The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 29, 1915, Image 6

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:illli=ii|M: MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED mile i Stripling's Great Mid-Winter Sale I U I I I I A Saving That Means Much Continues One More Week A Sale That Sets a New Standard I he lirst week in February shall be remembered by people who value savings as the most economical event of the year. Be sure to come and see. From a store full of money savers note these. Here are offerings that will make Stripling's store tremendously interesting for the coming week, there are many chances to save >0c on the dollar. Not one-third of our bargains are listed on this sheet, as we haven't space to mention here. Laces Over 2,000 yards line val, torch on and linen laces upio3inches wide, on sale at, yard 5c Ladies' Gowns Two lots of ladies’ nainsook and cambric gowns, beautifully tiiturned, at _ 50c. 75c Embroideries Over 1,500 yards line swiss, cambric and nainsook embroid eries, up to 10 inches wide, yard. 10c Embroideries One big lot of fine hand-loom embroideries, edgings and in- sertings, 25c values at 15c Corset Covers One lot of very pretty corset covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, run with pink and blue ribbon. . 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs Four big lots of fine pure linen and swiss handkerchiefs on bar gain table. SEE THESE. White Goods Four big tables filled with fine quality white goods of all kinds, on sale at 10c and 12ic Children's Play Suits Three-piece sweater—pants and cap, sizes 1,2, 3and 4 years, grey only, $1.00 value; special. 75c i! Underskirts Four lots of misses’and ladies’ fine nainsook skirts, beautifully trimmed, at 50c, SI.00 New Style Bags Two lots ladies’ new styleleath- er hand bags, at 25c 50c 75c S1.00 Bargains From Our Notion Department 2,000 good lead pencils, 2 for 5c. kind; special lc I package wire hair pins_. lc I paper goed pins lc Tango hair pins, with sets; 2 on card, for 10c Large fancy tango pins 25c Side and back combs 10c Good school tablets 5c Good teaspoons, set 10c Good tablespoons, set 20c 144 good rice buttons 5c 25c. jar fine talc 15c A great bargain in fine cuff buttons, pair 25c Lookout alarm clocks 98c Ladies’ shopping grips 20c Men’s 50c ties 25c Gilt-edge shoe polish 19c We offer a great assortment of high-class toilet articles; reg ularly worth 25c. each. See these at 10c Fine French Madras These are the greatest values ever offered; 36 inches wide, beautiful assortment of pat terns; 25c grade . 15c Ladies' Shirt Waists Bought especially for this sale; newest styles and fabrics; values up to $1.50; special $1.00 36-Inch Madras One lot yard-wide madras, in pretty blue, lavender and black stripes; special 8c Ladies' Shirt Waists Thirty-seven in this lot. Some are slightly soiled. $1 and $1.25 values; special at 50c New Style Skirts Ladies, we’ve just received 40 new style spring skirts; a beau tiful assortment, at $5.00 A Great Bargain In ladies’ and children’s rain coats; 42 in this lot; all styles and colors, on sale at almost half price. 40-Inch Sea Islands A smooth, pretty quality, full 40 inches wide; a good one at the regular price, 7c; special 5c l [ I 310 pairs boys’ knee pants, a beautiful assortment of colors and styles; all sizes, at , 50c 75c $1.00 Auto Hoods A large assortment of heavy all-wool knit auto hoods, worth up to $1.00. Special, at 50c 12 yards best quality heavy weight cheviots for $1.00 20 yards good quality yard wide bleached domestic._ $1.00 However Low the Price, the High Standard of Quality is Never Sacrificed Free Free Bring this slip to our I store and get a copy of I The Ladies’ \\ orld FRF.F, with every pur- j chase of a May Man- ton pal tern at 10c. w- The store that saves you money "The Reliability of a Store Should be Your First Thought" One price to all. SPOT CASH ' A Great Bargain In ladies’ and misses’ coat suits, cloaks and dresses. \\ e are going to sell them all. So I come early and get