The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 09, 1921, Image 2

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THE NEWNAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921. THE NEWNAN HERALD NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, DEC. 9 Official Organ of Coweta County. J*». E, Brown. O. W. Passavant. BROWN 81 PASSAVANT Editors and Pabllttm. The Herald office Is located In the Hood rum Building, 12 Jaokson Btreet •Phone 6. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE •2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Tho Inst week of the month again, nnd ' tests nro coming thick nnd fust. Wo arc now in tho lust round before the' Christmas holidays, wliieh start Doc. 10 . and will continue until Jan. 2. Wo get . our monthly report ntiit Wodnosday. Tho subject, for debate at the District Meet to bo hold next April in West Point has been announced. Wo are all t at work on it, and Nownnn Hi Is plan nlng to put out a winning team. We have just really set to work in • onrmSHt after tho Thanksgiving holidays; : but we are working to make up for the holidays, bIuco term examinations come '.in Jaunnry. Rev. .1. G. Logan, the new pastor of tho First -Methodist, church, spoke to os Mondny morning, nnd IiIb talk was high Jy appreciated. His theme was “Educu. itlon for Citizenship, 1 ’ nnd ho lnid much •stress upon efficiency—not a little knowledge of everything, but aecurato •und thorough knowledge of a fow things. Ho told us to love our country nnd our flag, and to stand for high idonls nl ways. The prospective basketball court is be ■ ginning to materialize in tho lower end of the bCIiooI grounds, nnd it will soon ' -be ready for use. Miss Jackson, of the Georgia Tuber- > clilnr Longue, addressed tho school Titos- ■ day la behalf of tho campaign being waged against tuberculosis. The high ■ School pupils wifi soil some of tho seals put opt. 'by the league for tho benefit of tubercular patients. Mr. Hr,van Blackburn nddrossed the Hi Y Club TuoBdny morning on “Clean Living”—one of tiio three fundiimml'.ils of tliut organization. Tho talk was rmi doroil very eficctlvoly, and proved quite inspiring to tho student body. The athletic association, in behalf of -tho High School, wishes to thank all those loyal citizens wtio took un interest in football tliis your. We hope tills • spirit of loyalty will continue, and that Nownnn wlll’bo known far nnd wide for its lino school spirit. Announcement wan made by the super intendent of two scholarships offered oifl- high school—one by Lnflrungo College nnd the other'liv Uruimu G'ollogo. The LaGriiugo scholarship is $100 u year; the Brcimu scholarship, $200. Both urn to be awarded on the basis of sehelnrsliip and elmrnetor, M. C. Atkinson. STARR HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Mr. and'Mrs. «T. U. Sorrells hnvo moved into the Jones houso,-uenr the now school ‘ building. At n ineciting of the. athletic associa tion on Thursday Inst Marvin Cough was Joloetod captain of tho boys’ baskotbnll * team, and Ruth - Christopher cnptuiu of ' the girls’ team. HnyriiS Hummers was ■'oloetod cheer leader. ,Our basketball teams, accompanied by 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sorrells, "Miss Bochum, mid * sovora 1 11 subs. ’ ’ anil ‘ 1 rootets, ’ ’ wont to Concord Saturday afternoon for a * ddublo-heAder with Concord ’a teams. Wo found them to' lie n elovor'bunch of boys ■-.and girlB, wlio played n clean gmno nil 'the way through. -.The games went right * through without n break. The dual scoro was lit to 10' b\ faVor of our boys, and 0 to 0 In favor of tho Concord girls. .Both games were hotly contested and kopt'-'tho spectators -“up 'in tho air” from start toathush. fin view of tho fact that this was tho "first real game of bnskctbnll some of our boys and girls had evor pluyftd, they did splendidly. * .Our girls played a better game than tho boys) blit they wero;up against a votornn tonm that lias been winning almost every game, nhd fate was against them. Both teams ivlll got into tho next games with more confidence, and they, nro bound to win. Reginald- Onnnichnol, our genial ; sub-center for the boys’ team, wasn’t wishing any of the boys ill luck, but ho just “itched” for a chance to try Ins metal. “Reg” had one of his lady -friends along. “Rod” Smith, our seu- sntionnl center-jumper, who can dioot •goals almost ns well ns ho can jump- .center, couldn’t get. exactly “coupled ■up. ’' However, ho dropped in two field gonls during the game. Both teams played well, but Marvin Courii nnd Li!n Hardy starred for their respective teams. Marvin threw 7 of the hoys’ Li points, and Liln throw all fi of the points for tho girls, Haynio Summers finds Keep ing score much more congenial .