The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 16, 1921, Image 2

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ft r THE NEWNAN HERALD NKWVIK. IIA., FRIpAV. MKPT, 10 OfiBci&l 0fgnn of Coweta County: fu. E. Brown. O. W. Passavanr. BROWN ft FA8SAVANT , Editors aad Pvbllrtrn. The Herald office la located In the g. II Jaokeon Street SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. GRANTVILLE. * (Ittms'from Q)Uey-J./ambcrt Company Weekly Tr*')« Bulletin.) HIm YIoIa Joh neon, of Norcrose, woe the weff^nd fneft' of Miss Sarn Let- Mine Yarlna Donbar, of Lawrenceville, b the peat of t>^|r eieter, Mr*. Leila Carter WorJer, of Elberton, spent the week-end with #$ra. T. A. Andrew*. $|it fkd Mra. T. M. Leeter apont Sun- ‘ ’ Wtt|i Mr.. Lon tysbop, at Haralson. “ and little eon, i, epent laat week and'Miss Ethel itivea in Atlanta Bobt . , jr., of A i Mra. Nancy ; thia week. >>' Ur. W. N. in' Newnan Min Emily left Monday for Deeatsr, where the will. enter Agnus •Scott College. Mra. Jennie Bryant, of Atlanta, ▼biting friends and relatives here. Mba Pearl Doughtie, of Columbus, the guest of Mias Clara Braich this •week. Misses Frankie Lambert, Annie Lntl- mcr, Allie Mae Dixon and Mildred sii draws left Wednesday for tho 0. N. k X College, Milledgevillo. t Mias Mabel Andrews, who is tench tog in Canton, apont tho week end at home. , There was n man who eoneontrnted on making good instead of making money, and ho made both. Miss Bessie Black, of Cartersvillc, and Mba Birdie Burdette, of Norcross, we week-end guests of Mr*. Willie Black. Miss Biby Turner, of Lone Oak, and Mira Annio Williams, of Urantviilo, left Tuesday for LuGrange Female College. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tuggle, of At lanta, apont tho week-end with their mother, Mrs. .lunie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collins, of New nan, spent Sunday witli Mrs. Nannie Collins. Rev. arid Mrs. W. 8. Cruse, of Prim rose, were in Ornntville Wednesdny. Miss Bessie Brown is visiting rela tives at Moreland. Mrs. J. L. Cliantbless and son, of Atlanta, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Chamldeu Sunday. Note tho difference between men. One uses a stream to fish in; another makes it turn a sawmill. The sudden death of Mr. Emmett It. Sewell, which occurred at Wesley Memo rial Hospital, Atlanta, on Friday night last, was a great shock to his mnny friends. Ho is survived by his wife, Mra. Sara Sewell, and five children— Nellie, Louise, ■Sara, Emmett, jr,' anil Junes. Deceased was 40 years of nge, and for the pnst four years had been connected with Arnolil-Bnxter Co. 'Wo are glnd to note that- Mr. T. A. Andrews is much improved, and trust we may see him out aguln in a few i Wo regret to learn of tljo serious HI- nan of Miss Lillian Sewell, one of the .popular teachers in our puhllc schools. PONBVIBW. Misses Clyde Harwell and Eron Brooks, •f Brooks, were guests of Mias Lucy JLae bat week. • . . Mr. Boy Lasaotter, of Newnan, spent Monday in onr community. Mipsca Louise and MaryoBridgcs, of Bharpsburg, wore guests of MIm Ruth vChristopher Sunday. Next Sunday b regular preaching day At Coke's Chapel. Our v Sunday-school holds np ball, akri wo have also organ- bad a young people's prayer mooting, Which meets every Sunday night at 7..10 eVlotk. ■ Our farmers are busy thb week tusk- bff syrup, gathering peas and picking astftoo. While ’the cotton crop is short, wo hare fine crops of corn, potatoes and other food products, which will help to ' hoop the wolf from the door. Vfa attended the singing convention ia Newnan last week. It was a grand araslon, and the good people of the town * did • great part in entertalnng the visi- •bra. Sorry more people were not there Ao enjoy the singing and the fine talks. Aa ov looked opon tthat vast throng wo felt sad to see so few of our home hoys and girls there to hear tho won derful leaders—Mullins, Bottoms, Lins- eruah, Hutchens, and other*. Tho talk* given by Dr*. Fowler, Stone, Crew* and Kreria will ever lire in our memory Every child of achool ago in our com- Unity hsa been enrolled at the Starr (. DUtriet School. • Education means r- tQWt deal, and parenta should strive to . do this movk for their children, Ukthey 4M do no more. Mr. VBI Christopher b aerviuj on the jury in Newness thb week. MIDWAY Mr. Hannon Illrdegree, of Vienna, spent the week-end with hia parents. Mr.