The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 29, 1915, Image 2

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NEWNAN HERALD N K \V NAN, F K11* A Y, .1 A N . 2£ in i \ nos rupi. Oificiftl OrRiin of Coweta County. Jur. r. Brown. Klim M. C*rpentor. BROWN A CARPENTER, rwToiifl ANt» rum.bmr.iw. ‘'Till’.' HKKALIK" With this issue The Herald reBUtHcH its baptismal name -the nume Hdopterl when the begun publication tienr- |y fifty yearn ng i- nnd “The Herald and Advertisi r“ ns n newspaper patro nymic puHRi s into history. The Herald was established by the late ,1. A. Welch in 1 MtJO. Afterwards the late ,1. (\ Woollen acquired an in terest in the paper, and fur many years the publishing firm was known as Wont ten & Welch. Upon the death of these veteran newspaper men The Horn'd passed into control of the Wooden es tate and ('apt. A. B. Cates, the latter purchasing the interest held by the Welch estate. Capl. Cates became < d itor of the paper, and it remained un der his management until September, lkm*, when it was consolidated with the Coweta Advertiser, the Rood will and outfits of both newspapers going into the liands of a stock company which had been organized for the purpose of perfecting the consolidation referred to. Willi th(‘ consolidation the name of the paper was changed, and from that date until the present time—a period of twenty-eight years and live months it has been known as “The Herald and Advertiser." For a like period (witli the exception of a single year) it has remained under the sunn* editorial man agement. A few weeks ago tentative proposi tions passed between the owners of The Herald and Advertiser and the Newnan News looking to a merger of the two papers. The subsequent nego tiations, which were conducted in a most amicable spirit, resulted in an agreement by the terms of which the name and good will of the Newnan News was on Jan. 1H formally trans ferred to the Newnan Publishing Co., owner of The Herald and Advertiser, and the mini of Too Herald and Ad- vertiser was changed to “The New nan 11 raid ” 1 lie Newnan News sus port nnd we promise in return a news- j paper that will be a credit to Newnan 1 and Cowet a county. A newspaper is just as good as the town in which it is printi d will make it, and no better. Seneia Enterprise-Gazette: "New- j rum now bas only one paper I lu ll e raid and Advertiser and th • N tv- nan News were merged last, wi ek, and in future it will ho known as The New nan Herald. This was a wise step i n the pari of the owners of those paperi, Our good friend, James K. Brown, will continue ns editor of The Herald and will give Newnan a paper .proud of. he will he llo is always on the alert for anything that will benefit Newnan nnd Coweta e iun’y. ’’ Final Appeal For Continuance ol Farm Demonstration Work. The question as to whether Coweta county will employ a farmdemonstrauon agent for I'd 15 is yet unsettled. The general sentiment seems to be heartily in favor of keeping up the work, but the subscript.ons made up to the pres ent time do not sustain the sentiment. If Coweta cannot settle the question right away for herself, it will soon lie (•tiled for her. The Department of Agriculture is holding $550 for this county, provided an equal amount is put up. It the people are not willing to comply with this requirement the money will go to some other county that is willing. Prof. Campbell, State Agent, in structed me to notify him by Jan. 20 of the action taken by the people of Cow eta, so he can send a demonstration ngent and the money elsewhere at once, it Coweta doesn't do her part. 1 am asking him to extend the time one week, and I hope he will be considerate enough to do so. Coweta should continue the work this year, because if the provisions of the Smith-Lever law are complied with by the coming Legislature she will not have to subscribe as much to continue the work in the future as she has done in the past. Under the operations of this law the local support will grow less each year, until Federal and State aid together supply the whole amount. This will apply only to counties in which the work has been carried on for two successive years prior to the time the law goes into effect in Georgia. Therefore, if Coweta fails to support the work this year she denies herself the possibility of securing further appro priations from the Government in fu- I ture. The county stands in great need of an agent j .at now to help in controlling the scourge of