-linn ehosing or playing “sub”—especially wIioWduo of Concord’s beauties is koep- ’ ing scoro for the other side. He hud to nsk her several times who throw tho goal or who fouled. However, it was not nil • joy, for besides - being mistaken far a professor, he heard his name mentioned several times' in connection with expres- K sions he is trying to' forget. Frances Hardy nnd Rebecca Ingram are making extensive plans for a trip to Fayetteville next Friday. We wish for btliaui as much men sure ns Rebecca en- . joyed during her stay at Concord Sat urday. In a previous letter wo stated that our colors ,<vcre purple and gold, when we should have said purple and orange. You have to look dose to detect any dif ference, but out of ooiisidorntion for East Nownnn wo will be enreful not to confnso jt again. o CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Long wish to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind to them in their sorrow- over the deatli of their infuut child, who pbsaed uwny Nov. 29. Especially do they thank those who furnished their cars for the funeral. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fe ver and LaGrippe. It’s the most speedy remedy we know. East, West, Home’s Best. WOMAN’S PRAYER CIRCLE The attendance at different meetings Wednesday morning, together with mcet- ing-plnccs appointed for noxt Wednes day, nre given below— Circle No. 1—Attendance, 17; next meeting with Mrs. E, C. Smith; louder, Mrs. Kuln Reese, Circle No. 2— Attendance, 24; next meeting with Mrs. Golden; lender, Mrs. Nellie Hopson. Circle No. S—Attendance, 18; noxt meeting with Mrs. T. B. McRltclde; lend er, Mrs. Wm, Atkinson. Circle Noi 4—Attondnnco, 10; next meeting with Mrs. Harvey North; loud- or, Mrs. North. Circle No. fi—Attendance, Ulj next meotlng with Mrs. W. F. Lewis; leader, Mrs. N. L. North. Circle No. 0—Attendance, 18; next meeting with 1 Mrs. .T. P. Shackelford; loader, Mrs. L. P. Neill. Circle No. 7—Attondnnco, Ifi; next meeting with Mrs. M. F. Cole; lender, Mrs. W. B. Jones. Circle No. 8—Attendance, 14; next meotlng with Mrs. Clair Smith; lender, Mrs. Smith. Clrolo No. 10—Attendance. 17; noxt meotlng with Mrs. C. B, Glovor; leader, Mrs. Byrd Parks, Circle No. 11—Attendance, 12; next meeting with Mrs. Myron Fm-mer; lead er’, Mrs. B. C. Kersey. Circle No. 12—No roport. Circle No. 1.1—Attendance, 20; next meotlng with Mm. M. 55. Lewis; leader, Mrs. Lewis. Circle; No. 14—Attendance,—; next meeting at the jail; leudov to be appoint ed from Circlo No. 11. Circle No. 15—Attendance, 9; next meeting with Mrs. B. T. Thompson; lead er, Mrs. J. M. Trapnell. Circle No. 10—Attendance, 9; noxt meeting with Mm, .Mattie Futrollo; lender, Mrs. Hudson. Collegiate Advantages. Nothing creative ever yet came out of a crowd unless It was put there first by Individuals nnd smaller groups. It Is friends talking by the fireside Who wiike history; nnd the choice of friends Is perlmps the most responsi ble J*h which fulls lo n student's lot. If college life hns no other Justifica tion, It Is worth while for the leisure It gives you to cliooRe those who will become, you will find, your life's com panions.