The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 12, 1915, Image 10

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Be Clean! Inside and Outside If you would be healthy, strong and happy. Baths keep the skin clean and in pood condition. But what about the inside of the liodyl You can no more airord to neplect it than the outside. It is just as import ant Ihnt the system he cleansed of the poisonous impurities caused by weakness of the digestive organs or by inactivity of the liver. DR. PIERCE’S Golden Medical Discovery (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Cle*n*<w the system—and more. It puts the llvor in such a condition of hcmllh that it purines the blood—ns it should. It helps the stomach digost food so that it makes good blood—rich, red blood to nourish and ntronjfthon nil tho organa. You may avail yotimol? of ib» tonic, revivifying Influence by getting & bottle or a box of tablota from your jnedlclno dealer—or Bend 60c for m trinl box. Addrpsfl hh below. "Dr Pierce's Common Henan Medical Adviser"—a French cloth bound book of lfKiH nayca on receipt of .11 one-cant itarnp* to cover mailing charaua. Addreaa j)r. V.M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. FREE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, FRIDAY, MAR. 12. P II Y Ms I 8 IN Is ENT. When I'hyllin does her Imir In Lent, That am non of the penitent Becomea n time of joy with me; I wnndiip w ith alacrity. On other dnya of nil the year Dear Phyllis' Imir In fie riirunur, Wilh curled waven runnime o'er and o'er, Or lofty tlern of pompadour. With bandeaux, com bn and fearsome thinga That aland upriuht on apirnl Hprimr*. An aWfHorne hend it Neetna to he To almple mortal man like me. Hut parted now in naintly arrnee, So noftly framing in her face, Ami ntnnothly bunded aw u mm J know full well thut Lent'n bcRiin. And when In dim. relitrloun nook She «ltn apart wilh neriouM look. The woman In her aeenta to Htir Ami draw my heart riaht out to her. And like I he faithful old Dog Tray. I hang around the livelong day; For It Ih time divinely apent To worahlp I'hylliH' hair In Lent! Envoy: And I would fuel for forty dnya, And penance do in divera wayn, So 1 miirht be omnipotent To keep her hair aa It la In Lent! —f Eileen Morelia. GENERAL PRESENTMENTS Of the Grand Jury Chosen and Sworn for the March Term, 1915, of Cowota Superior Court. To His Honor, It. W. Freeman, Judge of the Superior Court of Coweta coun ty, (la.: We, the grand jury, summoned ami sworn to serve for the March term, 1915, heg to submit the following gen eral presentments CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. We have examined the books of this official and lind them neatly kept and correct, so far ns our examination re vealed. ORDINARY. Wo lind the Ordinary’s books well kept, presenting a nent appearance. Wo lind, after a careful examination of the list of pensioners, thut all those on the roll in this county are entitled to remain. TAX COLLECTOR. We (ind the books of the Tax Collec tor very creditably kept. We find that $1,115 has been collected to date, rep resenting the special and corporation tax, which is legally due Jan. 1 of each year. We find that there were 179 special taxpayers in 1914, hut of this number only 59 have registered so far this year. The law prescribes that every corpora tion, firm or individual subject to this tax shall register with the Ordinary and tiny the registration fee of $1 by Jan. 1 of each year; then pay the amount of the tHX to the Tax Collector. We rec ommend thut tho Ordinary and Tax Collector he especially vigilant in the collection of these tuxes. We lind that $118,896 of State and county taxes for 1914 have been collected and turned over to the proper authorities, leaving only a small per cent, uncollected. TAX RECEIVER. We find the returns of this official properly filed and indexed, and we wish to commend him for the neat appear ance of his office. SHERIFF. We find the books and records of this office neatly kept and correct, so far as i we could determine from the limited time we had for examination. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. We find tho hooks of this official neat ly kept und correct, as far as we were able to ascertain We have been fur nished the following figures by the Commissioner: Receipts 1914.. . $22,709 96 Disbursements 1914 . 22,709 3t> In State Treasury to county's credit, balance 1914 appro priation 115,356 67 In State Treasury to county's credit, 1916 appropriation 32,908 25 SURVEYOR. We learn that this official is confined at home by illness, and made no inves tigation of this office. J. P. 8 AMI N. P.'S DOCKETS We have examined the hooks of all the districts except one, (1139th.) There is considerable looseness and irregulari ty about the records. With few excep tions, the indexes are incomplete, or not arranged alphabetically. The records of cases were frequently not complete; dutes sometimes fail to appear; dispo sition of cases does not always appear properly. We recommend thut Justices take more pains with these records, and especially recommend that each case lie properly indexed untier its proper letter when the record is made. COUNTY TREASURER. We append herewith report of F. M. Dennis, Treasurer, from Sept. 1, 1914, to Jan. 1, 1915; also, the report of J. M. Stallings, Treasurer, from Jan. 1, 1915, to March 1, 1915— Report of /-. M. Dennis, Treasurer, oj Receipts ami Disbursements From Sept. I, I'J.'J,, to ./an. I, 1015. GENERAL FUND. REUEIPTH. 31. Balance .$25,269 i»0 in 76 26 00 90 20 621 60 26 00 4.497 30 Aug. 31 "Oct. H. W L Crucc, Superintendent Oct. H. <'uliibiMiHf rent. Jund und July Oct. 20. Huckrt to W S Askew Co Nov. 2. H J Fry. TC Nov. 10. W L Cruce. Superintendent Dee. 9. M J Fry. TC Dee. 10. Kent eiilubouse Dee. hi to Jan. b., 1116 Dee. 24. Overpayment to Fronton Hern don on lumber D«< 29. I» J Frv. TC Dec. 3o. W. 1, Crueo, Superintendent • . Total 12 50 12 66 24,000 (Ml 8 76 Jan. 30. T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk 29 26 Feb. 2. B J Fry. T. C 6 2x0 60 Feb. 3. W O DavK Supeiviaor 18 00 Feb. I*. TG Farmer, jr.. Clerk 46 94 F**b. 21. (i N Strong. Supervisor 54 00 Feb. 21. W J Tnrleton. Supervlaor 39 00 Feb 24. E K Wltrher. Supervlaor 36 00 Feb. 21. O B Brooks. Supervlaor 12 00 Feb. 24. John Kidd, Supervlaor 9 00 Feb. 24. J E Boone, Supervisor 3 00 Feb. 24. J K Bailey. Suporviaor 6 00 Feb. 24. E C Adcock. Supervisor 30 00 Feb. 24. J W Hutchinson. Supervisor 18 00 Feb. 25. T G Farmer, jr., Clerk 2 60 ... $27,709 21 Total. Canceled Februry, 1915 DtMBtRKKMENT.S. voucher* for January ind $19,106 18 lll.sni'ltSKM KNTH. Account No. I By canceled vouchers Account No. 2. Ity canceled voucher* Account No. :t. By canceled vouchors Account No. 1. By canceled voucher* Account No. ... Ity canceled vouchors Account No. 7. By ranee etl vouchers Jan. 1, 1916. Balance to J M Stalling* Treasurer. $ 3.420 45 3.270 42 2 426 ft 2 0 1 10 l.oOT 64 836 76 41 312 18 $64 506 36 J Total Report of F. M. Pronin, 'J iensurer, livedpt8 ami Disbursements From Sept. 7. 19U, to ./an. 7, 1915. PUBLIC HOAD FUND. RECEIPTS, Sept. '.. Balance $ 207 4\ Sept. 2. J K Jacob* 48 00 Sept. 2, T A Crowder 101 (Ml Sept. 2. Othnl Morgan 70 IH) Sept. 2. G A Con try 244 00 Sept. 2. L G ur atktna 62 0o Sept. 2. A B Went 76 (H) Sept. 2. J W Hutchinson 59 00 Sept. 2. G L Warren 104 00 Sept. 2. W J Tnrleton 116 no Sept. 4. K T Evitnn 379 60 Sept. 5. R L Pitman. 76 (H) Sept. 19. F. D Johnson. 288 IH) Oct. 7. ED Johnaon 24 00 Del. 7. Othel Morgan 52 IH) Oct. 7. .1 U Jacob* 114 00 Oct. 7. L G Wutkinn 122 00 Oct. 7. W J Tnrleton 128 (H) Dot. 7. T A Crowder . 140 (H) Oct. 7 A H Went 162 00 Oct. 7. W J Wood 1H8 00 Oct. 7. WO David 328 00 OcL 7. K I. Pitman- 147 00 Oct. 7. C A Gentry 162 00 Oct. 8. G L Wnrrcn 260 (H) Oct. s. Emmett Pope, line. (T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk) .... 