The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, September 23, 1921, Image 1

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v The Newnan Herald hs-wnAN HERALD I Consolidated with Coweta Advertiser September, 1880, I W Established I860. ( Consolidated with Newnan News January, 1016. f =*• NEWNAN, GA„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 Vol. 56—No. 52 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. SENOIA. Mrs. J. T. Arnall spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mrs. J. C. Arnall, of Oklahoma City, is the guest of Mrs. Nixon Arnall. Mrs. Harry Callaway, of LaGrange, is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hand. Col. W. C. Turpin, of Macon, was in the city Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Estes spent last week-end at Gay. Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tenn., is the guest of Mrs. Maude At kinson this week. Mrs. W. D'. Gibson left Sunday morn ing for Royston, where she has accepted a place as teacher in the high school. Miss Lueile Morgan has gone to At lanta, and will spend the winter there. ltev. 0. C. Kiser and little son, Ma rion, are spending a few days in At lanta. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lmdsey were in Atlanta Monday. Mr. Emory Cocke, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter Sun il rs. Brunner and two children, of Savannah, are guests of Mrs. W. P. Baggnrly this week. Mrs. M, H. Couch is visiting Mrs. S. .1. Elder, in Atlanta, this week. Mrs. J. H. McKnight, Miss Opal Mc- Knight, Miss Ella May Freeman and Messrs. Ben and Leon McKnight spent .Sunday in Grantville. Mrs. Maude Atkinson and her guest, Mrs. Win, Anderson, spent the week-end at Slmrpsburg. Mr. .1. 1>, Thurman, who has been at tending loinnter school ot the Ga.-Tech., is at home for a few days. He will leave Sunday next to resume his work at that institution, which opens on Monday. Mrs. W. D. Gibson entertained ten friends at a dinner party on Thursday evening last, complimentary to Mrs. AVm. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tenn, The School Improvement Club enter tained at the school; building Friday af- " (rniooli HT"compliment to the pupils and teachers, quite a number of the pat- i oils being present. Some time was spent in formulating 'plans for the improve ment of the building and grounds and for a better understanding and co-opera tion between patrons and teachers. Re freshments were served after the meet ing. Mrs. Nixon Arnall entertained at an afternoon tea Friday, complimentary to Mrs. J. C. Arnall, of Oklahoma, and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tenn. About sixty guests called during the af ternoon. Mrs, R. E. McKnight entertained at a dinner party Monday evening in com pliment to Mrs. J. C. Arnall, the guest of Mrs. Nixon Arnall. Mrs. Lee Hand and Mrs. W. E. Lind sey were joint hostesses at a domino party Wednesday afternoon, complimen tary to Mr. J. C. Arnall, Mrs. Wm. An derson and Mrs. Harry Callaway, who are visiting here this week. A six-room dwelling belonging to Mr. G. C. Moore was destroyed by fire Mon day night. Tile origin of the fire is un known, as the house had been vacant for several months. Heroic work by the bucket brigade prevented damage to houses near by. o HAPPY VALLEY. Syrup-making, seems to be the order of the day in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sewell and young soil, Joe, spent the week-end witli rela tives in Atlanta. Little Miss Rebie Sue Smith is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Otis Tai'leton, in At lanta. Mrs. Tom Brown ami baby are visit ing Miss Beulah Turner, near Rico. Misses Enima Kate and Evelina Lam bert, of Dodson, spent Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. J. W. Sprayberry. Miss Mary Sprayberry had as guests Sunday Miss Ethel Lnsaetter, of Camp bell county, and Miss Erma Brunei - , Miss Alma Hood, of Roseoe, and Misses Hattie Mae Lang and Marie Brimov were dinner guests of Misses Ruth and Lena Tarleton Sunday. Miss Marie Brirncr is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. N. E. Watkins, in Atlanta. Several of our young people attended preaching at Madras Friday night. .^Migs .-Peart .Biwayto'ry..