The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, August 26, 1921, Image 7

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THE NEWMAN HERALD. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RATES—One cent a word for each in sortion, Minimum charge, 10 cen.ta. TERMS—Cash in advance. “ELMROSE.!,’ The best 5-cent cigar on the market today. Wanted.—First-class automobile or tractor salesman. Motor Tractor Co. Seed Rye.—Quantity Georgia soed rye for sale at $2 bushel. Apjjly to John H. Miller, Alvaton, Gfl. , .'* Stripling ’b. Hemstitching, Pleating! Buttons.— Prompt attention given all orders. Newnan Button & Pleating WorkB. Fine-woven Sen Island, 27 wide, 5c.. yard at Stripling’s. Mr. N. E, Powol is spending n short vacation at Tate -Springs, Term. For Sale.—Six-room house, 15 Nim- .laoiis street, all conveniences j excellent neighborhood. For price see B. M. ‘Couch, Moreland, Go.■ Raymond Kite is visiting relatives jn Atlanta and ut Stone Mountain. Found.—On Newnan and Atlanta high way, auto tire and mounting. Owner miay idetlfy and claim property. H. H. Cates, Madras, Ga. Capt. T. S: Parrott is spending a couple of weeks at Borden Springs. For Sale.—Desirable residence lot on Clark street. Apply at this office. INSURE WITH THE Planters’ and People's Mutual Fire As- , sociation of Coweta County. B. L. Redwine, president; T. B. San dora, vice-president; J. M. Starr, Sec’y anil Treasurer; C. M. Turner, Gen’l Agt., It, F. D No 1, Sargent, Ga. Modart’ or we will. Men, see our big line of $1,00 dross shirts. Stripling’s. . Everything new. you. Come in. 150 ACRES GOOD LAND FOR SALE CHEAP. Situated on public road 3 miles north of Whitesburg; 1ms 7-room house, good barn and pasture; enough timber on the place to pay for it.. Willtake good car or truck on first payment. Seo me at once at Newnan, Ga. J. H. Lipscomb. Don’t forget to buy your fall middy requirements. - Kersey & Prather. Miss Virginia, Flannery, of Raymond, is the guest of Mms Elinor Stone.—Car rollton Times. USED FORD TOURING CARS FOR SALE. We have the following used. Ford, touring cars, all in good running order, which we will sell as follows: On etouring car, 1917 model, new tires, one-man top, $200. One touring car, 1919 model, self starter, good tires, $250. The Motor Tractor Co., Ford Dealers, Newnan, Ga. CORN COLUMN 'Removes corns, bunions, and callouses without pain or soreness. Manufactured, guaranteed and sold by LEE-KING DRUG CO. Newnan, Ga. INSTALL A SANITARY WELL CURB r r*. i —Permanent —No repairs' —No replacement —Fife any well. , • •>. \ >' j. • . “ -' f .' ; j- . See us for prices. y/E H AVE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' Concrete Water Troughs Flower Boxes Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEBEBT TO OUR LOCAL HEADERS. In nn nnnouncemeut given in hist week’s issue it was stated thnt the anni versary nf the W. Cl. Post Bible Class would lie observed Inst Sunday. This wiih nn error, for which The Herald Is not responsible. The imnivorsnry exer cises will occur the fourth Sunday in Boptomber, when Dr. Clins. L. Bnss, of Atlanta, will dellvor the sermon. ’Phone 86 for quick baggage transfer. Venida^ hair nets, two for 25c., at .church will meet next Monday afternoon inches corsets must make good— Kersey & Prather, , Nothing old to show Kersey & Prathor. Mr. W. E. Burrus 1b in Now York this week buying new fall stocks for Glover- Jones Co. Missionary Meeting.—Tho Woman’s Missionary Society of tho First Baptist at 4 o’clock, la tho annex. Mrs, H, E, Conloy, Sec’y. Wanted to Buy Automobiles.