The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, August 26, 1921, Image 5

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THE NEW NAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA. t FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 Scad ronr nrima and, ad-v*. to dresa to • 'ilie REGENERATOR CL-J6If L ,, cs, Box' P84, Atlanta, Ga. And you will receive by j® roturn mail a free* ropy of i® g3S the book entitled “TUa -*5 J£j Story of the Cells,” ‘ and fah directions for usiin; Your to} |',j‘Own Mind with Uogener- m, bHJ ator "’. for , all Liimr Iwl ;0 ator Troubles. Professional Cards. BIYRON H. FARMER, M. D. physician and Surgeon.* Office over T. G. Farmer & Sons Co, Office ’phone 606; residence ’phone 72, L. E. MOORE Attorncy-nt-Lnw Will practice In all courts. Prompt loans made on improved farms in Cow eta County. Over Cates Drug Store. XV, I., STALLINGS,. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Will practice In all the Courts. Spe- olal attention given to preparation of wills and the administration of estates In the Court of Ordinary. Oiliee in Court House, ’phono 414. T. S. BAILEY, Physician’ and Surgeon. Office uPBtalrs In Kirby building, 11 ^ Greenville street. ’Phone 87. (office and residence.) JOB B. PBN1STON, 'Physician and Surgeon, Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 3 to 6 p. m. Office with Dr. Paul Penlston, Office and residence ’phone 30. ' EASY TO BANISH THE “*8LUE3” Undue Despondency Can Be Cured by Attention to Diet and Cultiva tion of Optimism. A fit of the "blues" Is ns much an Intoxication us n drunken spree, und u bud uttuck Hiu.v disqualify u person for wise and efficient nctloit us thor oughly ns alcoholic Intoxication. A person subject to the "blues" should In Ills most lucid ami optimistic moments resolve to make no Impor tant decision, atoll ft) set a special guard over Ills conduct, while under the influence of the flood of {lolsons' to which the condition Is due. The real cure for the "blues" lies in prevention by removing causes. The foul breath mid coated tongue noted In these cases are abundant evi dence of ttje poisonous origin of the “blues.” The adoption of a poison- free diet Is almost Invariably fol lowed qultkly by a change lu the men tal state. It is important, then, that we culti vate optimism and forcing the mind into optimistic channels of thought. This can best be accomplished by reading optimistic authors and talking wttU optimistic people. An excellent plun Is to set oneself the task of cur- lug some 'other neurasthenic suffering ffom his pessimism, by deluging him with optimistic ldens nnd expressions. Adopt a diet thnt will Introduce pbl- son-free foods Into the dietary and as sist the elimination organs In carry ing out ns rapidly us possible the poi sons that may he formed In the nat ural body functions. These things are not miraculous, but can he adopted Into one’s dally life with the utmost ease. ' DRESDEN. Mr. ami Mrs. X. O. Newman and chil dren ami Miss Sophia Dial, of Welcome, spout Sunday with Mr. nail Mrs. .loe Bilbo. Mr. and Mrs. P. F, Cook spoilt’ Bun- dav with friends at Bethel, WHERE THANKS ARE PEW. Morriltou (Ark.) Unit, We’ve thought, over it a good- bit, nnd wo’ve about eomo to t.ho conclusion'tluit there's no profession on enrth in which tho worker gets less appreciation nnd mpro knocks and abuse than in tho news Miss Ethel Ball, of Newnnu, spoilt paper gumo. And wo have nlso reached tho past week with Miss Mary Prances tho .conclusion that Iho reason nil nows- - A. SIDNEY CAMP, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office In Arnall Bldg., Court Square. u. h. McDonald, Physiolaa and Surgeon. Office 3 Vi East Broad Street, upstairs. Office hours 9 to J.1 a .m. and 3 to 6 P " Office 'phone 66; reslclenee 'phone 39J WM. H. LYDAY, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Lee-King Drug Co. Res idence 'phone 464. Office 'phone 216. Office Hours—9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday—9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. • T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanitorlum building. Office ? hone 6—1 call; residence 'phone 6— galls. V W. A. TURNER 1 , Physician and Surgeon, . * Special attention given to surgery add diseases ot women. Office 19 Spring street. .XPhone 230: D. A. HANEY, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat, and diseases of, chest. XV.L. WOOUitOOF, Physician, anh Surgeon, Office 11% Oreenville street. 