The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 01, 1907, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I, 1907. NO. 43 Announcement of The News’ Second Big Voting Contest Given in this Week’s Issue 511 Grandchildren Survive Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Adeline Robinson died Sun day afternoon at 1:30 at the resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. .1. t’. Hornbuckle, at .">1 Daniel street. Mrs. Robinson was 85 years of age and her death was the result of a stroke of paralysis last Wednes day. Mrs. Robinson was the mother of eleven children and had fifty- one grandchildren, fifty great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. She is survived by seven children—Mrs. ,J. <’. Hornbuckel, Mrs. T. A. Bradley, Mrs. Anna Wood. Joseph Robison, William Robinson and James Rob inson.—Monday’s Atlanta Jour nal. Mrs. Robinson was a native of Coweta county and has a number of relatives now living in the county. One of her sons, William Robinson, lives near Welcome, and one of her daughters, Mrs. C. I). Wood, is a resident of Newnan. The deceased was also related to the well known Holmes family of this city. “Sweetest Girl in Dixie.” “The Sweetest Girl in Dixie” was well presented at the Hancock opera house last night. It is a pretty little drama of life in which the good triumphs and the wieked are worsted, with flashes of South ern life thrown in. The parks were well taken, the character de lineations good and the play well received.—Austin, Texas. States man, September 13, 1906. At Au ditorium, Monday night, Feb. 4th. Law Breakers Arrested. Death of Miss Hattie Ellis. Miss Hattie N. Ellis died Sun day at the home of Mrs. May me S. Johnson, in this city, after an ni nes.-, lasting but four days,her death being caused by congestion of the brain. Miss Ellis was 71 years of age. She was a teacher of art and a very- talented lady. In past years she had been connected with faculties of College Temple, Newnan, and theG. N. and 1. College in Mil- ledgeville. Mi ,i Ellis was an aunt of Messrs. T. E. Atkinson and J. It. Herring, of Newnan. She was a member of the Episcopal church The funeal and interment occurred last Mon day at Lone Oak, the service being in charge of Rev. R. F. DeBell, of Atlanta. Miss Ellis had resided in New- uan for several years, and had a studio at the residence of Mrs. Johnson, where she passed away. uNews Notes at the Postoffice. An examination for the position of clerks (male and female) and carrier (male; will be held at the postoffice in this city on Feb. 20, 1007. For application blanks,and for full information relative to the examination, qualifications, duties, salaries, vacations, promotions, etc., call at postoftice. All appli cations for examinations must Ik? returned to the Newnan postoftice by Feb. 13th. An examination for R. F. D. ap : plicants will be conducted at the postoftice here on next Saturday, Feb.2nd. Joseph E. Taylor, city carrier No. l,who is one of the most popu lar and efficient postal employes in Newnan, will resign from the ser vice at an early date. He resigns in order to devote his entire time to the study of law in the office of Hon. \V. G. Post. Gene and Matt Graham, a pair of negroes, had a difficulty with several other negroes last Satur day, out on Mr. J. \\\ Stripling’s place, a few miles east of Newnan. It seems to have been a free-for-all fight, and several negroes were cut, shot and clubbed in the me lee. Sheriff Brewster and Chief Shackletord went out Sunday and rounded up Gene and Matt and landed them in .jail. Isaiah and Rollin Dew, another team of Africans, stole some shot's from the H. C. Arnall Merchan dise Co. a lew days ago, and as a result are in trouble. They were caught with the goods on and pulled by Chief Shackleford and Policeman Fincannon. At a pre liminary hearing they were Itouml over to Superior Court, but were released under bond. In the Mayor’s court this week, Taylor Scott, a professional blind tiger operator of dusky hue, was lined #50 for working his booze graft. The alternative of 