The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, August 26, 1921, Image 8

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•v THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 LUTHERVILLE. Protracted mcoting at the Mothodtst ohureh in being conducted till* week by tho pastor, Rev. II. K. "Stipe, assisted by Bov. W. W. Cash, of Austell, and we hope for a gracious revival. Sunilny thoro will be a spoclal sermon for tho old people. Dr. Solon B. Cousins will (111 tho pulpit at the Baptist church next Sunday nt 11 DODSON 0. Edge, of Palmetto j Mr. and Mrs. W. . . ... . , i c. Latimer and little daughter, Mr. Mai Dr. Lewis howler, of. Atlanta. closed , y , and Mr. Frank Stripling, of n successful revival meeting at MacetlO- | N ' Mr . , Mrs . p, B . Vineyard, of "sharpsburg; Mr. .Tim Hughio and Misses Estelle .lustlss, Irene Sewell and Maryboth Hurst spent Wednesday in Newnan. Messrs. Mayo and Ebio Rood, of At lanta, spent tho wook-end with Mr. and Mrs. Noth Reed. . Mrs. Torrcll Hurst and daughter, Mil dred, spent Monday with relatives in Newnan. Mrs. Frank Boles and llttlo son, of Greenville, arc guests this week of Mrs. B. A. Hardaway. Mrs. .Ibn Scogin has returned from nn extended visit to her son, Mr. Claude Bcogin, nt Sand Mountain, Ala. Messrs. W. H, Loo ui)d Glenn Lovett, of Fnlrburn, wore guests Sunday of Miss Alary both Hurst. Dr. and Mrs. M. 8. Archer bad ns guosts Sunday Rev. H. 13. Stipe of More, land, Mr. am) Mrs. Lovlck Sowoll, Miss Irono Sowoll, Mr. John Williams, Miss Clara Williams, Miss Eddie Bello Smith and Miss Beulah Onrrisau. Mr. Walter Bpratliug spent Monday in Ncwnnn. Rov. ,T. H. Ware, of Atlanta, who Is to lenvo soon for foreign flol(|s, was tho guost last week of Mr. and Mrs. 13. 15, Fry. Miss Jonnlo Trninmell was tho wook end guest of her brother, Mr. Bob Tram moll, at Hamilton. ACr. E, E. Fry spoilt several days last •week with his brother, Mr. P. R. .Fry, ■near Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Nush, of Atlanta vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood last week. Mrs. Arch Williams spout Saturday in Nownnn. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hobbs and dill ,<1rcn, Mr. Lint Oolloy, Misses Loulso Wilson,’Christine Lnssottor and Elizabeth Lassotter attended a barbecue at Warm Sprinfts on Thursday lust given by Mr. and Mrk Will Albright, of LnGrnnge, who are camping thoro for sovorul days. Mr. “Doc” Tumor, of Godartown, was the guost this wook of Mr. and MrB, Wosloy Willingham, sr. Miss Estelle Justiss is at White Pining this week to attend the wodding of Bor friend, Miss Marclhnan. Mr. and Mrs. Alvnn Chnudlor spont Friday with Air. and Mrs. Jus. Estes, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin McKoon, of At lanta, nro spending tho week with the former's pnronts, Mr. nsd Mrs. Goo, Mc Koon. Miss Fay Robertson has returned from Atlanta, where she has boon visiting her sister, Mrs, Phil Matthews. Miss Ellznboth Cook, of Buonn Vistn, is visiting her cousin, Aiiss Mattlo Smith. Mrs. Bob Drnnu, of. Columbus, and Mrs. Gordon GlntiBlor, of Decatur, nro guests tills wedk of their sister, Mrs. J, U. MoKoon, Mr, and Mrs, E, E. Fry chaperoned tlio B. Y. P. U. on a moonlight pionlo excursion to Ponrl Spring on 'Fridny ovoning Inst. Aiiss Alary Haynlo, of Turin, is tho guest for the wook of Mrs. Goo. Mc Koon, ,ir. . Airs. Jnko Millin' mid little son, of Rocky Mount, are spending the week with tho farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. Mr. Elliott Afoto, of. Carrollton, is vis iting Ids mother, Mrsl iM. A.- Glumdlor. Aiiss Eliznbbth Mann, of Snuoin,' hr,a boon stopping with hor aunt, Airs. JV B. Norris, for several days.. Aiiss Nellie Martin, of .Wohdliury, is upending tho wook 'with Aiiss Clara Wil liams. Miss Mode 1 CtihmlBhnel jonvoa Satur day for Statesboro, whore sluj will re sume her duties Us tonoKer in tho soli 1 thoro. » , •» • 1 a > ■ Mr. das. A, Ball, of Columbia, 8. C„ is spending tho week here with ids wife. additions, wild will reeolvo tho ordinance of baptism the second Sunday morning in noxt month, ot fl o ’clock. He preach ed to large congregations both morning arid evening. Mr. Dave Sowoll, of Atlanta, spont last wook with relatives here. After spending n few days with rela tives here Mrs. C. H. Newton.and Miss Sndo Newton have returned to Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Herring, of Mnd- rns, were dlnnor guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sanders Thursday. Mrs. Jim Gable, of Lutherville, is vis iting hor mother, Mrs. Drew Hyde. Mrs. J. W. Sprayborry and daughter, Pear), and Mrs. A1 Sowell and children, of Happy Valley, wore gueBts of the for mer's Bistor, Mrs. J. D. Lambort, on Thursday Inst . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sanders had as guests for dlnnor Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Herring and little daughter, of Madras, Miss Almn Hood, of Robcoo, and Miss Laura King, of Sargent. Several from our community hnvc been attending tho singing school at Sargent. Miss Mnry Palmer, of Madras, is vis iting Miss Annio Mho Hyde. Mr. anil Mrs. Welch Sowell visited at Welcome Thursday and Friday, Miss Annie Lou Dukes, of Happy Vnl- lcy, visited her aunt, Mrs. Tom Sewell, Thursday. Mrs. Will Summerlin is Bpending tho week with her parents nt Morolaml Mr. anil Mrs. Glonn Carlor, of East Point, are visiting tho latter’s'parents and othor relatives bore tills weok. Protracted meeting began at Liberty Christian church Sunday, and Elder Stone, tho pastor, is preaching some splendid sormons both morning and oven big. Mr. Walter Potty, of St. Louis,, is spending tho wook with his brother, Mr. Jacobus Potty. Mrs. 0. 0. Elliott and children, Mrs. Jim Garmleal, Mrs. Goo. Wnrron, of Sar gent, and Mp. and Mrs. Marlon Herring, of Madras, worn dliinor-gnests of Mr. and Airs. T. B. Sanders Fridny. Mrs. Will Hydo had ns hor guest for tho wook-ond Airs. Viola Rnliioy, of Now nan. ? Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sewell, of Happy Valley, vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. Welch Sew ell Sunday. Mr. Walter Sijndors spent a fow days in Carrollton laHt week. Mrs. .Too Brown, of Heard county, is visiting hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. T. F Jones. " / Mrs. Alvtin Sprayborry and 'young son mid Aflr. Hall Cnrmloal, of Roscoe, were guests Sunday of their Bister, Mrs. Al- Sort Hydo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brooks, of At,- Inntn, are visiting tho lattor’s parents, Mr. and Airs. E. T. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sowoll, Mr. Tom Sowoll and Mr. Onnio Lambert attended services nt Rnmuh church, near Palmet to, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Eidson Visited relatives in Campbell county Tuesday.' Tho Alissos Lambert lm'd as their guost Friday Miss Annio Lou Dukes, of Happy jYnlley. Mr. Hugh Gibson, o,f Nownnn, spont Thursday with his pnronts here. Atrs. C. T. Hydo is sorlossly ill with pneumonia, wo rogrot to report. Sharpsburg. family and Mr. Joe Hugliie, of Ray mond; Mr. Rad Vineyard and. family, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hainmoek, Misses Verna and Tliclmu Hnifnnoek, Mr. T. L. Oravcs mid Mr. Alton Royeton. A s uinptuous dinner was enjoyed, and it wub a linppy occnslon all around. WHITE OAK. Mr. Joe Robert Young, of Fitzgerald, is visiting Ids parents here. Misses Katie and Viola Baxloy visited the Misses Mattox and -attended the swimming party at Young’s pond Mon day afternoon. Born, Aug. 17, to Mr. and Mra. Wll son Bowers—ft son. Many are becoming interested in the community couneii hero. Tho program given at tho school-house on Friday night Inst was enjoyed by everyono present. We are pleased to see that tho road to tho highway is being worked, but re gret that other ronds leading from tho henrt of our community are still, in bad condition. Rev. R. S. Hnrrls is conducting a two- weeks’ meeting in Alabnmn. Miss Annie Carmlcal lias returned from a week’s visit to Miss Rachel Me- Elroy, in Newnan. Quito n numbor from our community attended services*at the Presbyterian church in Nownan Sunday, both morning mill afternoon, Mr. .loo Johnson, from near Newnan, visited in our neighborhood Sunday. Tho Y. sV,. C. U. met at the church Sunday ' afternoon. During the winter months meetings will be hold at the School-house, Little Willie had boon 'told that ho must nlwnys wnit patiently until he was served at meals, and not to ery across tho table or grab for his food. One day while dining at a neighbor’s with his mother'the little follow was accidentally