The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 05, 1915, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN HERALD \ Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, I Established 186*». ' Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1915. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915. Vol. 50—No. 23 It's a Big Event, A Helpful Event A Triumph of Modern Retailing Your dollar is going to turn in the greatest results ever obtained. The opportunities for saving are almost startling. Each department of this BIG STORE will feature merchandise for a dollar that is well worth your consideration. Just glance down this page of special bargains, check the ones that interest you; come, and come early. Join the Dollar Day crowds at Strip ling’s Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 6, 8, 10 and 11. AT ONE DOLLAR AT $1—14 yards of best lOe quality bleached domestic, entirely free from starch or dressing. AT $1—20 yards of good quality yard-wide bleached domestic, a regular 7^c value. AT $1—20 yards good quality yard wide sea island sheeting, regular 6Jc value. AT $1—17 yards smooth woven, yard-wide sea island, almost bleached. AT $1—16 yards of very best 40- inch sea island sheeting, regular 74c value. AT $1—16 yards of AAA or three- yard sheeting, full yard-wide, smooth woven. AT $1 -—20 yards of good quality cotton checks for quilt lining, etc. AT $1—12 yards of fine quality 36- inch English longcloth free from starch or dressing. AT $1—10 yards of fine quality English nainsook, 36 inches wide. AT $1—12 yards best grade mer cerized cheviots, fast colors. ) AT ONE DOLLAR AT $1—20 yards Amoskeag stand ard gingham, fast colors, pretty apron or dress styles. AT $1—12 yards heavy weight 10c cheviots for men’s work shirts, etc., fast colors, pretty styles. AT $1—12 yards light-weight ma dras, in plain white or black and white stripes. AT $1—12 yards of best 10c grade new spring ginghams, fast colors, beautiful patterns. AT $1—15 yards of best 10c grade yard-wide spring percales; will cut to suit you. AT $l --8 yards of silk or French gingham, beautiful styles, 19c value, 32 inches wide, fast colors. AT $1—3 yards of our best 50c grade satin table damask, 72 inches wide, 15 pieces to select from. AT $1—Ladies’ new spring waists made of fine voile and organdies, daintily trimmed in fine lace. AT $1—R. & G. corset; new spring styles; rust proof; none bettor. s A T U R A Y AT ONE DOLLAR AT $1—Ladies’ fine nainsook and cambric gowns, trimmed in lace and embroidery. AT $1—Ladies’ fine nainsook and 'cambric underskirts, trimmed in dainty lace and embroidery. AT $1-—Ladies’ nice cambric gowns and underskirts, trimmed in pret ty lace and embroidery, 2 for $1. AT $1—5 yards of our best quality 25c yard-wide brown linen; dozen bolts to select from. AT $1—12 large size buck or bath towels, white, or white with red' borders. AT $1—10 yards of 36-inch dress madras, a beautiful assortment of pretty spring patterns. AT $1—2 ladies’ nice shirt waists that'are slightly soiled; buy them at half-price. AT $1—2 good ready hemmed sheets, 72x90, and 2 nice hemmed pillow cases to match. AT $1—5 yards best quality un bleached 10-4 seamless sheeting. AT ONE DOLLAR AT $1—Men’s best khaki pants, flaps over hip pockets, side buck les, belt straps, 2-inch cuff. AT $1— Men’s dark blue worsted pants, good run of sizes, $1.50 value. AT $1—Men’s and boys’ good 50c shirts: only a limited number of these, 3 for $1. AT $1—Your choice of all our fall style ladies’ house dresses that sold up to $1.50 each. AT $1—Ladies’ fur top, leather bot tom, red or black house slippers, all sizes. AT $1 —One dozen fine quality mer cerized napkins, 18 inches square, hemmed ready for use. AT $1—One 25c bottle peroxide of hydrogen, one 25c box fine tal cum, bottle of .vaseline, 25c bot tle Gilt Edge-shoe polish, box Col gate’s ribbon dental cream, good tooth brush, box wire hair pins, 5c paper best brass pins, big 350- sheet school tablet, good pencil and 2 dozen best 5c pearl buttons. WEDNESDAY $ THURSDAY New Spring Dresses We’ve just received a big lot of new spring dresses in ladies’ and misses’, sizes from 16 years up to 48 bust. These dresses are made of good quality, fast i color ginghams, and beautifully trimmed in solid colors, embroidery and white pique; $1.50 values on sale at $1.19. New Skirts For Spring The fuller skirt is the notable fea ture of the new season’s styles. You will find us showing a large variety of new fabrics and colors, at the special price of $5. Children’s Spring Dresses Beautiful is the one word that describes them; quality the best ever at 50c, 65c and $1. New Spring Dress Goods We are showing a very large and complete line of new spring dress goods, including all the newest fab rics and colors. It’s a treat to view this magnificent selection of new goods selling at the popular prices of 25c and 50c. New White Goods For Spring A fine sheer quality 40-inch white voile, 25c grade at 19c. 32- and 36-inch white flaxon in a beautiful assortment o f cheek's, stripes and figures; 25c value, our price, 15c. 2,000 yards finest quality checked and striped dimity, 15c and 25c values at 12^c. One lot of striped and figured crepes, checked and striped dimi ties, etc., beautiful quality, at per yard, 10c. M O N D A Y New Spring Ribbons For girdles, sashes, hair ribbons and fancy work; ranging from 1 to 8 inches in width; our price, per yard, 5c to 25c. New Ginghams For Spring More' than two hundred pieces now in stock. A beautiful assort ment of pretty plaids, checks and stripes; fast colors; 12jc and 10c. New French Ginghams 32 inches wide, fast colors, pret tiest patterns ever brought out in ginghams, yard, 15c. New French Madras 32 and 36 inches wide, more than one hundred pieces to select from; guaranteed colors, 25c grade at 15c. Special bargain in a good quality yard-wide dress madras, fast colors; yard, 10c. New Laces at 5c A splendid assortment of round- thread, German, val. and torchon laces, 1-4 to 4 inches wide, at 5c. Bargain Embroideries We have on hand about 1500 yards of fine hand-loom baby em broideries, 2 to 5 inches wide, worth 15c to 20c per yard; special, 10c. New Spring Millinery The acme of style in ladies’ ready- to-wear hats at $1.50 up to $5. Possessing more originality, more style, than is usually found in hats at double the prices. Beautifully trimmed in the season’s newest con ceits; in every new color and de sign. Favor us by' coming to Strip ling’s to-morrow and trying them on. March issue The Ladies’ World FREE with every May Manton Pattern “The Reliability of a Store Should be Your First Thought' T/YC P/P/CP VS T/VVr rrt/WG One price to all. SPOT CASH z J J