The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, January 29, 1915, Image 7

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JW. B. Mooney % «l TLocal Happening's Told in ^ vj? ^3 SKort Parag'rapHs *5* :• : — \l NEWS AMD PERSONAL TO OUR ITEMS LOCAL OF GENERAL INTEREST READERS. l .Ml 1 — , Beginning SATUR DAY, \vc offer for quick clearance our entire shoe stock at marked reduc tions. t W’e carry only ladies’ and children’s high-grade shoes. These are now of fered at prices lower than you ordinarily pay for the cheap grades. Ladies’ fine patent cloth- top button shoes that sold at $3, $2.75 and $2.50, NOW Vin Ladies’ fine gun metal and kid shoes that sold .at $3 and $2.50, NOW $1.95 Ladies’ extra grades in patent leather, cloth or kid top, all styles and sizes, that sold at $4 and $3.50, $' NOW IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN — IT'S YOU: [ If you want to live* in the kind of town Like the kind of u town you like. You needn’t slip your clothes in u jjrip And start on a Iontc. long: hike. You’ll only find what you left behird, 1 \>r there‘a nothing: that's t cully new; It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town; It isn’t your town— It’a you. Roal towns are not made by men nlrnid • I.yi somebody else j.'-t.- uiu ml: When everyone works and nobody shirks You can raise h town from the dead. And if whilu you make your personal stake Your neighbor can make one, too, Your town will he whut you want ton •: - U isn’t your town- it's vor. Next Tuesday is sale-day. Ordinary's Court next Monday. Visit Stripling’s, the busy store. Buy for cash and trade at Boone's. Tomatoes 7c. can at the Newnan Gro cery Co. - -♦• - - Money to loan. Apply to A. H. Freeman. All May Manton patterns 10c. at Stripling’s. A house full of bargains at Stripling’s next week. Six-cent outings, 27 inches wide, 5c. at Boone’s. Cotton is selling in Newnan to-day at 8J cents. Troup Superior Court will convene next Monday. Best grade of oils at R, L. Askew’s, 11 Jackson street. Get a copy of “The Ladies’ World” free at Stripling’s. Gasoline 14c. gallon atR. L. Askew’s, 11 Jackson street. SHOES The highest grade child s shoes sold in America arc included inthissale. Gun metal, patent and kid. Sizes 5 to 8, at $1.50 Sizes 8W o '! U, at . 1.75 Sizes 12 to 2, at 1.95 DON’T DELAY ON “B1LLIKENS” I Ten yards lie. yard-wide sea island for 50c. at Boone’s. Born, on the 28th inst., to Mr. and Perry Keith—a son. Dress gingham mill-ends, regular 7Jc. value, 5c. at Boone’s. Stripling’s great midwinter sale con tinues one more week. January has five Fridays, five Satur days and five Sundays. Cheap for cash — that’s why should buy at Boone’s. you I A large stock of the strong, sturdy, gun metal school shoes for the grow ing children, that give the greatest-service. Now at bargain prices— ■$1.00 $1.25 SI.50 According to size. Diess Shoes Pretty styles in fine dress shoes are going at same reduction— 11.25 and $1,50 m r 1 f} Terms Strictly Cash M, B, Mooney Attend Stripling's white goods sale. It will save you money. Silk and fancy colored petticoats one- thin) oil’ now at Boone's. Cotton se ‘d are selling in Newnan to day al 41 cents per bushel. Billy Askew gives away a pair of .$3.60 shoes every Sul urelay. Fresh South Carolina cabbage plants at John R. Cates Drug Co.'s. Beat make of automobile tires at It. L. Askew ’s, 11 Jackson street. Now spring patterns in Toile du Noid ginghams at Parks it Arnold's. A 24-lb. sack self-rising fluur for only 90e. at thn Newnan Grocery (Jo. —^ — - Regular monthly meeting of County Cummissionffa ntxt Wednesday. Mr. Ben I-loltzclaw, of Perry, spent I a lew days in the ciiy this week. Skirts are half-price until Feb. 15. A few more to close out at Boone’s. The best rubber goods will always be found at John R. Cates Drug Co.’s. Bundle calicoes lor quilt work costs less than 3c. a yard. Boone’s. A complete line of linen laces, 5c. to 25c. yard. Parks & Arnold. One hundred styles laces, special at 5c. a yard. B lone’s. Linen cambric, linen lawns, art linen, 25c. to $1 yard. Parks & Arnold. A good time to buy cloaks; — 33A per cent, discount. Boone's. Collar-bands for men’s and boys’ shirts at 5c. each. Parks & Arnold. Furnished front room on Greenville I street for rent. Close in. 