'Phone 461. Special attention given to dis eases of children. J, LITTLETON JONES, Atto^ney-nt-Law. Prompt attention to legal business. Loans made on farm lands. Office over H, C. Arnall '.Mdse. Co.’s. . ZEALOUS OPPONENT OF DYES Objection Made by English Quaker Was That They Led to Con cealment of Dirt. John Woolnmn, the Quaker, refused to wear any clothing that had been dyed. He carried Ills scruples so far that he wore a liat that, was of the natural color, of the fur, thereby pre senting, ns one of his biographers re marks, the aspect of a sort of Robin son Crusoe. One of John Woolinan’s objections to dyes was thnt they con cealed dirt. Traveling often In wet weather through narrow streets, he was frequently distressed by various Impurities—especially when his Jour neys took him to places where cloth had / been dyed, so thnt at sundry times he had to "walk.over ground where much of their dyestuffs has drained away." This produced In his mind a great longing -"tluit people might come into cleanness of spirit, cleanness of person and cleanness about their houses nhd garments.” As a further reason ngalnst dyes he ar gued that the spirit that would hide dirt lends to the cbnceulment of any thing that ,mny ho materially or mor ally, disagreeable, and is therefore contrary to sincerity. He contended that If the money spent on dyeing were devoted to the promotion of cleanliness much good In every wuy would result. Bilbo, Little Billy Meriwether, of Nownan, is with his aunts, Mrs.* Francos Thomas amt MrH. Kate Davis, this week. Rev. V. A. Roark, of Newmill, is con- duet lug a revival meeting nt Eirtory Olmpel this week. Mrs. Maggie Martin and Phillip Tas ker, of Atlanta, are visiting Dr. and Mi'h. H. B, Jackson. Alias Annie Bello ^handler, of New Hope, nnd Mr. Ben Duvis, of Corner Branch, visited Miss Ralph Bilbo Suu- dny afternoon . Mrs. K. C. Chandler, of New Hope, ami Mrs. Capps, of Alnbanm, spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. H. B. .lnekson., Mr. Jack Bilbo spent Saturday with his cousins, Messrs. Thomas nnd Harold Ball, in Nownan. Miss Almn Reynolds spent Saturday with her parents in-Nownan. Mi', nnd Mrs. Kit Grimes, of Handy, spent Mondny with .Messrs. Alfred nnd Ed Luzon by. > o CORNER BRANCH. Mr. and Mrs.. Bon Dnvls, sr... nnd son, Dewey, spent Sunday with relatives in Meriwether county, Mr. und Mrs. 0. B. Brooks and oliil dron attended tho community barbecue nt ’PosBiim Trot Snturdny. •. Mrs. Jennie Mao Thompson spent last week with relatives in Carrollton. Mrs. Fannie Brown nnd Mrs. Margaret Martin and grandson, Phillip Tnskof, of Atlanta, wore guests of Mrs. Eddie Brown Mondny. Mr, and Mrs. Will Webb spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Webb, near Nownan. 1 Several of tho young people of our community- attended n watermelon cut ting given by Mr. nml Mrs. Joo Brown, of Now ifopo community, in honor of Miss Susie Ornne, tho accomplished toaeher of Now Hope school. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eddie Brown were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Joo Brown, at New Hopo. Mrs. P. J. Davis had as guest Inst week her niece, Miss Moseley, of At lanta. Mrs. Eddie Brown was the guest of Mrs. John Staples, in Nownan, Tuesday. paper editors go to heaven when they die is, they get so much of the “other plane“ while they’re on enrth. No limiter how nobly 1 ho editor boosts for the ilevolopfnont. of his town and community, no mutter how loyally he may support a friend in politics or ex tol the virtues ol' a of the town, no mutter how loudly he slugs the