The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, April 09, 1915, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN HERALD > Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1SSG. ' Established 186t». i Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1915. * NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. Vol. 50—No. 28 Buy at Home; Georgia Products There has been so much talk about practicing economy by buying at home, using Georgia products, thereby creating a home market for your grains, etc., we beg to advise that we are in po sition to furnish you with one of the best balanced feeds on the market, made from home-grown products. If your merchant does not handle our feed you can buy direct from us at following prices— McBride’s Ground Grain Molasses Feed, $1.60 per 100 pounds. McBride’s Alfalfa Molasses Feed - - - $1.70 per 100 pounds. The analysis of our ground feed is as follows: Protein, 9.29; fat, 3.78; fiber, 5.80; carbohydrates, 61.17. cent, of fiber (fiber is filler) in our feed and compare with some of the other feeds offered for sale. Why throw away 30 per cent, of your feed when you can bring your corn to us in shuck and after all (you furnishing bags) you will have 2 1 per cent, more and better feed. This feed will contain molasses to make it dustless and well balanced lor hard worked stock. If you will stop and consider what your feed is costing you, basing corn at $1 per bushel, you will find that you are paying $35.72 per ton. Oats at 75c per bushel, you are paying $46.87 per ton. By having it ground it will reduce the price $6.54 per ton and in addition have a much better feed. Won’t this saving of $6.54 per ton be good pay lor bringing 25 bushels of corn to us for grinding into feed? For your information we give analysis of cobs and shucks after being ground: Cobs, protein 2.4, fat .5, carbohydrates 54.9. Shucks, protein 2.5, fat .7, carbohydrates 28.3. This is also a very superior feed for dairy cows. When you harvest your oats don’t thresh them, but have them ground, straw and all, into feed. This will save the expense of threshing. You can cut your oats high, leaving a high stubble lor improvement of your land and at same time reduce the straw which will improve the feed. This with molasses will make an ideal feed for your stock. This is an age lor economy, and Note the low per expenses are paid by utilizing all your products you will solve the feed problem. Yours very truly, McBride Grain and Feed Co. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK, DON’T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Will Clean Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Not Salivate. Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious; feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out, if your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone instead using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson’s Liver Tone is real liver medi cine. You’ll know it next morning fie- ctnise you will wake up feeling tine, your liver will be working, vour head ache and dizziness gone, your stomach 'nil he sweet ami bowels regular. You will feel like working. You’ll be cheer ful; full of energy, vigor uuci ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal 1 ; a:.:that it will clean your r than nasty calomel; it v.m * you sick and you can cat a: \ >u want without being salivab .: druggist guarantees that each a; 1;l; 11 v. iil start your liver, (dean your bowels and straighten von up by morning or you get your money back. m ( l.iiO n gladly take Dodson’s Liver Tone because ( it is pleasant tasting am! (lpusn’L grpe or cramp or make them pick. T am selling million.; of bo'.vles <>i Dodson’s Liver Tone to people v. iio have found that this pleasant, vert i,d ie. liv*; medicine fakes the place of 'iaMr' calomel. liny one bottle mi 'ey ■ • • 1 reliable guarantee. y< r ' 'h i 1 about me. A SONG OF TRUST. I cannot always seu the way that leads to heights ahove;— I sometimes quite forget that lie loads on with hands of love; But yet 1 lenow the paths must load me to Imman- u* l’s land. And when I roach life's summit I shall know and understand. I cannot always trace the onward course my ship must take, But looking backward I behold afar the shining wake Illumined with God's light of love; and so I on ward go. In perfect trust that He who holds the helm the chart must know. I cannot always see the plan on which He builds my life; For c. : t the sound of hammers, blow on blow, the noise of st rife. Confuse me til! I quite forgot He knows and over- seeB, And that in all details with IIi« good plan rny life agrees. I cannot always know and under-'and the Mas ter’s rule; I cannot always do the tasks He gives in life’s hard school; But. i am learning, with Ilia help, to solve them one by one. And, when I cannot understand, to say, "Thy will ho done.’’ Trying to Fool the Fanner. Macori Telegraph. The recent rise in cotton on the New York exchange, with corresponding slight advances in the spot markets throughout the South, is the most sus picious occurrence noted in months. The sinister angle of it is that this ad vance comes just before the Southern farmer i3 getting ready to pitch hiB crops. There is no real reason or excuse for cotton going up. Rather, it ought to be going d’ wn and hitting low levels now, with millions of bales unsold and with no prospect of being sold. I idustrial conditioiic are such that spot cotton cannot be in any great demand any where. England and the United States are alone in the manufacture of cotton goods in the entire world at this time and England is buying far far below her usual amount In all rhyme and reaso:,, as the time for the new crop ap proaches the price should he falling lower and lower. If the price of cot ton were determined at this time on its actual v..!u“ according to the law of supply and demand, it should he selling at around six cents a pound. And yet futures in New York are skirting the ten-cent mark! There is only one explanation of this, which is no mystery to the man who knows markets, and that is a simple one. There can be no doubt but that the price is • nine deliberately in flated or, it x •hang- ck-d by the big spinning n' po ’ UM g interests, just when the Urm-r getting ready to lay out his land for planting, so that increased acreage may be stimulated. If the spinners and speculators —the latter of the sort who can buy cotton and hold it indefinitely—can get even a ten-miilion-bale crop from the South this year, cotton will go to four and five cents next October. And it won’t get stronger for some time afterward, war or no war. Here will come the opportunity for the spinner and the spinner’s huying agent to lay in cotton at about one-third a fair price for it, and enough of it to keep the mills run ning long enough to declare enormous dividends. They are trying to goldbrick and humbug the farmer. It has been often done from New York. Every time there seems to be an indication of acreage reduction along comes the New York exchange just before