The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NF.WNAN HERALD j Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, IhStl. > Established 1860. ' Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1916. > NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915. VoL 50—No. 27 sM=Mm=mn=mii=nm=ni mailorderspromptlyfilled in=niii=:mii=im8=inn:=rAg 1 I ii Grand Showing of New Spring Merchandise! The store for all the people. Vv ith stocks at their best we tempt you with their wonderful assort ment and economy. There is now on our shelves and counters the larg est display of spring goods ever exhibited in this store. More promi nent among the different displays is the New Millinery and Women’s Ready-to-Wear. be a pleasure to those seeking knowledge of the season’s newest fabrics and colors, ALWAYS WELCOME AT STRIPLING’S. Ladies’ World free with every pattern. A visit will and you are Your Easter Hat Every woman and girl wants a new hat for Easter. Well, here’s the place to get it. This is Stripling’s most impressively beautiful and fashionable gathering of Easter millinery. The latest and most beautiful colorings and trimmings combine to make this special showing one worthy of your visit. A host of models, both large and small, permit great freedom of choice. They range in price from— | I $1.50 to $10 U Special Values in Ladies’ and 5 Misses Dresses, at $1.19 This is one of the greatest values we have ever of fered in dresses. They are made of good quality, fast color ginghams, linene and chambray, very neatly trimmed in white pique or dainty little embroidery. A dozen different styles, and look at the sizes, from misses’ 16 years old up to ladies’ size 52, and all one price, only— $1.19 Let us show you these dresses. SHOES The , season’s T ’smart- est styles in fine foot wear. If you want footwear with cl c- gance of style, youth ful and beautiful in looks, that will give you delightful service, buy'Dorothy Dodd shoes. The new mod els are exceptionally charming. They have all the best style’'fea tures of the world’s foremost fashions. Come in and see these charming new oxfords, pumps, etc.— $2.50, $3, $3.50, $3.75 Your Easter Suit We arc showing a very pretty assortment of new spring suits in all the leading colors and styles, rang ing in price from— $10 to $15 The New Skirts Are Here A large assortment of new skirts, embracing all the newest fabrics and colors, very neatly trimmed in buttons and pocket effects. They range in price from $1.25 to $5 Extra Special Values in Ladies’ Shirt Waists at $1 We have just opened up another lot of those beau tiful shirt waists. Some arc of Jap and China silk, very prettily embroidered; some of white ground with blue and lavender stripes; and eight different styles in voiles, organdies, etc., beautifully trimmed in dainty lace with embroidered organdie collars. Take your choice for—< Children’s Dresses Mothers, what’s the use worcying over making the children’s dresses when you can buy them here for almost what the material would cost. Over a dozen different styles to select from; well made; fast colors; all sizes from 2 years up to 18 years, ranging in price— 25c, 50c, 65c, $1 New Middies For children, misses and ladies, made of linene and galatea, trimmed with red and blue collars— 50c and $1. NEW EASTER RIBBONS We’ve just received a big shipment of pretty new ribbons in solid col ors and fancy floral and oriental patterns. A 1 1 widths from 1 inch up to 6 inches, per yard— 5c UP TO Boys’ Suits That boy wants an Easter suit. Get him a “Perfection” suit; there’s none that’s better, many not so good. We’ve a good selection of smart suits of all-wool wear-resisting fabrics in a wealth of the most seasonable patterns to choose from. New Norfolk coats with full peg-top knickerbockcr trousers. They range in price— $2.50, $3.50, $4, $5, $6, $7 f) Boys’ Knee Pants A big stock, more than two hundred pairs, new styles, pretty fabrics, at— 50c, $1, $1.50 New Spring Dress Goods Never before have we assembled such a magnifi cent assortment of new spring dress goods. All the new colors and fabrics in wash goods, selling at 10c, 15c and 25c. Fancy crepes and silks, at 25c, 50c and $1. i wo big tables new spring ginghams. 1,000 yards new spring percales 32-inch French madras fancy printed crepes at 36«inch silk luster voile Mercerized poplins, all colors 40-inch white voile, only .. 10c, 12’c 8c 15c . 15c and 10c 25c 15c 19c Bostonian’s Famous Shoes For Men Have the style, comfort and durability of the more expensive advertised shoes. All the new lasts and styles now on display. Come in and let us show you. They range in price—$3.50, $4 and $5. and can be had in tan, patent, vici, kid and gun metal. Endicott’s all solid leather shoes in gun metal, but ton and lace, new style, neat lasts — $2, $2.50 and $3 Saturday and Monday 14 yards of best grade 10c bleached domestic for $1. 20 yards good quality yard wide bleaching for $1. rr The store that saues you money “1 he Reliability of a Store Should be Your First Thought" /S Tffr TM/A/G. One priee to all. ' SPOT CASH HIM: :il||l=illli=(flli NEWMAN'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH SIDE COURT SQUARE Jilin: I n 1 l I Famous R. & G. Corsets No dress fits perfectly unless you have on a proper fitting corset. There’s an R. & G. made that will fit you. Every one rust proof. New styles in at $1 $1.50 and $2.50. R. 13. C. corsets, 4 hose supporters, 50c. Buster Brown Flosiery For men, women and children; 4 pairs guaranteed to wear 4 months without darning. Come in lisle and medium weight, 25c pair, 4 pairs in box, $1. U. S. soldier hose are the best made at the price, 15c a pair. Ladies’ silk boot hose, 15c pair. Men’s Hats Four big lots mcn’s’sample hats, new styles and shapes— $1, $1.50/5 ku $2 and|$2.50J S I I I I II M