The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, March 12, 1915, Image 7

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I |JUig Wiuxr- nliiu and I, comrooDly heard rmm the rwiKiiof Dalmatia to Hertng strait h'llfiij Illl.T ot tile popillarlnt) llvlna within these limits Is called on to give proor or courinte and cnlor. The ort- Bln of the ,uord lieioims to the prime the Idea that every man that dies herotrally ter his country goes stralaht to lleiiveti-Hiirny. to panidlae—«nd iu tin* siint-K and «rdi*r ot hurtle the eotii tin turns utter Unit cry. as the Inrks do tlint ot "AUtth!" **urh animat* ln« himself t>y the certitude of Itntne- cllnte ri*i titn|n*use to forget earth and to contemn death. How Indians Purified Water. I’l'e linllniis had a way of purifying water from ii|hui(1 or swamp by dig ging a hole about a Toot across and down about six Inches below the water le'el a few feet from the pond. After it was tilled with water they balled It our quickly, repenting the bailing proc ess about three times. After the third hnlltug the hole would be tilled with filtered water. Try It.-Boy Scout Handbook. Why Corn Has Silk. A Potato Hill mao who is sixty-one years old never knew until recently that for every grain on an ear of corn there Is a silk running out to the end to light and moisture. These silks run back under rhe husU. One la attached to each grain on the cob and nourishes it Everything in nature Is more won derful than any invented story.—Po tato Hill Cor. in Atchison Globe. Culture's Progress. "Our daughter 1st studying French. German, music, dancing and painting," said the fond mother complacently. “Well,'* replied Mr. Cumrox, “that's a good start. But has she yet learned not t > use back number slang and ' gum?”—Washington Star. chew No Longer Company. "Fa nlliarity breeds contempt” "True! When i was first invited over to their bouse to dinner they used to let the dishes go until morning; now they do them right after dinner an ,J call me into the kitchen to help."- De troit Free Press. Have you ^y~\ Catarrh? ^ la nasal breathing impaired? Does your throat get husky or clogged? Modem science proves that these symptoms re sult from run-down health. Snuffs and vapors are irri tating and useless. The oil-food in Scott'a Emulsion \ will enrich and enliven the blood,' aid nutrition and assist nature to check the inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes. Shun Alcoholic mixtures and insist upon SCOTT'S. Tax Receiver's Notice. His Definitu^o* "Pa, what Is a demit gogne?" "A demagogue. m'J «>n. « P«rSio who gives voice i<h opinions that con fl^et with your oiA’u.”- New Yor^ Her ald IVhcc hurt*' hither tests ,f manhood ♦hull lifirtl* •’ ever v '\ipt1er "Ne’ mouth man i enougl list Ibis ,w Have the Opportunity, er look a gift horse In the may be gfod advice to the one a million w ho is fortunate to hav^ a horse given him. ree Unknown There. Som * P ec ple will be surprised when they g< * ^heaven to find that the free « ’jsolutely suspended during ement Where Reggie Lost Out. “What in the world made you jilt Reggio?” "Oh, he got on my nerves, alwayu asking permission to kisB me.” —Dali is News. tirely Uncle Eben. "De man dat tries to put on airs,” said Uncle Eben, ‘throws hisself en- on de mercy of folks dat is too polite to laugh.* 1 For the Information of the Taxpay ers of Coweta County. The bookB of the Tax Receiver will be open for the receiving of State and county taxes bcRinninir Feb. 1 and closing May 1, 1015. SECOND ROUND. McCollum, Tuesday. Starch It?, 7:30 a. m. to 10 a. m. Madras, Tuesday. March It*. 10:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Palmetto, Tuesday. March 16, 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.. Moreland. Wednesday. March 17. 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. 1 St. Charles, Wednesday. March 17, 1:3(1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Grantville, Thursday. March 18,8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Raymond. Friday. March 19, 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. Sargent, Friday. March 19. 12 m. to 1:30 p. m. Newnan, Saturday, March 20. 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sharspburg. Monday, March 22, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Turin, Monday, March 22. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Haralson, Tuesday. March 23, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Senoia, Wednesday. March 24. 8 a. -n. to & p. m. R08C00. Thursday, March 25, 8 a. m. to 12 m. Corner Branch, Thursday, March 26. 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Handy. Friday. March 26, 8 a. m. to 12 m. Welcome. Friday, March 26. 