The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 01, 1907, Image 5
Successful Potato Growing Depends upon the KIND of Seed. Buist’s Seed Potatoes have made good ymir after year un til we are convinced that there are no better seed. Others evi dently think so too as our grow ing trade shows. The first cost of Buist’s Pota toes is somewhat greater than the nameless brands of the market, yet the certainty of re sults and the abundance of crop makes the difference a wise in vestment. The name Buist on the barrel insures your getting the best Eastern seed. It has been proven times without number that Western potatoes will not produce in the South while Eastern grown seed are perfectly adapted to soil and climate. Buist’s pota toes are grown in the extreme northeast portion of the coun try—in PrinceEdward’s Island, Nova Scotia and Maine by ex parts in potato culture. This explains the remarkable success of these seed in our section. The following brandsure now on sale and we hope t > have your orders l'«r t he same. Bliss Triumph, 75c peck Beauty of Hebron, 75c peck Houlton Early Rose, 75c peck Snowflake, 75c peck.. (.Note) The Snowflake potato has become our leading variety. It is white Boshed and mealy, conies as enriy as any and is of good si/e and shape. Each trial makes a new customer. Let, us supply your Garden Seijd. We packet our seed from hulk, give you perfectly fresh seed, extra quantity and the finest variet H-. HOLT & CATES Local News of Newnan I AUDITORIUM MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 4TH "The Sweetest Girl - In Dixie” - A pretty drama of Southern life, in which good triumphs and wickedness is worsted. Presented hy n sclent compa ny of dramatic artists, this beautiful play delights all classes of people. Tickets on sale at BRADLEY S DRUG STORE. To the Public. You are warned not to give em ployment to my minor son, Tom Broom head, alias Clarke. .Jan. 51, 1907. Kate Broom head. 4<> 4 Successful Planting Requires good seed first of all. We have them,—the kind that will grow. A large assortment of garden and dower Seefl, in package and in bulk. Peniston&Lee Druggists. Mrs. C. H. Hall and daughter, Kate, of.fnda, Wisconsin, arrived last week to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hall, of Second district. Vote in the News’ teachers’ con test. Two handsome prizes will be given to lady teachers of this county. Miss Lula McMichael, of Atlan ta, is visiting her brother, J. L. j McMichael, and family and oth«ir relatives, in this county. Alabustinc sanitary wall coat ing, all shades, at Reese Drug Co. j Mrs. F. If. lvlingenberger, of Atlanta, is visiting her brother, i E. B. McMichael, her mother and other relatives and friends in this county. FOR RENT—Extra two horse farm. Apply to M. G. Keith, tf FOUND—White heifer about 2 years old, at my place one and a half miles east of Newnan. Call on Wai. Parks, Col. Bread sales continue heavy. Why? Because it is Sehlesiuger’s, the best 5c loaf bread in Newnan. I Adams. ’Phone 1. j FOR SALE.—Two-horse farm three miles from Newnan is for rent for standing rent or on halves. Apply to H. M. Arnold, City. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salbide Bldg. tf The Newnan Ministerial Asso ciation will meet at the usual time and place Monday, Feb. 4th, 1907. Have you tried our Pitted Cher ries and Preserved Strawberries? If no . why not? Adams. ’Phone 1. Mr. .1. A. Brook, of Carroll county, a gentleman well known in Coweta, was a visitor to Newnan last Tuesday. New lot weather thermometers, all kinds, at Reese Drug Co. R. 11. Ware, Esq., made a busi ness trip to Gridin and other points down that way this week. A large 50-gallon oil tank for sale cheap, at Reese Drug Co. Deviled Crabs with shells, ■Shrimp, Imported Smoked Sar dines, Marisehiuot herries. A dams ’Phone I. At the First Methodist Church on Sunday morning Dr. Quillian will preach. In the evening at 7 o’clock Dr. J. B. Robins, tlie Pre siding Elder, will preach. The first Quarterly Conference for the | year will lie held on Monday. L. R. Powell pays the highest prices for hides. tf The big double contest is on. i Six valuable prizes will lie given away by the News. Read about it in the big ad. in this week’s papei / . LOST—Last Saturday afternoon a ring set with two rubies. Re ward if returned to No. GO Wesley Street. Miss Maggie Summers, of Atlan ta, was the guest from Saturday until Monday of her father, Mr. J. II. Summers, and family. May we add to your order some Cut Loaf and Pulverized Sugar? ’Phone I. Mrs. Mattie Thomas returns to Union Springs, Alabama, today, after visiting Newnan relatives for some time. Two