'Phone 47. Middy twills for school blouses, 35 I inenes, at 15c. yard. Parks & Arnold. j Seventeen pounds pure granulated sugar b>r $1 at the Newnan Grocery Co. — - - - For auto hire see A. H. Boone, or 'phone 348 or 378. Service day or night. “Money saved is money made.” Trade with Billy Askew and get cou pons. Born, on the 9th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Quillian, of Sandersv lie, Ga.— a son. A full line of serviceable shops of all kinds for rnen, women and children at Boone's. Exceptional value in a durable lace curtain, one for window, 75c. each. Boone’s. All sizes of Tungsten lamps at John R. Cates Drug Co.'s. ’Phone orders promptly filled. Pay Your Uog lax.— Dug tags for •1915 must btAsfCur.d by dog owners. See me at once, arid save troub'e for your dog. C' S Fineanr on, Gsief of Police. Try E. Z. Do self rising Hour. A 24-lb. sack tor $1 at the Ntwnun Gro eery Co. —— ♦ * “Ideal” chamhrays for boys’ waists and children's rompers at 10c. yard. Parks & Arnold. We are headquarters for nil kinds of crochet and emuroiderv threads. Parks X- Arnhld, Mr. H. H. North, president of the Manufacturers National Bank, is in New York this week. Beautiful line of 36-inch madras for shirts and dresses; special, 20c. yard. Parks & Arnold. Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at Stic, dozen. ’Phone (IS, two calls. Mrs. B. P. Cook. When you want a nuggy come to see us. We will save you money. M. G. & J. J. Keith. New Line.--'Phone 81, Johnson Hard ware Co., for your Mazdas lamps. We have them at one price. “Arrow Head” and “Wunder” hose will solve your hosiery problems. You can find them at Boone’s. Rev. L. P. Winter, of Grantville, was in the city Monday and favored The Herald with a pleasant call. Miss Augusta Mann, of Newnan, is the guest of Mrs. F J. Pike, on Green ville street. —LaCrange Graphic. Domestics of all kinds are cheaper now. They are on a busis with 7c. cot ton. Boone’s. For Rent.—Five-room house, close in. ’Phone 325. C. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. The new golden silk shadow allovers for waists, 313 inches, from $1,25 to $2,50 yard. Parks & Arnold. Suit-cases and hand - bags are so cheap you can better afford to buy one than to borrow. Boone’s. For Rent.—Eight-room house, close in. ’Phone 325. G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. Light-weight narrow linen edges— the kind ladies want—at 5c. and 7Jc. yard. Parks <& Arnold. “Big Buck” oversize work shirts, slims and regulars. The best, 50c. shirt we know of. Boone’s. Loans.—$25,000 to loan on farm lands. 'Phone 325. G. E. l arks Insurance & Realty Ca. Special. -A good quality longcloth t,he usual J2ix kind—10 yard bolt for 89c. Parks and Arnold. Use Rexull Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, t.lie ifiicieut an.1 pleasant reme dy; 25c. at Jonn R. Cutes Drug Co.’s. Special value in perfect edge cambric, embroidery, three iu five inches wide, at 10c. yard. Parka & Arnold, “America” drew the largest attend ance at The Halcyon last Tuesday. It certainly pays to advertise in The Her od. Electric lamps of all kinds—carbon lamps, Tungsten lamps, nitrogen lamps, irum 20c, up, at John R, Cates Drug Co. ’a. Lost. — Bird dog; color, white with brown spots, short tail. Finder will please deliver to G. C. Orr and receive reward. (Jur mill-end and unloading sale will continue until Feb. 15. Remember, your dollars do extra duty just now at Boone’s. The best lime of the year to buy cloches is now the best place is Hoove’s. Thirty-three and one-third per cent, discount. Iloge & Montgomery’s shoes for chil dren, boys and women are populur- prietd, and are good wearers. l.o< ne's. Watch for Wilton Lackaye in “The Pd,” by Frank Norris. A great star in ms greatest stage success. At The Halcyon. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet next Monday afternoon at 2.39 o'clock, in the annex. On “Belgium Battlefields” will be the next extra attraction at The Hal cyon. Tell your friends where to meet you on Feb. 9. The Bible Study Circle of the First Baptist cnurch will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. 1. N. Orr, sr., at half-past 2 o’clock. Read our advertisement on front page of this issue, and do your cash trading with us in 1915 P. F. Cuttino & Co. For Sale.