
paper publishers have been be-
seiged by anonymous writers.—
Fitzgerald Enterprise.
Wo earnest ly request all yourut persons, no matter
how limited their means or education, who wish to
obtain a thorough business training and good posi
tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate
areauaranSed. in Don'uStay. Bn V(lHtotoJay? rtUne ! To Alice Parham,defendant in the above
stated case:
You are hereby commanded to be and
appear at the next term of said court to
be held on the first Monday in March,
1907, then and there to answer the plain
tiff’s libel for divorce. I11 default tliero-
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
Mansfield Par- t Libel for Divorce
‘‘“"'vs 1 peri?r 0 Co°urt,March I °°> ° f *"• ca P ltol 8ub80ribe(1 1,118 b, ’' M ;
Alice Parham ( Term, 1907. 1
aocually paid by the subscribers, and
are guaranteed,
The Ge.-AU. Basinet, College, Macon. Gn.
“Red Star
This is the name of a do
mestic coal that will give ev
ery user perfect satisfaction.
It burns readily, leaves no
clinkers and but few ashes,
and affords the maximum
amount of heat. It is an ideal
coal for family use, or for
heating purposes when used
in any grate or coal stove.
We supply “lied Star .Jelli
co” in any quantity and fill or
ders promptly. Prices are
reasonable. "W ill appreciate
your coal orders, and
our stock will give
that the same is in fact held, and is to
be used solely for the business and pur
poses of the corporation.
Office of Secretary of State.
I, Philip Oook, Secretary of State of
tlie State of Georgia, do hereby certify
of tlie Court will proceed as to justice TJmt t)l6 aMaohed three pages of typo .
may appertain. : written and printed matter contain a
Witness the Hon. R. W. reenian, j j, rn0 Blld CO rreot oo P y of the application
Judge of said oourt, this the 89th day ot of R(Ulk of Henoia for a Charter, the
Oct. 1906. ■ ! original of wliioli is now of file in this
Oik. Superior Court Coweta Oounty. Dopartmout>
III Testimony Whereof, 1 have here-
Sale of Realty. unto sot my hand and affixed tlie seal of
my office, at the Capitol, in tho City of
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
■ By virtue of un agreement by and be
tween the heirs at law of Mrs. Martha
| L. Carter, late of said county, deceased,
(said heirs at law being all of tho uge of
twenty-one years) will be sold before tlie
I court house door in the city of Nowimn,
Georgia, on tlie first Tuesday in Jan- ™
nary, 1907, between the legal hours of
sale, to Hie highest and best bidder for For any of the ordinary diseases of the
cush, tlie following lauds belonging to skm Chamberlain's Salve is excollout
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
T. F. Rawls, admr. of estate of Mrs.
Gussie Weaver, deceased, having ap
plied to tlie Oourt. of Ordinary of said
County for letters of dismission from his
said trust, all persons concerned are re
quired to show oause in said Court by
tlie first Monday in January next, if any
they can, wiiy said application sliould
not be granted. This Doc. 7th, 1906.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary
Stores Will
Will be greatly increased if you make some of your
holiday purchases at this store. If fortune has smil
ed on you and you are sharing in the general pros
perity of the country, you will find in the elegant
and abundant lines we are offering the most invit
ing furniture and house-furnishing investments.
If this has been a lull’d year with you and you have
to carefully count the cost with every purchase, you
will be able to spend here the least money to the
best possible advantage in your Christmas shopping.
Let us show von how to make your gift money go
farthest, and buy something useful as well as orna
mental. Dozens of articles in this store’s big stock
are suitable for Christmas gifts for persons of all
ages. Take a look through this stock and see how
many nice Chrismas presents can he found.
J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor.
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds
of marble and granite.
AH work guaranteed to be first class
in every particular. Parties needing
anythin ' in our line are requested to
call, examine work and get prices.
Christmas Offerings
at Stephens’
We have an unusually large stock of good tilings
for Gliristmas, and offer the best and freshest of
everything in the grocery line. From our store
ami bakery we can supply everything desired for
the table during the holidays. The fact we wish
to impress is that no matter what the housekeep
er’s wants or needs nifty lie, it is our business to
supply them. Give or send us your orders. VV'e
make prompt deliveries, and fill all orders with
the very best in tin* store and bakery.
Especial attention is directed to our stock of
fruits, nuts and candies. We can supply every
holiday need in this line with fresh, flue stock.
Telephone No. 31.
