The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 02, 1921, Image 1

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The Newnan Herald .towvaN HERALD I Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1886. I W Established 1866. f Consolidated with Newnan' News January. 1916. f NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 49 It is not tho/big type and the big talk iii the newspa pers, but it is the quality, fashion and fair price of the^goods in the store which make' value and give last ing satisfaction. mgs tf! FALL, MERCHANDISE It is not the big typo and the big talk,in the newspa pers, but it is the quality, fashion and fair price of the the store which make value and give last ing satisfaction. ' It will pay you well to consider the items listed Belojw. What stock of summer goods we haye on hand must go. and we have marked them way down for quick clearance. All ladies’,suits, serge dresses and coats brought over from last season we are determined to dose out, and have,put such attractive prices on them that you cannot afford to pass this opportunity by. All high-cut shoes for men, wojnen and children brought over from last, season will be sold at half and less than 'half their former prices. Now is the time to supply your needs for early fall. Come in and see what wonderful values we are offering. Wool Dress Goods We are showing some wonderful values in all the wanted shades, and the prices are very attractive. 54-inch all-wool serge; last year’s price $4.50; today’s price $2.45 a yard. 56-inch all-wool serge; last year’s price $6.00; today’s price $2.95 a yard. All-wool fancy plaids for skirts; last year’s price $6; today’s price $2.75 a yard. 46-inch tricotine; last year’s price $6.00; today’s price $2.95 a yard. ’ 50-inch French serge; last year’s price $4.00; today’s price $2.25 a. yard. 40-inch serges, poplins, etc.; last, year’s price $3.00; today’s price $1.45. Hosiery Specials . Children’s ribbed stockings in, black, and brown, ail sizes; last year’s price 6» cents a pairpyou.huy them now 3 pah's for $1.00. Children’s ribbed stockings, all sizes, .b'kck only; 25c a pair, 6 pairs for $1.35. . One lot'of children’s, stockings, all sizes, black only; 10 cents a pair. 6ne lot of silk socks foi' men, formerly sold at $1.00 to $1.50 a pair; we offer these, at only 50: cents a pair. Footwear AH’gtiiftfnhf ; f6otdtear must be closed out. Men’s French’ oxfords, formerly, sold at $15; we offer these at only $6.00 a pair. All other ■ low-cut footwear greatly re duced in price. , Men’s, Women’s; and children’s high-cut shoes, brought over from, last season, we. offer,at ONEJIALF former'prices. Men’s work shoes (and we : have all [kind's 1 )' are priced way under value. Ready-to-Wear LADIES’ SUITS Brought over from last season, and sold from $26.00 to $100.00; to close out we of fer them at $7.60, $10.00, $12.50, $15, $20. SERGE DRESSES Excellent qualities; values up to $85.00; select yours now; the prices axe $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15. . SLIK DRESSES All we have left; most of them bought this season; values up to $85.00; we offeij' them at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $15.00. , SKIRTS Just a few of these left, and they must go, so we have priced them way dqwn. COATS If you are-going to itf@id a”codt now is the time to get it. We have S, few left.from last season that we offer ah a fraction of their former price. 1 MIDDY BLOUSES x Nothing better for the school girl than middy blousfes. We offer Paul Jones and other celebrated makes at less than haif fomer. prices. CHILDREN’S GINGHAM DRESSES These sold formerly as high as $10.00. What we have left must go; we have priced them from 50 cents to $2.00 each. SILK WAISTS Just a very few left; these are excellent values;.some of them sold as high as $16.50. We have priced them at $2 and $3 each... WASH WAISTS The’ former prices on these were from $3:00 to $10.00. They must go; while they last we price them at 75c and $1.50 each. Staple Dry Goods Romper cloth for children’s suits and price 25 cents a yard. 36-inch percale, beautiful patterns; price 15 cents a yard. Eden cloth for night dresses and chil dren’s wear; price 26 cents a yard. Extra quality 9-4 unbleached sheeting; price 40 cents a yard. Extra quality' 10-4 bleached sheeting; price 45 cents a yard. Mercerized cheviots for shirts and chil dren’s dresses; 28 inches wide; price, 18 cents a yard. Fruit-of-the-loom" yard-wide bleaching; 19 cents a yard. 1 ; Good quality yar'd-wide sheeting; price 8 cents ,a yard. Peppeffell' sheets, ' size 81x90; price $1.39 each. ... Extra quality table damask, 2 yards wide ; price 75 cents a yard. Amoskeag A..C..A. feather ticking; .price 25 cents a yard. Red Seal dress ginghams; price. 20 cents a yard. J. & P. Coats’ 150-yd. spool cotton; 5 cents a spool. 27-ineh Red Star diaper cloth (10-yai'd bolts); price $1.75 a bolt. Best quality cotton, plaids; price 10 cents a yard. ’ Boys'Wash Suits - - Just the kind the small boy needs—and they’ll wash. Lay in a good supply ; the prices are much less than wholesale cost. Hats A few strawhats.still left—mostly small sizes. , , We offer any stiff-brim straw hat.for $1.50. Any Panama or Leghorn straw hat for $3.50 Stetson and Knox wctol hats for $5.00 each. Men’s Clothing Just a few Palm Beach and mohair suits left. These we offer at $8.50 and $10 each. A few wool suits brought over from last season at a fraction of former prices. Blankets 1 We have, decided to handle blankets again, and have just received some wonder ful values in white blankets with colored borders, and, fancy plaid blankets. You want to see them; the prices are about half what they were a year ago. Other Items of Interest Palmolive toilet soap; 3 cakqs for 25c. E. & W. stiff collars; 20 cents each.; ' Ladies’ initial handkercheifs,, 6 in a box> worth $1.25; price 30,cents a box. Men’s heavy overalls and-coats to match, worth $1.50;; price $1.00 each.',, Special value English longcloth (10- yard bolts); price $1.75 bolt. Special values in Turkish towels, heavy quality; price 25 and 39 cents each. New lot of the celebrated Cheney Bros.’ neckwear for men; priced from 50 cents to $L.25 each. Lddies’ flanhelette night, gowns, excel lent-quality; last year’s price $3.00; today $1.25 each. ■ Yard-wide pajama checks, best quality; price 20 cents a yard. Lyklinen, a beautiful white fabric in stripes and checks; price 29 cents a yard. Curtain madras, pretty designs; last year’s price $1.00; today 49 cents a yard. Sunfast draperies; sold a year ago at $1.50; price 75 cents a yard. All voiles, wash fabrics and other summer materials must not be carried over, so we have priced them WAY DOWN for iquick clearance. We can always save ; you money on your purchases. P. F. Cuttino & Co.