— Barred Plymouth Rock eggs al $1 for 15. Mrs. N. E Bohannon, R. F. D. No. 4, Newnan, Ca. For Rent. — Seven-room dwelling, suit able for two families. Bath room both upstairs and downstairs. Possession at once. Apply to Mrs. S. W. Murray. Free Offer. — With every purchase of a May Manton paltern at 10c. w ■ will I give free a February copy of "The Ladies’ World.” Stripling’s. Wanted. — We wi»h to buy several hundred bushels of peas, any variety, for which we will pay the highest mar ket price. T. B. McKitchie & Co. Try E. Z. D> self-rising fl .ur A 24-lb. sack for $1 at the Newnan Gro cery Co. Mr. Will Hughes will leave in a day or so for Dallas, Texas, where he will malto his headquarters the present year. Mrs. Mike Powell, district president, went to Atlanta yesterday to attend a mooting of the executive board of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs.| Mr. and Mrs. John P, Morgan went to Carroll county this morning to see the latter's sister, who has been strick en with paralysis. -Senoia Enterprise- Gazette, ■■ - -— -♦ - - The quarterly spring style book is hero — Pictorial Review. The new spring styles are pretty. The book costs 19c. when you buy a 6.'. pattern. Boone's. There won't be a dull moment, at The Halcyon the coming week. Some of the best dramas and liveliest comedies we have had tjie pleasure of showing in some time. Mr. Guy Garrard, of Newnan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. 1J. Garrard. Mr. Garrard’s friends will ho glad to welcome him to his old home.—Colum bus Enquirer-Son. Out-of-town lawyers all ending the City Court this week were P. 11. Brew ster and T. A. Hammond of Atlanta, Barry Wright of Rome, and D. B. Whitaker of Franklin. For Rent. —Three upstairs rooms in Hunter building, on Spring street. Rooms have grates, lights, water and bath. For particulars apply io J. A. Hunter, 17 Spring street. Billy Askew gives with every pur chase of $1 a coupon which is worth five cents in trade. And the holder has a chance to get a pair of shoes ab solutely free every Saturday. No better shoes made for the money than Hoge & Montgomery’s. Chil dren’s, $1 to $2; hoy’s, .$1.25 to $2.50; women’s, $1.50 to $2. A full Htoek now on hand. Boone’s. For Sale.—Bay mare, 3 years and 9 months old; weight 990 lbs.; Carroll county raised. In good condition; gen tle and safe; will work anywhere. Ap ply to E. E. Lovern, 'phone 292 L, Newnun, Ca. Dr. Sam Bradshaw, the osteopath, has discontinued his tri-weekly visits to Newnan, having opened offices in the Atlanta National Bank building, Atlan ta, where he will ho permanently lo cated in future. Give you” cook a holiday on Sunday, Feb. 7, and buy your Sunday dinner at the valentine sale on Saturday before. The cook will enjoy a rest, and the girls in charge of the sale will appreciate your patronage. Mr. Ben Swint, a veteran engineer on the Seaboard Air-Line road, is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Jane Swint. He has just returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where he spent some time for the benefit of his health. Warehouse A, lire. Bring your cot ton to us and we will store it inside thu house, protected (rum the weather. Have plenty of room. Long Place, next door to Bradle.v-Banks t '•<». T. B. McRitchie & Co. Besides getting the best values in merchandise for the money, your dollar will buy ten per cent, more than else where in Newnan. Be sure to save your cash certificates. P. F. Cuttino 4i Co. Rev. A. M. Smart, 1). D., LL.D , of Emory University, the new Methodist , university in Atlanta, will fill the pulpit l at the First Methodist church next Sun- j day at 11 a. m. Dr. Smart is an able and eloquent preacher, and his sermon promises a treat to the large congrega te n that will assemble to hear him. Rev. E. C. Smith requests The Herald to stale that Rev. Graham Forrester and Mrs. W. U. Lanier, of West Point, will be with him nexi Sunday at Provi dence church, 1 miles west of llogans- ville. Row. Mr. Forrester will preach at II a. m., and Mrs. Lanier will also talk to the women of the church. The public cordially invited. Oil 's Sensational Sale Is attracting ] Ihc attention of careful buyers in many ; counties. Here is theexplanation: Stc. I Riverside plaids, IJe.: St •. fine sea | island, -Ifc.; SJe. dress outing, -Isfe.; tic. quilting cotton checks, 33' ; host Amer- | ican overalls (or jumpers,) 7‘Jc.; 20 I yards yard-wide bleaching, $1. 1. N. Orr Co. According to figures furnished by Mr. J. H. Simms, Government agent for the collection of ginning statistics, 37.