-and Mrs. D. I*. Hardegree. Mr. agd Mrs. W. & Kidd spent Sun day with Mr. and Mra. >,\ H. Kidd, at Welcome. « The boll weevil left a little cotton, Hand treybody recoin busy gathering it, -whbs otters are equally busy making syrup? so we farmer* won’t perish a* ’ 'long oa syrup and potatoes bold out. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephens, of Khon ** drove, visited in our community Sun<lay nflernooa. Mbaea Jrajie Estep ami Floriue Haines, of Heard county, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. 8. S. Kidd. W# regret to report that there is ao Iraproresoeot in Mr*. Fannie MiUbas’ coed itioa. The president of the B. Y. P. U. of ■■■ church «V kata thb week for JUkea* Mr, DoUaad Joekren will i fahb pbcvLwd Mr. Idu» Wortham wO art as sc-errtorr and treasurer. Let's an rare out and giro there young men The baptism at Klim church will be ttd writ 0*«*by at J p. m. MT. CARMEL. Rev. V'. A. Roark filled bis appoint ment ut Mt. Carmel chun-h Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robison and son, Lee, and Miss Alice Ingrain, of Newnan, spent Sunday with Mr. M. It. Story and fninilj. Several from ou»\ community attend ed the singing convention in Newnan on Thursday and Friday lost. Mrs. G. H. Doyal, who has been visit ing relatives here, returned Fridoy to her home near Cedartown. Mr. and Mrs. Vollie Howard, of Home- wood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Messrs. M. R. and J. W. Story, are attending court 4n Newnan this week. Mrs. C. I. Wallace and daughters, Fannie Kate and Manelle, spent Weilnes day of last week in Carroll county. Mrs. J. W. Turner spent last Friday, with her sister, Mrs. J. D. Payton, at Homewood. We are glad to report that Ma^er Lee McKoy, who underwent an opera tion at tho Newnan Sanitarium a few days ago, is doing nicely. Hope he will be back in school soon. Mrs. J. B. Beavers was called Sotur day to tho bedside of her mother at Leona, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hardegree, of Handy, attended services here Sunday and dined with Mr. J. W. Turner and family. M>. and Mrs. Walter Story and sons, of Homewood, attended' services here Sunday and dined with Mr. J. W. Story and family. Mrs. C. I. Wallace and son, Tobe, and Mrs. Aaron Sewell spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Marvin Wallnce, at Wel come. Mrs. I. N. Payton, of Homewood, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. E. Wood. The latter, who has been quite sick, is now convalescent. Miss Lorine Collins, our county dem onstration agent, visited tho .club girls here on Monday afternoon luHt, and spent Monday night with Misses Nelle Austin and Mattie Sue Bridges. Miss Lucy McKoy and brother, Mon roe, of Welcome, attended services here Sunday. Mr. W. II. Wood spent Sunday after noon at Welcome. Mr. J. T. Story, sr,. of Homewood, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. J. W. Story, sr. We regret to report Mrs. M. R. Story on' the sick list this week. Mr. Loo Payton, of Homewood, spent Saturday night with friends here. CORNER BRANCH. Mrs. O, B. Brooks and daughter, Sybil, spent the ^week-end with Miss Bessie Lowry, ill Carrollton. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Millions spent Friday with their daughter, Ethel, in Newnnu. Miss Frances Millions and J. C. Brooks have entered the Niwnnn public schools for tho fall term, while Stacy Davis has entered school at Grantville. Mr. J. C. Brooks joined tho ’Possum Trot boys in n camp at juggins’ ford the pnst week. ' * Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Manley attended the singing convention in Newnan Inst week. Miss Velma Gnrner is quite ill with typhoid fevor. Her grandmother, Mrs. 8. A, Chnndler, of Grantville, is now nt her bedside. Mrs. Jennie Mne Thomp son and Mrs. Ben Davis, sr., visited Miss Gnrner Monday afternoon. Mrs. Will Webb, sr., of Corinth, is spending somo time with hor sister, Mrs. Funnie Browu, who Is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brooks, of New- nan, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Brooks Tuesday. Mesdames Joe Brown and Eddie Brown spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Fan nie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Brewer Lane were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Mattox, at White Oak. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, of Nous Hope, were guests Sunday of Mr. add Mr*. Eddio Brown. Mcsdame* Minor Millians and Irwin Manley sjtent Monday with Miss Velma Garner. Mrs, O. B. Brooks and daughter, Sy bil, spent Monday and Tuesdny with Mr*. Harold Upahaw and Mr*. C. M. Ami*. In Newnan. TO KILL YOUR BUSINESS. An exchange gives tho following rem edy, which is said to bo an effective business-killer: Do just as little as you can from day to day. Let the dust collect, litter ac cumulate, bills stack up, and accounts go uncollected. Qo around the atore in dirty clothe*, smoking a pipe or cigar, and encourage the help to do the same. Read a newspaper, or stand and talk with a friend while customers wait. Never try to pleare a dissatisfied cus tomer. Give him to understand that what is done is done, and there is no use talking about it. ft' Don't advertise; if jin «\o. go at it spasmodically. 9 Buy everything of everybody who comes in to sell to you—especially if their proposition includes loading you up with more goods than you can -get rid of in a year. > Carefully avoid anything in the way of original business promotion. Be follower and uot a leader. Cry hard time*, high price*, lack of public spirit on th* part of the town'* cititens, and the meatiness of i>eop!e in general. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank- our friend* for every kindness and for every expression of sympathy tendered u» during the ill ness and upon the death of our dear mother. May our Father'* richest Mess ing* ever abide with each of them. lit, and Mra. P. H. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 6. Dukes. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Witcher. Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Newton. Mr. and Mra. T. B. Newton. CARD OF THANKS. I HI We wish to. thank our neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown ■ us during the Blue* and upon the death] I of oar dev father and # grandfather. I May God's richest Moving* rest upon I them all, la ov prayer. Mr. tad Mra. a & Pop* and Children. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Banks and Children. Mr. and Mr*. M. F. Landrum. Fortunate is the man whore conscience is a guide rather than a goad. OWNS THE WHOLE TOWN. Wayertms Journal-Herald. v , A traveling salesman visited Homer- ville ami sold the proprietor of its gen eral wtore some merchandise. When the goods arrived they were not as repre sented and the merchant consequently returned them. The wholesale houne at tempted to collect the bill aqd drew a sight draft on the merchant through the local bank, which returned the check un honored. The house wrote the postmas-. ter about the financial standing,of the merchant, and the postmaster laconical ly replied with an o. k. By return mail the house requested the postmaster to secure a lawyer to collect the aipount, and received the following reply: “The undersigned is the merchant on whom you attempted to palm off your worthless goods.', The undersigned is president, and owner of the bank to which you sent your sight draft. The undersigned is the postmaster to whom you wrote, and the undersigned ih the lawyer’ whose services you sought *o ob tain for your nefarious business. If the undersigned were not also the pastor of the cllflrch here he would tell you to go to hen." Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land^ of said deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In October next, Jr any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 5, 1921. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. Application for -Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Geneva J.' Herring, administrator on the estate of Thomas H. Herring, de ceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lands and stocks of said de ceased, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In October next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 0, 1921. J. A. R. CAMP. Ordinary. Poyouknpw you can roll SO&sgg cigarettes for lOcts from one bag of GENUINE Bull’Durham TOBACCO We want you to have the beat paper for "BULL." So now you can receive with each packageobook of 24 leaves of tho vory finest cigarette paper In the world. Legal Notices. Letters of Administration^. . GEORGIA—Coweta County: -• B. A. Reese having applied, to -the Court of Ordinary of nald doiiitty Tor letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. Agnes L. Reeso, deceased, all persons concerned arc required to show cauFe In said Court by the' first Monday In. October next. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Aug. 11, 1921. . ’ * ” CAMP, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: H. C. Pitts having applied to the Court of Ordinary or said county fpr letter* of administration on the estate of Edgar C. Pitts, deceased, all .per sons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Mon day In October next. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 6, 1921. J. A. R. CAMP. Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: L. A. Johnson having applied to thp Court of.Ordinary of said county for letter* of administration on the estate or Mrs. J. B. Slaughter, deceased, all person* concerned are required to show cause in said Court by\the first Mon day- In October next. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. “ * ’ Letter* of Administration. OEORGIA—Coweta County: J. P. Cureton having applied to tn* Court of Ordinary of *ald county for letter* of administration on the eatate of Eddie E. Wlndom, deceased, all par* sons concerned are required to ahow cause In said Court by the first Mon day In October next. If any they cam why said application should not be granted. This Sept. C, 1921. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County. W. C. Hodnett having applied to th* Court of Ordinary of aald county for letters of administration on the estat* of O. P. Hodnett. deceased, all per sons concerned are required to nhow cause In said Court by ihe first Mon- why aald - . granted. Thl J. A. t by I —. If i . ppllcatlon snould ils Sept R. 1921. not R. CAMP, Ordinary. Letter* of Dismission. * GEORGIA—Coweta County: ‘ T. O. Farmer. Jr.. odmlnUtmtor cn he estate of Mary R. Floyd, deceased, having applied to the Court of Or dinary or aald county for letters of dismission, all persons concerned or* required to ahow cause in said Court >y the first Monday In October next, f any they can, why sat I application should uot to granted. VMs Sept. *, INI. J. A. R. CAMP. Ordinary. Twelve Months* Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to th* Tamlly of J. A. Ketnpstfh. deceased, having been filed In my office, all per son* ooncerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday In October. 1911. why said application for twelve months' support should not be granted. This Sept 6. 1921. J. A. R. CAMP. Ordinvy. Twelve Months' Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Th* return of the appraisers setting apart twelve month*' support to th* 'amtly of A. H. Arnold, deceased, hav ing been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday In October. 1921, tfrhjr aald application for twelve month* support should not be granted. TJhl* Sept T. 1921. J. A. R. CAMP. Ordinary. Application fev Leave te Sell. GEORGIA—Coweta County: John A- Webb, administrator on -the estate of Jaa. T. Haynes, deceased, having applied to-the Court of of jeaj»qfcy_ for ' g&aiflg person* con cerned or* required to show can** ia ■aid Court by the first Monday In Oc tober next. if. any they con. why *nld application should not bo granted 1hU Sept. •. 1911 J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. Afwtlralloa fer Leave te JelL GEORGIA—Coweta Lunie & Shn the estate of having jtrator .-ler. de- Court of SHERIFF** SALE FOR OCTOBER. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the court-house door In Newnan, said count/, on the first Tuesday In Octobor, 1921, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being In the First dis trict of said Coweta county, the same being the south half of dot of land No. 288, containing one hundred one and one-half (1011^) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of W. T. Arnall and children, on the ea«t by land of Jones, on the south by lands of R. L. Hardy, W. L. Carlton and M. H. Couch, and on the west by lands of W. T. Arnall, known as the south half of the Moses lot. Levied on as the property of the estate of W. T. Arnall to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued from the City Court of Newnan In favor of tbe Merchants & Planters Bank of Griffin. Ga., vs. W. L. Stallings, as administrator of W. T. Arnall. deceased. Defendant in fl. fa. notified In terms of the law. This Aug. 8. 1918. J. D. BREWSTER. Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALK FOR OCTOBER. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the court-house door In Newnan. CoweTa county. Go., on the first Tuesday In October, 1921, within the legal hour* of salt, to the highest and beet, bidder, the f,>i- .. property, to wit: " !n f All that tract or. parcel of land sin, ate, lying and being In the city . r v V nan, Coweta county. Oa.. deserf follows: Five and one-quarter . more or less, being part of the no-Vi,' west portion of original land lot v/ in the Fifth district of Coweta r’mm. ' Oa.. one mile west of court. and bounded as follows: On the nor,* - ., by public road leading from Newnan ! Carromon and Frantlin, on ih" 1 *" by J. H. Dent lot; and on the south ana tsa s*o»rM. te" ,r,°hf 0 V" of Clerk of Coweta Superlo? cJIiri' Levied on as the property of w S' Thomas to satisfy an execution la,.., from the City Court of Newnanll! .aid county. In favor of r"’S' * Son. Co,, against the .aid w $ Thomaa Defendant In n. fa. and tan ant In po.eee.lon notllled of thl! .... In accordance with law. Thl. 6, h of September. 1921. ad> J. D. BREWSTER, Sheriff Ai DO YOUR BIT Many times we have heard boys give as an excuse for not buying candy that they did not like it. But what would you think if you saw them get into a box thferother fellow sent ? Then they have a picnic, but they don’t like candy. (?) Our candy is so good that it is just like the other fellow sent it and you got in it. Here are three reasons: 1 Whitman’s 2 Hollingsworth’s 3 Kept fresh in refrigerator Buy a box for your sweetheart, wife, or somebody that you like to.have for jour sweetheart and get acquainted with the best things in life. ) A * LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY "A GOOD DRUB STORE" TWO PHONES 66 Waterman Fountain Pens Conklin Fountain Pens EVERSHARP PENCILS. Dunn-Pens FLOUR White Cream, plain, barrel... .$7.25 White Cream, plain, 48 lbs... .$1.85 Chatterbox, self-rising, bbl... .$7.25 Chatterbox, self-rising, 48 lbs. $1.85 Country Com Meal, bushel .. .$1.00 MEAT AND LARD. No. 10 Compound Lard $ No. 5 Compound Lard 55c Bulk Compound Lard 12*/ 2 c (Bring your bucket) Best Square Cut Meat, lb 14c No. 1 can Salmon . a.. I , * ‘ .... 10c No. 2 can standard pack Tfiffifit/iPfi ... 11c Best-fresh roasted Coffee, 7 lbs. for ..$1.00 Full-Cream Cheese, lb ....25c Camel Cigarettes, 20’s for.. ....15c 40 Watt, list price 40c OUR PRICE 35c ELECTRIC LICJHT BULBS 60 Watt, list price 45c OUR PRICE 37c 75 Watt, list price 75c OUR PRICE 55c ALLEN BROS. All staple commodities continue to soar, but as we have’ stated before, we placed our order several weeks ago for a large quantity of compound lard, and several cars of flour. We are now handling the famous old J. AL LEN SMITH MILLING CO.’S flour, who have been millers for over 41 years. You can readily see that they have the experience to produce a flour for every purpose, and you will find their brands of flour in our store now. We have not advanced the price—our price is much lower than elsewhere. Read Our Special Prices Below EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Chesterfield, 20’s for 15c | Horse and Mule Feed, 100 lb. bag 5, ,2 Pure Wheat Shorts, 100 lb. bag f *'5 Hen Feed, 100 lb. bag : • a- • • £ Hulls, 100-lbs. 5 » » -- 1 ' -—- One of the many reasons why we sell for less: We b'eiidve we mo\e more cars of freight than any other supply , house in Newnan. i * COME TO SEE US THANK YOU, ALLEN BROS. Phone 54h < NEWNAKCA- . .i.trA