The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, August 26, 1921, Image 1

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- ..ciwpjaN HERALD I Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. I ^Established 1888. ( Consolidated with Newnan--News January, 1916. f NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 48 County News Items Interesting facts Gathered During tlw \ffetk. by Our Regular Correspondents. SENOIA. Bev. B. D. Porter, of Baxley, ,i#spend-. ing several days with relatives here. Mrs. H. D. Smith, who has been de lightfully entertained as the guest of Mrs. W. D. Gibson, 1ms returned to her borne at Tifton. . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lindsey have re turned from a visit of several days to relatives in Anniston, Ala. Misses Zadine Horn and Esther Du mas, of Barnesville,' and Miss . Annie Laura Butler, of Gogginsville, are guests of Miss Carrie Belle Arnall this week. Mrs. J. W. Aruall entertained a num ber of the younger set riritli a picnic at Starr’s mill on Wednesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McKnight, Mrs. M. E. Lincli and Mrs. G. L, Bow spent Sun day in Carrollton. Mr. and Mrs. 8fi. H. Estes and children spent Sunday at Gay.^ Miss Margaret Keith accompanied them, home, and will / be their guest for several days. Miss Elizabeth Maun is spending the week in Lutherville, i • Mrs. R. E. McKnight entertained at ten last Thursday evening, compliment ing Miss Gordon and Miss Maddox, of Atlanta, the guests of Miss Margaret McKnight. Miss Addie Lde Moses, of Turin, is the guest of Miss Dorothy fingram, this week. ■ Miss Lillie'Hardin, who lias beep the guest of Miss Pearl Freeman, has ■ re turned to her home at Borne. Mrs. J. T. Arnall has returned from a visit to relatives at Turin. 1 . Mr. 0. B. McDaniel, of Newnan, spent •Sunday in Senoia. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry Gordon and little daughter and Miss Frances Gordon, of Atlanta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKnight Sunday. Misses Elsie Gordon and Martha Mad dox have returned to Atlanta, after a visit of several days to Miss Margaret McKnight. Misses Mildred .and Begina Branden- "burg are visiting Mrs. W. ;G. Hodnett, in Atlanta. Mrs. W. E. Herrin anjl ..children have returned from a visit with relatives in Carrollton. * . Mr. Henry Matthews, of San Antonio, Texas, visited his Sister, Mrs^ W. M. Keith, Sunday. x Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greene of Newnan, Miss Sarah Arnall and Mrs. Chas. Byder of Birmingham, Mrs. A. L.. Jornigan of .Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. 'Elder and Mrs. Conyers of Atlanta, and 1 Mrs. G., D. Pollock of Birmingham, Ala., were guests of Mrs. Annie,Davis.Tuesday. ' Col. B. F, MpKnight, and Miss Jaynes, of Griffin, were guests of Miss, ftouiola Davis, Sunday. Mr. 0, 0. Enijreckin’, of Birmingham, impending several days with- his mother ljerc. . Mrs. Kiser, of Atlanta, is visiting her son, Bev. C. 0, Kiser.' ■ Mr. E. L. Hooten, and family haVe- re- turhed ...frmn.:^. short stay at Borden- Wlieeler" Springti;'. i Mr. B. P.-Daniel and fa turned from a two-weeks Sffliida, N., C, - Mr. 0. Z. CroO'k entertained a group of relatives arid friends with”a barbecue' Tuesday at his country home neat; Senoia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feltman have re-< turned to Boston, Ga., after ah extended visit to relatives here. Mr. and Mrs., Uric Free and children, of Homestead, Fla., are stopping here for a few days, en route to North Caro_- boa, where they will spend the remain der of the summer. Funeral services for Mr., Ernest Pow ers, who died suddenly Sunday night of heart failure at his home Iri Birming ham Ala., were hold "Tuesday after- I ii° r, at Baptist church here, Eev. ,T. n. Cowart, of Decatur,' and Bev. C. C. k'ser officiating. Mr.' Powers was 01 years old, and had brien a resident of Senoia for about twenty years, moving to Birmingham in 1920. He was pi;omi- oent in th'e business affairs of Senoia, end a