-dined.... Miss Ruby Tarleton, at Roseoe, Sunday. LUTHERVILLE. Mrs. M. 8. Archer, Mrs. Will Coclirnn and Mr. Rufus Coohran were week-end guests of relatives and fronds nt Col lege Park. Mrs. Jule Garrett and' Miss Ethel Gar rett visited Mr. and Mrs. Ode Garrett, in Newnan, Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs. Alvnn Chandler outer- tallied ns Sunday guests Rev. H, E, Stipe, of Moreland, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Chandler, Mr. Ormond Wilson Is now in Jack sonville, Fla., whero he has a fine posi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sprntlin had as guests on Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Colie Knight, of Rooky Mount. Mr. Antony Groves, of Camp Benning, Columbus, is spending a short furlough with his wife hero. Mr. and Mrs. dolin'-Poavy, of Man chester, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ella Cousins. Dr. M. S. Archer spent several days in Canton last week, and was in Atlanta Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hobbs and chil dren, Mrs. O. I. Albrght and Mrs. Will Almon visited relatives and friends at LaGrange Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chandler, Miss Bessie Lassettcr, Miss Clara. Williams, Mr. John Williams ■ and Miss McDonald attended services nt the Presbyterian church in Greenville Sunday. Mrs. I. 0. Albright lias returned from an oxtended visit to her sister, Mrs. O’Kelly, at Lognnsville, and her daugh ter, Mrs. JesBie Lnssetter, in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller and chil dren, of Grantville, and Mr. and .vies. Leonard Todd, of HbgansviHe, spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fu.ler. Dr. R. A. Hardaway spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, of St. Charles, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Braswell, Tlie Epworth League of the Methodist church was conducted Thursday evening by Mr. Eugene Hopkins. A very inter esting program was rendered. . Mr. J. U. McKoon has opened n now undertaking establishment in Newnan, but will continue to look after ids bust ness here. c MADRAS. iH section is still suffering from tile nnd Mrs. J. R, Wise and daughter p to Atlanta Tuesday, mil Mrs. J. C. Brown nnd baby, tur, were week-end guests of rol- llere, Mr. tardier Brown, of College Park, is spending a fow days with his sister, Miss 'Annie Brown. Mrs. D. I,. Johnson, of Atlnntn, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. 8. Wliitte- 1 grim Brow prog conn kno' Tur BETHEL. Several from our community attended the singing at Pleasant Hill church Sum day. Mr. Paul Bailey, of Welcome, spent tlie week-end with relatives'here. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morgan, of Stand- -Pearl :&waxbflj'rx.-diaBd.-.witlt}.higi.-Itook,- waited- Mrs. R. P; Byroni Sunday. Mrs. Dieie TlSwell, of Gay, spent several days last week with Mrs. G. B, Byrom. Messrs. Harry Hardin, L. C. Bailey and G. B, Byrom went up Newnan Sat urday, The joy of a kind act is from the same source as that of anything well done—it is all in the doing and not in the gratitude of those for whom it is done. Willis and Katherine Brown, relatives in LaGrange Sunday. Hogan, of Carrollton, is visiting iter, Mrs. Lula Cates, religious serviees being conduct- by Rev. Mr. Todd and wife eon- grow in interest. Miss Annie Brown and Mr. L. C. visited their stator, Mrs. J. J. nt Moreland, Tuesday. D. L. Cooper, of Bethlehem, is her mother, Mrs. C. H. Brown, cck, Epworth League mot Sunday with a good attendance. Lot nil to make onr league one of tlie in the circuit. •k on onr now Methodist church is rnlng favorably, nnd it 1b begin ning: to look “real churchy.” Pfjpf. Murphy has moved ids family aid we extend them a hearty wol- Tlicy are occupying what is as the Fields place. liB. J. P. and Ilewlotto Bnilcy, of ... visited In our community Sunday afternoon. Mr. P. II. Brown, who lias been spend ing'his ‘Vacation hero, returned the past week to Camp Bragg, N. C., whore ho holds a position in the Government sor- X'icoc Syrup-making is a popular occupation these days. With plenty of syrup, corii- breatl nnd potatoes we should bo a vory grateful people, Even if tlie boll woovil did get our cotton, we linvo a gront deal to be thankful for. HOMEWOOD. . Mr. and Mi's. Melson Forbes nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Story visitod Mr. and Mrs. Andy Haines, at Welcome, Sunday. Mr. J. B. Boavoi's, of Mt. Carmel, spoilt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Story. Miv and Mrs. Walter Story nnd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lyle atonded tlie bap tism at Elim church Sunday afternoon. Mr/ and Mrs. Yolllc Howard Bpont twVweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Howard, at Sargent Mr. and' Mrs. Kilgo, of Wliitesburg, visited Mr. nnd Mi's. D. T. Lyle Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. R. Story nnd son, Hugh, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Story. DODSON. Elder Stone, of East Point, filled his nppointniont nt Llb.orty Christian church Sunday. MrB. T, F. Jones spoilt a fow ilnys the past week witli her son, Mr. John Jones, near Nownna. Miss Ora Dukes, of Hnppy Valley, was the guost of Miss Lillie Maude Lambert Saturday. Mieji Etta Hn,yes and little Hazel yde