9 60 Oct. 12 W .1 Tnrleton 4 00 Oct. 13, E T EvsIIih 166 10 Oct. 14. W J Wood 28 no Oct. 16. U l. ritmnn 20 'HI Nov. 2. B J Fry. T t 414 40 Nov. 4. Othel Morgan 13 IH) Nov. 4. A II Went IS 00 Nov. 4. T A Crowder 16 (H) Nov. 4. G L Warren 32 00 Nov. 4. C A Gentry 87 OO Nov. 7. W .1 Tnrleton 4 IH) Nov. 7. Fine pnid i’uul Stoke*, defaulter 8 70 Nov. 12. Automobile tax from W J Speer. State Tmoaurcr. 1.178 83 Dec. J. J W Hutch!noon. * 4 00 D h\ 2. <5 1. Warren 16 00 Dec. 2. T A Crowder 7.6 00 Din:. 3. Oarar Gnmcl. rond defaulter. 10 00 Dec. E I'Mwnr Gnt». rond defaulter 10 70 Dec. 3 C Icon) J ones, rond defaulter. 12 10 Dec. : Return ousts in Goo. Lewis cane 26 30 Dae. 9. B J Prv. T C 2.998 20 Dec. 16. U .1 Wood 112 no Doe. 16 u i Pitman 28 ttt Dec. 16. T A Crowder 86 00 Dec. 17. C A Gentry 44 00 Dec. 21 U .1 l v\ T. G 17.250 00 Dec. u \ H Went 28 00 Dec 31. Dial Malcolm. 4 00 Dec. 31 Gu.vm Alexander 4 IH) Dec. 31. 11 J Fry. T. C 1,000 oo Total .... • • • ...... $27,276 94 1914. DISBURSEMENTS, By canceled vouchers tendered srrand IIH *20.683 22 1915. Jan. 1. Balance to J* M Stallings*. Treas urer 687 72 Total. *27.276 94 lit port of J. M. Stallings, Treasurer of Coweta County. GENERAL FUND. DlSBl'K&KMKNTS. Account No. 1. January vouchers AcvNMint No. 1, February voucher* Account No. J January vouchers Account No. 2. February vouchers Account No. X. January vouchers Account Niv February vouchers Account No. 4. January vouchers Account Nix 4 February vouchers them for the excellent system of book- i Account No 6 January \ <uch«r* - ., . . . Account No. 5. February voucher* kteping they now employ, and believe Account No. 7. January vouchers the county will annually save a large Account No. 7. Ecbru.ry voucher* sum of money by thin method. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. We find the books neat, and kept in a business like manner. We commend ISIS. Jan. 2. Baiun Jan. 4. B J Fry. T. C Jan. 11. T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk Jan. 13. TG Farmer. jr.. Clerk Feb. 8. B J Fry. T. C Feb. 4. TU Farmer, jr . Clerk Feb. 11. T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk. Feb 12 TG Farmer. ir. Clerk Feb. 2.S. T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk Total .... RECEIPTS. F M Dennis. Treasurer $11,342 IS 8.648 60 1 00 10 00 9.420 75 20 63 2 84 14 25 U 75 $6y.4?2 50 Balance $ 8,608 03 VTotal $27.709 21 COUNTY FARM. We find at the County Farm the fol lowing inmates, viz; 1 white male, 14 females; 7 colored males, 5 colored fe males; total number of inmates, 28. Also, 1 mule, 1 horse, 5 pigs, 150 buBhels corn, 2,000 bundles fodder, 1 two-horse wagon and a lot of chickens. We find the houses in fairly good re pair; also the bedding fairly good. Thirty-five acres are in cultivation. Two luhorers are employed to do the farm work at a cost of $200 per year. About 75 acres are rented out, for which the county receives 10 bales of cotton. We find very little complaint from the inmates, They are well looked af tor. Cost of inmates is $8 per month. We recommend that the houses be whitewashed inside. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. We find the court-house in fine shape. We find the jail in very good condition. The walls of the first floor of the dwell ing portion need tinting or whitewash ing. Also, some of the steam pipes need attention. We find the tiling on the west side of the jail needs repairing. We recommend that a fence be built around the jail. We also think a coal bin should be built, as tho coal now piled against the wall of the jail is not the proper place for it, and is liable to damage the wall. COUNTY CONVICT CAMP. We found 80 convicts in camp, 4 guards, I yard man, and 1 engineer; and, with the superintendent, making a total of 87 men fed in camp. We also fi und 80 mattreBses, 840 blankets, 175 suits, 5 wagons, 4 wheel ers, 20 carts, 2 grade plows, 40 shovels, Sji.r.oc ,w 45 picks and 4 axes. We find the cost f building the present road to be about $3 000 a mile. We found the cost of feeding the men February to tie 13,1 cents per day, and iho cost of feeding the stock 39 cents ppr day. O-ving to the