consistent meniber of the Baptist , urch. Besides his wife he is survived V one brother, Mr. Geo. Powers, of irmingham; three sons—’George Powers “ Aorth Carolina, Leon and Phillip , °' rers of Birmingham, and two daugh- r ®’ “J 8 ' Dora Jackson of Byron, Ga., d Miss Clarice Powers of Birmingham, funeral services for Mrs. H. T. Drew- y. who died Sunday night; were hed ^vcdnesday morning at the residence < MT. CARMEL. Bev, C. C.. ( Cary, a superannuated Meth- ulist preheher now residing in Atlanta, preached at Mt. Carmel church during our protracted meeting. Although 73 years of age and a preacher for fifty- four years, he is still a vigorous and elo quent expounder of the gospel. He did of the best preaching we linve liegrd in many n dny, and hope to have him with us again soon. Grandmother Wallace is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Dalton, near Newnan. Mrs. T. D. Austin spent Sunday with relatives at Bowdon. Mr. Zach Turner is spending the week with relatives in Newnan and Atlanta. Mrs. C. S. Stary, who has been quite sick, is impro’ving. / Mr. C. I. Wallace and family, Mr. M. J. Story-and family and Mr. J. T. Story and family attended camp-meeting at Flat Bock, Heard county, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bobison, of. New nan, spent Sunday with Mr. C. S, Story and family. Mr!' and Mrs. M. B, Story and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs; Frank Wallace and baby attended services at the Pres byterian churcii in Newnan Friday night. Mrs. J. W. Turner and daughter, Inez, and Mr. W. H. Wood spent Sunday af ternoon at Homewood; Mrs. I. N. ' Payton, of Homewood, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. S. Story. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Charlie Bobison, Mr. Homer Wortham and Miss-Luvanna Sid ney, of Riverside, attended services here Thursday, and dined with Mr. J. W. Turner and family. Mr. A. P. Bowdon, of Newnan, at tended. services here last week and help ed wonderfully with the singing. Messrs. Dora and Boy Wortham, of Handy, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. J. B. BeaverB and family. Mr. Beid Wager, of Griffin, spent last week with his father here. Mr. Chas. Pearson and Miss Fannie ►Pearson spent Sunday in Carroll county. >Mr. arid Mrs. Brook Henson and chil dren, Mjr. and Mrs. Gene Payton and cljildren, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beavers and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dyer attended church services near Ban ning Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Chawley and daughter, Ida, and Mr. and Mrs. Buel Crawley, of Atlanta, spent a few days with, rela tives here last week. o— BETHEL. Bov. Z. Speor conducted revival ser vices at Bethel church the past weok, and gained twenty-six converts for member ship.. Mr. J. W. Byrom mid. family were spend-the-dny guests of Mr. J. O. Hub-i bnrd, at Farmdale, Sunday. Miss Fannie Kompson, of Orchard' Hill, spent the pnst week with Mrs. L. 0, Bailey nnd Mrs. Albert Crawford. Miss Grace Vollonwoider, of Atlanta, spout several days with friends in our I community the pnst weok, Mrs. J. F. Bailey, of Newnan, spent last week with relatives hero, Mr. Alsie Moses and son, James, of Mt. Zion, visited relatives boro recently.. Mr, J. E, Brittain nml family, of Newnnn, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Balloy Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vickory, from nenr Haralstm, spent Thursday with friends in our community. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morgan, of Stand ing Book, spent Bevornl (lays last week with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Byrom. Mr. John Bailey, of Newnan, nnd Mr. Paul Bailey, of -Welcome, .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Li C. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Vpllenweider, of Fayetteville, visited Mr. Ed Hancock anil family laBt Week. Mrs. B. E. Byrom arid children spent the weekend with relatives nenr S lug Bocli. Miss Bessie Brittain,, of Newnan, vis ited her sister, Mrs. W. A. Bailey, last week, ntul attended the revival meeting at Bethel church. Messrs. Bnymoml Wilson, Harmon Morgan and Hugh Bowers, of Standing Book, wero guests Sunday of Mr. Hurry Hnrdln. Mrs. Luthor.Snggs nnd son, of Mneon, spent Snturduy with the former’s moth er, Mrs. J. W. Wilson. The Misses Centos, of Standing Bock, viriitod MlsseB Lucile and Buth Hnrdln the past weok. Mr. Jay Adcock, of LnGrange, spent Sunday afternoon hero. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Morgnn, of Stand ing Book, spoilt Friday with Mr. nnd i Mrs. Frank Byrom. o Orville Wright wns talking at n Day- ton dinner about the now Cnproui bi plane which carries 100 passengers. What will the scientists sny now!” ,ho laughed; “Whon my brother nnd I wore trying to fly the scientists proved thho after time thut flight was impossible to man. Afterward, when flying wns act*- ally accomplished, they proved that air planes Would never bo more than danger ous toys; big, stablo ones couldn’t he made; they’d he too heavy to rise. Thoso scientists wevo like the old lady who was taken to see the first trolloy car to start in tho village. She lookod at the car nnd sniffed: ‘It’ll never go.’ But the car did go. It went beautifully. Then the old lady, staring nt it, shriek ed: ‘It’ll liovcr stop’.” , WELCOME. Protracted sorvlces closed nt Provi dence church Saturday morning, with the ordinance of baptism . There wore seven teen additions to the church membership —two by letter nnd fifteen on profession of faith. Bov. W. E. Fuller preached some able sermons (luring tho moetlng, nnd Mr. Fred Lylo led the singing port of the weok. Mr, and Mils. Hnmp Kidd visited Mrs. Alice Dnvls, in Newnnn, Monday. • Misses Ruth MUllans, Mary Grimes ' nnd Xtmonn Strong are attending pro tracted meeting nt Corinth this wook. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C, McKoy, Miss Lou ise MeKipe nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. E. Boone attended the Cnnip-Llndloy reunion lit Grant Park, Atlanta, Friday. Mr. Taylor Hodnott, ol' Savannah, Is spending the weok with his mother, Mrs, Janie Hodnott. i Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Stovnll nnd children nnd Mr. Brondiis Amis, of Atlanta, vis ited Bov. nnd Mrs. F. J. Amis lust weok. Mr. nnd Mrs. Brondus Bilbo nnd Mrs: Barnes nml sons, of Atlanta, spent Sun day with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Bilbo. Mr. Loo Stephens Is rushing to complo tion tho cottage ho is building on tho lot whore Mr. Howlotto Grimes’ residence formerly Htood, mid it will soon bo rqndy for occupancy. Mr. J, C. McKoy and fnmily and Mi di E. Boone and fnmily nttendod services at Bnnuili church, near Palmetto, Sun dny. —O" A farmer not for from Greenwood is snid to bo negotiating for the purchase of sevornl mules. A neighbor of his lion ring of the deal, asked him whnt he was going to do with the mules. Ho said he wns going to croBS them with cows nnd thus put kick ih the milk. Some .wives Bwoep the house with a glance and go to the movies. Sin_ never strikes for higher wnges. Only hens should lay around. Send -your name and ad dress to ’The REGENERATOR CLUB llox (181, Atlanta, Ga, ! Anil you will 1-ooolve by ; rot,urn mull a free copy n[ the book entitled “The Story of -the C&lls,” and directions for using Your ■ Own Mind with Regener- ator ^ for all Liver; , Troubles. —The Proof— iy have' re- Bojourn-^at, MADRAS. Mr. Paul Brown aijd sisters went over to Griffin Monday, Jo attend the funeral of '*heif si»te.ri r ;j|rs.. W. E. ’-Brown, who mecrwtjra Sunday^ . . Mjss Lula Belle Wingo has 1 returned to her'home, near-Palmetto, after speed ing a week with Miss Hyacinth Cook'. Messrs. J. B. Wise nnd Paul Brown went up to Atlanta, last Friday on busi ness . - 1 ‘- ' Mr. arid Mrs. ;.T. B. Wisp. and; daughter,,'■ Elizabeth, Mr. 