Newspaper Page Text
We ink** tliis iiumIukI ol itniioitiiciim tu our former
put mils mill IimmmIs time oil •Inti l-t Hi<imip*(I out
Iiiii* o| business mid Imvi* i*|i'*ii• •• I 111» in "ti-vvort A’
|’miK- old -1'11111 n complete Inn* "I llrv (J'i'iils. etc
\ irnitfl'til to mir nmn Irioinls lor
tliiMi' kind mid generous pntroiiiiiri* wil l'* m tin* biiliry
(tioi'crv business Our enlist.ilit iimii ilinl desire wns
to please uni customers mid give them the li«*st serviee
mid the Iic-t oimils IIIissihle nt h rens*il|;ih|e prntit mid
inn eiideiivnis in tin 1 inline n- n the past Will In* to
servo yon promptly mid give yo|| fin- best ' dm*- to lie
hud. mid would iippreeinte n shore ol’your pm lounge.
\\ .. |n\e recently piireliimed tin stork- ol ffnoils
lielmiojiijr io Stewnr1 A I’urks mid the Black Bros. < o..
Consisting ol dress goods. laces, cinbroideries, dress
-kirt'. Indies rendv-to-wem iformellts, Inn shoes, no
tions. eloihinir. etc. mid lime eommeined tilling in
these two -toi ks mid will ndd from tune to time tint iI
it is one ol the most eomplete in theeity These trends
were liontrht nt H discount tJierelore we ■ * re in ;i posi-
tion to jrive the trading pnhlie vnlnes thut eoiinot he
dnpl iented elsewhere. AI lei combining tlie>e.t,\\o
storks \\e liinl tlmt mil clotllillif "t• »«‘U. sline- hosiery ,
embroidery. luces mid nil winter goods need reducing.
Collie ninl Iniv these (foods nt extremely low prices.
We hove some speciul values in Hosiery. Iradios,
Childrens' anil Misses Hose IS and 21k quality, our
price while they lust, 10c.
Special attention is directed to our
lar«e lines of Clothing and Shoes. Ev
erything in these lines is priced low.
C. P. Stephens & Co
5 Greenville Street.
NN «■ have the Kxrlimivc Agency in Nettinii. t* r
‘01 ICKN <jl AI.LTV" SlItlKs
Mr-. Phillips, from Carroll, visited
Mrs. Belle .tones last Saturday and Sun
Mrs. R. B. Fnyton visited tier sister
at Sargent last Sunday.
Mrs. Martin, or Moreland, who has
been spending several weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. .Tim Askew, returned
home last Sundav.
.fesse, little son of Tom Medaris and
wife, lias been quite sick.
Walter Hendrix came down from Sar
gent and spent last Saturday night and
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Homer
Will Cash moved with his family to
Temple ln-t Monday.
William Bryant, who was an old sol
dier and got a wound on one of his low
er limbs, is suffering very niueli lately 1
and is entirely unable to work. It would
be very kind of the people of Newnun to
* see after him fill he gets better.
Miss Ada Hull, of Carrollton, visited
friends here lust Saturday night and
Robert Bishop Ims been on the sick
1 list several days.
Arthur Real roe, who had been em
ployed here in the mill, went hack to
j ('arrolltoii Iasi week.
Miss May Norris was down from Car-
k rollton last Sunday, visiting friends.
! Miss Mary MoUehee wns out of tlm
mill sick a few days the past week.
Messrs T. 0. Mitchell and .1 H. Mar
tin, from I’orterdale, visitin'. Boh Mitch-
jell and Charlie Mm tin, recently.
Mr*. (lid Brook has been sick several
Several of our people went down to
Griiiitvilh* lust Sunday to attend the
tuaeral service of Dr. flower.
Willie Molilei was (piite sick for sev
eral days la*t week.
T. M Thomas moved with his family
lo tlm eouatrv last Monday .
I l{. Crow anil wile returned from a
visit lo relatives in Guilin Iasi Sundav.
l.ittle Joe I'urker, who was so ill at
our last writing, is lunch better
,1.11. Brook, an old resident of New-
nan hut who has lieen tanking Ins home
in Carroll county since Christnms, is
visiting his soils, (rid and Mack, and
will he here for two or three weeks.
Mis. Charlie Christum was taken sud
denly ill last Saturday night and wns
quite sick for several days.
Jethro Stephens and .Tulin Barnard,
from Porterdule, sin-nt last Sunday
with the family of Mrs. I. 0. MoUehee.
I Mrs. J P. Slmw Ims been quite ill for
several dnyg,
John and Oleve lirynnt moved with
their families to the country last week.
Miss Lula Turner came down from
, Carrollton last Sutmrdny and got n posi
tion m the cotton mill.
(f. W. Vearta, of Carrollton, visited
the family of Ids brother, John, last
R F. Daniel and W. M. Hyde, of Car-
roll, visited here last Monday.
