The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, October 14, 1921, Image 1

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The Newman Herald Powdered SOAP NEWNAN, GA., FkIDAY, OCTOBER 14 ,1921 Vol. 57—No. 2 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. LUTHERVILLE. Mrs. Hflnry Rowe, of Rocky Mount,, spout Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Wal ter Sprntlin. Mrs. John Taylor and Miss Louise Tnylor were in Greenville Wednesday. Dr. R. A. Hardaway spent Thursday in Greenville. Rev. F. A. Bone, of Grantville, has located here permanently, having taken apartments with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pry, Ho will preach at the Baptist church in Greenville next Sunday. Mr. E. E. Fry gave an interesting lecture at Bethel church Sunday on B. y. P. U. work. Mr. Bill Archer, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of his brother, Dj\ M. S. Archer. Miss Lula Cole spent Monday with niatives at Primrose. Mr. and Mrs. Lennder Oolley, Mr, Maynard Oolley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrett, Mr., and Mrs. Dan Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jule Garrett, Miss Avis Patterson and Miss Ethel Garrett spent Sunday nt Locust Grove Institute with Mercer Patterson and Johnnie Garrett. Miss Louise Colley, who is teaching o,t Stockbridge, joined them and spent tae day. Miss Louise Taylor was the week end guest of Miss Mattie Jarrell, at Green ville. Mrs. Luther Justiss, of Hogans villi, was the guest Sunday of Mrs. Lovick Sewell. Mrs. Wm. Orr and son, of Perry, ai e guests of Mrs. J-. U. McKoon this week. Sgt. Anthony Groves, of Camp Hen ning, spent Sunday here with his wife. Mrs. Anna Clark, Miss Sara Clark, Mr. and Mrs. “Buck” Wilson, Miss Jennie Wilson, Miss Bessie Lassetter, Miss Clara Williams and Miss Virginia McDonald visited Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, at St. Charles, Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Stith, of Newman, - was the week-end guest of friends here. Miss Jennie Trammell, one of the faculty of the Mary P. Willingham School, at Blue Ridge, is spending ew days i with lie* sister, Mrs. E.. E. £ Walter Spratlin nnd Miss Lola fai Sprtitliu sporif tiro Week-end with the former’s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colie Knight, at Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keith and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis, of Atlanta, -were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Plant. The Epwortli League of the Met.ho (list church met last Thursday evening, ■with; Miss Virginia McDonald as leader. An interesting program was enjoyed. Mr s . Lucy Wortham, Mr. Nath Up chary, Mr. Will Upshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilbert, Mr. Ed Wortliam, Miss Mairy Wortham nnd Mr. Herman Chand ler' attended the funeral of Mr. ,T. E. Pinson Monday, at Newnan. Our town nmlj community extend to the stricken family their deepest sympathy. Mrs. Pigfeon was formerly Miss Sara Wor tham, of tins place, and our hearts go owt to her in her sad bereavement. ' , , SARGENT. Mr. und- Mrs. Ira Carr, of Heard county, spont last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Warren. Miss Ora Copeland, of Newnan, spoilt the past week with friends hore. Miss Lucile Sanders, of Dodson, spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. A. ,T. Murphy and chil dren spont the week-ond with relatives at Rounoke, Ala. Miss Fannie Kate Wallace, of Mt. Carmel, spent the week-end with Misses Pauline and Nahilie Mae Hnrris. Mr. Dewey Davis, of Corner Brunch, spent the week-end with Mh J, P. Har ris. Mr. and Mrs, M. B. Harris and Mr. and Mrs; L. C. Gentry and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dnvis, at Cornor Branch. Miss Lillian Murphy, of Carrollton, spent the week-end at hoiiio. Miss Grace Bridges spent Sunday fit Welcome. The fair hold at the school-house on Wednesday of last week was a big suc cess. The school exhibits were all good, and reflected much credit on both