—Wo will buy any good Into model standard make- automobiles, and pay cash. Go to the ’phono and call Main 27(14, Fuller, Elrod & Co., 32 Madison uvenue, Atlanta, Ga, Mrs. O. K, McClelland- and children loft Wednesday for Fuyottovilo, Ark., where they will join Mr. McClelland, who recently assumed a professorship In tho Arkansas State University, located there. Notice to the Public,—Owing to the fact that Superior Court will bo in session tho first week of Soptombor, tho next reg- ulur meeting of tho County Commission ers will bo held on Wednesday, Aug. 31, Tlioso having business of any Hurt with the bonnl will tnke notice.' By order of tho board, T. G. Farmer, jr., Olei-k. Mombors of tho Georgia Board of Chi ropractic Examiners wns announced Mon day by Gov. Hardwick. The personnel of tho lionrd Is ns follows: For three years, Dr, E. E, Olarko, of Fulton coun ty; for two years, Dr. N, E. Hull, of Mus cogee, and Dr. W. E. Brown, of Coweta; for one year, Dr. Clay L. Denn, of Col quitt, and Dr. J, D. Rust, of Bibb.—At lanta Constitution. Mr. and MrB. T. W. Powol, who have been making tliolr homo nt Decatur for several years past, aro now located in Houston, Texas, \vhero Mr. Powel will represent Marigdt Bros, in tho cotton business. Now is a good time to buy wood for winter fuel. Not only is wood cheap, but by putting in a. supply now you will bo helping farmers who have it for solo anil nt tho same time put the Coal Trust to slmine. Next Thursday (Labor Day) being a national holiday tho postoffleo and banks will be closed. Prof. J. C. Sorrell will bo the princl pal of Stair District School the coming year—not J. C. Sowell, ns erroneously printed in The Herald last week. His wlfo will teach in the high school do partmont. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bowers, jr., of White Oak, announce the birth of a sou on the 18th inst. For Rent.—Seven-room house, all con veniences, 69 Spring street. Apply to Mrs. A. M. Norris. . M>. and Mrs. Albert Brooks announce the birth of a daughter on Aug. 14.- LaGrange Graphic. Miss Nannie Lou Rutland, of Nownan, is the guest of Miss Mary Rutland.—j LaGrange Reporter. Mr. .T. L. Brown, of Newnan, is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Brooks, Cedartown Standard. 1_0 Mr. B. C. Sanders leaves today for Birmingham, Ala., where he will spend ten dnjjs with relatives, Miss Sarah O’Kelley, of Newnan, is visiting her couBin, Miss Sarah Frances Beall.—Carrollton Times. Mrs. Nannie Haynie has returned to Atlanta, after a visit to the family of .hot Bon, Mr, W. M. Haynie. The Reading Circle will meet with Mrs. B. B. Mabson next Thursday after noon at half-past'3 o’clock. Five hundred good quality, large size, unbleached towels on sale at Sc., 7V&C., 15c.. and 25c. each. Stripling’s.. V . ... • — 1 —°- Mir. and Mrs. Jas. M. Morgan, of De catur, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Marthn Strickland, to Mr. Frank Bennett Blount, of Sonoin, tho marriage to bo solemnized at an early date. No cards. Mr. H. C. Glover left this morning for Marengo county, Ain., where he 'has extensive- farming interests, and will spend a week thore. Ho was accompa nied, by his sons, Howard and Littleton, and. by Mr. L. B, Mann. , Miss Clarice Bridges, of Sargent, and MIsb Martha Fincher, of Drosdon, popu lar club girls who were awarded scholar ships at the State College of Agriculture, attended the Bhort course at that insti tution last week. o-—— Rev. S. B. Stront, the popular pastor of Sonoin Methodist church, wns in the city for a few hours Wednesday and gave Tho Horald a' plonsnnt coll. It may not ho goti'emlly known that Bio. Stront did newspaper work In Mobile, Birmingham and Macon na a reporter nnd, feature writer boforo lie entered the ministry, hut it is a fact. Bet he wns a good one, too. Dr. Enoch Taylor, of Franklin, wns shot by his fatlioi-in-liiw, Tony Persona, Tuesday afternoon, nnd ncconliiig to-re ports received lioro the wounded man is expected to dio. The Bliooting oc curred nt Persons’ homo near Glenn, Heard county, Tho - latter is said to lmvo boon in a drunken rage when ho shot Taylor, niul tho wanton attack has aroused n blttor feeling against For sons among the physicinn’s friends. Bnrnesvlllo; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E Pra ther and daughter, of Newnan; M'r. nnd Mrs. P. M, Smith