The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, May 21, 1915, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN HERALD Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. i Established 1866. 1 Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1916. >’ NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1915. Vol. 50—No. 34 Men’s genuine Palm Beach suits, value $7.50, special $6.50 7 spring coats, $12. Suits, regular price $10, at half-price to close quick. Trunks and suit cases in a great variety. See our stock before you buy. Ladies’ Palm Beach suits, the new and correct styles $6.50, $7.50 Mid-season merchandise attractions that will appeal to your taste, your purse and good judgment. Our merchandise as advertised—clean and desirable. Money back if not satisfied, We want your business. Buy For Cash and Buy at Boone 9 s Muslin Underwear Sale Beginning next Saturday and continuing all next weeh we will have on sale all house dresses at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get your house dresses. All 65c percale dresses 49c All 75c percale dresses 59c All $1 percale and gingham dresses 79c All $1.25 percale and gingham dresses 89c All $1.50 percale and gingham dresses $1.15 Sale of House Dresses A price to reduce our stock. Gowns, skirts, corset covers, princess slips, combination suits, etc. All 25c goods, 19c. All 50c garments, 39c All 75c garments, 55c. All $1 garments, 79c The above goods are cheaper than material and making. Special attention is invited to our ladies’ knit union suits, closed back and front, the most comfortable garment of the kind out; all sizes; price, 50c. Low=cut Shoes We have put on sale a large lot of low-cut shoes for summer at about one-third off regular value. Most all sizes, generally one and two pairs of a kind. Pat ent, white canvas, gun metal and tan, for men, wo men and children. Also, rubber bottom tennis oxfords, 50c. | Ribbons! I Specials from recent close-out purchases. One lot of satin ribbons, value 15c, 19c and 25c, on sale at 10c and 15c One lot fancy ribbons, values up to 75c, at, choice 25c Baby ribbons, all colors, yard lc Satin, taffeta and fancy ribbons, in the narrow widths, yard 4c to 10c Velvet ribbons in popular narrow widths. Dress Goods A beautiful display just received, of the correct cloths and pat terns 10c All I2£c percales 10c All 12^c ginghams 10c Pride of West plain white lawn 10c Special white linene 10c Printed crepe 12£c dress goods 10c 36-inch brown imitation linen, special 7^C 10c spring ginghams, mill ends 7ic 7Jc dress ginghams 5c White Goods At 15c and 25c that are worth your at tention. The correct things in batiste, rice cloth, crepes, voiles, dimities, wash silks, linens, etc. A more complete as sortment will not be found in this sec tion. Silk Poplins The best dress fabric for all purposes. Ten colors, yard 50c Mail Orders Receive prompt and careful attention. Send your mail orders to us. Wash Dress Fabrics This will be a great sesson for white goods. We have made ample prepar ations. Fancy white goods for waists and dress es, value 19c, at 12£c 25c reps and poplins..* 19c 20c and 25c P. K. welts 15c Pride of West lawns 10c to 20c 10c yard-wide white madras 8£c I2£c yard-wide white madras 10c All-linen white 36-inch 25c. Dotted swiss, voiles, rice cloths, special.. 15c White linene 10c, 12£c, 15c Laces 100 styles of beautiful val., round thread and torchon laces at, yard 5c See our lace counter at.. 10c, 12ic, 15c A pretty showing of shadow, oriental and round thread laces at 25c 18-inch shadow laces for tunics. Special, to Close A few pieces of embroidery flouncing— 35c values at 25c 50c values at 39c 75c values at 50c Saturday and Monday Bleached domestic, special, 14, 16 or 18 yards SPECiHL 200 dozen yards val. lace, 12 yards to package. Price per package 19c, 25c Fancy Parasols Values $2 to $3.50, to close out at $1.50 Fancy Parasols Children’s 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c Ladies’ 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 Underwear For Men, Women and Children Ladies’ vests with shoulder straps that stay up, 10c, 3 for 25c and 15c, 2 for25c Ladies’ knit union suits, the last word in ladies’ summer underwear, all sizes, one price; ask to see them 50c Men’s and boys’ undershirts and slips, garment 25c and 50c Boys’ undershirts made of pajama checks, sizes 6 to 14 years 50c Men’s union suits, good fitting, comfort able garments 50c and $1 Shirts That Don’t Fade Don’t take chances; get a shirt that’s guaranteed not to fade. If it does you’ll get a new one. No-fade shirts are $1 and $1.50 Soft with French cuffs, and regular laundered cuffs. Princely shirts, with or without collars, at 50c Footwear Good shoes are one of our specialties. No store in Newnan is better prepared to fill your wants right now than we are. Our record for shoe selling is that 99 out of every 100 pairs sold give satisfaction. We have a record on Tilt’s shoes for men of one complaint out of 500 pairs sold. Tilt’s and ReynoldsL-gjioes for men at $3.50 and $4 are unsurpassed at the price. Other good summer shoes for men $2.50 and $3 Ladies’ summer shoes $1.50 to $3.50 Children’s summer shoes $1 to $2.50 Infants’ summer shoes 60c to $1.25 A full line of white canvas oxfords, all sizes and prices. Scuffer Footform and bare f oot sandals for children, ladies and men. Good Clothes We are featuring four prices of good clothes that mean the equal of any made at the price. In the future our best ef forts will be here. They are all wool, sewed with silk thread, and must give good wear. Prices, $10, $12, $15, $18. When needing a suit sec the Big 4 line. Boys’ Clothes Beyond question the largest stock in Newnan. Do justice to your boy. Buy him a new suit; it will encourage him. Neat, stylish suits $3 to $7.50 Work suits $2 to $4 Arrow Collars The new and correct styles are here. Thirty styles to select from, 2 for 25c A standard collar, a good variety to se lect from, made by the Arrow Collar Factory 10c Skirts Over one hundred and fifty wool skirts in a variety of styles. Two special prices, $3.50 and $5. Other skirts to close out at $1.98 to $3.00. Shirt Waists This is a great waist season; they are here at 50c to $2. Two special prices, values $1.25 and $1.50, at $1 and $1.25. The right cloths properly made in the right style. Ladies’ Fine Dresses A new assortment of our silk poplin dresses, values up to $7.50, at $5. A new line of fancy white and light colored dresses, very neat and pretty, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $5. Linen colored dusters, $1.25 and $1.50. r | Men’s Serge Suits Dress Lawns Be Safe Men’s and Boys’ Straw Hats I 1 Men’s all-wool blue serge coat and A pretty assortment, 10 yards for Buy Big Four clothes A most complete selection of stiff and | | pants suits, special 19c $10, $12, $15, $18 soft hats I I $7.50 c/ y Or. 5c a yard for less quantity. None better made at the price 50c to $2.50 S -XfaW.- r-~a—n— ■