boys and two girls ol’Cow eta county are offered the oppor tunity to win two fine bicycles and and two beautiful gold watches. Read about this matter in the ad vertisement printed elsewhere in j this week’s News. “Buckwheat Flour” and Wes son Salad Oil? Yes, we snail send them right out. Adams. Phone j 1. School supplies—pencil anil ink tablets, composition nooks and ex amination paper, at Reese Drug : Co. ‘ We carry all the late magazines and periodicals on our newsstand. tf Peniston & Lee. Boys, do you want to own a fine bicycle or a splendid gold watch? Read in' this week’s News how you can win a watch or wheel without investing a dollar of mon ey. and in addition earn some hard cash while you are winning an elegant prize. The same proposi tion is made to girls. When in need of a messenger, 'phone 1. It's 5c per trip. For prescriptions or medicine after 10 p. m.. call phone 41. Reese Drug Co.. Seroggin Furniture Co. can save you 20 to 50 per cent, on furni ture on special orders. Our mail order department is complete, 'fry us on a fine piece. tf Yes. 1 have Curtis Bros. Boned Chicken. Adams. ’Phone!. Mrs. S. L. Faver was in Atlanta last Wednesday. Mr. Frank L. Stevens has re-1 turnedrl.ioin a business trip to New York City. Garden, Held and flower seed, new crop ,just[ arrived, at Reese Drug Co. Miss Maie Campbell is visiting friends in Atlanta. D. W. Boone is in New York City, on a business triy. “Petit Pois” French Peas. A Dainty Dish. Adams. ’Phone I. Mrs. L. M.Simril, of LaGrange, is visiting Newnan relatives. Mr. Pierce Del’ass left Wednes day night for Williston, Fla., hav ing been called there by the death of his father. Picture frames at Seroggin Fur niture Co.’s give satisfaction. We make a specialty of frames. tf FOR RENT'—Furnished rooms in the Sanatorium Building. Ap ply to Dr. I'. B. Davis, City. 21 FOR RENT'—Two new, well lighted office rooms. Apply at the store of Atkinson Bros. 2L .lodge R. W. Freeman will go to Buchanan next Tuesday to preside for .lodge Price Edwards in Har alson Superior Court in the hear 'ingot some eases in which .lodge Edwards is disqualified. For Break last: Form, Egg-O-See, Puffed Rice, Cream of Wheat, Shredded Whole Wheat, Pawnee Oats. Found at Adams. ’Phone I. Sideboards? Yes, we have them. Call and see some beauties. tf Seroggin Furniture Co. You remember the ladies who were here selling “Plantene,” the j new shortening. We have it in stock now. ’Phone us your orders, i Adams. The News is requested to an nounce that members of the “St. Cecilian Chorus” who ordered music for the dub’s course of study can get same Saturday morn ing by calling at the residence of Mrs. Michael Powell. Mrs. S. L. Faver and Mrs. T. L. Cam]) visited relatives in Pal metto last Tuesday. That cannot bo impressed too strongly upon wnroli owners. 'J’liis is it: A watch should re ceive the attention of unp repair department at least once a year, There may appear to he nothing particularly wrong with it. still a cleaning and overhauling at feast once a year would lengthen the life of the watch wonderfully. It is asking too much of a watch to expect it to keep true to ns du ties if it is hampered more and more hy slowly accumulating dust and dirt. Besides, this taxes the delicate mechanism to excess, and certain ly shortens the life of a watch. A cleaning and a little oil in the right places will work wonders. Frank 1 Flannery Heating Stoves 20 cent DISCOUNT A mild January left us over stocked on Heating Stoves. We are offering our entire stock of Heaters at 20 per cent discount to make room for Spring Goods. These stoves will cost us 40 per cent more next fall, but we need space, and will save you 40 per cent if you buy now for next winter. Remember February is our most severe month and one of our stoves will make a home out of any house. NEWNAN HARDWARE CO H Greenville st. Phone 148. Judge \V. U. Ilodnotlwas down! The Bible Circle of the first from Carrollton yesterday. Baptist church will meet next Fresh garden. Held and llower! Wwhuuday afternoon at the resi- seed, bulk and packages, at Reese 1 ,le,,<:u of MrH * A ' 1 >rug < 'o. Fine stationery, Reese I >rug < 'o. all styles, at Messrs. .1. II. and R. E. Minims were in Atlanta last Tuesday. For your health’s sake use Graham and \\ hole Wheat Flour. Adams sells it. ’Phone 1. “The Sweetest Girl in Dixie” is an excellent vehicle for a talented company, presenting as it does, a pretty Southern romance.