high cost of maintain ing the chaingang, we recommend that the Commissioners of Roads and Reve nue make a thorough investigation of the cost of working our roads by con tract. Under the rules und regulations of the Prison Commission of Georgia a felon can only be worked under cer tain conditions, and the warder, is forced to abide by the rules governing same. Under a system of contract labor these conditions would not prevail, and we think a great saving of money would result to the county. At any rate, the investigation is worthy of considers tion, and we earnestly recommend that it be made. We desire to go on record as opposed to the continuance of the 36-foot road now being worked, and known as the Newnan-Atlanta road. We think that a much narrower road is sufficient to accommodate all present and future travel. We heartily approve the recent order of the board in putting a repair gang on the roads. Complaint has been general throughout the, county that all of the important highways were badly in need of repairs, and the action of the board will meet with general approval. RECOMMENDATIONS. We earnestly recommend that the Commissioners of Roads and Revenue purchase a new map of the county. The present map of the county was made in 1870, and since then there have been many changes in the original county lines. A new map will greatly facilitate the work of the Tax Receiver, and we believe that the map will be paid for by the consequent increase of tax returns. We recommend that the compensa tion of the Commissioners of Roads and Revenue for 1915 he fixed at $50 each, as prescribed by law. We recommend the following names for appointment as N. l’.'s and ex-offi- cio J. P.'s, viz; 691st district, G. M., H. B. Sasser; 647th district, G. M., E. W. Burson; 755th district, G. M., J. A. Bilbo. We recommend the appointment of j Dr. W. L. Woodroof as a member of j the County Board of Health, and that his compensation be fixed at $2 per diem ! for attending regulurly ordered meet- ! ings. COMPLIMENTARY. 1 'ts6 re We wish to express our appreciation •** it : of the clear and forceful charge given j scs oo our body by His Honor, Judge R. W. | Freeman; also for his uniform courtesy t.» 73 i and consideration to us, and we hereby 5 042 72 i * i 4s 40 I commend him for his fearless, faithful ■ ROSARY HILL HOME Tells How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality to the Weak, Worn-Out Ones in Her Charge. Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y- — “I have been at work among the sick and poor for nearly eighteen years, and whenever I have used Vinol for run down, weak or emaciated patients, they have been visibly benefited by it One patient, a young woman, was so weak and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid, and was leaning on a friend’s arm. I supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me 1 hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out. These words are uttered from my heart, in order that more people may know about Vinol, as there is nothing makes me happier in the world than to relieve the sick.”— Mother M. Alpiionsa Lathrop.O.S.D., Hawthorne, N.Y. Such disinterested and reliable testi mony should convince everyone of the merits of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic to build up health and strength for all weakened and nervous conditions, whether caused from over work, worry orchronic coughs and colds. If Vinol fails to benefit we return your money. JOHN R. CATES DRUG CO., Newnan FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, AII Varieties Onr Seed Irish Potatoes are strictly Eastern raised, and guar anteed. If you plant our potatoes it means a sure crop. this body, as well as for his effective and judicious prosecution of violators of the law. PUBLICATION. We recommend that these present ments be published in The Newnan Her ald and the Senoia Enterprise-Gazette, and that they be paid $10 each for same. Henry C. Arnall, sr., Foreman, John A. Gable, Benjamin