hog cholera recently brought m with a shipment of hogs | from Tennessee. This throat* ns to , n- j tail a heavy loss upon the farmers of I iho county, all because of the laxity ef ' ilia laws which permit such careless shipping. Of course, we alone ca-’t pended public it- ti with its last issue. ! reniedj these lax laws, hut by unites. ‘ effort we cun fortify ourselves against li nlfords us pleasure to testify that the most important point considered throughout the negotiations indeed, ! wo may say it was a controlling inllu- cnce was a mutual desire on the pirt j of the owners of the two properties, respectively, to unite their interests in ' a joint enterprise for the promotion of one good newspaper in the town. A | practical demonstration of this spirit !•• found in the fact that the former owners of the Newnan News are now part own rsof The Herald one happy family, you might say, and all np>ally interested in furnishing Newnan and Coweta county a live, up-to date newspaper. Tins, in hn*\ is a history of The Newnan 11, raid up to the present time. As to the future, we pledge our best efforts to a fulfillment of the hopes and good wishes with which we have been showered since the consolidation of the | two papers The purpose of the merger was not to i cur,> a monopoly of the newspaper field, in th<> sense that mo nopoly is generally underatoo 1 an cried. Although with a subscription ] Potts $2 50, list considerably augmented, there will be no increase in advertising rites, nor is it the present intention of th pub lishers to advance the subscription price. Tin' policy of the paper shall he one of fairness t i ad interests and c-n- servative in all things their evil • ffecis if wo have someon-* to take the iuuiutive. A good demonstra- uon agent will do tins, in helping to s’amp out li 1 g cholera, as well as ill all other movcoi'nts for the b t torment of agricultural conditions in the county. 1 need net take more • p.lOe to speak of tlu* need “i iliis work. 1 think Hie pet pie are already .awake to its im portance, as the list of subscriptions given lodow will sli iw. Bui somebody esc will have to bet)', anil that right away, if Federal nid is secured. Any one wishing to make •< sub-cripnon should send it l > Mr. R. 1'. Cole or Mr. T. M. Goodrom. Newnan. Yours very truly, 11. G. Wiley. The following subscriptions have been made for carrying on farm demonstra tion work in 19b': _C J O vi n $5, W. C Wright $2, B Too many women struqgle muter pains and aches. They are not sick—but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need thnt blood- strength that comes by taking SCOTT’S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap petite und checks the decline. If wife or mother tire easily k or look run down, SCOTT’S t EMULSION will build her up. S j SHUN SUBSTITUTES. J, k M'.'J.'IM lt-|.|!UIH.«:i'K( ^ qNdaaX&i/ • LOCALS liliOl OUT 1<>li\v. MID Mr. A Hard Haynie, of Raymond, is the proud pusses nr of u violin believed to be over two hundred years old, and a genuine Creinoi a. The inscription on the instrument i„ -"Antonins Siradi- vuris, Cremoneusis, Fnciebat Anno 17115“ -which would seem to hear out the belief as to its age and genuineness. Its early ownership by different per sons In this county can be traced hack nearly one hundred years, it is said, it weighs only 12 ounces, and is highly prized by ns present owner, who lias refused several tempting offers for it. -- ■ The City Court was in session but two days this week, (Monday and Tues day,) and only one case was tried—a suit for damages against the city of Newnan. The complainants were Mrs. Ida Crain and Miss Hattie Whitaker, who claimed damages in the sum of! $1,500 because of injury to their prop- \ erty by the erection of the LaGranee street viaduct. The jury gave plaintiffs a verdict for $650 principal and $50 55 \ interest. The plaintiffs were repre sented by D. B Whitaker, of Franklin, j and W. L. Stallings. City Attorney A. j H. Freeman appeared for the defend ant. Important. So Its. — A sale of all per sonal property belonging to the estate of T. E Zellars, deceased, will be held on Monday, Feb. 1, at the late residence of deceased in Grantville. Included in this sale is an iron safe, office furni ture. pony phaeton, bqggy, harness, cooking range, parlor, bed-room and dining-room furniture, piano, books, etc House will be opi-n to visitors Saturday afternoon and Monday morn ing. Sale begins at. 11 a. m. Monday. On Tuesday, Feb. 