30 days looked good to Taylor, and he is now doing duty on the streets. Dr. Nunnnlly will Address Official U. D. C. Program for Farmers. February. Next o’clock deliver Tuesday morning at ten Dr. G. A. Nunnally will an address in the court house in Newnan in the interest of the Southern Cotton Association. It is probable that this will lie the lirst of a series of addresses by Dr. NTiimully, which will Ih> de livered at various points in this State. He lias been elected an of- captain at the beginning licer of the Association and tender war ? ed the position of State Organizer. Francis S. Bartow . i “I go to illustrate Georgia." Wnat was the date of the Geor gia Secession Convention, and was Francis Bartow in favor or against it? Describe the secession cock ade worn as emblematic ot senti ment. 2. Of what company was Bartow of the 3. When was he made colone Dr. Nunnally is one of Georgia’s and what regiment did he coin- most eloquent and effective orators, m:, nd? and will doubtless be greeted by 11! 4 hat great general said, as large audience here that the time is next Tuesday ten o’clock a. in. and (he place the court house. Gives Up His Office. Romemlier that gallant regiment passed be nt I fore him, "Eighth Georgia, I sa- js Mute you with my hat off?" 5 What great man said of Mar- J tow’s regiment: "To belong to the ! Eighth Georgia is glory enough?" 6 From what congressional dis- If Barnum was alive, says theI trict did the brilliant orator, Mar- Savannah Press, he would about D°w, run for Congress; who oppos- this time be on a fast train enrouteied him, and why was he defeated? to DeKalb county, Missouri, in j 7 When was Bartow a conspi- quest of Joseph Sherard, for Jos- cuous and useful member of Con- eph is one of toe wonders of the gress? world. He has distinguished him self at home and abroad bv de- Grantville. City Court Proceedings. City Court is still in session, but will probably adjourn today. Fol lowing is a summary of the cases disposed of since last week’s News was issued: State vs. Miles Phillips; carry ing pistol concealed; not guilty. Mrs. Mollie Harris vs. Joseph E. Atkinson, admr. of Mrs. Callie G. White; complaint; verdict for plaintiff in sum of #67.40 princi pal, #17.81 interest and costs. T. Drewry Ellis, M. D., vs. Jo seph E. Atkinson, admr. of Mrs. Callie G. White; complaint; ver dict for plaintiff for #123.50 prin cipal, #26.49 interest and costs. Hattie E. Williams vs. Itura R. Leigh; suit for damages; dismiss ed. Mary Tanner vs. Evan Stokes; suit on note; verdict for plaintiff for #122.50 and costs of suit. State vs. Torn Vanzant; assault and battery; guilty of assault; #25 and costs or 6 months in chain- gang. Third National Bank of Atlanta vs. J. M. Nipper; complaint; .judg ment for plaintiff for #125 princi pal. #8.30 interest and costs. Mrs. J. L. Power vs. the Queen Insurance Co. of America; com plaint; dismissed. Luther Freeman vs. General Ac cident Assurance Corporation, Limited; complaint; verdict for plaintiff for #180 principal, #9.17 ‘ interest and costs. Getting Behind Tax Dodgers. List of Jurors Serving this Week. Every newspaper in Georgia[ J.,t\ . Smith, G. W . Coggin, O. should join The Darien Gazette in S. Fincher, John Dukes, \\ . N. its war on tax dodgers. Brethren, we are right about this thing and we want your aid. Join us—Da rien Gazette. We are with you Dick Grubb. Men Hill county wil. start oil with mock, A. G. Estes, A. H. Nuunal- au assessment of values that is uni- ly, O. M. Lavender, L. R. Powell, form and something like the act- C. A. Bolton, H. ( . Glover, E. H na) value of the property. Norris, J. T. Carpenter. It is the only way to prevent ——————— discrimination, it’s the only way to A grass widow who has plenty ol equalize the tax burden.