M. Drake, Daniel B. Lambert, Allen H. Jones, Eppienetus P. Floyd, . Charles W. Reese, Memory H. Overby, Robert J. Stewart, James R. Thurman, Edgar W. Bohannon, Sylvanus G. Allen, John A. Bradbury, Leonard E. V ood, John G. Carmichael, Glenn O. Scroggin, Danville L. Puckett, John W. Summers, Starling V. Carpenter, Wiley J. Scott, Joseph L. Brown, James It. Gable, Thomas S. Parrott. It is ordered, That the within gen eral presentments be spread upon the minutes and published as recommended therein. This March 5, 1915. R. W. Freeman, J. S. C. C. C. By the Court: J. R. Terrell, Solicitor-General. Filed in office this March 5. 1915. L. Turner, Clerk S. C. Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. "I take pleasure in recommending Cbamb-rUin’s Cough Remedy to my customers, because I have confidence in it. 1 find that they are pleased with it and call for it when again in need of such a medicine,” writes J. W. Sexson, Montevullo, Mo. For sale by all dealers. Do the best you can at all times, and let the other fellow worry. [ [ , i : ' : h>: j: i Let ua show you our line of field and hog wire fence, also, lawn and yard fencing. Farmers are buying it in quantities this year, which means more ‘‘hog and hominy.” We are agents for galvanized steel fence-posts. The life of these posts, as tested by the factory, is fifty years. With three hands you can build a fence around a 10-acre field in six hours. We also handle roofing. Felt roofing, $1.50 to $2 per square. Big line of galvanized sheet metal roofing. See us for prices. We want your business;—WE HAVE THE GOODS. JOHNSON HARDWARE CO. TELEPHONE 81, NEWNAN, GA. Farmers’ Supply Store We have now entered fully into the new year, and, as usual, are well prepared to take care of the trade of the friends and customers who have taken care of us. Those who did not sow oats in the fall should do so now, using an early variety of seed, because all feedstuffs will be high. We have for sale the famous 90-DAY BURT OATS—a variety that we can recommend highly. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP in 5-gaJlon and 10-gallon kegs, half barrels and barrels. The PEACOCK BRAND is the best syrup made, and we can sell it at jobbers’ prices. A full line of PUOW TOOLS, STOCKS, TRACES, UIAMES, BACKBANDS, and BRI DLES. Can dress up your mule with a com plete outfit for the plow. HUTCHESON ROPE for plow-lines. Will say, in a general way, that we carry in our store everything needed on a well- reguldted farm. We buy for cash, in car load lots, and you will find our prices as low proportionately as cash discounts in buying can make them. You are always welcome. SIS.704 3S SOS OS Whenever You NeoJ a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonio is equally valuable os a Geueral Tonic because it coutai..* the well known tonic properties of QUININE etui IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the HKkxI and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Balance. Total .... Report of J. M. Stulhnps. Treasurer. PUBLIC ROAD FUND S'.t I anc * impartial administration of the law - — 1 in this county. V! * ,v ‘ ■ To our worthy Solicitor-General, Hon. ISIS. RKCB1PTS. Jan. 2. Balance from F M TrcoauTvr Jan. 2. TG Farmer, jr.. Civrk Jan. 4. B J Fr>. l\ C Jan. 7. T G Farmer. ;r.. Clerk Jan. " TG Fortner, jr .Clerk Jan. 27. T G Farmer, jr.. Clerk Denni*. $ ?*7 72 17.000 Op 3.514 40 8 40 n oo 9 50 J. Render Terrell, we wish to extend thanks for his courteous attentions to! Cures Oid Sores, Other Renecies Won't Cert The •'orst cs*r». no matter of how lon< standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Cam aud II cal * ihe same time. 50c, i LOO. Dyspepsia Tablets Will Relieve Your Indigestion John R. Cates Drug Co. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULES. ARRI\ E FROM Griffin 11:16 a. v. Ch&ttanoo^a 1:40 V. m. Cedartown 6:39 a.m. Columbus 9:05 a m. 6:35 P. m. Griffin Griffin Chattanooga Cedartown Columbus.... DEPART FOR l^OP. ». 6:39 A. M. 11:10 A. M. 7:17 P. M. . . 7:40 A. ■.