praises of the town belle about to be wed, or how gently he. lays a wreath of pretty words on the grave of n dopnrted citi- sen, he seldom hears those magic words, Tlmnk you,’’ And few times in life docs he catch it whisper of that cheering sentiment, “Well done.” But let him make n slip in 1i!h paper —let him say Bill Jones did something lie didn’t do, or Mrs* Brown said some thing. she didn't day, and everybody in town takes a whack at him. This is true In the newspaper game everywhere in tho world, nml, being a part of the world, Morriltou is no exception. But with all tho knocks, with all the. lack, of thanks and little cheering words that could be said but are left unsaid, the editor*goes right on boosting, nnd he always will. He was born to help the other follow, nml, like the birds, learn ed early in life that if no one else foods him, heaven may. And maybe that’s why tho Lord keepH so many editors on earth—to keep tho bnlnnee of the world from souring or turning stnlo. A certain triangular place of prop erty sltuiUa In tho city of Nownan, sulil Htnlo nnd county, nnd known ns No. 73 W, Washington street in said city of Newnan, and bounded as fol lows: tin tho north by Central of Georgia railway, oh the east and south by said W. Washington stroot, and on tho west by lilnco of Ed Patterson, (formerly known us tho Joe Boyd place, but more commonly known ns the old Jordan Field'place.) Levied on ns the property of Ed Long and Charlie Long in Hatlsfy a A. fn. Ismied from tho City Court of Nownan In favor of I. N. Orr Co. vs. the said Ed Long and Chnrlio Long. Defendant;* In (1. fa. notified in terms of the law. This Aug. 9, 1921, ITS. fee. 67.52. J. 11. BREWSTER, Sheriff. Two Him mules were killed on tho farm of Turner brothers Inst week in Putnaiu county after eating cotton that lmd boon Bpraycd with nrsoimto onlcium. On un- otlior farm 1 not fnr distant, thlrty-sovon chickens were reported killed from eat ing weevils that lmd been poisoned by avsonute calcium spray. ' The boll weevil has practically every farm in that coun ty well worked up, nnd tho outlook, ac cording to eloso observers, Is for a crop of ,less than 1,000 bales in I’ufnnm. o In selling, too many of us lire en gaged hi trying to steal trade that al ready exists instead of increasing new business. THOS.G. FARMED, JR, . Attorney-at-I.avr. Will »lre careful and prompt atten tion to all. legal business entrusted to me. Money to loan. Offico In court- bouse. WILLIAM Y. ATKINSON. Attoi-ney-nt-Lavr. Office oyer Cuttlno’s store, K. W. STARR, ; Dentist*’ Office over ,R C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s •tore. White. V patronage exclusively. Residence ’pbo’ne 882-L. CENTRA^- OF GEORGIA RAltWAY CO. Effective May 29, 1921. 6.25 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Cedartown . >,. 6.45 a. m. Columbus... 9.55 a. m. Chattanooga vjVl.OO p. m. Carrollton. , t >4.38 p. m. ~ Baymond .. V 5.22 p. m. Griffin .... 11.18 a. m. 6.52 p. m. DEPART FOB Griffin '6.45 a. m. 1.00 p. m. Columbus. a9-50 a. m. 5.22 p. m. Chattanooga Kll.18 a. m. Raymond...4:38 p. m. - " Carrollton t 5.25 p. m. ’ Cedartown , S\ 6.52 p. m.- •4,. v Atlanta anil West Poiit iJl RAILROAD ARRIVAL lAND DEPARTURE oftrainratnewnan. ga. EFFECTIVE AUG. 14. 1921. Subject to cfiljnge and typographical errors. ' — NORTHBOUND: No. 42 6.45 a. nf. No. 18 .. U 10.00 a. m. .10.57 a. m. 1.00 p. m. 6.30 p. m. 5.20 p. m. ..10.13 p. m. No. 38 No. 40 No. 20 No. 34 No. 36 © No. 35 ~ No. 19 No. 33 J No. '39 No. 17 No. 41 SOUTHBOUND! .1.3 ....7.06 a. m. ... 