The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 01, 1907, Image 4

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Greenville St. Neighborhood Club. .Mr. and Mr*. P. B. Murplmy enter- Mr J. P. Bradley spent several days in the eitv this week. Complimentary to Miss Frederick. Mins Virginia Freeman began the week's Koeinl pleasnre with n lovi lv en tertainment Monday availing, for Miss p ,s Bn hdnn Frcdarick, of Mnishallville, who \|, aud Mrs DeWitto Poole, Misses I ns been the admired pin-st of Mrs Sum Julia May Hackney, Nellie Lou Walton, Banks. JOnta Brannon and Messrs. Bob Orr, Miss Freeman received her guests in ydeveltind Orr, and Pierce DePass. her usual cordial manner and the even- — Wl "* thoroughly enjoyed Ada- Sewing Club. Iiglilful luncheon ot two courses was served buffet iii the parlor anil sitting! The Sewing Club had a pleasant meet- room Ten couples wen present, . mg with Mias Eddie North Friday af ternoon. Wimple refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Frances and Mae Herring, Nolle Rus sell, Ysahol Salhide, Martha Wright, Christine Arnold, Sarah Buchanan, Eve lyn Martin, Lida Brown, Marie I»ong and Mrs. Paul Smith. tamed the Greenville Street Neighbor-1 Mrs. D. L Adams lies returned to hor hood Huh Friday evening. home in West Point after a pleasant vis- Heveral hours iiassed most pleasantly it to relatives in the city, while playing Bridge. Afterwards the j Mrs _ K . C . Prather and children. Olive guests were served wit ha delie.ious lunch- | anrl c< of Hogansville, visited Mrs. cm of two courses. Those present were: . Jy s Summors , nst W( , ek Mr. and Mis II. If. North, Mr, and Mrs. j Mr and Mrs B. O. Jones,! Mr. Preston Hill, of Atlanta, visited the The four Bridge Club. Miss Onie Brannon interlnltied laidge Club Tuesday afternoon, game was played prtigiesBivelv at table-. Mrs. Greene making the highest score was presented a beautiful water- < olor picture, the clever work hostess Miss Nettie Orr drew I eolation, a dainty piece ot The booby fell to Mrs. P. IS. Muiphey, a taiautifnl Japanese ten kettle. The next meeting will ho with Mrs. .1 S. Gibson. ot Mrs. B II. North was hostess of the tlm Twelve Club Friday afternoon at her the eon protty cottage on Greenville St. After statuary i several games of dominoes, a most de lightful luncheon was served buffet in the dining room. Wcdiitiday Afternoon Club. Miss Evelyn Martin was hostess Tues day afternoon of the Wednesday After noon (Huh complimentary to Miss Mar- ilia Hill, of Greenville, the guest of Miss Surali Buchanan. There were no primes given. After the game a delight ful luncheon was served Those present were: Misses Nolle Rus sell, Martha Wright, Lida Brown, Chris tine Arnold, May Herring, Fiances Ihrnng, Eddy North, Sarah Hu.diiiiiiiii, Martha Hill, Ysnlinl Salhide and Mrs. Paul Smith. The "Twelve." Mrs. Mike Powell entertained the Twelve most pleasantly Thursday af ternoon. After several games of dominoes, a very tempting luncheon was served in the dining room. The members of the i lull are: Mesdaines Mike Powol, T. M. (ioodrutn, .1. T. Kirby, N. E Powell, Louis Hill, If. O. Jones. F. B. Colo, H. II. North, Annie E. (h-r and Miss May < 'umpbell. Miss Edna Frederick returned the llrst, nt the week to Marslmllville. after a Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Parks entertained several couples nt a delightful six o’clock dinner Saturday evening in honor of Miss Ada Williams and Mr. (Mill Do zier. Miss < >iiifi Brannon siamt several days in Gruntville last week. Mrs. Z. Greene will leave next, week fora visit to Mrs. Woodyard, at La Grange Mrs. Roy Cole left last week for a vis it of some length to Atlanta. Mrs. Uallahur and Mrs. Ed McKen zie, of Montezuma, are expected the latter part, of the week to visit Mrs. II M. Fisher. relatives in the city this week. Mrs Irving Walker is visiting in At lanta. Miss Ethel Ashford left Thursday af ter being delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E K Dent. Mrs. H. H. North spent Tuesday ill Atlanta. Mr. Olin Dozier, of Columbus, spent the week end with friends in Newnan. Misses Nona Cotter and Marie Long have returned from a very pleasant visit to friends in Senoia. Miss Ada Williams, of Atlanta, spent severnl days with her sister, Mrs. Byrd Parks, this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. f^uillian have re turned from a pleasant visit, to their daughter, Mrs. Harry Cleveland, at Elbertou. Mr. Carl Pickett, of Atlanta, was the guest of friends in the city Sumlny. Mr. C C. Parrott left Wednesday on a short trip to Philadelphia. Mr. Jon-Hall, of Jackson, visited friends in the city Sunday. Miss Virginia Freeman returned Fri day from a delightful visit to Miss Lu cy Beck at Griflln. Palmetto. Kate Snead, Messrs. J. Joe Wall, of