pupils and teachers. . The Canning Club girls had an excellent display of their pro duets, and the Pig Club members made a big showing nlso. There were fine ex hibits of corn and poultry. The wood work done by the boys was both excel lent and practical. Talks were made by Mr. B. M. Drake, Mr. 0. W. Passa- vant, Rev. W. E. Fuller and Miss Mil dyed Arnall. We hope next year to have a much larger fair, \vith exhibits from the entire community. Following is a list of prize-winners: Cooking—Biscuit, Ruby Copolnnd. Corn muffins, Gladys Sowell. Peach Exhibit—1. Deane Bridges; Grace Bridges; 3. Lizzie Warren. Fig Exhibit—1; Pauline Harris; Elsie Hicks. Pickle Exhibit—Annie Lou McBurnett. General Garden Exhibit—Jessie Knott, General Exhibits—Peaches and pickle, (two jars each,) Lucile Scroggin; black berries and figs, (one jar each,) Elsie Hicks; toiiiitflos, (One jar,) Deane Bridges;; /Jjdajur .find- tomatoes); '(one :: jar each,) Jessie-Knott; fig conserve; (three jars,) ;PaUl)he Harris^ ^jain, (eight jarji,) club exhibits (soup mixture, (one jar,) JeBsie Knott. ■ Sewing—First year, Jessie Knott. Third year, Pauline Harris, first; Elsie Hicks, second. Fourth year, Deane Bridges, Grace Bridges, Annie Lou McBurnett. Basketry—1. Clessie Copeland ; 2, Pau lino Holeman; 3. Willie May Holloway. MT. CARMEL. Alt, Carmel school hold n fair on Fri day last, the teachers being capably as sisted by Miss Lorino Collins. The work of the girls’ club was tastefully dis played in the school auditorium, and in the class-rooms the handiwork of the pupils ol’ nil grades was exhibited, Short talks wore made by l’rof. .1. it. Starr, •Prof. B. M. Drake, Rev. R. C. Olockler and Mrs. Sasser. About one hundred and fifty people saw the exhibits, Which were highly creditable to the ollildron of the community. The fourth quarterly conference for Lovcjo.v Memorial circuit was held at Mt. Carmel church Friday. Prosldlug Elder Clockler preached an oxcollont ser mon to a largo congregation, which was composed of peoplo from Handy, Wel come, Dresden, Madras, Newnan, Snv- gout and Roseoe, together with home poople. Miss Lena Maude Story is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grady Robison, in Naw- nnth We arc glad to report that little Jus. Turner, who. 1ms been quite ill, is im proving, Mrs, Andy llnlnes, of Welcome, at tended quarterly mooting hero Friday. Mr. and Mrs, C. I. Wallace nnd daugh ter, Fannie, Knto, Mrs. Aaron Sewell and Mr. Pierce Wallnce nttonded ser vices lit Macedonia church Sunday. Mr. Luther Hubbard, of Senoin, spent a few days last week with Mr, Gene Pay- ton and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Penrson und chil dren, of Cai'roll county, visited Mr.. 0. I. Wallace and family Sunday after noon. Messrs. M. R. nnd C. S. Story attend ed services at Macedonia church Sundny. Mr. nnd -Mrs. Grady Robison, of New- nnn, spent the wook-end with the hit ter’s parents,!Mr. add Mrs, J, W. Story. Mr. Horner Wobb, of Heard county, vlsltod in our community Sunday. nt- at- Mr. Robt. Wallace, of Wolcomo, tended Sabbath-school hove Sunday ternoon. Mrs. Mitchell Johnson, of Homewood, spent Inst Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Byrd Bonvors. Mr. Robt. Beavers, of South Geor gia, is vtutini? ids brother, Mr. J. A. Bonvors. Misses Mary and Fannie Nowiium nnd Miss Florlno Smith, of Welcome, spent Saturday night with Mrs. T, D. Austin. Mrs. Ralph MeKoy and Miss 1 nicy McKoy, of Welcome, vlsltod our school Thursduy afternoon. Mr. Idas . Howell, who has been quito sick, is now Convalescent, we are pleased to report. Lot ovoryliody eoino to Snbbnth-sohonl next. Sunday afternoon, which meets at 2.30 o’eloek. A dressmaker may not have a grace ful form, but she knows how to miiko up for it. A speculator on the stock exchange wns Bittlsg In a friend’s office, and dur ing the conversation,, which wns-mostly about stocks and bonds, ho informed hi* friend that ho hod picked up a Cheap thing during, the winter. "It Btood nt thirty-three then, and yesterduy it touched eighty-four,” lie