'and Mrs. W..tipi iOook and c « Miss Hyacinth Cook'weritr-oyeiu.toVGrlffl.'i' Mpniiay to attend the funeral of Mrs. W. E, Brows. * i Work on the new Methodist church is progressing rapidly, and we hope to have it finished in a few .weeks. - Miss Anna Arnold has returned homo, after a month’s visit with relatives ami friends nt Barnesville. •- Mr. Luther Brown and Prof. Cook, of College' Park, wage guests of Misses An nie and Emma Brown Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Fair- cloth and baby, of Barnesville, were guests of Mrs. H. B. Arnold Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and daughter, Lucile, of Grantville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook Sunday. Mr. Geo. Upshaw, of Decatur, visited his sister, Mrs. J. R. Wise, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Grimes, of Handy, were week-end guests of Mr. J. R. Wise and family. Bev. W. B. Brown and little daughter, of Brooks, were guests of ’ Miss Annie Brown for a few days the past week. Miss Annie Lou Coggin, of Atlanta, t-isited homefolks here Sunday. , Mr. Emory Upshaw, from near Ray mond, was the guest of Mr. J. B. Wise and family for several days last week. Mrs. Ella May Roberts* returned to Atlanta Sunday, after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Fer-1 An expression commonly heard among boys around their favorite'wash-hole” or “swimming pond”—when diving,, coming up with a handful of sand as evidence. With apolgies for this expression, we are featuring for the last few days of August, certain wanted items, with the lame concrete evidence— less than 1914 Pre. prices. , 1 ' ' • * Wl . • • r& r • 'Sy.JV.S She had been ill several Iwafio’ an ^ a * time of her death- I .' ’“.yews of .age. She was formerly . “ibe Shell,-daughter of the late ■ -*T - Besides her husband she is I -dlt, r three daughters and one son; I nf T , by ‘wo brothers, Col. J. W. Shell, I Slir-ii l! 0 ,'! 8 ’ ® a -* an ‘l "Mr. Joe Frank I j ”, Virginia, and three sisters, Mrs. I Win;' t-'Peeomb of Newnna, Mrs. Lizzie I 'Kn-.Y 1 . 18 °t Temple, and Mrs. Emmie I t’drekin of Senoia. |wli 0 U “r ra i l servicea for Mr. W. M. Keith, ' 1 , a t a hospital in Newnan on I ducted S, 3y n Fi’t of laBt week, were con- luiondL 34 resid ® nce here Friday L- - »• -interment in the city eeme- . Bobbed -hair, I'lofrn T lr ’ lace stockings, rolled ISweatAJ >Ckln P 8, 8hort shirts, lattice-work fin th_ 8 an( > ‘‘make-up * * are ’included I placed rx Prohibitions ' and restrictions |Xe w Orwif , 8irl era P 1 07ee8 of one of ■It is staff? 8 hugest department stores. Hake other department (Stores will * SIOul nr regulations. Mar-Hof (Hoflin) now—15.00—last yr. 29.75—in 1914 19,75 Mi*ss America Suits now—12.50—last yr. 25.00—in 1914 17.50 Middies and Middy Skirts ,now— 1.50—lasr yr. 3.00—in 1914 1.50 Regulation Gymnasium Bloomers, Navy and—4.35—last yr. 3.00—in 1914 1,75 Flannel Middies. now—5.50—last yr. 11.50’—in 1914 6.50 Finest Heavy Sweaters .now—12.50—last yr. 22.50—in 1914 16.00 Middy“Squares” J .now— 1.50—last yr. 3.00—in 1914 1.75 Middy Ties now—■ .85—last yr. 1.50—in 1914 1.00 l —j uiuimug at uie reaxueuue r p*ii remains^wJL Mrs. Lewis Whittemore is visiting hex | daughter in Atlanta this week. It is no time for merchandise speculation. But those anticipating their Fall requirements on above items, will (\ye sincerely believe) acquire a sure saving.—Business women, Teachers, College and High School Girls should take advantage of this very special pricing event. Miss/Mollie Bowen, of Newnnn, was the guest of Mrs. J. K. Beavers last | Sunday. We predict politicians. an early fall—for some The cheapest vacation is to don n | bathing suit and be photographed at | home. J£ILLS RATS and mice—that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. Your money back if it failk. 35c. size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65e* alze (2 cokes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91.25 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings,. or factory ./buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by CO LEE-KDfG DRUG COMPANY. WETd New Suits-New Dresses -New Skirts-New Blouses COME SEE THEM—COME OFTEN Kersey & Prather rA DRUG Sc. BOOK COMPANY. . y j I