2. before the court house door in Newnan, all the real, estate belonging to decease 1 will be sold at public outcry by the administra tor. Oil, Fall. 0. the Young j Ladies' Society of the First Baptist: church will conduct a valentine sale ut Mrs. Lola Adams’ millinery slore on Greenville street, an 1 judging from I file elaborate preparations Being made it will be u tug day The establish nil ni will be handsomely decorated for | the occasion, and the affair will be iri charge if a b-*vy of N-- vnan's pret tiest and most popular girls. Among the articles oif -r. d f >r sale will be sliced cooked meats, salads, cakes, d s- si'rts, and everything that could he da- sired for a substantial and enjoyable Sunday dinner. Don’t forget the dale —Saturday, Feb. 6. Hon. B. F. McLaughlin, Senator- elect, was 69 years old Monday, and he celebrat'd tne occasion nv gathering his childr n and grandchildren around his h ispitable board for dinner ’ lbs Ins boast that he h is i 1 vavseham. i »ied “underdog.” it A so-called “cold” is often just a forerunner of some se vere disease sure to follow unless the cold is “caught in time. \\ hen von catch cold, “catch" hold ol it at once and cure it. A neglected “cold" often causes quick pneumonia and death. Whatever be your needs in the drug line, come to us for them. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Tin: liEST DRUG STORK We Give You What You Ask For F , Prompt Delivery TW< ) •imiones Co Efficient Service We. Carry itcs $5, J. W. Melson $5, H. Rihuvii $5. T. G. Farmer, jr . $1. J. D Hunter $2 : k H H. North$2 50. T. F. R 1. Moncricf $2. G. S. Darden $1. J. W Owens $1, Mike i’.'wull $2.50. E. M. Col j $5. J S. Hard away, jr., $2 50, B S. Orr $2 5o. Frank VSdkiti'm $2.50, J. L. HemptnU $5, W L. Strieker $2 50, I. E Walk-r $1 W. R Boiuinnon $1. J F l.—‘ $1, \ \\. Rowers $1. U N. Banks $2 5 '. N 1 North $2 50. l C Mi Kmc t & B r • $ • O Reese SI, W. li. ii i.aity bl, L The present editor of The Herald has H. Rmse-i $1. G. h. Parks R • a ty Ins. Co. $10 E N Camp Sons Co -- devoted nearly thirty of the best years of his life to the welfare an I upbuild ing of Newnan an i Coweta county, and it makes us blush to admit we ar just about as poor as when we l« :un. We have felt at ti n s as if our ! ibara were not fully api'i- . d as if the enthu siasm anil long >urs put into our work W nt for nothing, judged by r. su ts. With thou-o d- uf d-'i'.ars earn d from year to year in unpaid subscription ae counts, we have been hard out to i: at times to meet our weekly payroll and pipor bills. In dull months some of our best merchants quit advertising, and ao na do not advertise nt all Yet the newspaper cannot stop it cannot even reduce exp. tio-s by curtailing its force, for the reason that a certain amount of mechanical l.elo i> required to bring out the paper, whether it makes a dol lar or not. It has a ce- tin fixed, x- pease, which, can n< itker be evade,! nor compromised. And all t! > time, in sea son and out of season, it is working earnestly, patiently and unselfishly for the betterment of the whole commu nity, town and country alike. \V.. have deemed it not amiss at the on (h< nch{ gjde Every present time to have this candid talk coUnlv stl ouM take :nesc two papers with our friends and purons, and to impress upon them (if we can) a few Children s Coughs; Children's Co'.ds $0, Brj . . . 1 inner $.5,' Cowei a Ferti iz t Co. $5 Newnan Herald $5. L A Perdue $2. B. 51 Drake $2 50, IGadlev - Banks Co $5. 1,. R Rowell $5 0. Z Cranford $1. R. W. Jackson $1, Guff Kersey 51, J r Shackelford $1, T. B Sanders $!..50, J J Ke.ih $10. H. A. Hall $5. N B. Hue ti '.. G W Ryan $ t , $1. ,1 U L. R Maun $2 . L. C. Goodwyn $2 U. W. Bo mi $5. Kind Words From air Old Friend. J«*.,,*» R Col . in Senou Enterprue-GEsrUe. We n -iice Ih it Che Herald and Ad vertiser at Newnan h is consolidated with the Nt\\; in News, and that in future it will be rke Newnan Herald We are all p^oud oi The Herald, and hope her success m,v continue in \he future asm the p»t. It was the first paper we ha\-* ever r- :,d when a boy many years ago. At one tittle some of out schoolmates w, r- typesetters in that i thee, aiid w • would tie very un- gratrUi, not t*i wish tt well. 1s editor is one of our ) rson . f-ierd< and we congratulate luni ,-n his fire success. Tile paper, f om n- '.arhest history, i has always been loyal to the principles of Democracy and ck an in its po'ities. We feel that witr* th, icffuence of The Newnan Herald an i ltie Sen. a ! iter prise-.7 lette we will always be found n the Senate. May he see many other anni- versaru s and lus last years be the hap piest and in.'