overlooked. Ho was very patient for a tlilio, but nt Inst he could benr tho strain no longer, sooing everybody feeding but himself. ' So, loaning quietly across to his mother, lie said in a loud whisper: ‘ 1 Mother, do little boys wiio starve to dq^tli go to heaven?” i o Now that a dollar is worth) money it doesn’t care to visit a poor man. A GOOD FRIEND « MIDWAY. . Alias'Bolio Todfl;wps>nRod'Wno‘"tasV week on account ' or. tlio illnoss of her fatherland'hi her absence Alias Zipporjih Kidd, df 'Nownnn, taught tlio -school, Aiiss Todd rotufnod Monduy and resumed "hdr duties. , Mr. Lindsay Hardogroo, - of Vienna, 'is visiting his grandpuroiits, Mr, aittl Mrs. D. L. Hardogroo. . Fodder-pulling and -syrup-making seem rto’bo tlio order of the day in our sootion. ’Howover, cotton-picking won’t be much ,of n job, judging from present pros pects. Misses Newell Wiggins and Francos Stephens spont tho week-end in Hoard -county. Elim and Midway schools, together with others, enjoyed a picnic nt Hilloy’s mill Saturday. Misses Julia and Ruth Boynton, of Newnan, spent Inst week with their grandmother. Airs, P. A. Herndon. Air. Elbort Cash, of Carroll county, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. J. T. Cash. * Several from our, cpmmnnity attended camp-meeting in Heard county’ Sunday. Mrs. S. S, Kidd returned borne Alon- dny, after a two-wcoks” visit in South Georgia. Air. Oliver Hardogroo and little son, <if Vienna, spent Inst week with tlio for mer’s parents, Mr.'and Mrs. D. L. Hnr- • degree. HANDY. Farmers arc hnviug fine weather for fodder-pulling. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Grimes spent the 'wook-end with relatives at Madras. Mr. Thompson Alorris spent Saturday night and Sunday in Heard comity. Miss Eilola Cato, of Heard county, , .spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. R. Estes. i Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grimes spont Sat urday and Sunday witli ’ relatives in Newnan. The county convict force is doing some good work in our section this wook. Air. bliff Elder is now prepared for grinding. Mill days are Wednesday and Saturday. Mr. Alfred Lazenby, of Dresdon, was in our community Saturday afternoon, Thirty-two undertakers attended county meeting of undertakers af Strcator one day last week. What a joke it would have been for a lot of us to have ilied off on that day and spoiled their holiday.—Earlville (Ill.) Leader. LONGSTREET. Farmers are busy pulling fodder this week, Rov. F. ,T. Amis conducted a mooting nt Fboneer church the past weok. Mrs. Roxio McDonald entertained at a family reunion last week. Mr. 'Ralph Richards., of Carrollton, was a plonsnnt caller' in our community Sunday. Air. and Airs. 15. ,0. Jfnkor spent soy-' oral days with relatives and friends nit Woodlund last wook. Tho ieo cream party , given Saturday, ovoning by Miss Alinnio Opal Gnmel in honor of her visitor, Alias Louise Camel; of East Point, was a very, ohjoynhlo af fair. Others-' present were, Messrs. .Theo dore McDonald, Walter Phillipe, J. P. Brittain, Roswell McDonald, Sidnoy. Mc Lean, Zneli Vineyard, J." W. Johnson, Lewis .Smith, Clnrlco Lnssottor, -.Jim- Keith, Alissos Lucy Loe, Annie Smith, Martha Smith, Alice Phillips, Catliorino Phillips; Ermn McLean, Annie Laurie Hammock, Varna. Hammock, Ora. Vine yard and Sara Vinoynrd. Alissos Annie jLaurie and Vorim Ham mock were in Nownnn Tuesday shopping. Tlio Misses Vineyard will entertain, the young peoplo nt their home one evening next week. Miss Annie Smith, who is teaching at Rock Spring, spent tlio week-end 1 with homefolks hero. Miss Norino North is visiting in New- nan tliis week. Mr, and Atrs. J. H. Lendormnn and children, of, Grautvillo, wore recent- guests of Dr. R. L. Smith and family. Mr. Aubrey Reeves, of Lutherville, and Air. Sidney Young, of Moreland, wore welcome callers in our community Sunday afternoon. Air. and Mrs. Lawson Wynn, of Wood land, who have been visiting Air. and Mrs. E. C. Baker, returned Home a few days ago. Rev. Z. Speer flllod his appointment at Coke ’s Chapel on Sunday last. Miss Belle Todd, who is teaching at Alidway, was called to the bedside of her father a few days ago, who has been quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Vineyard and chil dren attended the Huffmastor family re union near Rico last