—Fitzger- the long green is seldom left at the aid Enterprize. post. Walthall, J. W. Owens, W. B. Port. J. II. Keith, G. \V. St. John, S. S. McCollum, J. R. Stamps, E. W. Cranford, L. T. Moses, J. W. Summers, S. E. Leigh, J. S. Hatn- 8. What regiments composed the brigade commanded by Francis dining to accept an office to which 1 Bartow at the battle of Manassas, he has been legally elected. The and what was his rank? returns on their tace show that Sherard was chosen county judge in DeKalb county. He defeated L. D. Fisher after a vigorous race. In fact, it would seem now that Mr. Sherard would think that it was too vigorous. Roth men claim to have run a clean race, but some sixty odd voters cast their ballots for “L. I). Williams,” who was not a candi date tor judge. There was no such man in the county and Sher ard believes that his opponent’s name was misunderstood by some who wished him elected and voted for L. D. Williams instead of L. D. Fisher. Believing this, he can not accept the office to which the j returns show he was elected. His conscience won’t let him. His majority was but forty-seven votes. If Fisher should get the Williams votes he would be judge and Sher ard would be defeated. 9. In what battle did Bartow re ceive his death wound, anti what were his last patriotic words? 10. Where is there a monument erected to his memory? 11. At what place are the Daughters of the Gontederacy over our State erecting an educa tional memorial to Francis Bartow? 12. What was Bartow county first named; when was the name changed, and why? See page 539 in Georgia Iiis torical and Industrial, Department of Agriculture, 1900-1901; Evans’ History of Georgia Changes in the A. & W. Office. P. Mr. I. T. Stanley, assistant agent of the A. & W. P. Railroad at this place during the past year, lias is-en transferred to LaGrango and the office is again under the entire Sherard has taken the matter up direction ot Mr. G. B. Barr, who with Governor Folk, by asking J has been the West Point’s popular him to appoint Fisher to office, agent here for a mini Iter of years. He thinks he has been elected. { Mr. Stanley’s successor is Mr. This is the way he sizes up the L. S. Sewell, ol Grautville, who situation; < holds the position of chief clerk in “It would have been impossible I the office. He was in the office a for me to have any peace of mind year ago, and his return to New- had I accepted an office to which I did not believe I had been hon estly elected.” The office which Sherard relin quishes pays five dollars a day while court is in session. I11 the nan is heartily welcomed by many friends. I luring the past year M r. Sewell has been engaged in I»usi- ness in Grautville, being a mem ber of the Sewell Merchandise Go. Mr. Stanley, who was transfer- course of a year Sherard would! red to LaGrange, is an excellent have received between eight hun-1 gentleman and splendid railroad dred and one thousand dollars, and I agent. The departure oi this ge- he is not a rich man. j nial gentleman and ids estimable It would be worth five dollars to; wife is greatly regretted by a large see such a man one time, though circle of friends, the shock to most of the politicians we have met might prove fatal.— Griffin News and Sun. In Memoriam. Mill’s called Saturday morning n dark gloom was thrown over the entire oummuuity, whoa the sad message was carried from one to auothnrand sent over the ’phones, ••Dr. Glower is dead." Friday, in per fect health, visit itia and ministering to the sick, with a cheerful word ora jolce for every one; feeling unusually well in the evening. About It) o’clock his wife on retiring discovered something was wrong by the dead weight of his arm, which was probably thrown across her body as (he stroke of paralysis was felt, She arose at once, lighted a lamp: ho could not speak and placed his lingers over his mouth to lot her know he was speechless. She quickly summoned l>rs. Lotson and Jones and several neighbors, who did all in their power hut without avail. At !l:la o’clock Saturday morn ing his noble spirit took its (light up ward; ami about the time he usually came down stairs to attend to his daily atl'airs, Ins body, prepared by loving hands lor burial, wu.s brought clown and placed in ns casket'. l)r. <i. W. Glower was horn in Mori- wet her county oh years ago. Mis par ents moved to Grautville when he was a lad. In early life