find cltflilroii, Mr, md Mrs. It. 11. Bridges nml children, Mr. nml -Mrs. Tom Graves' nnd children, Messrs. QUb nnd Ed Bridges,' nil of Sliarpsburg. Mr. nml Mrs. J. A. Bridges, of Macon, wero the only mem bers of the family absent. Only olio gmudolilld out of eighteen has died. VACANCIES IN SCHOOL FACULTY FILLED. At tho regular monthly mooting of tlit) City Board of Education Monday night tlm two vacancies In the grnmmnr schools cmined by the recent resignations of Miss Carpenter nnd Miss Rutland wore filled by tho election of Miss Jerollno Thompson mid Miss Ruth Young. Miss Thompson will he assigned to tho fifth grade nt Temple Avenue grammar school, mid Miss Young to the fifth grade nt Atkinson grammar school. Miss Thompson is n grndunto of tho Stnto Normal School, AthoiiH, taking the full 4-years ’ course, and lins had sovorn! years ’ experience in grnmmnr nnd high school work. She conies Into our sys tem with the very ldgliost of recom mendations. Miss Young Ib nn A, B. grndunto of W,oiiinn’s Collogo, Duo Wost, B. 0., whore she made a brilliant record ns u studont, graduating with tho first honors of her class. She taught two years in tho Grnntvlllo school with swell success that tho Bonrd of Education of that town gnvo lior up With much reluctance. Good Samaritans.—There will be ti meeting of Good Samaritans at Masonic hall Tuesday night, Aug. 30. All mem bers requested to attend. T. W. Sowell, Prcs’t. Mary Willie EsteB, Sec’y. Thompson Wheat, one of Newnan’s oldest had most respected colored citi zens, died Monday night—aged 85. His funeral Tuesday afternoon was largely attended by mombers of his race, by, Whom he was held In high esteem. Roturns of city property for taxation the prcBont year bIiow a decrease of $130,409, ns compared with the roturns for 1820. There was a gain of $78,845 In personalty, but a decrease of $215,254 In renlty vnlues. Comparative figures for 1920 nnd 1921, ns furnished by City Clerk Shackelford, are ns follows! Realty—1920, $2,841,006; 1821', $2,625,- 752. Personalty—1920, $2,663,524; 1921, $2,742,369. Total—1920, $5,504,530; 1921, $5,368,121._Ns,tJess, $138,409. * ■ -- ■ -0 - ' — i Mr. J. W. Powell has opened an office over the First National Bank and set tled down for the practice of law hero. He graduated from the University Law School at Athens In 1917, and soon threaftor enlisted in the U. S. Air Ser vice, serving two years in this brunch of tho army. . Since the armistice he has dgvoted most of Ills time to studios incident to the practice of law, and 1b well equipped for his profession. Wo are glad that he has decided to locate in Newnan. IE. " Sheriff Miller has received the sad news of the death of his uncle, Mr. D. B. Sanders, which occurred MJonday at h!s home in Atlanta. Mr. Sanders was s former resident of Heard county ,-*- Frauklin News and Banner, 19th inst. Notice to Our Customers—Although we disfjte, to do^so; .we, areicbmpelloi} to _ . . . . - . , „ , ehrfng# our business to a cash basis-for Speeml -values m ladles' fine Us e hose, gft, machinery repairs, effective Sept. 1. at 10c. and 15c. j white,^ black anil We will cohtinue'to sell farin' maehinery Lost.—Glasses, round lens, shell foi-m bat .metql temples.. Finder . return to ptis Broadwater and, receive reward. > home late Monday afternoon, an exam ination showing that her death had’oet eurred several hours previous to tho ills- c.ovqfy ,o{ her lifeleBS body. Under the circumstances doronor Duncan deemed it advisable to hold an inquest, and- a jurjB. waB‘ empaneled for this purpose shortly after receiving information of the (Woman's death. After investigation, and .a .post mortem examination by Dr. T.'.S. Bfiilejv |hV jurjfreturned a verdict that digth resulted from natural causes. brown. Stripling-s. Dresses were never prettier than now. The early fall styles are moderately priced. ' Kersey A Prather. Extra Special.