J. D. Yarbrough moved with his fam
ily from Carrollton this week.
J, M. Warren and Arthur Bryant
moved from Hopewell, Ala., lust Mon
The chapel church called Rev. J K.
D. Taylor to serve as pastor this year;
they also elected three deacon:—Charlie
Christian,Pat Damron and Frank Moore.
The deacons will lie ordained next Sun
day afternoon nt !l o’clock. Din Nuii-
nallv and Hardaway are invited to be
present Dr. Nuuimlly will preach the
ordination sermon. All are invited to
turn out on that occasion
Write Down
Mr and Mrs. F M. Parrott spent
Friday in Newnnn.
Floyd Leigh and Wayne Gentry, ol
Palmetto, visited friends here Saturday
amt Sunday.
The new academy at Rock Spring has
been completed and Miss Maude Eiifre-
keti has begun teaching, with a very
good attendance,
M. I) Thurmond made a business trip
It's our telephone number and connecting line between you
and the linest grades of coal.
Cates’ Southern Gem
is the best and purest Jellieo mixed with eannel. It makes a
quick, hot lire and holds on a long time. ^ ou will need a new
supply of coal. Let us semi it. to you lie fore the blizzards swoop
down upon us.
Cates Coal Co.
Office and Yards near Railroad Junction.
to Sharpsburg last Saturday.
Misses liosa Lee and Clara May Ham
mock, of McCollum, wore the guests of
Misses Minnie Leo and Lucy Thurmond,
last Sunday.
The singing here last Sunday afternoon
was well attended and very much en
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hammett visited
the hitter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sum
Todd, near McCollum, last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mimes Georgia nml Norn Haynes en
tertained a number of friends at a pound
supper last Saturday night.
Alvin Hyde, of Benoia, and Krriu
Hyde, of Madras, attended the pound
supper Saturday night.
Mrs. Mary Keith and sister, Miss Bet-
tie Tolbert, of tiinutvil'.e. are the guests
of the family of W. .1 Hembree.
Mr. and Mrs. Luyius Gomel mid child
ren, of Campbell county, visited rela
tives here Saturday and Sunday last.
Misses Lillie and Dorsio Banks, of
Cowi fa, were the guests of Misses Geor
gia and Nora Harper last Sunday.
Will Hammett, of Loagstreet, ae-i
coinpnnied by Miss Cleophns Hicks, at- 1
tended the singing Sunday afternoon.
M. D. Thurmond spent Thursday in
We lire sorry to note that Mrs, C. C.
Gomel is seriously ill.
S. L. Todd and W. M. Jackson mnde
a business trip to Palmetto last Sntur-
Now for Irregular Weather
and the wisdom is evident
that your horse should be
A blanket is almost as es
sential as corn and oats.
We carry everything* you
may need for your horse.
OCR STOCK is brim full of Bargains in house
hold and kitchen Furniture, and we are prepared
to serve your best interests, when it comes to a
showing of the best goods at lowest prices. Our
business has far exceeded anything we had dared
to hope for in the past four months and this is evi
dence of the truthfulness of our statement when
we say that we have the goods and the price both
right. We only ask that you get our prices before
buying, and compare with others.
Center and Parlor Tables
We have a large shipment of these from 59c up.
The largest assortment of cheap, medium and high
grade rockers, odd beds, dressers, washstands,
Princess dressers, iron beds, etc. China cabinets,
side-boards, hall racks, wardrobes and many other
things too numerous to mention.
Call and examine our stock and learn where to
buy furniture.
Yours For Trade,
Miatics Rosa nml (Until Hammock
wen* tin* charming guests Sunday of
Misses Minnie and Lucy Thurninn at
Rock Spring.
Mrs, I). (’, Neely, of Bharpshnrg, spent j
Saturday night and Sunday here with j
her (laughter, Mrs. J. V. McDonald.
Miss Dallas Moore received in the Lud-
den & Bates piano word contest a $75
Mrs. A. C. Royetou, of Slutrpsburg,,
visited Mrs. Andrew Bailey, Tuesday.
W X. Hammett and Miss Cleophns
Hicks, attended the singing nt Rook
Spring Sunday.
J. 11. Wynu and Jim Smith, of Ked
rina, visited friends here Sunday.
Mrs Looney Spradlin and children, of
Newnnn, spent Saturday and Sunday
with G. B. Pope and family.
J. S. Hammock is m Ncwuan this
week on business.
Miss Carrie Belle Hammett visited her
sister, Mrs. F. T. Spenruinn, Monday.
Bartow Smith,of Ncwuan, spent Mon
day night witli relatives here.
Miss Nannie Brown, of Fayette, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs K H. Pojh*.
Guy Royetou Ims been quite sick for
several days.