—Prof. A. E. Zlmmern, MICKIE SAYS— Danger In Too Cloao Shava. According to the statement of a Ngw York physician, shaving In creases tlm liability of the individual to ueliralgja and other nervous trou bles qf the face, and close shaving of the upper lip each duy orten hns been credited with weakening the nerves that affect the eyes, causing acute eye trouble Hint disappeared when the mustuche was permitted to grow. o ———— Superstitions About Birds. It Ims always bed) deemed unlucky by the sitpersiltlniis to kill a robin or a swallow. In some lands the 111 luck If the killing be accidental, Is canceled If lilt rial Is given to the bird. Swallows' are, accounted sacred hern use they Hew around the cross of Calvary. ^ o———— What Man Learns. “ ' Another thing tho thoughtful man learns after n while as he blunders along through Ibis' old vale of tears and latiBljtor, trying to do the best he fan uniter all the circumstances, Is" to distinguish rather carefully between the reformers who really, mean It and the ones who are doing it to make their Jobs Inst,—Ohio State ' Journal, ENTERTAINMENT AT MT. VER NON BAPTIST CHURCH. The thrilling drama, “East Lynne, or tho Lady Isabel,” will be given at Mt Vernon Baptist church Friday evening, Dec. 10, with tho following cast of char octcrs— ‘ ‘ Sir Francis Levlson ’ ’—Luther E, Gilley. ! “Archibald Carlyle'’—Milo H„ Hun ter. “Lord Mount Sevlin”—Dr. M; Mc Whorter. “Richard Hare”—Qurrett Sellers. “Mr. Dill”—Abrahnm North. 1 ‘ Littlo Willie ’ ’—Susie Armstrong. “Barbara Hnrc’’—Mary F. Barnes. “Willie”—Violet B. Jelikins. ‘ ‘ Joyeo ’ ’—Christine Browne. ' ‘ Miss Cornelia Carlyle ’ ’—Flora Bed- dingfiold. “Lady Isabel,” “Madame Vine” Lula Mao Spence. Admission 3 Ur. < Luther E. Gilley, Manager. East, West, Home’s Best. YYV OF OUR, MOST ‘Soee&S'SPUL BviuesstAevi \M YYWS PAPER ev'RN 1SSOE- YV4EN MW&RIYoE BEOUT. YV\EH /ARE YUE BEST, AWO YUEN ARE YU' BESY BEC-OT- YUEN -ADVIERYISE'. '19' 71b S?w»- »fe Rub-My-Tism, an antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism. 1 East, West, Home’s Best. New Advertisements. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Emmett Sewell having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the eBtate of Mrs. Sallle Sowell, deceased, all per sons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Mon day In January noxt. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Dec. 0, 1021. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary, oe s Fruit Stand Corner Jaebson St. and Court Square WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITS Oranges I Large size, bulk 100 $1.75 Dozen .25 1921 Figs California, Lily Brand 7 oz. Cake lOc 3 for 25c Regular price 20c Apples Bananas Lemons Raisins Crape Fruit Pecans Brazils Nuts Walnuts Fancy Crackers (all kinds) Candies (all kinds) Special boxes of Cigars and Cigarettes for Christmas Gifts. DUtrlct Court-room, In tho city of At lanta, Georgia, notice 1b hereby given all creditors and other persons In Interest to appear at said time and pmiie and show cause, if vny they have, why the prayor of the bankrupt tor discharge should not bo granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. ADMINIKTHATOIl’S MALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County.- By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the December term, 192t. o£,sald Court, will be sold before the court-houso door of said county, on the first Tues day In January, 1022. within the legal hours df sale, the following property of the estate of Mrs. Agnes L. Repso, deceased, towit: . One 1% karat solitaire diamond ring, nnd one % karat solitaire diamond ring. Also, one-sixtli undivided Inter est of Mrs. Agnes;L. Reese In find to certain real estate ih the town of Hous- tonvlllo, Ky„ said property consisting of a house and lot Bituated at tho corner of Main and Good streets, In said town, fronting on Main Btreet 100 feet and running buck 300 feet, on which property Is a 0-room dwelling. Terms of sale—CASH. This Deo. 7. 1021. Prs. foe $6.48. B. A. REESE, Administrator. SHKBIF'S SALES I'OH JANUARY. GEORGIA—Coweta County; Will be sold before the court-house door In Newnan, said county, on the first Tuesday In January. 1022. to the highest and best bidder, tho following described property, towit: Thirty-eight (38) acres of land, be ing part of lot No. 100, situate, lying and being In the Sixth district of Cow eta county, On.; also, one'hundred and eight (108) acres of land, being part of lot No. 224, situate In the same dis trict and county. Levied on as the property of Robt. Pinson to satisfy a U. fa, Issued by C. J. Owens, T. C., for State, county and school taxes for the year 1020, the same being now due and unpaid. Levy made by S. M. Mc Clendon, L. C„ and turned over to me. This Dec. 3, 1021. Pro. foe, $6.12. Also, at tlie same time and place, one red mare tfuile about 12 years old. one black horse mule about 