—Fine quality, smooth- wotea extra heavy sheeting, 58 inches 25c. yard. Stripling’s. work of *11 kiddit. V Concrete Burial Vaults., f Concrete Fence Posts. jo* , (Let us give you estimates. ’ fc; -f-V V ’ G M. AMIS Newnan, Ga. Phone 540 CM are very pretty,^aml. Kersey A Prather. Lovely fall street "and sport hats now on display in our raiUinery department; $ $5. . Stripling’s. A few cotton middy suits at $4.75— formerly selling at $10, $11 and $12, . Kersey A Prather. Mr, Edgar T. Whatley, of Savannah, is in the city for a few days, and is be ing warmly greeted by his many friends. For’ Rent.—Desirable furnished; rosin; best neighborhood; every convenience. •Apply P. N. E., B. O. box 574, Newnan. - , - ■ .j - .. ■ • Mr. Joel B. (Kdi-qey,-,'of Oglethorpe University, is apeqdiiig a few days with his parents,. Mr./'and/Mra. J. W. Kersey. Mr. Hhrb5r,t..Barr; who travels Missis sippi.for the Chca-Cola Co., is on a vaca tion Visit to' his mother, Mrs. G. B. Bnrr. . - “ Mir. and Mrs/ R." W. Wingo, of the Sixth district, had aB guests this week Mr. E. G: Lewis;- of Lawton', Okla., Mr. S. B. Lewis, Mrs. Chas.. Dickson, Misses A-nnie May and -Irene Dickson, of Fay- •etteviUe, and Mr. Hugh Jackson, of Fairburn. The regular monthly meeting of the Cpunty-.'Gonimissioners''will he held next (Wednesday, instead Of the first Wednes day in September. ... . , Mr. aqiV.Mra.'L. >T, Moses and Miss Mae Waldrop, of.- Turin,, were guests Sunday of Mr! and- Mrs. .E. D. Johnson at their.equMi-y liome near town. Oakand Lodge, No. 69, K. P., will meet Monday night at 8 o 'i-loek,; Work in rank of Esquire. A full attendance is requested. . - Sanford Hubbard, C. C. T ry this fra' grant, velvety powder that re- moves the shine so perfectly, and stays on so long— doesn't easily blowor brush off. Lovely tints to match every com- plexion.50cabox. Take one home today SOLD ONLY BY J6hn R. Cates Drug Co. Try The Herald’s classi- 5 e d column for results. . . Money to.Loan on.Farm Lands.—Am prepared to make loans on farm lands at a reasonable rate of in threat. Loans closed without delay. T. G', Farmer, jri .Miss Sudelle Wortham, i Miss Fannie Tjeayer and Mr. Arthur Allen, of New nan, attended the Wood-Brook wedding: here Friday night.—LaGrange Graphic. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson have re turned to Winston-Salem, N. C., after a visit of two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson, near town. 1> Mr. and Mrs. M. J; Walker, of New nan, were guests of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. J. W. Daniel, the- past week.— Franklin News and Banner Mrs. T. J. Jones, MiOs Virginia Glover and Miss Mildred Arnall, who have been tonring Europe since June, sailed from Liverpool' yesterday- and' will reach home next week on terms. Powell A Keith. Newnan needs a potato-curing house, and needs it now. There has been some talk that the Farmers’ Marehouse Co. might invest a part of He surplus capital in a potato hbUee, and wo trust- there is more in the rumor than met*: talk. v"p'V . fftttei—'The First Na tional Bank, Manufacturers National Bank and Newnan Hank A Trust Co. will be closed on Thursday, Sept. 1, (Labor Day.) W. B. Parke, Sec’y Newnan Clearing House Associa tion. , Newnap’s first bale of cotton of tho new crop was brought In Tuesday morn ing by Mr. Willis Morris, itho farms on the H; C. Glover place 2 miles west of town. The bale weighed 380 lbs., and was bought, by Mr; H. C. Arnall, sr„ at 14 cents. Central Baptist phurcb.—Frank L. Hardy, minister. Sunday-school 9:30 ■a.-' m.t B. M. Blackburn, superintendent. Morning. Worship 11 a, in.;. subject, * ‘ A King Dethroned,” Bi. Y..P. U. 7 j>. ni; Thos. !Jp;eBiilent.', There- will he no night sorvifes. ' Mr. 3? IT. 'Summers and family left this wcck'.to.pmko their, home, iji Houston, Texas. " Mr. Summers has for several years been connected with tho Johnson Hardware Co.