8.50 a. m. .. .T0.02 a. m. ... .2.46 p. m. ... .5.20 p. m. .......6.52 p. m. m W ft No. 37 ... .......7.19 p. m-. J. P. BILLUPS. G. P. A. SARGENT. After BPQudiiig several weeks with rel atives and friends here M-v. Arthur Moore nml fumily linvo returned to their home in Alabama. Mus. T. B. Newton It* on the sick list this week. Mi's. O. M. Gordon, who hits been quite sick, ik some better nt this writing. The, singing school being .taught here by Prof. Claude Bottoms is progressing finely. Mr. L. M. Gordon and family visited tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doe,’’ Gordon, Sundr Mr. Ploreo Cope Inn... who 'has been stationod at Camp .Tfessup fbr'sovdrnl months, is visiting' homefolks' hero this week. Carrier Pigeons In Warfare. The use of carrier pigeons Is very ancient in the Orient and was brought to the attention Of Europe at the time of the First crusade, when the Sara cens wisre found to have the birds in regular use for the conveyance of, in formation. The Christian commanders employed falcons to ehuse and inter cept this pigeon post on several occa sion^, and on others caught the tired birds, substituted misleading messages for those they were carrying, and sent them bn to deceive the enemy. The Mohammedan sovereign Nureddln used carrier Iplgtoons for welding together the scattered pafts of his empire. Al though the use continued, it was not untlU the Franco-Prusslun war of 1870 that pigeons were again of conspicu ous public service. D.urlng the siege of. Paris-constant communication was maintained between the^ besieged city and theYoutsfde world ■ by / njeans of the. 1 Carrier birds. Subse'q'uehtly the Gerbian, French and other European governments established regular pigeon corps and thousands of birds were trained and ; kept foe use as messen gers. '•»! J i Finger Prints of Everyone. The Argentines have' carried the' use of linger prints further than .perhaps any, other nation, writes Harry A. Franck in the Century Magazine. Even- school’children taking formal exami nations. must decorate their papers with thumb print as a protection .against forgery. Both photograph and "cedula”' are produced by a well- ' trained public staff In wCll-arranged public offices, In .which the prints of'all ten Angers of the applicant are Aled away under the number, Inscribed on his. "libreto’”>lUdentlflcation papers— every citizen of Buenojs - Aires ' has a booklet of identification), and where courteous attendants bring him into contact with the lavatory facilities which he requires before again dis playing his hands’ to a pulchritudinous public. Thursday (Thor's Day). People born on Thursday will live to a good old age, and obtain great wealth. They will pe successful ^in marriage and' business, though some what liable to accidents. Honesty, discretion, and piety will be theirs, and ‘they ’ will stand high in church and state. They may marry twice and there Is little doubt they will have many children. Their health will be good throughout their life and they may live to be over eighty. TAX ANNHMSMEN'T FOR 1031. GEORGIA—Coweta County. Court of Commlsnlonst-M of Itoiuls ami llcvumta of. said county, atttlnB for county purpoaos, tilts Aug’. 3, 192,1. Ortlcreil, .Thnt thoi'o ho collected by tho Tax Collector of said county for the year 1921 tho following amounts, to-wit: , 1. To repair oolil-t-houso and Jail, build and repair bridges and other pub lic Improvements according to con tract, twenty (20) cents on tho otto hundred dollars. 2. To pay Shorlff's und Jailor's rooB, salaries of the Judge of the City Court of Nownan and tho County Treasurer, commissions of tho Tax .Collector and ot the Tax Reoolver. and other officers’ foos that they may be logally entitled to out of the county, seven (7) cents on tbo one hundred dollars.** 8. To pay Coroners all fees that may ho duo them by tbo county for bolding Imiuests, one (1) cent on tho hundred dollars. ■I. To pay oxpoiiHos of tho county for Bailiffs at Court, non-resident wit ness fooH In urlmlnal oases, fuel, ser vant's hire, stationery nnd . (he like, nine (9) cents on tho one hundred dollars. 6. To pay Jurors’ foos In tho Super ior Court and in tho City Court of Nownan, font- (4) oonls on tho one hundrod dollars. 0. To nay expenses lncurrod In sup porting Iho poor of tho county, eight (8) cents on tho one hundrod dollars. 7. For the public road fund, to bo used In working, Improving and re pairing the puhllo roads of tho county, forty (40) cents on tho otto hundrod dollars. 