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Newnan. Saturday, March 2S to April 7. inclu sive. SPECIAL NOTICE. AH landowners are required by law to give in the land lot numbers of each lot or parcel of land they own, in the original land district. The new law is very strict on this point, and instructs the Receiver not to accept the returns on any land without i.ot numbers and the original land dis trict. It ia impossible for the Assessors to do their work intelligently and do justice to the landowner wi'■••'** ' the correct information in giving: the lend ot nc, BE |, an d j am j district of each land lot and parAel jr ] an< j j n th e county. t,mp5y er8 are required to give a list of all era- P'Jjy®* on their land subject to taxes. rhP time for Riving in taxes is from Feb. 1 to {" jr 1. This is very important, as the books will *1- turned over to the Tax Assessors on May 1. Anyone who fails to give in hiB or her taxes with in the above-named time will be entered on the defaulters’ list and double taxed. The Tax Receiver’s books will be open at the court-house in Newnan all the time, except when at places and dates named above. Dat« for Reckoning Taxes Will Be From Jan. B. PAUL SMITH. Tax Receiver. Notice of Discharge in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. No. , in Bankruptcy. In re Edward R. Dent, Bankrupt: A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by the above-named bank rupt, and the Court having duly ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on April 3. 1915, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the United States Dis trict Court-room, in the city of Atlanta. Ga., notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at the time and place named and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. By F. L. Beers, Deputy Clerk. Delicate ChHdren usually only need a food tonic to make them strong and healthy SfeSfe Emu?s?on containing llypophosphite* is not only the best food tonic but is pleasant to take. Sold only by us. John R. Cates Drug Co. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. % -• -y y y y y * y r y *4? For Your Convenience OUR Studio v* y i : y’yy k i -V-'-il ls NOW OPEN FOR SITTINGS AT NIGHT Wednesday and Saturday FROM 7 TO 9 O'CLOCK With the new portable skylight, pictures at night are in every way equal to those made in the day Lrr# The Bettor Photos Are Made in the Studio or in Your Home by £>. IG. Jfautlrr PHONE 63-L Atkinson Building y x x x y * -r *• fr X ^ I1UI1UL.I1I ULtnuinmnuLU Jl I Lulu DURING “BOOSTER PERIOD. Only Five Days !o Go; Time is Short-Booster Period Closes March 18 Contestants Are Gathering Their Harvest While the Sun Shines—The Herald’s Great Automobile Contest is Growing in Popularity Every Da^. A plucky young lady called at the Campaign Man ager’s office, asking for a receipt book and information con cerning The Herald’s automobile contest. She was nomi nated by some friend. Read what she said: "I didn’t know until to-day that, anyone had consid ered me as a possibility in The Herald’s automobile contest, and didn’t know until a few minutes ago who it was that cast the first vote for me; but I am certainly going . after that automobile, for I consider it a most liberal offer. Too late? Mercy, no—seems to me that this is just the right time to get. in this battle--five dayR is a short time, yes;— but one can do wonders in five days ” Such were the words of a bright young lady who rush ed into the Campaign Manager’s office this morning to get materials ready for work in the contest, and she has the spirit that makes a good contestant, with all the nerve and confidence that is necessary to win. She did not ask a sin gle question—did not seem to oare how the race was going —she just seemed to consider that she was going to be the only one in the race. EVERYBODY A WINNER MAKES THE CANDIDATES WORK EAGERLY. The splendid prizes and the increasing popularity of The Herald are the things that are producing phenomenal interest in the contest. Just think of the fine chance that you have of winning a handsome prize. No better time in the world to get into this friendly struggle than right now, and get in the field before sopie one else “mops up.’’ “BOOSTER PERIOD’’ ON THE FINAL STRETCH- JUST FIVE DAYS MORE. Hesitation now means loss—stop, think, consider. You must make every minute count—every second. You must work day and night. Work all the time, and, when not working, be planning and figuring what you are going to do next. Don’t let one minute be wasted in this great battle of ballots. “Booster Period” is early in the contest, so that everyone can have an equal chance, and gives every one an opportunity to keep well up in the standing. Re member, it’s subscriptions that count. It’s through sub scriptions that you can win; no other way is possible. Sub scriptions count for votes, and votes win. DURING “BOOSTER PERIOD” THE FOLLOWING SCALE OF VOTES WILL PREVAIL. Regular scale of votes. Extra votes, Tetal votes. l-year subscription 5,000 15,000 20,000 2-year subscription_ 12,000 31,000 43,000 3-year subscription 18,000 47,000 65,000 4-year subscription __ .25,000 63,000 88,000 5-year subscription. ... ... 30,000 80,000 110,000 NAMES OF CONTESTANTS. Miss Mary Fry, Newnan. Miss Suedeile Wortham, Newnan. Miss Winnette Hollis, Newnan. Miss Gertrude Reynolds, Newnan. Master Tommie Harper, Newnan. Mr. Cecil Donegan, Newnan. Miss Margaret Mcknight, Senoia. J. T. Morris, Newnan, R. F. D. 1. Miss Ruby Wynn, Newnan, R. F. D. 2. Miss Marguerite Herring, Grantville. Miss Ethel Hines, Moreland. Miss Irene Mattox, Moreland, R. F. D. 1. Mr. W. A. Nipper, Alvaton, Mrs. R. M. Stevens, Sharpsburg. Mrs. Eura Jones Hyde, Pine View Farm, Newnan. Miss Neva Davis, Hogansville, R. F. D. 3. DON’T BE BLUFFED *'VI o [JU-UfiJ IO tlLLLUUUtJ ** lion m-*T1 U |^-T * -JT* - — to The Newnan Herald. You know that when you ap proach anyone for subscriptions they will get their money’s worth You will not have to explain this to anyone who has been reading The Herald. Anyone who gets the habit of reading The Herald will never he without it. Subscrip tions are climbing rapidly, and it is gratifying to the editor. The contestants