said. “By jovol You nro lucky. What it it?” asked his friend. “A thermometor,” wns the reply. awaraaawK sswffist.a'ssBs the treatment ef Itch, Bcicma, J*t*^? rm i.T #M#roroth « rltoh - inff akin dlaeeece. Try thie treatment at our rlak* For Sale by John R. Cates Drug Co. When experience is to be the teacher there are few who care to learn. o All a fellow has to do to be good those days is to quit being bnd, All things that nre supposed to come to him who waits are subject to change without notice. { MADRAS. \ Cotton-picking is about over in this section, and some of our farmers are Preparing to sow grain. Wr. Hermon Cates, mother and sisters "(rut up to Atlanta Sunday. /Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bedwine and chil- |T”ren and Mrs. Ed Redwine, of Atlanta, I - [ire week-end guests of Mrs. L. P. Red nine. Mrs. .1. T. Ferrell visited relatives in Atlanta Sunday. Miss Bessie Crawford, of CassviHe, is spending the week witli her aunt, Miss Bessie Redwine. Mrs. II. B. Arnold, who visited rela-. fives in Bavnesville the past week, has returned home. Mr. J. R. Wise and family visited •'Ir. nnd Mrs. Whit Upshaw, near Ray mond, Sunday. Mr. W. B. Cook left. Monday for ' amp Bragg, N. C„ where he has ac cepted a good position. Mr. Tom Hyde and Miss Hyacinth Cook attended the concert at Raymond school-house Friday night. Seems like our seasons are getting "listed u;u We have peach blooms this week, which is quite unusual at this time of year. ,1 he many friends of Mrs. G. W. Gog- f" will be glad to know that she is °nie better, after an_illness of several days. Miss Bessie Redwine went up to At- ki'ita Tuesday. vJ. r - T j n8le y. Of Langdale, Alai is visitmjj the family of Mr. J. T. Jones. th rs ' ,**• Johnson, of Atlanta, was l e week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. u S. Whittemore. BETHEL. sr,oi'f- S ® C88 * e Brittain, of Newnan, is it- ln 8 a few days with her sister, Mrs. " A. Bailey. dale aml Mrs - J - °- Hubbard, of Farm- un,\\T ete 8 Pend-the-day guests of Mr. 8 »d Mrs. J. W . Byrom Sunday. nan an 'i Mrs - J - v - Bailey, of New- here 8I,eilt t * le week-end with relatives • n Lucile and Ruth Hardin and essie Brittain visited Miss Othello n!" 9 ’„ of Parmdale, Monday, al Roil. i °P eer &Ued his appointment Betho? c l lurch Sunday, with xv “i 1 ? 01 will begin next Monday, She hnrJf ^AyP^le Wallace ae teacher. 0 t*Bing d t0 haVe a fo51 atten ‘^ ance on one eleven Tliree VIRGINIA Friendly BURLEY Gentlemen TURKISH The perfect blend of the three perfect cigarette tobaccos in one perfect cigarette one-eleven cigarettes 20forl5‘ NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It's a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkgr. and prove It. RatH killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won’t, touch It. Guaranteed. 35c, size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 05c. size <S eakez) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. 9ias size (5 eakez) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and Guaranteed by LEE-KDIG DRUG COMPANY. COWETA DHUG A BOOK COMPANT. Do you want to do a washing without rubbing clothes —without boiling them—without doing a thing more than taking them from the soaking wafer—wringing them out and hanging them up? Do you want to do a washing, in this way and have The clean, sweet, white with Grandma. clothes? Then soak your clothes The miracle will happen. Grandma’s Powdered Soap will make your clothes clean just by soaking. Soak them over night—or soak them two or three hours in the mom- ng. Then wring them out. Not a single harmful ingredient to injure fabric or color. A wholesome soap powdered fine. No waste. The quickly dissolving granules never stick in the fabric, as bar soap does. The big 5c package saves soap, saves time, saves the clothes. The most economical soap you can buy. Grandma is good enough for your finest things and cheap enough for all your things. No Boiling—No Rubbing—Washday Made Easy The Globe Soap Company Cincinnati, Ohio