he was united in mar riage to Miss .Josephine Lambert. Their union, while happy, was of short dura tion, ns slm lived but a few yeuis. lie was afterwards married to Miss Galliu Bellamy, wlm survives him. lie was a limn of public spirit. The interests of his town and community were dear to him as his own. Me ably represented Coweta county for two years in the Georgia Legislature. Al ways deeply interested in our was mainly through his oft'orts that wo now have our publio school system, of wllioli he was elected a member of tile Board of Trustees as well as Secretary and Treasurer. He was a consistent member ot the Methodist oliuroli; loved bis pastor and gave bis medical services in the pastor’s family free of charge. To have the preachers of his own uml other denominations in his home was his delight. No home was too lowly for him to en ter at the call of professional duty. Poor iuinilicH where ho expected 110 pay, were given good medical attention. Day uf • tor day. night after night, he ministered to the sick; ricli and poor, white mid black, all receiving the same attention. Now he will hoar and understand the meaning of the words; “In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done It unto me.” At I0:!l() o'clock Sunday morning, 11s the hell was tolling the number of his years and Mrs. Glenn Arnold was ren dering the Mineral march, the sad pro cession entered the Methodist church, the Masons bearing the remains of their beloved brother, who for several years had been Worshipful Muster and sup- ported and stood tiy all that, the word Mason means. The Odd Fellows also honored the (lend by joining the proces sion. Every sent ill the church wus tilled, a large number standing in the aisles. The gallery was filled with All assembled to hIiow their respect and love to the dead. The fun eral sermon was preached by Rev. A. H. S. Hugg, from the text, “Boast not thy self of tomorrow.” Beautifully worded tributes were paid to his memory by Rev. A. H. 8. Bugg, Hon. 8. E, Leigh and Hon. W. A. Post. A large proces sion of friends followed the remains to their last resting place, where lie was buried witii Masonic honors. He leaves a wife and six children: Dr. T. Y. Glower, of Atlanta; Robert H. Glower, OfNewtm.’i; Misses Mary and Snllie Parker Glower, Willie and George Pierce Glower. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Joe Brown, Newnan; Pat Carmichael,More land; F. T. Moachnm, T. M. Let son, W. A. Bohannon and T. M. Zellnrs. The floral tributes were extremely beautiful. Among the loveliest were: Pillow of white hyacinths, presented Ly the ladies of the town; calla lilies and asparagus, from Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith. Atlanta; cross of pink roses from Mrs. 8. IS. Leigh; anchor of piirtuu violets and white hyacinths from Mrs. Prof. F. P. Johnson Will Leave Newnan. Prof. F. P. Johnson, Huperin tendeut of the Southern School of Telegraphy since its establishment, in this city several years ago, will leave Newnan about Feb. 1st for Atlanta. He goes there to take charge of the telegraphy depart meat of the Southern Shorthand and Business University. ’Phis department is u new one in this school and Prof. Johnson will have charge of it from the beginning. Prof. Johnson is tin experienced telegrapher and mil road agent, having seen many years of actual service in the empty of Georgia, railroads, and he hits done some splendid work in the Southern School of Telegraphy. Prof. John son’s family will remain in New unit and he will make weekly trips to this city,spending Sunday here. Prof. Johnson’s successor has not yet been secured by the Preai dent and Proprietor of the South ern School of Telegraphy, Prof. II. M. Hopple. He is seeking a thoroughly competent man for the position and will place only an ex pert in Litis position in the school. Edgar Stephens Will “Go on the Road.” Edgar Stephens, one of the best known and most populur young business men in Newnan and a member of the firm of <!. I*. Steph ens & Go., lias accepted a position with Swift A Go. and will travel for that