-t useful of his career. - Meriwether Vindicator. Mr J. A. Stephens, who stood the Civil Service examination n few weeks ago for a position in tne Government service as “assistant in war-house in vestigations,'' has been notifi 7 by the president of the Civil Set vie 1 Commis sion that he pi>s- | ex.itninut: >n successfully and that his name has been placed on the eligible list. The com munication stated furth r that he stood nineteen on the list, and in view of the I fact that there w-re several huniir,-j j Every Minute is a low estimate of fire loss in the United States. This shows the importance of adequate fire insurance protection, because no one can tell when part of this loss will come to him. To be insured in the Hartford Fire Insurance Co, is to have absolute protection. Why Take Chances On a Loss By Fire? We represent the Hartford, as well as a num ber of other companies—some of the strongest in the country. Let us write a policy for you;—vou will sleep better at night, knowing that you are protected. W e not only write all kinds of insurance—fire, life, casualty, surety, tornado—but rent, sell and trade in city real estate and farm property also. List your proper results. y with us it vou want to eet applicants Mr. aliens' rv-Tr.7 a,w."r.»utv. t,' friends tii .ik h * made a remar . ’.Iky fine record in till* » Mamina’i The position pays from $1 Si AO to $2.4 1,1 per annum, bur no information to v hen the successful app'ic.,nt> will be put 'o work has In-in given out as yet. Mr. Stephens has ha-1 sevt-ral years’ experience in the t on business, both as war,-housem ,n and buy for the him in the Swamp-Root bv Parcels Post. Address TUT DrriTPT nr DU^rTOO ^ r - Kilmer Ci C , Binghamton, N. Y., I nh otlKt 1 Ur olllttoo •&*<•*>»*i~«a. «» G. E. PARKS INSURANCE & REALTY CO. bladder disease?, corrects urinary troll- deceased, nil persona concerned are required to : KlPftnnH r— the uric a id ik hirh »how cause In said Court by the first Monday In . r duties that will be required of “A* 8 “"rheumatism f•bruary nexU f tW aui.why atd .i. utORGlA-t. . 1 causes rneUlliHllMIl. non should lui L%. fcrrwntea. This Inn. t5. 11. 1'rs. All cre<.iitox ye •' t '■ You may receive a sample bottle of fee. S3. L. a. perdue. Ordinary. into of Cowei Newnan Herald and Advertiser. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. —Coweta County: creditors of the estate of R. JV. Hendrix, f Coweta ccunty. Ga.. deceased, arc hereby notified to render in their demands to the under* Application for Twelve Months' Support. according to law; and all persons indebted .a'liBRI A-hou-CTi itiii-vrv- ‘ U'iaid £*tate aro requirert to m»ko immediate payment. Iras Jan. 1. 1915. Prs fee. S:» , i. Genuine Merit Required to Win the People's Confidence. Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many prcimts that are ex tensively nuvertifi i, all at once drop out , t sight ai ,1 are soon forgotten? is piaiI fulfill the promisesof the manufacturer. Ins applies more particulariv to a l medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost s, ils it self. as. like ar endless chain system, | the remedy is recommend’d by those j who i'.ave i>een benefited, to those who j are in need of it A promi ent druggist says: “Take T r example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ro, t. a elEORGIA—Coweta Coontv The return of the aprru'pers >-e'iing npnr*. twelve months' support to the tut . y of \S. L. Br&keheld. deceitsoj, having bton ti in my of- - by the tirs-t Monday i . February, ul.'. why application ft*r twclv - months -upport should not lx Krar.U-d. Th Jan. 1I -a !'rs fee. f;» i*. A. l’ERDl'E, Ordinary. J. T. HENDRIX. LAURA P. CATES. Executors. How's This? 1 Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fof any ,•*«<» of catarrh that can no* he cur»d by Hall's ! Catarrh Cure. h\ J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, • 1 h »o. —— — w.\ th • urti r«'anot*. Lave known K. J. Cheney Application lor Twelve Months’ Support. ' v ’ ] lrr - »"'*•'b> RL.iLV'i-rA’vr t r.” v-t . nororabtoina : DU.-r fra-sa ,"ir$ a-d r.n%r* GEORGIA CowmCoiND. riallv able to Arr> out any obligations mace by hi-< firm. NATIONAL DANK Or COMMERCE. Tol^nio, Ohio. The return of the appraix*rs net tint? opart twelve m >r.ths' support to the widow of \Vt» Tolbert, aeceased. having l»cen filed ;n my office. mI) per- w..