—Hous ton, Texas, Post, September 25, 190i>. At Auditorium, Monday night, Feb. 4th. Mr, Rev. W. S. Gaines’ Appoint ments. Rev. \V. S. Gaines will be at .tones’ Chapel next Saturday and Sunday morning. Quarterly meet ing will lie conducted and Presid ing Elder .1. I!. Robins will occupy the pulpit. Sunday night Mr. Gaines will preach at Love,joy Memorial church in this city. Dodson. Onr Sunday school at Macedonia Ims been changed to moot in the utli-moon about *4:50 o’clock except on second Sun days w'e will incut before I he regular .Miss Emma Stephens and Guy A nbrey and Miss Nellie Byrd 11)r ' , * ol,i,,K l,onr - , ‘ , | ■ , I, . | J here was a singing at Ke.v. 10. I\ < and Mr. Hugh Hammond were j ter , s Sun(lHy , |iftllt> married at Franklin last Sunday Quite a large crowd witnessed the marriage of Mr. Charlie. King and Miss A1 ate Hyde which took place last Sun day afternoon at the home of the bride's mother. Rev. W. W Hoop performed the ceremony. After writing insurance for several months, Mr. .1 S. Cnrmieal is trying the farm again. Mrs. It. C. King, of < .'ol u in bus is veil ing relatives in Koseno, A dog which was suppos'd to Is mad was in the community on the night ot 4)hd hist. There wiil he a singing at Macedonia next Sundn v p. tn. Next Saturday and Sunday are the regular meeting days .it, Liberty. Mrs. Haines, of Atlanta, spent a part Hannah will occupy Ins pulpit in j , )f lttat WW!li Wlth lier hiHl01 . t lr , T . F. this city ncxtSunday morning and Jones, evening. The public is cordially j The pound supper which was at the invited to attend both services. of Mr - ‘hawford lust Saturday night was much enjoyed by those pres- Gladden .James, a memb<*r of the out. Home interesting music was f'ur- Mabel Paige Company, started a on the gaphophone hy Mr. J. O. Reid. afternoon by ’Squire Jack Owens- by It was a runaway affair. Mr. Hammond was formerly employed in Peniston’s drug store in this city. I Date of the installation of Rev. ,1. E. Hannah as pastor of Ihel Presbyterian church Inis been ! changed from the second to the fourth Sunday in this month. T he 'change of date was found neees- j sar,\ because of the pastor’s up pointment to preach at Turin on the second Sunday. Rev. Mr. principles. j "Compared with the,fight I she. * 1 * * b * & j make after niy inauguration iient June, the recent gubernatori I campaign will seem like a sweet May shower beside a hurricane," i he said. He then pledged himself tn three great reforms, reduction of freight and passenger rales, nv- jority rule in elections and the elimination of money and coipm, lion influences from legislative halls. On these three points he urn- clear and to the point. In eo- densed form the reforms he wii fight for are as follows: A 2,000 mile interchangeable book, goorl for any presenting it, and uniform 2 cent fare. A majority vote to elect cam • dates instead of I he plurality rule as now. Shortening the time between the election and inauguration of candidates. Taking these three matters a.? his text, lie elaborated at l -ngtl' bringing frtqu til and hearty ;.p Lorn his hearers. He laid particular stress upon tlv: comii _ session of the legi-latore, and s c I that upon them lay fh<* burden of inaugurating many of there ( oiniu He .1.110 that II i In rui mission did not do what. ’In ] ■. pic wanted them to loth;;’ tf' legislature should p. -s o law gi- • ing authority to remove the;.i from office. He said n w u: i [cause him no embarrassment t do it. -Atlanta Georgian. Miss Hattie Sewell is teaching the school at Roscoe. An entertainment, was given by Miss Annie Newton last Thursday night. j small fil e in a dressing room at the Auditorium last Wednesday after noon by overturning an oil stove. I Some of the contents of his trunk were damaged, his loss amounting to about #25. The Mabel Paige Company was here for three nights and amatinee thelirstof this week. , Before the Atlanta post of the It is an excellent company and j Travelers’ Protective Association, pleased theatre goers. Miss'in the Piedrrjorit hotel Saturday Paige’s aeting was especially pleas-j evening, Governor-elect Hoke ing. I Smith renewed and reasserted his Hoke Smith Renews Pledges. Panama Canal Erie Canal. Machinery in digging the Paimnia < h> nal a thousand times quicker than r 1 ' shovel dug the Erie. Machinery produces the L. A V i Paint at .">0 timee less rest 1’or labor.) I it made by hand. The L. & M. giv'-s the best job in tl world, because L. & M. /inc harden.-, 5 & M. White Lend and makes I A V Paint wear like iron for 10 to K, y -m> It only requires -1 gallons of this e l ■ brated paint and 5 gallons of Linseed < n! at BO cents per gallon, to paint a mode • ate sized house. If any defect exists iu L. & M Paint, will repaint house for nothing. ALEXANDER POPE sells L. & v.. Paints in pints and quarts at, half-gallon price.