concern. Atlanta will fm his headquarters, and he will lie- gin this new line of business Felt. 1st. Mr. Stephens lias won an envi ! able place in Newnan business cir cles by it is energy, business capa city and strict integrity, and his numerous friends regret that he will not continue in business here. However, he retains an interest in the business of G. I*. ,Stephens A Go. and it is hoped that this con nection and the strong ties that bind him to Newnan will finally draw Mr. Stephens back to this city. and devoted Superintendent. Second: The community a good friend and neighbor; the town a good citizen; and the home a lov ing husband and father. We commend Liu; grief stricken family to the Blessed Christ who does all things for the I test, and who is is able to raise the dead to life again. Though afflictions will | Hmith, Mr. and MrsAJ. P. Glow- come, and oftentimes seem hard U The Sunday school at GhapeJ has recently been upon to give up its much loved Superintendent, S. F. Jackson, who served the school faithfully for several years. - ■■ 1 , « • . ,1 it, I er and Miss J.otutine C. White; sheaf Brother lock-son ini„od ihi. iiur, come, and oftentimes seem hard lot mum 1 iiacKSOU joinetl toe Lap- I of wheat from the boys; basket of pink tist church and was baptized at » yot we should always look '<* I roses and ferns from T. E. Zellurs, Mr. the earl y age of fifteen years. Most ^* ,n w ^° S1 ‘id, “I will never leave | uml Mrs. T. m Zellars; wreath of white thee nor forsake thee.” Read and adopted Jan. 27. 1907 Newnan papers and Ghristian In dex requested to publish same. Rev. J. E. I). Taylor, Mrs. Jennie < 'ole, say: trust God, and labor for Him, un til you meet your loved one in the bright land beyond the skies. Newnun, wan in was in Newnan of his life was spent in Newnan, and a large portion of it among the mill people. He was a mem Iter of the Chapel for several years, but three or four years ago he moved his membership back to the Cen tral Church, where he was former ly a member, and remained a mem- iter of that church till he died. I,- , runny actions ol some people are Lett Resolved, First: That the 1 due their lack of the sense of Sunday school has lost a faithful 1 hum a . Mrs.J. H. Summers. < 'oinmittee roses from Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Brannon, Mr Abner Gamp, of More land; wreath of white roses from D. T. Maiige.c, of Newnan. The funeral services were attended by a large number of friends and relatives from Atlanta, LaGrange, Greenville, L 8. Sewell, of Grautville Friday. Hon. W. A. Post Tuesday. ft. H. Glower and family, of Newnan, and Mrs. J. H. Bryant, of LaGrange, are at the home of Mrs. (J. VV. Glower. mrs. ,J. L,Bellamy, of Atlantu, spent a day or two in Grautville. E. L. Bryant und wife, of LaGrange were guests of L. P. Bryant and wife Sunday and Monday. It. F. Brannon and wife, of Moreland, and It. J. White and wife, of Mountville, spent Sunday with J. T. White and wife. Miss Nellie Brown, of Newnan, was the guest a few days last week of Misses Bessie Bolmnnon and Ella Dean. Miss Gertie Post spent Thursday in Newnan. !Satn Johnson has returned home to Norcross from a visit to his sis ter, Mrs. J. F. Letsou. John Gill, of Atlanta, was the guest Thursday of W. I). Gill. Hubert Meacham and wife, of Hogansvilie, were guests Wednes day of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Meach am. Mrs. Martha McClure is visiting iter daughter, Mrs. Nina Couch, of Moreland. Prof. S. P. Me Elroy was in At Junta Saturday, Mrs. W . G. Sadler.,pent a few days last week with Mrs. It. O. Jones in Newnan. Misses Lucile Banks, Tommie G. Newnan, Moreland. St Marks and other! W hite and Annie Jean Gulbreath 1,1 aces j were in Moreland Thursday. To the bereaved family we extend our | sympathy; and while it seems hard,that I ... . , ■ , . ... 1 Women aren’t going to enjoy one so useful, in the prune ot life, was I . . ... 7, n .. •' ■’ taken from n,. on, win, will be sorely j heaven so iiiueh tl they can’t wear missed by tne entire community, we I a pink kimona once in a while.