,T. \V. Sprnyberry and son, of I.a-
Grange, sjtent Monday with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hammett, of
Rook Spring, visited relatives here Sun
W. F. Moore is on the sick lisr.
Flour That is Pure and Reliable
We have recently equipped our flour mills with the latest
und Lest machinery and are now making the highest grades of
Hour on tlu* market. We will at all times use the Lest wheat
obtainable, and having the best machinery and an expert mil
ler to operate, we are assured of a good uniform flour.
Some of the so-called highest patent flour is mnde by bleach
ing and in some cases, it. is said, by adulterants. Our flour is
aiisom'TKi.y im'Hk and uo artificial means are used in its manu
facture. Try it and you will be pleased. You run no risk,
kvkhy bah is o u a a antkkd. Wo do not sell at retail. You will
find our Hour with most of the merchants. Ask your grocer
for “Askew's Best" and “Imperial” four highest patents),
“Snow Fi.ake” and “Coweta” (our three-quarters patent).
Our pure wheat bran and shorts mixed is the richest food on
the market. Trv ii and you will use no other.
Successor to Newnan Furniture Co.
Rev. F. J. Amis tilled Ins regular ap
pointment at Providence, Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Brooks, from near
Coiner Branch, visited the latter’s par
ents here Sunday.
Mr. and mis. A S. Crain, of Newnnn,
visited the former's parents, Sunday.
Boh Pitman and sister. Miss Kate, vis
ited Miss Yiola Newman Sunday.
Albert and Joe Boone visited at Ros-
coe Saturday night.
Mrs. F. O. Mi*hoy and Miss Xirneua
Strong are visiting relatives and friends
in Turin
J. K Boone and mi.-s Maude McKoy
visited miss Bessie Crain Sunday.
Miss Margaret Summers and Judge
Conualiy, of Atlanta, ami Miss Othello
Carmichael, of Newnan. visited Misses
Lillian and Grace Summers. Sunday.
Miss Kate Pitman, from Corinth, is
visiting the family ot Rev. K 4. Amis
Miss Ethyl Copeland, who has charge
of the factory school at Sargent, visited
home folks Sundav.
J. W. Boone and wife, of Atlanta,
visited rite family of .T, E. Boone, Sr.,
Sunday and Monday.
On account of our superintendent not
being able to attend, our Sunday school
was called in last Sunday. We will
have Sunday school next Sunday at !1 or
!{:.'!(* o’clock, and want everybody to
come and take part
T. A. Hutchens and Charlie Milliaus
are just up from a spell of la grippe.
Miss Sara Austin, from Sargent, visit
ed Miss Ethyl Copeland Sunday.
Miss Jennie Wortham, from Central-
hnchee, hns been visitiug her sister, Mrs.
K. M. Grimes.
We have a flourishing school of 84
pupils, with three teachers; Miss Maude
McKoy, primary grades; Mr. Twigg,
fifth to eighth grades; Rev F. J.
Amis, the advanced grade. The trus
tees have ordered ]>ateiir debits for the
school room so that the pupils may be
well seated
B. H. Dial attended the Cotton Grow
ers' Association in Birmingham last
relatives in Fayette county.
R. A. Ingram and wife attended set - '
vices iu Turin Sunday.
Ed Pitman made a business trip to
Newnan Monday.
Tlu* “tacky party” given by Mrs. J.
C. Harris last Tuesday afternoon wm
very much enjoyed.
Rev. R. M. Stephens spent Saturday
! with his father’s family at Wiutesburg
Little Dallas Orr is very sick with th
la grippe.
Miss Ausley Moses, of Carrollton
came down Monday to assist Miss .Tones
in the school at this place,
i Mrs. S. W. Glass is visiting her sister.
Mrs. Roy Askew, a few days this week
Miss Love Carpenter has returned
home, after n most pleasant visit to her
J sister, Mrs. ,T. F. Harris.
Miss Lizzie Butler returned to In c
home in Barnesville last Friday, after
an extended visit to her brother, Ed
1 Butler.
Cotton Receipts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pitman, of Bol
ton's Crossing, spent Sunday with the
family < f Ed Pitman.
W. .1 Wood and wife, of Newnan,
si>ent Saturday and Sunday with rela
tives here.
Hun. J. D Arnold mnde a trip to
Griffin la.*t Friday.
Mrs. R E Foster is teaching a most
interesting music class ar fids place.
Alvyu Ingram, of S- noia, is visiting
relatives end friends here.
Mrs. J. S. Benton is ou the sick list.
Mrs. .Mary Budges is slowly in,prov
Walter Me Lane spent
Xewnau’s cotton receipts, which
had been running short this season,
have climbed up above the re
ceipts ot last season at this time.
The total to Feb. 1st this year was
15,542 bales, against 15,Id7 bales
last year. '1 he receipts to date
are only about 400 bales behind
last season tutu 1 receipts, and it
i' belie/ed the figures will be fully
as large this season as last vear.
The stock on hand on Feb. Is
was 4,174 bales, against .‘1,41
bales last year. This year Januarf
receipts were 1.402 bales; last
Sunday with . vear only 284 bales.