- 151 hales of cotton Imd been ginned in Coweta county up to Jan. Hi, as against 29,016 hales for the same period last year. This shows an increase of 1,454 bales from Jan. 1. the date of tile last previous report, up to Jan. 1(3. ■ ■ - ♦ — - . ■ Plows in I'ar-Lotul Lots. We handle the Oliver Chilled Plow exclusively, buy in car-load lots, and can always suit you. There is no plow made as good as the Oliver. In fact, we carry the host lines and grades of everything in the hardware business. Be sure to see us. 'Phone 201. B. II. ICirby Hardware Co. Mr. W. R. Pitman, the veteran har ness maker, is now in control of the harness department at A. .lay Billings’ shoe shop, having acquired that branch of the business by purchase some days ago. Mr. Pitman is an expert in his line and an honest workman, and will appreciate the patronage of the public. All kinds of repair work solicited. Mr. Tlios. N. McCullough died at his home near Haralson last Saturday, lie was born Sept. 9, 1850, and was married to Miss Alary Crawford in 1871. To this union eleven children were horn, nine of whom survive him. His second marriage was to Miss Elizabeth Bunn, who, with one child, survives him. Bright’s disease was the cause of his | death.—Senoia Enterprise-Gazette, 21st I inst. | Mr. J. B. Redwine, 55 years old, died j Monday at his home iti Indianapolis, Ind., the funeral and interment tak- ing place there on tho following day. lie is survived by his wife and five sons, all of Indianapolis, and onedaugh- j ter, Mrs. Bessie Redwine McClelland, I of Atlanta. Deceased was well-known in Coweta, having numerous relatives 1 and friends I ere. Our trading certificates will be ac cepted as cash by John R. Cates Drug Co., H. S. Bantu, Marhury’s Furniture Store and Mrs. Lola Adams. A ten- cent certificate with each dollar cash purchase. P. F. Cuttino & Co. “On Belgium Battlefields,” coming to The Halcyon, will be one of the greatest pictures of its kind ever shown. Everyone should see il and get a better understanding as to the reality of the European w >r. Remember the date—Feb. 9. Salesmen and (nllretors Wanted.— Five o' six good men wanted as sales men and collectors for the Singer Sew ing Machine Co. Experience not nec essary. Applicants required to furnish bond. Write or see Ii. F. Uurford, man ager, Newrian, Ca. Oer semi annual exhibition of spring fabrics and fashions for men will he held Monday and Tuesday, Feb. i and 2, by Mr. A. F. Boyd, from The Globe Tailoring Co , of Cincinnati, Ohio. Make this one of your yositme. engage ments. Boone’s. Coal for Cash. — I am handling several grades of coal all good, and some better than others sell. I shall be glad to fill orders, and am prepared to make deliveries promptly. As coil is cash, don’t forget to send check with your order. ’Phones 247 and 129. T. F. Shackelford. For Sale. - 1 have Poland China- Berkshire pigs (fix weeks old) for de livery Jan 39aL $9 per pair. Also, “Half- and-Half ” cotton seed al$l 25 per bush el; “Coweta Prolific” cotton seed at 99c. per bushel; 10 per cent, discount on 19- du.-hel lots. Call or send checks to I. H. Herring, K. F. IJ. 4, Newnan, Ga. Hay the Host. — Buy the genuine Oli ver Coilled Plow. Do not tool yourself and get an imitation of tins g eat plow. B. H. Kirby Hardware Co. is the only house in Newrian that sells them — plows of other makes are imitations. ’Phone 201 B. H. Kirby Hardware Co. Mr. Geo. E Nolan, cashier of the Orlando Bank arid Trust Co., was srriil ing this rooming over the p ospt.ct of some day seeing a son at the head of a great financial institution. George E , jr., is the name of the new hoi n batie that arrived this norning in ihe Nolan home.—Orlando (Fla ) Evening Blur. IF IT’S RUBBER, WE HAVE IT unm Constant study of the do ji mantis of our customers cna- W hies us to satisfy practically H evert want in the rubber H goods line. W’e take great pride in this department of our store, believing we have (he most dependable assort ment of rubber goods possi ble to secure. These goods are made spe cially for us, in connection with 7,000 other Rcxall drug gists in the United Slates, Canada and Great Britain. W’e keep posted on modern ideas. Our goods are freshly made in the leading factories, and we know we can serve you best, if quality and price appeal to yon. Let us show yon the newest ideas in — Wat or bottles, Fountain ayrinjroH, Combinations, Ieo caps, invalid cushions, Dulb syringes, Atomi/ors, Nipple shields, Hreast pumps, Nipples, Itahy pad Hers, Fare bottles. Hath sprays, Fur syrlnuoH, Rubber sheeting. 