Jackson, at dinner Sun- M. lentil. Mrs. II. C. Fisher and Mrs. II. Fisher spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mi. Robert Orr spent several days in ('lUTollton last week. Miss Sarah Huchaimn has as her guest licit visit to Mr. end Mrs Sam Hanks. Miss Maltha Hill, ot (Ireenvil ; .... G. ADAMS The City Grocer ..Use.. Common Sense Why pay 80c per pound for Candy? We sell Lowneys at 60c. Its as good as they make. We have the exclusive agency for Lowneys Chocolates in packages and bulk. ADAMS The City Grocer Things Good to Eat. THE “1” PHONE y | m One of the most delightful affairs of tin-season was the “Tacky Masquerade” given by Mr. and Mrs. Duurd Bullard outlie 24th. The following young la dies, in their quaint costumes, were a Miss Susie Burr leaves Thursday for j charming addition to the personnel of a visit to relatives at New Orleans. the party: Misses Emuiic Terry Snead, Louise Beckman, Mary Johnson. Lutio Miss Katie Arnold entertained Miss, , „ . . , u , Golighlv, Ethel Smith, Jack Smith, A. Simmons mid | • ’ Luoile Condor, Mary Condor, Mis. L. , P. Bullard. Miss Louise Beckman was awarded the prize for tho most perfect Mrs. T. S. Bailey spent Friday in At- representation of the "village spinster.” Mr. mill Mrs. R. 0. Bachelor enter tained at dominos oil Inst. Friday at their home, on Church St. Those pres ent were:' Miss Louise Beckman and Hugh Johnson, Miss Emmie Terry Snead mid Percy Clark. Dr. and Mrs. T. P Bullard. Mes Mary Johnson with Mr Hcrnimi Johnson, Mr. mid Mrs. H. C. GLOVER & COMPANY. Interesting Matting News ssSt snS' ^ >2* "SU WE’VE just received a rush shipment of Mattings and are now prepared to give you almost anything you want in the Matting line. See them—the prices we name mean good values and should interest everyone— “25 to 40c yard. M We are also showing some very attrac tive things in the way of Rugs, Art Squares and Lace Curtains. Now is the time to beautify your home. See this Department before the stock is broken. ** Come or Phone 111 «• H. C. GLOVER & COMPANY. Duurd Bullard. Mrs. Hugh Orr and Muster Dawson Orr, of Washington, D. O., are visiting Mrs. T. P. Zollnis on Charcb Street. Edgar Walthall, of New York City, ut one time n citizen of Palmetto,visited his sister, Mrs. AlbertBritt-iau, recently. Miss Burney Steed, of Atlanta, is! visiting Mrs. Mary Steed on Main St. Mis. Dtinrd Bullard will leave soon ; for nil extended visit to her old home in j I Macon. Percy Clark, the assistant cashier of I the Palmetto Bank, left Monday for ! Dallas, to assume the place ot cashier of | the bunk at that place. Mrs. Clark, Ills | mother, will remain at the St. Elmo | Hotel until spring. Clyde Givens and wife, of LaGrange, | are visiting relatives in town Miss Annie Gene Gulbreatli is the) guest of friends in Alabama. G. Williams and wife announce the j birth of a son. - Gene Call)]), of Riverton, spent Snt.ur- doy and Sunday with his daughter,Mrs. Yodder Steed. Howard Johnson, one of the most ef ficient young clerks in the civil service, | ! spent several days nr home this week, j Misses I’allie Abrams and Lutie j Golightly spent Tuesday with friends in j ! Atlanta. J. B. Daniel and bride, of Texas, are visiting E. B. Daniel and family. ■ Miss Jimmie Cole is visiting friends! in Turin. Miss Susie Barr, of Newnan, spent the week-end with Miss Bird Stitli, on ; Toombs Street. Mesdames Sam Faver, A. B. Cares and Tom Camp,of Newnan. were recent visitors to Mrs. Casper Smith. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION (IN: INE PLOTHING. Coweta’s School Fund. State School Commissioner W. B. Merritt and his assistants have completed the apportionment of the 19o7 school fund to the vari ous counties of the State. The basis of this year’s appor- 1 tionment is $$.5R per pupil of : school age, according to the last school census, which is 12 cents more per pupil than last year, and by .just that much the largest ap portionment ever made. Coweta’s part of the school fund amounts to $15,817.56. This amount dot's not include the sum apportioned to the city of Newnan. This sum will be announced later. Money to loan on real estate at S per During the month of February you can buy any Suit or Overcoat in our stock at a great re duction. This gives you not only selec tion from the most complete stock of Men’s Fine Ciothes in the city, but choice of the finest and best made cloth ing to be had any where. We must have room—our new Spring lines are now in transit and we must make room. It is your gain and our loss but it will finally be our gain as well, for it enables us to begin next season with an entire New Stock. It’s the wise man who takes ad vantage of these timely reductions and supplies not only his present wants but future needs as well. Barnett, St. John & Company Greenville Street.