the I pick. The price is i richt. CATS NEiVNAN’S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH SIDE COURT SQUARE j g g j § flS§S 0 £ t § § SsSS BK=3i 4SH5 era CBHB «wa» «» County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered DuriniJ thv Week by Our Regular Correspondents. xzz TIRIN'. Passervrs nn the evening train from tinllin, «hm alighting it Turin, are badly confuted to find the depot closed, with no light or fire, and no place to store their baggage The rail road authorities having reduced the agent's salary, he declines to work only I so many hours a day, r is said; hence lie closes at 5 p rn and remains closed j until 7 a. m. Therefore, those wish* [ mu to board the evening train can neither purchase tickets nor have their baggage checked This s'at>. of ilnng- is regretted both by the avrent and In the public, and w.- tru-t will soon be remedied Quarterly meeting for Turin circuit win tie held with the Methodist church Sunday The presiding elder will , preach at 11 b. in and held conference at 2 p, m. A basket dinner will be served at the close of the morning ser vice. and all members are asked to | bring wi ll-filled baskt ts. A more inclement winter than the present one our section has not ex- perii need in several years J. H . the little 2-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Adcock, died Tuesday night. Ttieir many friends were deeply shocked by the death of the child, and synioath z* with them in their bereave ment. Mr. and Mrs. 11 G. Carmical , have the sympathy of the community al-m in the loss of their little daughter, | who died after an illness of two weeks with pneumonia. Miss Love Carpenter, of Newnan, is the cues! of M's Fred Hunter. Misses Mary Annie Smith and Do-a i Merrill went to Newmin T lesd.ty night to see "America" at The Halcyon. Jun. 27th. Take Liv-Vcr-La\ and Feel Well. Don't suiter from the ill etTerts of an inactive liver, such as headache indi- eestion, constipation, lack of energy and low spirits, when for a little mon ey you can get a remedy of proved merit. GRIGSBY'S LIY-VKR-LAX will get your liver right and let you enjoy better health and b igliter spir its. LIY-YER-LAX acts naturally and effectively. Has none of the dancers and bad after-effects of calomel Sold under an absolute money refund guar antee at .MIC. and Si a bottle. Kach bottle is protected by the likeness of L. K.. Grigsliv. For sale by John R Cates Drug Co. S URGENT. The infant son of Mr and Mrs. R K C ip da-. I die I Sun lay. We sympa- th-z ■ wt'.h the family in their bereave ment. Mand Mrs E l\ Warren am ro- joicin r over th ■ advent of ,i son into their horn > on Tuesday, 2>i'h inst. Mr; Drew llviie, of Liberty com munitv, s visum; her daughter, Mrs. J. A Holi'tn in. Miss Evelyn Newton, who is in j school in N wnsti, spent Saturday night and Sunday wa d Misses Ri-tha until Grace Bridges. Mrs. L H Gurl-y delightfully enter tained several of her fri- mis on Wed nesday evening las' Delicious re freshments. consistin' of fiuits, cake and wine, were serv <d during he even ing. Those enj wing Mrs Curley's hospitality were Mr and Mrs. T. B Newton. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Bledsoe, and Miss 1)Mi i Bridges Messrs. Torn uni Allen Lind, of Clem, are visiting i Mends here. Three of Mr. Wdlis Mamis' child-on are ill with pneumonii Ernest, the eldest, is very low -it this writing. May they soon recover from their Jilli.ess, is the sincere wish of everyone. All good singers are invited to come out to 0 d Lebanon church next Sunday afternoon and bring their friends with th »m The bad weather con'inu 0 ?. and we feel "blue" at times; hut let us hope for oth-r dsvs of sunshine soon. Jan. 27th. Try This for Neuralgia. Thousands of people keep on srlTer- ing with neuralgia because they do not know what to do lor it Neuralgia is a pain in the nerves. What yon want In do is to soothe the nerve itsilf. Apply Sloan's Liniment to the surface ovei the painful o rt do not tub it in Sloan's Liniment penetrates very quick Iv to the