*, anil has many friends bore who wish him and his family much success in their new location. Mr. Walter Potty, of St. Lodis, came Saturday on his annual visit to his brother, Mr. JacobuH Petty, near town. His , numerous fricndB 1 here are always glad' to see (nm—especially at The Her ald ^office, where he .received his early training in the printing ;biisjness. The News and Banker learns with deep regret of the death last week of Dr. J. Lowe Jackson, ,of Savannah. Dr. Jackson was a prcitoincnh'phynicifiti - of the'Fircst City, was'reared in Heard county, and was a brother of Messrs. Hope and Job Jackson, of Corinth.— Franklin News and Banner. c Sheriff Miller i's still hunting for Bud die Almon and Henry Hearn, the two negroes who escaped from jail some days ago. On aoccunt of the warm weather the negroes had been allowed open hall privileges, and had not been confined in cells. They escaped through ago, the repairs not having been securely made.—Franklin News and Banner. T. G. ‘HOUSE VICTIM OF FATAL ACCIDENT. Mr, T. G, Houbo, who for n number of years hud been operating tlm main oiiglijo tlmt furnishes power for tlm pinning mill of tho R. D. Colo Mfg. Co., wns ncMileiitully killed nbout 2 o’cloclt Inst Frltluy afternoon. It is said that ho was attempting to mljuBt a bolt on an ovorhoad pulley while the machinery was In motion. ,Ho wns standing on the Hour nml using a lmnilstick to put tho holt In plnce, when tho stick caught in tlio urmB of tho pulley and was thrust violently against Mb body, striking him over the lioart with such force iib to enuso Ills death almost Instantly. Two follow-workmen wero standing near, but tho accident linpponed so quickly thnt neither wns able to wurn him in time of tho danger of trying to adjust the belt by the mothod which he employed with such tragic results. Mr. House moved to Nownnn "’rom WatkliiBvlllo some years ago." He wns about 55 years of age, and Is survived by his wlfo and several children, Be wns a valued employee of the R. D, Colo Mfg. Co., and his untimely death is much lamented by Ilia friends and fol loW-workmen. Tho funeral took place Saturday af tornoon from tho roBidonco, Dr. Frdnk L. Hardy conducting the BCrvlce. The Interment wns at Oak Hill. PENSIONERS WILL BE PAID, SAYS COMMISSIONER. •Judge J. A. R. Camp, 1 Ordinary, 1ms rocoivoil n letter from the State Pension Commissioner giving full Information as to when pensioners may expect to got tho money due them, ami ns o juntter of interest to our readers we glvo tho letter hero— Tlio General Assembly jimt adjourn ed mride' necessary appropriations to pay all the pensions that nro dun and unpaid on all tho rolls, both ‘old’ anil ‘now,’ with tho increases, for 1020 and .1921. "The only provision mndo to gut the money to make this pnymont Is by tlm snlo of the rental of tlm State’s railroad for five years. Tlm Governor believes tlmt he can make this snlo at an early duto, nml out of tho proceeds of tho sale lm will pny nil of tlm unpaid pensions, both old' anil now, including tlm in creases, for 1920 nnd 1921. Just when this money can ho turned Into tho Treas ury to make tlm pnymontB wo cannot Hay, but liopq tlmt this enn be done in tho next sixty or ninety dayB. Advise nil pensioners not to allow tlmniBOlves to become ovor-nnxious nbout those pnyments, but abide-tlm conditions pntiontly, for I assure you tlmt ns soon ns tlm Governor enn complete his nr- rmigomonts to obtain tlm monoy lm will grant md his warrant for the pnymont, tlm Trcnsuror will issue his clmckB, and they will ho sent from tills offleo to tlm Ordinaries. Tlm General Assembly appropriated $1,250,000.00 for 1922, nnd $1,250,000.00 for 1023, to bo paid only to tlm ’old’ class. 'Nothing wns appropriated for tho ‘ now*’' class for these years, but all nocos- snry provision for tlm ‘new’ poiiBloners for 1022 nnd 1923 mny bo mmlo when, tlm General Assembly moots In June, 1922. Urge'the now pensioners to rest nssuffld that everything possible will bo done for them next year.” Nancy Wright, a negro woman living in‘‘Chalk Level,’’was found dead in her 'Library'Will Be'Closed Next Wfek., The trustees of Carnegie Library have grant&rtne librarians q week’s vacation, and consequently the! library will be dosed all of next week. Those havlxg books, are requested not to return them during the vacation period nor leave them held responsible. .Bring 'books;. .Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday*)- and renew them U desired, in which cdso they vrill not bo counted due until MAn- day; Sept. 6, if they are 7-day booksj The .cotton market has shown 010)0 activity the past week than at any time: since the early part of the year, the riot advance for the week amounting to mil' q bale. If today ’s quotations wpro based an crop conditions in Coweta coun ty cotton .ought to bo worth 40 cents^- but .unfortunately it is not likely to bring that price; or anywhere near ,it. However, the poor old staple received a substantial boo pit 'yesterday when the price" advanced 100 points at one spurt, and...Manget Hnoe!, cotton merchants, showed ‘their faith in a' rising market by offering J4!4c. here for middling grades. Mra. Annie Martin di.eil Monday at her home on .Jackson street, after a loilg illness, £Jho vVas one of Newnan's ojd- fheiderits, being 72 years of age at llnie pf .her dedtli, She leaves seven r<Jn, viz:' Mrs. W. A. Hlgginhotli- (iqi- of- Elbci-ton, .Ga., Mrs, T. O, Grifjbi of Lynehbfefk S. GV, Mrs. H, Cannon.of .l'Tin»iice,,. 8. C., Mrs. ,A, M. Burger'of j Atlaiitd, Mrs. A. T. Baker of Newntin, Me.’ Thg». Martin of Atlanta, ami Apr. Fred, Martin of Newnan. Tho funeral want Jield .Tuesday qftcrnooil, services,he- iifg'conilucteil by Mrs. Martin’s pastor, Eev;),T. ,E. Hannah, following which tlm body was laid to rest in the family lot at Oak Hill. ‘‘MEANEST MAN IN NEWNAN." This Will Be the Subject of a Sermon ' . for Men Only Next Sunday Afternoon. Next Sunday afternoon nt 4 o’clock it great mass meeting for men only will bo held in the “open-air tabernacle” nt tho Presbyterian church, when Dr. Trigg Thomas, the evangelist, will preach on “The Meanest Man In Newnan," nnd every man and boy in the city and coun ty is most cordially invited to be pres ent. Large erowds hove been attending all services Connected’ with the revival dur ing the.past ten days, and great good has been accomplished. Tohlglit '(Friday) at 7:30 o’clock Dr. Thomas will preach , on .“.the Unpardon able Sin," and all people are invited to hear him. ■ There wil be np services at the taber- C Saturday, but a, grebt mobs meet- fhr enrerjbsdy, will be .held on the wJ&Wggl& VS& JJisvil -and His Game.!’Don .1 miss this service—It is for you. Sunday morhhfg at ,10 o’clock Dr, Thomas will preach to the Sunday-school ,lit the Presbyterian church on"“Addi tions to the Christian Life." At 11 a, m. he will preach in the tabernacle on “Gdd’s Unspeakable Gift,” and at 7:30 p. m, he will preach his great sermon on “The Value of the, Soul,” when the re vival will dose. - The man who fails ,to attend the ser vice nt 4 0’clock'Snnday (afternoon will misS.thb great'event Of; the 1 entire meet-' infs- . ■'.■■■ 1 y; r v ,Our ;pebplo will ,long rcmeinber the, eloquent I- eahoriations : of this, .nofbd evangelist, and .thBigpOil-ihe (haS .nccolm- pjlkhed-'In ’reviving tho Spiritual life of the community is bbyoiy! estimate.. ’ MEETING AND'BARBE CUE AT RAYMOND. To tbo.Ffli’mora- anil-Bilhiness Mim of GoWeto: County 1 < A countyAvido hpnfer- onco to ilisclips the. present sitiiatibn and tOjliiin’for! the-future' w'MI iik hold at .,1' m vr,.„ Mayor Avnry is in receipt of informa tion that a bill relieving the city of re sponsibility for tho use of the pontoon bridge belonging to the Government Ims paused both the Senate ami the House, of Representatives. Hon. W. G. Wright did “'"-no Wonderfully. effective work foi" . artjfEbTpt in this,matter, Having haA.'tg overturn tho active opposition of the Sec'retary of War, who filed a letter wi,th the,.1 committee disapproving tho Mil. S^iiator Harris is also entitled to tho thanks of; opr pehple for his' energetic work in putting tlio hill througl: the Sen ate, These gentlemen should live for ever in the hearts of all loyal West Pointers.