9, Cates Drug Co, NEWNAN, GA. l&xcdUL Slurc If your hair is thin, losing color, fail ing or splitting, anh the scalp itch's, you can do nothing better than use Pa risian Sage, an inexpensive and mobt • ffective tunic suld by John R. Cates Drug Co. Seventeen pounds pure granulat'd augar for $1 at the Newnan Grocery ( For Rent or Sale. Eleven and three fourths acre ', of hind; 3 room houses and barn; good pnulure, running wafer half a mile norlh of depot on A. & W P. R. It,, at Moreland, (in. Seven hundred dollars cash huvs it. Writ in for prices on "Vollenwoider’H [ Blend” seed corn and "Clovelund Big Boll” cotton seed. Harmony Grove Seed Farm, Turin, Ca., R. F. 1). 2. Mules, Mutes. — Wo will have in a car-load of blue grass Kentucky mules ! about Jan. 23. These muleH are di rect from the blue grans seel ion of 1 Kentucky, are all 4 to 6 years old, and well broken. They are the kind that will wear a long time and do good ser vice. if you need mules come in ami look them over. Wo can suit you. Hopson iV Rankin, Grantville, Ca. The Cearreld stable building on Spring j street, lias been remodeled and repaired throughout, and is now occupied by the Newnan Auto Co. Mr. J. T. Carpenter has purchased an interest, iu ihe busi ness, and on the final of the year the buggy and harness business here tofore conducted by him was consoli dated with the Newrian Auto Co. As now organiz'd the company in composed of Messrs W. P. Cearreld, J. C. Har ris arid J. T. Carpenter. The Lutherville Banking Co. held its annual meeting recently and named } as directors for this year J O. Norris, 1 Dr. James W Taylor, G. C. Nall, C. C. York, W. I Upshaw, C. L Colley, It. T. Trammell, L. W. Jackson, J. W. Willingham and A. C. Williams. The directors elected .1. (). Norris president, 1 Dr. James W. Taylor vice-president, and II. U. Fitts ca bier. A dividend of 8 per cent, was paid the stockholders and a nest sum carried to undivided profits account. — Meriwether Vindicator. Death claimed a number of old sol- , diers and soldier’s widows in Coweta \ during 1914 According to the pension records in the O binary's office there were seventeen deaths thirteen vet erans and four widows, viz: J. L. Bex- Icy, Stephen Boswell, John T. Brown, C. ii. Brown, E. D louse, Gen. W. Grant, J. C. Gibson, John T. Holmes, T. J. King, R -I Land, W. D. Meri wether, Giles McCullough, AhxThornp- son, Mrs. Mary M. Bridges, Mrs. Rowena Bryant, Mrs. Addie G. Varner. For colds, catarrh or snufib-s there is nothing” better than llyornei, which John H Cates Drug Co. sells on the “No cure no pay” plan, llyornei not only gives quick relief, hut is a sure and lusting benefit. Coweta county has 10.922 children between the ages of 5 and 20 years, arid only 5,593 of them attend school, according to a recent census bulletin, j The report is a reflection on the people of this good old county. Just think!— with all the educational advantages we j have now only a little more than half' i he children of school age are in school. There should be an awakening along this line. Parents cannot alfurd for their children to go through life with ut an education.—Senoia Enterprise-Ga- I zette. ' It is needless to suffer with indiges tion, heurthurn, sour or gassy stomach, for we guarantee Mi-o na Tablets to quickly and effectively end stouach dis tress or money back. John R. Catea Drug Co. A 21 !h. sacs seh rising (I mr for only ii tN • wriun firnpurv do. Did You HEAD CUTTING'S PAGE ADVERTISEMENT TO-DAY ? ? IHI> YOlJ nolleo I have turm*d In necept their rou- lwnn an cur'll? I ('nrrfitilly invite you (append all you ant wit h me. No matter whnl you want a |mlr of Hpocluclca. or a wait’ll, or a diamond rin« eon point are irood an pmld. H. S. SANTA rin: m:\v.\an j Catch Up * Wilh Your Correspondence You will have the great est pleasure in answer ing all your correspond ence when yon have al hand the right station ery. I.ct us show you some of the extremely' fine fabric finish note pa per which we are supply ing to other fastidious people. Keith*s Fine Papers, 25c anti 50c These fine papers are sure to win your appreciation, for they are truly the highest quality in correspondence pu- pors. Purity Lawn, 50c box Kraften Linen, 25c box Kraften, in pounds, 25c Kraften Tablets, 10c ' In addition to these papers we show inuny other good kinds. Initial Stationery Initial Correspondence Cards Murray Diug & Book Co,