plant ing time and Bends the price up a few notches through the simple expedient of its members huying and Relllng from each other in public, with more huying than selling, and getting out from un der after the exchange closes each day. This is precisely what it is doing now. Given the prospect, fictitious or other wise, of enough price for cotton in the fall to pay his debts, and the average two-horse farmer, who produces nearly all Lite cotton, will plant nothing else. This is known by the spinners, for whose benefit the cotton exchanges, in the last analysis, are run. So we have ten-cent cotton again at planting time. Ten-cent cotton with the greatest war in the world on—with millions of halos unsold because there is no de mand, or likelihood of a demand for the staple—with the acreage reductionists declaring that the prospects are, de spite all their efforts, that too much cotton is going to be planted this sum mer again—with all these, cotton goes to ten cents on future deliveries! Mar velous! Every farmer should be warned of It is done Himply for its moral effect. And it is having its effect. The Tele graph learns that a good many farmers huve perked up and fallen for the “hunk” of the spinners. They are talking already of going pretty well in for a sizeable cotton crop. It is utter foil} We have gotten through thiB one winter. What an other one like it will do no man can say. It must not be. The cotton crop must be slashed all to pieces this sum mer, no matter to what attitude the exchanges hoist future prices. Every newspaper in the South should raise its voice in decided warning—and raise it loudly and long. Warns Planters. Max B. Wellborn, head of the At lanta Federal Reserve Bank, who was the honor guest at a banquet given by the bankers of group three at the Alabama Hotel, in Anniston, last week, stated in an interview in his homo paper that the increase in the price of cotton within the past few weeks is due to reduced sales of fertilizer, and the expressed determination of the cotton planters to curtail the acreage this year. "While every man who is really con cerned and interested in the welfare of the South is delighted to Hee the value of our great staple approaching nor mal,” said Mr. Wellborn, “there is an opportunity in the present favorable condition for some of the planters to do much harm by departing from their formed determination to plant less cot ton than in the past. The planters have won a victory already,” continued the banker, "in that they have slowly forced the price of cotton up. The price is still far below what it ought to be, of course, hut it will continue to rise juBt as surely as the planter ad heres to the policy of curtailed acreage, and puts into practice the doctrine of diversified farming. I am a farmer myself, and I will plant only fifty per cent, of the acreage which I have in the past given to cotton.” Nothing So Good for a Cough 01 Cold When you have a cold you want the best medicine obtainable, so as to get rid of it with the least possible delay. There are many who consider Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy unsurpassed. Mrs. J. Boro IT, Elida. Ohio, says: "Ever since my daughter, Ruth, was cured of a severe cold and cough by Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy two years ago, I have felt kindly disposed toward the manufacturers of that preparation. I know of nothing so quick to relieve a cough or cure a cold.” For sale by all dealers. It ib well to remember that some peo ple are loyal as long as they expect fa vors, hut quickly fall away when the favors are rendered. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Hoad IlrcHuse of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE HUOMO QUININE is better than ordinary tiinine and docs not couse nervousness nor nging in head. Remember the full name and look lor the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. ANNOUNCEMENT We take pleasure in announcing that we have secured the services of Air. E. R., of Chip- ley, Ga., who has had many years’ experience in the operation of ice plants, and under his supervis ion we can assure the public that the quality of our product will be up to the highest standard. We are making extensive improvements throughout our plant, and everything will be ready for operation early in the season. Our delivery service, under the direct supervis ion of A4r. E. D. Flowers, will be unexcelled, as he has made it a study for many years, always main taining the highest efficiency possible. You will find our delivery men prompt and courteous at all times. For prompt attention and courteous treatment ’Phone 403 Newnan Ice and Fuel Co. “The Home Industry” —Jl this, and it should he done quickly. It is a price fixed out of all reason, and does not mean a thing in the world. Use of Cotton in War. This interesting information concern ing cotton and explosives comes by way of the Philadelphia Record: "In ordinary years the powder plants of this country turn out 10,000,000 pounds of smokeless powder, in the manufac ture of which they would consume 20,- 000 bales of cotton lint. Owing to the enormous demand for explosives in Europe, the productive capacity of the Dupont works alone has been increased to 10 or 12 times the normal total capa city of all American powder mills. Ger many, France and Russia use cotton lint almost exclusively in the produc tion of their smokeless power; and, al though the other nations employ picric acid and coal-tur products in larger measure, all UBe guncotton to some ex tent. The estimate that 1,200,000 bales of cotton will be turned into explosives this year seems moderate. This may explain the unexpectedly large export demand, which will probably approxi mate 7,500,000 or 8,000,000 bales, in spile of the great curtailment in the cotton manufacturing industries of Europe consequent upon the war. The fifty-seven warships in the Dardanelles are ‘burning up cotton' at a monstrous rate. A 12-inch gun uses 300 pounds of powder per shot, and it is theoreti cally possible for a battleship to use from 5,000 to 0,000 pounds of powder (or 10 to 12 bales of cotton) a minute by firing all its guns. BACK GIVES CUT, Plenty of Newnan Readers Have This Experience. You tax the kidneys — overwork them — They can’t keep up the continual strain. The back may give out—it may ache and pain; Urinary troubles may set in. Don't wait longer — take Doan's Kidney Fills, Newnan people tell you how they act. Mrs. N. P. Scroggin, 25 Second ave nue, Newnan, says: "I was taken sud denly with an intense pain in the small of my back. The least move caused a sharp pain to shoot through my body, and I finally got so bad that I had to stay in bed. 1 called in a doctor, but he didn’t give much relief. Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured of J. F. Lee Drug Co., relieved me from the first, and four boxes cured me of all symp toms of kidney complaint.” Price 60c.. at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Scroggin had. Foster - Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y.