are “live wires,” and all are going to give a good account of themselves. We appeal to the general public to give them assistance when they call, for they are worthy of your help. LEAD—DON’T FOLLOW i This is the slogan of the successful person, There are always plenty of followers, but the real leaders are few and far between. The Campaign Manager has been fortunate in getting into this contest some real leader They are not only loaders, but they possess tire qualifications of making leaders out of others. It is interesting to, note the perfect working machinery of some of the contestants—just how they go about their work—their follow-up system, and how they keep behind each and everyone who might subscribe. They would be a power in the political field, is organ ization that always spells SUCCESS. Now, just, live more working days, . and the great Booster Period closes. Don’t, let, the final hour come and then have to say, “Why didn’t I take adv’ahtage of my op portunity'.”’ Remember, March 18 is the closing day of Booster Period. ' We could lay our finger on several contestants right now that are not doing their best; who are not even taking opportunities that are in their path. You are not treating yourself right to do this. This is the best time in the whole contest to work, and work hard, as the field is still ripe, and there are subscriptions to be had every awy you turn. You have as good a chance as any other one, and should determine right now not to lose kny niore opportu nities. Get a hustle on, and make the last five days count. Are you reading the contest story each Week? Do you realize the wonderful prizes being offered and, given by The Newnan Herald? Grand prize—5-passenger Ford touring car. 2d grand prize, $100 in'gold. 3d priz4, $30 in gold. 4th prize, $20 in silver. You are not restricted in getting subscriptions—get them anywhere that you ep.n. NOMINATION BLANK TO ENTER THIS CONTEST FILL OUT THIS COUPON AND SEND TO THE CONTEST DEPARTMENT. EACH CONTESTANT IS ENTITLED TO ONE NOMINATION, GOOD FOR 1000 CONTEST VOTES 1 HEREBY NOMINATE Mr. Mrs. Miss Postoffice Signed by Address Only one Nomination Coupon credited to contestant. Under no cir cumstances will the name of the nominator be divulged. If the person nominated decides to enter the contest 9,000 votes will be given when the FIRST DOLLAR IS PAID IN. f Good for 75 Votes IN -r^- The Newnan Herald’s Great Automobile Circulation Campaign NAME OF CONTESTANT i. One utterly needless source of discouragement to the timid contestant is the fear in which they hold some Other contestant. They hear all kinds of wild rumors; that “so and so” has a bunch of subscriptions already, i Rumor is ever untrustworthy, and no reports are so apt tb be exagger ated as these. In fact, “live wire” contestants are apt to circulate reports of this kind on purpose. It is a pretty safe plan to cut these reports in the middle—or even more than this. Suppose you know someone else has a few thou sand more than you have—what of it? The remedy lies in your own hands. Get out among.your friends and getsub- scriptions and overcome this lead, and then hold the whip- hand yourself. The more subscriptions you get the more confident you will become, and the feeling of fear will pass away—you will be able to approach anyone with a more confident feeling. Talk is nothing but words, and talk don’t win anything in this contest. Subscriptions are the things that count, subscriptions mean votes—and a nice bunch of them during Booster Period. Less talk and more votes make a better showing in the standing column. Re member the slow-going old tortoise;—he won because he stuck everlastingly at it. WORK AND YOU WILL NOT LOSE This paper wishes to reward every contestant who qualifies in this race, and if you don’t win one of the prizes, you will be paid 10 per cent, of all the money that you turn in for subscriptions. REMEMBER, ALL CONTESTANTS ARE EXPECTED TO REPORT TO THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. ADDRESS ./ This Coupon when neatly trimmed and filled out with name and address of Contestant and brought or mailed to the Contest. Manager, will count for 100 votes. ' Not Good After March 22. FREE PORTRAIT FRAMED, CQMPLETE With every dozen photographs we give one framed portrait FREE. This offer for a limited time only. STUDIO AT THE S. F. JACKSON OLD STAND. We promise our customers work right up to the standard of excellence maintained by this studio during the past. We want your business and it the best work coupled with the lowest prices will secure it we'll have it BUYERS STUDIO 17 1-2 Court Squure ’Phone 78. NEWNAN, GEORGIA. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Cornmibsioners of Roads and Revenue of Coweta county will receive ’proposals for building and grading the public road, (known as the Franklin road.) on Summers’creek, between old Providence church and Emory Chapel—a distance of 140 yards—said roadway to be leveled with dirt, to which must be added a 6-inch rock foundation, and covered over with 6 inches of soli. Send bids to Geo. L. Warren, County Commis sioner. Sargent, Ga.. R. F. D. 1. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, T. G. FARMER. Jk.. Clerk. If You ore troubled with'heartburn, gases and. a distressed feeling af’er eating take a ^Tablet before and after each meal and-you will obtain prompt relief. Sold only by us,25o John R. Cates Drug Co. If you owe for this paper pay up*