sore, irritated nerve and si lays the inflammation. Get a bode of Sloan’s Liniment tor 25 cents of an) druggist and have it in i he house against colds, sore and swollen joints, lumbago, sciatica and like ailments. Your money hack if not satisfied; but it does give almost instant relief. Why is it that the average man will conomzein his 'usuries raitur ihm n his necessities? Cures Old Seres, Otaer Remedies Won't Curs The writ cases, ne matter of how tone staniir-c. arc cured by the wonderful, oid reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic lleahnv Oil. It rel eve; Taui and Ileal* at the sa:-.e time. iic. 5Ck, ; ..a McCollum. One of the most enjoyable affairs of I the week was the party given by Mr. -in<I Mrs. Mont Hines Friday night, about i fifty guest enjoying thtir hospitality. Those attending from other places were Messrs. Clint Lee, Eirl McDonald, .John Robinson, Emory Phillips and Walter Phillips from Sharpsburg. and Messrs. Tom Hyde, Paul Brown, Floyd Ferrell. Albert Ferrell and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Coirgin from Madras, besides several from Palmetto. Mr. Marvin I h Hips spent a few days near Fayetteville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Coggin attended a partv Friday night at Mr. and Mrs. .1 G. Vineyard's, near Sharpsburg. Miss Kate West spent a few days the oast week with her sister, Mrs. Lewis E lis, in N'ewnan. Mr. Hugh G'a^s, from near Newnan, was in our community Friday. Mrs. R B. Posey, whose illness was | mentioned last week, is somewhat bet ter at this writing. The roads leading to McCollum have been almost impassable for some time, ! but are now in somewhat better condi tion, as the convicts are doing some | good work on them. Capt. J. R. McCollum has had the school grounds here greatly improved. He also ..ssisted liberally in help), g us to bund the school-house, and, needless to say, his generosity is much appre ciated by our people. Miss Willie Beavers is visiting rela tives in Newnan this week. Mr. Chas. Park made a business trip to Atlanta Thursday. Miss Tommie Hines spent Tuesday night with Misses Essie and Ethyi Barks. Aliss Laura Arnold, of Madras, spert Thursday with Mrs. P. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Mr. Will Smith left Tuesday for Texas, w iete thev will make their home n fu ure. We regret to part with them, for they wi r • good neighbors. Mr. Bill West was in Newnan Friday. Mr. Luther Bruwn, of Madras, visited friends hire Sunday. Prof. B. D Lee uni) Messrs. Clint Lee and John Robinson, of Sharpsburg, w re in our community Sunday. They are fine singers, a:.d we are always g ,d to see ti eill Miss E cia Glass has returned home, ifcer te idling the school here r. r hei sister. Miss Mbs Liunette, for s-veia weeks. Th- school is progressing nice- iv. with about fifty pupils enrolled. Mrs. L. J. Grady returned home last Wednesday, after a stay of severa months with her grandson, Mr. J. E Banks, at Fairburn. VIi H nry Rooinson spent Monday in Palmetto What Is the Best Remedy For Constipation? This is a question aske-d us many times each day. The answer is We guarantee them to be satisfactory to you. Bold only by us, 10 cents. John R. Cates Drug Co. LONE OAK. Despite the inclemency of the weath er. our pastor, Rev. C H. Branch, came out from Grantvilte Sunday morn ing to til! hi.s appointment at Prospect, and prt iched, as usual, an excellent sermon to the favored few who were present. He was accompanied by Mrs. Branch, and they were entertained for the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Clyatt. Mrs. J. L. Pric'xett and Mr. G >o Sewell spent Tuesday in Grantviile with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sewell. An occasion of general interest to the ladies of our community was the mis cellaneous shower last Friday afternoon tendered the bride, Mrs. Sanlord F. Prickett, at the home of Mrs. H. E, Latimer, who was assisted in enter taining by Mesdames G. G. Culpepper and Robt. Spence. About thirty-bur iadies were present, and a number who