~. | sobs concerned are cr.*»d to show cause by the first Hull'* Catnrrh Cure is t*ken interr.alUa »ctin» Monday in February,,1915 why sain applies- directly upon the blood and muwms surfaces o: the <yst» m. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents p r botr’e S ’Id b' ai drugrtris’s. Take Hall’s Fann y Pills for constipation. New Advertisements. plain facta in connection with the pub lication of a newspaper—its burdens and responsibilities, and its claims to --Both Are Serious When one of your little ones show symptoms of an approaching cold, give results, as many of my customers tes- NOTICE TO THE PUBUC. To the Botinrs.- Men of Newnan and Cow,-!» preparation I have sold for many years county: You am h-rchy vositivtly instructe-t re and never h,sitate to recommend, for • in almost every case it shows excellent . support. It is entitled to support not Jt quick-y, and prevents the cold merelv a* a business enterpri. e, but as growing worse Very healing soothes it Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey at once, |tify. No other kidnev leraedy that 1 know of bus so 1-rge a sale.” Accor l :,, g to swop- statements and g^L.Ln-iiTnt-,n .hat is admittedly the lungs. - sthe mucous, strength | vet n\ •- < > " ho h ' . . , ,r! , enst - tfs guaranteed. Only hav, . Sc. at your druggists’. Buy a bot- the very best exponent of the comniu nity's enV.ghlenment ar.d progress along to-day. all line*. Give Tne tieraid proper sup- j Bucklen's Arnica Salve for sores. ,f Dr K the fact wish t e preosmti - s * ■> fwlfitls tvery .i:i. g kidcey, liver and Iwn for twelve month*' supTH>rt should nt't t»e jrrsnted. This Jau. 1915. Drs. U A. PERDUE, Oidinsry, Letters of Administration. GEORGIA-CowktA County: H. Luther Camp having applied to the Court Ordinary of said county for letters of administra tion on the estate of Mrs. El rabeth Taylor, de- 'eased. all persons concerned are required t.» show ~ause in said Court by the first Monday in Febru* •jr next, if any they can. why said application - oulo not be grante^i. This Jar,. < . RL5. l r«a- f*x“. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Coweta County : ! T. B. Sanders, admini-trat^r on the estate of Walter Leigh, deceased, having applied to the i Court nf Ordinary of said county for letters of ... . ... ^ dismission from hi» saxi trust, all persons c»m- L«tten, ot Aanunistralion. „ rred r^uirad to ,1™ c*u«- in «,d Court GEORGIA—C'‘WETa Corvrr ; | by the first Monday in February next, if any they Mr*. Sunni* Bojr.tor Ba I having to tb« «•"- * h -v mkI •ppljy.atjon .-h_*uid not tv Court of Oramary of saic county for Vetters of ad- Jan. t>, laiA. - ra. tee. S3 a.Laxatrauon ua the estate of Mra. Boynloru , :o rharpr any goods to my account without written order from me. This Jan. 2S. 1915. MRS GEORGIA RIGSBY. Legal Notices. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA-Coweta County: Fanrie Thurman, administratrix on the »state Wm. Thurman, ueceased, havingr to the C, urt af Ordinary of said county for ivitefft ot dts- 1 misst.n fmm her said trust, all persons .-"ncerned *re r.xjuirt\i to show cause in said Court by the fir*t Monday in February next, if any they car. why sail application should not be k ran ted. This , Jan. 6. l*rs. fe»\ 1 L. A PERDUE, Ordinary. To All Whom it May Concern. GEORGIA—Co wkt a County: The es at« of Tom Curmical. late v*f said county, j deceased, being unrepresenud and not like y to U* represcntexi, ah persons c*»rc».rned are required tosh w cause i ; the Court of Ordinary «d sa:d coun’\. or. the- first Momisy in February next. [ why such administration shuu d not ie vested in tne County Aom\ .strator. This Jan t’., 1915 Prs. • fv*e. $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary, and ex-r.fficto Clerk C. O. Citation to Compel Title to Land. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: I To the heirs-at laws of W. \V Carmical. de- ceaard: W. 1. Carmical has applied to tn«* for an onier to compel the executor ot the estate of \S'. VN Carmical, deceasid, t.> ex«vute titles 10 him n i bond tor title, claiinid to have lx*en ex cuteii by W. W. Carmical b*i«»re lus death, and y**u are hereby notified that 1 will pass up n said arplica- i tion at the February term. DM.'* the Court of I Ordinary of saul county. This Jan 7. 1915. Pr*. fee. in. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. i* a. perdue. Onimory. ^ if y uU f 0r paper pay u;.