8. For raising a sinking fund to moot maturities of road bonds and to pav Interest on same, thirty-three (33) cents on tho one hundrod dollars. 9. To pay all other lawful charges against the county, three (3) cents on tho one hundred dollars. Making in tho aggregate ono and twenty-flvo ono-hundrudtliH dollars on tho oqo hundrod dollars, which Is here by levied upon all taxablo property of tho county for the purposes aforesaid. It In further Ordered, That the Tax Collector of Bald county collect tho following special taxes for tho year 1921, to-wit: For local school tax in said county, fifty (60) cents on the ono hundred dClara, nnd- tho same Is Hereby levtcul on all taxable property In sahl county, except the taxal/fo property situated and being In tho Incorporated limits of tho city of Senolu, In salil county, and In. tho Incorporated limits of the olty of Newnan, In said county, i By order of the Board, this August a, 1921, T. O. FARMER, Jr. Clerk Board of Commissioners of Ronds & Revenue, Cowota County. PETITION FOR lUlNlliivVM. OF CHARTER. ( GEORGIA—Coweta County. To tho Superior Court of snld county: Tile petition of W. H. Askew Com pany shows— t, That- It Is a corporation of said county. 2. That It wan Incorporated by an or- , dor nnd Judgment ot this honorable Court on the 3d day J of Ssptembor, 1901, as appears from tho minutes of said Court, Book Cl. page 168, to which order and Judgmont petitioner aska leave to rofor arid exhibit to tho Court as often as may bo nccOHsary. 3. That petitioner was Incorporated under said Judgmont for a period of twenty years, with tho privilege of ronowal nt tho expiration thereof. 4. That tho charter granted to peti tioner will expire on September 2, 1921. B. Thut nt a mooting of tho stock holders of petitioner, held at tho com pany's offico-on tho 29th (lay of July, 1921, u resolution was adopted and duly entered on the minutes authorizing tho hoard of directors to take such stops as mny bo roqulrod by law fb ronow said chartor for a- period of twenty years, with tho privilege of ronowal; and tho hoard of directors, at a mooting hold on tho 29th day of July, 1921, adopted a resolution which was duly entered tin the mlnutos r directing; tho president, In the namo of tho cor-4 poratlon, to apply for a ronowal of said chartor ns In such oiisoh madu and provided by law. U, Wherefore, petitioner prayH that after publication us required by law, an. order anti Judgment of tills Court bo granted renewing ItH charter for a S orlad of twenty years from anti after optembor 2, 1921, with tho privilege of renewal’ at tho uxplratlon thereof, W. S. ASKEW COMPANY, ,By Eugene Askew, President. Fllotl In office this August 1, 1021, L. TURNER. Clerk |S.. C„ C. C. GEORGIA—Cowola County. I, L. Turner, clerk of tho Superior Court In nnd for said county, do hereby certify that tho nbovo and .foregoing Is a true and corroot copy o* petition for renewal of charter ot W. S. AS KEW .COMPANY, us nppoars of fllo In my office. Witness my hand and tho seal of said Court this tho 1st day of August, 1921. L. TURNER, Clerk S. C., C, C; ECZEMA! Money book without question If.HUNT’S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fall In the treatment ofltoh, Eczema, RlnffWorm.Tetterorotherltch- Ing akin dlaeoaea. Try this treatment at our rlek. For Sale by John R. Cates Drug Co. ( R at-snap KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents orlorH from carcass.. Ono package proven this. RAT-SNAP comes In cakes—no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. «T,<-. size (I cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Collar. ., ,, ... m i • like. nIv.c (2 vintes) for Chicken House Mr. Railord Gordon, of lorn pie, is coo) , B or small buildings. spending n few days with his cousin, Mr. Elmer Gordon. Mr. Reid Wager, who 1ms been'visiting his sister in Griffin, is at home again. ' HOMEWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sowell, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. and'Mvb. Walter Story. 