spent several days tlie past wook witli the former’s sister, Mrs. Glenn Carter, at’ East Point. Mr. Pate and sohb, of Wliitesburg, visitod Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Sowoll Wed nesday afternoon, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Sanders wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sowell, nenr Roseoe, Sunday. Mr. Hugh Gibson, of Newnan, spent tho week-ond with ills parents horn. Miss Annie Lou Dukes, of Hnppy Valley, was the weok-end guest of Mra. S. G. Dukes. Mrs. Homer Eldson nnd children were spcnd-tlio-day guests of Mrs. B. C. For- roll, in Newnan, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook nnd daugh ters, of Madras, wore Milliner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Hayes Sunday. Rev. Arthur Hydo left for Tonnossee Snturdny, nfter spending some time with relatives here. Lot everybody remember tlie prnyor service nt Mneodonln church Sunday ovoniug. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hydo line! as ilin nor guests Sunday Elder Stone of East Point, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Hayes and children ol' Madras, Mr. Joe Hydo and family of Turin, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlie Sowell. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Callahan, of Har alson, spout tho week-end with relatives here. Mias Bara Jones and brothers, Duko and Hal, of Nownna, won; guests of Mr. nnd Mra, Hugh .Glass Sunday. Messrs. W. L. Will'd, Welch Sowell and E. R. Hyde wore in Atlanta Mon day on business. Mr. T, F. Jones attended the bn.vbo- euo in Newnan Tuesday, given for tlie old veterans. Little MIhs Korea Sowell returned home Tuesday, after spending a fow ilnys witli her grandparents, Col. nnd Mrs. J. C. Newman, in Nowiinii, Mr. L. P, Sowell wnB in Atlnntn Mon- SHARPSBURG. Miss Laura Spence, of Moultrie, is visiting MIbs Garrio Sharp. Mrs. Alton Royeton, of Raymond, spent Monday witli Mrs. Mattie Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith nnd Messrs. II. B. Pitman nnd E. G. Wynn were in Atlnntn Wednesday. Miss Ruth Christopher, of Turin, spent Sunday witli Miss Rebcocn Ingrain. Mrs. Genin ABkow and daughter, Ju lia, of Nownna, spout tlie week-end with Mrs. S. W. Glnss. The' B. Y. P. U. will meet Sunday night nt 6 o’clock. Everybody Invited to meet witli us. Mr. Richard Cole to visiting nt Palm Bench, Fin. Getting nlong on a pnst reputation gvos oiie a hnlf-Btnrved look. A Newnan Cltlxen Tell* <*f Ml* E» perlence. You have a right to doubt state ments of people living far away, but oan you doubt Newnan endorsementT Read it: R. F, Book, 158 N. Jackson St„ says: "Five years ago I was in bad shape with my kidneys. I used dif ferent kidney remedies but didn't get relief. Every muscle of my back was sore and stiff and sharp, darting pains often caught mo across the small of my hack. My kidneys were weak and the seoretlons were highly Colored and contrrinml a brlok r Uust- ilke sediment. I road about Doan’s Kidney Pills and decided to try Ihenf Doan's gave the relief from tlie start and two boxes put my kidneys in first-class condition. 1 They finally completely cured me.” Prlco Bfic. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pi lie—the same that Mr Bock had. Foster-M-ilburn Co., Ilfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. , Mr. Tom Ferrell, of Happy Valley, visited in our community Monday af ternoon. ‘‘Roggio, dear,” said the fond moth er, ‘‘now that you have got through college you must really look for Borne form of employment. ” ‘‘Butdon’t you think, motlior,” said Reggie, ‘‘that it would be more dig ill fled to wait till tlie offors bogln to come inf” Tlie midnight moon mokes more men wise than tlie midnight oil. NO MORE RATS or mice, aftor you use RAT-SNAP. It'B a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and prove It. Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won’t touch It, Guaranteed. KpeWOTP , OSc. nl*e (X cnki-Hk tor Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. *> Nine (C> cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildlngs, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LDB-KMO I1HPO COMPANY. COWETA UIIVG & BOOK COMPANY. For the remainder of the season we will gin your cotton for one dol to help them as much as possible to overcome the extra short crop and the enormous deflation the past year. It has always been our policy to help the farmer in every way that we possibly could, as we know that unless he succeeds it is impossible for us to succeed. During the “buy-a-bale” movement we reduced ginning to a minimum and saved the farmers of Coweta county many hundreds of dollars. We have expert ginners, and our machinery is in perfect condition. The Southern Cotton Oil Co GEORGIA NEWNAN