Atlanta, this Hth flay of Deoemberjn tho
year of onr Lord One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Six and of tlie Independ
ence of the United States of America
tlie One Hundred and Thirty first.
39 Secretary of State.
the estate of Mrs. Martha L. Carter, to-
Tlie south half of lot of land, No. 72,
in the original 4th district of said coun
ty, now Panther Greek district, contain
ing one hundred', one and one quarter
(101 1-4) acres of laud, more or less;and
nineteen and one-lmlf (19' 2 ) acres of
land, more or less, off of lot of land No.
rAMDXWV i in Kai<1 district of said copty, and
NEWNAN ICE & COAL COMPANY i being tlie south half of a tract of land
Paul Smith, Manager j containing 39 acres, more or less, and ad-
Phont No. 218 joining said lot of land No. 72 aforesaid.
j This land is bounded as follows: West
—~~ 1 by Chattahoochee River, north by E. A.
It not only allays the itching and smart
ing but effects a cure. For sale by Pnn-
iston & Lee, Newnan, Ga.
Office at R. R. Junction.
Pole Scroggins, Practical Painter:
Painting is practioal work; skill wins.
It’s the same with paint making.
You know 4 gallons L. &M. mixed
with :j gallons Linseed Oil makes enough
paint for a moderate sized house—the
best paint money can buy—because tlie
L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M.
White Lead and makes tlie L. & M.
Paint wear like iron.
Buy L. & M. and don’t pay if 1.60 a
gallon for Linseed Oil, as you do in
We, the undersigned mcrchantH
of New nan,agree to close our stores
all day Tuesday, December 25th,
('hristmas day:
1*. F. Guttino & Go., II. Ar
nall Merchandise Go., D.W.Boone,
W. M. Askew, Potts & Parks, At
kinson Bros., T. G. Farmer & Go.,
W. W. Spence & Go., Orr K: Pow
ell, Bradley & Banks, Young-
Lythgoe Go., Barnett. St. John &
Go,, Stewart & Parks, H. G. (Hov
er (t Go.,New York Bargain Store,
A. 10. Brod, Black Bros. Go.,
Farmer laic. 117
I am authorized to state that the
Library will be closed Dec. 24 and
Mrs. D. B. Wood roof, Libr’n.
Sewing Machines
at Slaughtered Prices.
100 machines, guaranteed to do
good work, going at $5 each.
25 machines, good as new but
slightly defaced, going from $10
to $25 each. All drop head ma
chines. Reduced prices for cash
or on easy terms.
Singer Sewing Machine Company
M. L. DUKE, Man.
West Side Square Newnan, Georgia
Mr. 1. N. Orr, Jr's., horse, |
“Dan,” was insured on May 18,
1000, in the Atlanta Mutual Live
Stock Insurance Go. The animal
Magnetic Hair Tonic
About Digestion.
I It is not the quantity of food taken
o I he most effective hair restorer bn t the amount digested ami assimilated
Have your mules and horses in- Carter, east and south by Hutcheson ready .f or . uwi paint, but buy oil fresh J was killed on A ugust 12, 190(1,and on the market. Prevents baldness j that gives strength and vitality to tlie
sured in the Mutual Life Stock In
surance Company of Georgia. Full
face value of all policies will be
paid. For information and terms,
call on or write to J. W. Will
coxon, agent for Coweta and Gar-
roll counties, Newnan, tf
lands. Sold for distribution amongst
the heirs at law of said Mrs. Martha L
Carter, deceased. This Dec. 3rd, 1906.
from tlie barrel at 60 cents, and mix
with the L. & M.
Actual coBt L. & M. about $1.20 per
gallon. Sold by
Heir at law, and representing the re- ALBX ANDER POPE, Newnan, (4a
heirs of said Mrs. Martha L.
Carter, deceased.
Read the News for the news.
Money to loan on real estate et 7
oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
on August 151th Mr. Orr’s claim
for #247.50 was paid in full by the
above named company,
tf J. W. Willcoxon, Agent.
Have you voted?
by imparting vigor to the scalp—
cleanses it and eradicates dandruff.
Restores life and lieanty to the
• hair. Every lKittle guaranteed.
J Price 50e per bottle, at the J. T.
j Reese Drug Btore, Newnan, Ga.
system. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets invigorate tlie stomach
and liver and enable them to perforin
their functions. The resrilt is a relish
for your food, increased strength and
weight, greater endnrauce and a clear
head. Price 25 cents. Samples free.
For sale by Peuistou & Lee,Newnan,Ga.