1 Misses Orq Lee and Louise Oritpes, of Vienna, are viriting Mr. aujl Mrs. Jesse Grimes this week. Mrs.. Alice Turner and daughter; Inez, qf Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday afternoon in our community. Mr. and* Mrs. Albert Lyle spent the week-end with Mr 1 , and Mrq. Walter Stephens, at Midway. ■ .Bofcn, to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reagan— a daughter. Prof. J. M. Starr, of Newnan, visited' our Bchool last Thursday. Mr. Tom Harp and daughtefs, Louise and Frances, of Welcome, visited in our community Sunday. Mrs. Vollie Howard is quite ill at this writing. a Mr. Joe Sto® aijd sister, Ethel' vis ited friends at Sargent Sunday after noon. i J Win. Edmonds is in a critical condi tion, and his brother* Rev. . Albert • Ed monds, is seriously ill from’ the effects, of the bite of a spake, ; v wfeich , was^said to have been used in the rij*s of a reli gious service at a revival near Nauvoo, Ala., Friday night. Rev. Mr. Edmonds is said to have told hig- congregation that the “true believer”, was impervi ous to the bite of reptiles, and invited non-believers to bring; any kind .of poi sonous snake to the service.' ‘ A giant copper-head was captured aiid taken .to, the meeting. Win. Edmonds assisted the -minister in demonstrating. the man ner ( in which poisonous reptiles could bo handled. He and the minister wore bir- ten and immediately became ill. Win. Edmonds, the doctors say, will' die. A well-known" professor went, to his club overy afternoon arfid- ordered a glass of whiskey in the good old. dqys,, J He in- !_vi~ .1 w —:u. .L,_r Vlaun.l’ SHERIFF'S- SALE FOR SEPTEMBER; GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be' sold before the aourtihouso door In Newnan, said eount'y, between the. legal hours,of sale, on tho first Tuesday in September,, '1921, ■ to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-tvlt: variably drank it .-with’ 'hfs' eyeF cldged; and tljis little.eccentricity had. been, com merited upon many times by his fellriw- members. At last tbo more daring. of them undertook to get ab'e^planailbii of the oft-repeated peculiarity.. Approach' ing tile professor he said: “You come in here,every afternoon at the same hour and 1 order a glass of whiskey. There is nothing.' extraordinary in that, but do tell ire why you close your eyes ■ when yon' drink it.” “Well,” said tha-professor, “it’s like this: 'jvhen I sec a glass of whiskey'it makes my mouth water, -arid I don't care to dilute the .liquor.” ■ — : o—-— —, ■ -Megaphones in Oil.. We recently read of one of our newly deli paying $250.000 for an old -master >nd were reminded'of a remark ihnde ay'Robert Henri, the artist, on a sltn- Jar ease, “To a millionaire of that type, you know,” said Henri, “an old nhjMer la merely a megaphone for his sioney ‘to talk through."—Boston Tran- icrlpt. IM.iSB size (5 cakes) enough for nil farm nnd out-bulldings, storage build Ings, or factory buildings, lold and Guaranteed by LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. 'v ■' A pipe’s a, pal pac%d with P. A.! .*» X 4 Seven 4^5 put of eve#, wejeik you’ll get real sinoke joy and real smoke conte«meii—if ydu'll get close-up' to a jiminy iffipel Buy on^and know that fot yourself ! • You. can chtflh it with, a pi'pejf-and you willAdhce . ' ' qw thiit.Prince AU)ertij;i$ free from bite "and . (Gu,t out by our |accltisijye' patented process!) every, puff of P. you want two fyore-j “ ,* uff hits the bullseye hairdjer and truer than th^ ! ; : ?ou can’t resist such delight! * ‘ :;,y. • . • * . And, you’lji get the smokesurprise of yoiir life when you roll up a’Cigarette wjth Prince Albert! Siuch entic ing flavor ybd ^ever did know! And, P. A. stays put be cause it’s cHinp cut—and it’s a cinch to jroll! X°u try it! X. > 1 - t ► Prince Albert •## tc/J in toppy red bofitr, tfidy red tine, foandupnie pound arid half pound tin ht/midort and Id tha pound crystal qlaea ,• 'humidor wi th •ponr.v moictener top. the national joy smoke Copyright 1921 by tt. J. IlcsyuolcU Tobacco Co. WuistoD-UJem, N. C.