could not attend were represented by some generous contribution, testifying to the sincere affection in which the lovable young h -noree is regarded in our community. Beautiful putted plants, ferns and begonias, with fra grant blooming narcissi, contributed to the heau’y of the attr etive home Punch, in liberal measure, was served by little Misses Virginia Clyatt and Inez Spence. In a prettily decorated little wagon load after load of gifts were drawn into the room by the smiling little maidens, Mae Spence and Florence Culpepper. Beautiful center- pieces, pillow-cases, with exquisite em broidery and dainty crocheting, table napery, towels and handkerchiefs, sil ver, china and glassware, with other substantial gifts for the home, were followed by a veritable "pantry shower.” consisting of canned and pre served fruits, pickles, jellies, etc. The bride looked handsome and happy as she gracefully received and acknowl edged each token of loving kindness, and everybody enj ryed everything. The closing feature of the delightb 1 occasion was the serving of delicious home-made candies and salted peanuts, which were er jovefi by all. The after- no in of Jan 22. 1915. will long be re- mimhered as a great love-feast am mg orr noble hearted women, pr imDte,i by genuine affection for the dear yi ung couple whose home-making in our midst suggested this expression of regard. Present from o'her communi'ies wme Mrs. M. M. Sewell of Lu'hervill., Uii-ses M. E Herring and Nellie Pun ier of Grantviile. Miss Bailie Sue Johnson of Hopansville. and Miss Lula May Dollar of Coun'y Line. Stop the Child's Colds—They Often Result Seriously. Colds, croup and whoooir.g cough are children’s ailments which need imme diate attention The after-effects are ofte i most serious Don’t take the ri-'k—you don't have to. Dr. King’s New^Discovery checks the co'rb. soothes the cough, allays the inflammation, kills the germs and allows Nature to do her healing work. 50e at your drug gist's. Buy a bottle to-day. All the wor'd’s a stage, and most o' is think we the stars. "Y’ou say he’s the man who put this town nn th- 1 map?” "That's him, stranger. He just fin- isied serving tiis sentence about six months ago.” Invigorating to the Palo and Sickly The CM Standard i:c::er:ii s'.rtriv^theuinfr tonic, GKOY]-; S YA>T:-:I.cLill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the 1 A . .. t; ' bmMsupthesys- tem. A true tonic. I'ur adults and children. 50c You Can Enjoy Life Eat what you want and not be troubled with indigestion if you will take a <g©*otfi£ ^agsga’amwaw TdCiSt before and after each meal. Sold only by us—2oc a box. John R. Cates Drug Co. The extraordinary dol'ar-for-dollar value and unequaled ser vice that exp.ain the success of the Ford car are present even to a greater extent than ever before in the new Ford Coupelet. You have in this happy example of the two-cars-in-one idea, a greater degree of comfort and luxury. A matter of two minutes and the top is up, transforming the roadster into a coupe and the driver is safe from all the rigors of' weather. The Coupelet is built on the famous F'ord chassis—the same chassis the qualities of which have made the name of the Ford a household word for reliable service and economy—less than 2c per mile. Ford Coupelet S750; Sedan S975: Town Car S690; Touring Car S490; Runabout S440. All fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at NLWNAN AUTO CO. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915 V£> >a» o *' 45 4$ 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Oliver Chilled Plows Buy the genuine Oliver Chilled Plow. Do not fool yourself and get an imitation plow. B. FI. Kirby Hardware Co. is the only place where you will find them—all others are imita tions. We buy in car-load lots and can always suit you. In fact, we carry the best lines and grades of everything in the hard ware business. Be sure to see us and get our prices. •PIIONK gill B. K. KiAB'n HARDWARE COMPANY O ' »i#i ^ n ^ tri ,£»i (ji, <"» ip, A 45 45 45 45 45 45 4> 45 45 45 45 45 45