Saturday. Airs. Eddie Nortli, and children visited. Airs. Owen Harper, near Raymond, the past week. Miss Louise Gftmel, of Enst Point, is the attractive guest of Miss Atinnie Opal Gamel: • \ Several from our community went over to Rock Spring Tuesday afternoon to witness n ball game between the Baptist Rest ami Sharpsburg teams. Air. and Mrs. Will Huffmastor have re turned to Roscoe, after a visit to Mr. Z, R. Vineyard and family. Mr. Pratt Keith has returned from a visit to relatives in Newnan. Ale. Jim Hannah, who spent last week with Mr. Tom Johnson and family, has retarded to liis hi^ne in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Al Vineyard entertain ed a large company at a family reunion Sunday, their guests including Mr. and Airs. J. G. Vineyard and children nud Mr. Dallas Collins, of Fairburn; Air. anil A good friend stands by you when In need. Newnan people tell how Doan’s Kidney Pills have stood the teat. ' W. T. Lazenby of 64 Wesley St„ endorsed Doan's twelve years ago and again confirms the story. Could you ask for more convincing testi mony? “I think very highly of Doan’s Kid ney Pills,’’ says Mr. Lazenby. “Be fore using them my kidneys acted too frequently and I suffered with back ache for several years. I tried many different remedies but tailed to get relief. The use of one box of Doan's Kidney Piila from the Lee Drug Co., gave me immediate relief. I. consider Doan’s an excellent remeay for all kidney complaint.’’ The above statement was given F'bruary 12, 160*. and. on May B, 1918, Mr. .Lazenby added: “I still have the same faith in poan’s Kidney Pills today as I had when I last rec ommended them.. I -believe Doan’s to be a fine kidney mediciife and 1 will .never change my .high opinlon of them. My former statement’ still holds good.” : 60c, at all dealers. . Foater-AIilburn Co; Mira., Buffalo, N, Y. r The West Point Route Mrs, Earl Wiugo and children, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nixon ami chidren, and Mr. and offer Sumer Excursion Pares to North Carolina South Carolina Colorado California Michigan New York Which include attractive steamship trips. For full information write to J. P. Billups, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It’a a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and prove It. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won’t touch It. Guaranteed. SSc.^Mise (l cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 05c. ntsc (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 91.25 nIbc 15 cakes) enough .for all farm and out-buildings, storage^ build* 4ngs, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LBE-KIXG DRUG COMPANY, COWKTA DRUG & BOOK COMPANY. Firestone first made the low price of $13.95 on the Standard Non-Skid, May 2. Unusual purchasing power through, big volume of business, and the great efficiency of its $7,069,080 Plant No. 2, manufacturing exclu sively 30x3 size; made this possible. Now, the production of the Extra- Size 30x3 tire has been transferred to Plant No. 2. This permits the price reduction on this tire from $16.65 to $13.95. No such value has ever before been offered tire users. If your dealer hasn’t the Extra- Size in stock ask for our Stand ard Non-Skid type, at the same price. You will still be getting an unusual tire value. < Cords That Don’t Blow Out V You feel secure on Firestone Cords. Because Firestone Cords don’t blow out. Your repair man will tell you he hasn’t seen a blowout this past year—10,000, 15,000 and 20,00(| miles, and the tires still going strong. See your Firestone dealer today. Name below. Firestone Cord Tires' are being sold at lowest-prices in cord ■ tire history: 3flx3J£—$24.51 32x4-^346.30 34x4j-j $54.90 R. B. ASKEW DEALER W. Y. BARNES Its time to get your boy or girl a hi- cycle—perhaps you ought to have one yourself. W e have most excellent val ues to offer-tower pftces than in sev- years— > Some wonderful values in used wheels —every one of them in first- class. condition, and worth more than we are asking— REPAI RING Let us do your bicycle repairing— we do it right and at moderate prices. DID YOU GET ONE of those bar gains in bicycle tires? $4 and $5 tires for $2.50 and $2.75. R. B. ASKEW & CO. 8 West Washington St., Newnan, Ga. Phone 500 . Kflfisl —- 1 ■ ■ 1 ' '-y.-.vwvrair --'-