—West Point News. A delightful'day was spent last Tues day when all the children and grandchil dren of Mrs. Roxie Bridges gathered at the old homeploco near Sharpsburg and enjoyed an old-time barbecue. In the forenoon the children played games and made kodak pictures of- each family a west window where a white man es- group represented. Those present were caped by cutting Hie bars a few years Mrs. Roxie Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bridges and children, of Macon; Mr. and Mrs. J.. T. Butler nnd children, of Sale of Starr School District Bonds. There will be sold to tho highest btd- - - -- -ill dor, at noon on Sopt, 16, 19Z1, ,ln tne oftloo of tho County School Superin tendent, at Nownan, Coweta county, Georgia, •10,000 Starr School DUtrlot Hondo, Bolng sixteen bonds In denominations of 1026 each, dated Ootobor 1, 1021, boar- ng lntorost at the rate of 7 per cent., poyablo annually on January 1 of each oar, one bond qf »02B maturing on „nnuary 1, 1D28, and one bond anually thereafter until January 1, 1038, when . the last bond shall havo been paid. Prlnolpal and Interest of bonds payable either In the city of New York or at the County Treasurer’s office, Coweta oounty, Georgia. Bonds validated by Judgment of Superior Court of Cowota county, Georgia, on July 23. 1321, to which Judgmont no exceptions have boon filed. Assessed valuation of taxable prop erty within said school district exceeds 8600;000. and district Includes 26,000 acres of lino farming lands In Coweta oounty, Georgia. -**- Board of Trustees of Starr School District reserves right t° rejeot any or all bids. Sealed bids, accompanied by oertlflod chook for 3600 as a guarantee of good faith, must be In hands of un- dorslgnod by noon, Sept, 16, 1021. For further Information address: Board ofT^t^W&Dls- ti-let, enre County Superintendent of Schools, Nownnn, Coweta Coun ty, Georgia. RilypioiiU' 'on- Tuesday, -A;dg. (SO, under t.liei'ijnjdpices ,of the;CoWeto Oounty Farm BiiratiufFBitp-njtioii. "Mq/i'iy H.; Sahilcvs, .idgpntfqr of jibe G’edrgin Fifiih---Hureiiii Mai-kot -Exchange, anfiiNtrO. M'-yfi- iJUfM,.. Vlcu-ejiiUjriillid" of the State Fa(-m Bureau’, WiJMiJ the prin cipal speakers/,, , ; All-farmers,-farm woibeit- b'inl'business liftin' and their fninifies wl(o ’are- hiteriiet- ed in-the prosperity of' hifsiness iinil agriculture are cordially Invited to bo prdserit. • -A barbecue dinner will-be served at 50 coiits per plate, to defray^’actual expenses. Those who pish Jo attend Can secure tickets at-■ the//CfHftjnber of - G’ommerec, ami it wilt ha ia fS^or to the committee, if you will buy' these tickets 011 Friday anil Saturday.' * ’ . B. L. Redwine, County." Ohftirmqn Farm Bureau, - ---, " W. E.' Megee, Chm’n Committee on Arrangements. Armand COMPLEXION powder users of Armand could tell you of this wonderful powder Would not be as convincing as. just one trial of Armand itself. We carry Armand, in Bouquet tif Paradise and Cold Cream Powder. The am Pdwder. __ Bouquet ia a fairly dense powder which cornea in the square box, at f50c, and Armand Cold Cream Pow der la Very dense ahd clinging, and comes, in a miniature hat box, at fl, Armand's 50c, 75c, $1.00 The Cold Cream Powder An eager-looking urchin approached a man hurrying townrd the railway sta tion. “Carry your bag, sir7”.he asked. “No," snapped the man. “I’ll carry it all the way for a dime," said the boy. “I tell you X don’twaat It carried I” snarled the man. . “Don’t youf" “No! No!” Whereupon the lad broke into a quick trot to keep up with his victim’s hasty Btrides, ns he asked, in innocent curiosity: “Then what aro you carrying it for?’ In miniature hat box *7.00 Guaranteed to please, or your money refunded LEE-KING DRUG CO. A GOOD DRUG STORE TWO PHONl