10 years old, and pne black horse mule about 12 years old—said mules being now in possession of W. B. Harris. Levied on as the property of Eph Vessel, prin cipal, and W. B. Harris, security, to satisfy a fi.fa. Issued from the City Court of Newnan In favor of Rosa Lee Hill vs. tho said Eph Vessel, prin cipal. and W. B. Harris, security. De fendants In fi. fa. notified In terms of the law. Levy made by S. M. Mc Clendon, LI C., and turned over to me. This Jan. 26, 1021. Prs. fee, $4.92. Also, at the same time and place, one Summers rubber-tire buggy, one Jaokson C. Smith rubber-tire buggy nainted black, one Avery stalk-cutter, one new Ideal mbwer, eight cotton nlanters. one hay rake, two No. 10 Oliver plows, one No. IS Oliver plow, one No. 35 Avery terrace plow, two Gantt 2-horse plowstoeks. fifteen 1- horse plowstoeks, two horse clippers, one Russell 2-horse wagon, two Ten nessee 2-horse wagons, one Stoughton 2-horse wagon, one Climax blower, one 00-lb. anvil, five Hyde cultivators, one Fowler cultivator, four leather horse collars, four sets 2-horse wagon har- noss. six sets plow gear, eight guano distributors, five long-handle shovels, six manure forks, one farm bell, six Perfection 2-horse plowstoeks, one truck cutaway harrow, one small disc East, West, Home’s Best. cutaway harrow, ono drag section har row, one hole-digger, one 50-gallon oil tank, 250 lbs. plow shapes, 300 lbs. scrapes, two barrels paint. Levied on as the property of H. M. Cook to snt- mortgas „ v Court of-ftownan In R favVn7’V ,h '‘ Hutchinson vs. the said w 0 «» 0, f <. O. This Dec 8 1021 Vraf"' «• Cook! J.,D. BREWSTER! Sheriff. WHY NOT GIVE Your Boy or Girl A Bicycle For Christmas? Nothing you could buy would give greater joy or more last ing satisfaction. Special Prices lor Christmas I REAL BARGAINS! R. B. Askew & Co. Twelve Months* Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County: The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of .J, W. Summers, deaeased, having been' filed 10 my v office, all persons concerned-stye cited to show cause by the first ,Monday in January, 1022, why said application for twelve >rt shoul ’ ' ' DENNISON'S CREPE months’ support should not be granted. This Dec. 6, 1021. J. A. R. CAMP, Ordinary. Application For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Coweta County: J. H. Simms, executor of the estate of John D._ Simms, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lands of said deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday In January next. If any they can, why said appli cation should not be granted.. This Dec, G, 1201. J. A, R, CAMP, Ordinary. SEAL N?107 , -jiff. SEALN? 118 CARD N7I62 Notice ol Discharge In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District . of Georgia No. 7491. In Bankruptcy. In re Coweta Drug & Book Co.) a part nership, and L. B. Walthall; H. C. Pilco and L. N. Camp, as Individuals. . A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by above- named bankrupt, and the Court hav ing ordered that the hearing upon said petltion .be had on January 7, 1922, at ten o'olock.a. m. at the united States East, West, Home’s Best. .1. 7 When your package is “done up” with DENNISON’S it will be given in confidence and received with genuine ap preciation as a Christmas Gift. We have the necessary dress ings to add this air of distinction to your gifts. The gift is not judged by its intrinsic value but more by the thoughtful ness and painstaking in sending it. At little extra cost you will be proud to give an inexpensive gift. Dress it with DENNISON’S and you will dress it right. j. You will find here many iterfts that will make your Christmas shopping easy and economical. Tags, Seals, Post Cards, Greeting Cards, Tissue Paper, - Crepe paper, Christ mas Boxes, Sealing Tape, Parcel Post Labels, Bells, Sta tionery, Cigars, Ci garettes, Pipes, Pen cil Boxes, Bill Folds, Fountain Pens, Eversharp Pencils, Ra zors, Manicure Sets, Toilet Articles, Toilet Goods Sets, Ko daks and Films, Playing Cards, Rook Cards, Candles. We will have fresh shipments of Whitman’s, Hollings worth’s and Norris’ Candies. We have a good assortment for you to select from. We are not offering hard stock at cut prices, but guarantee to sell you goods that you will not be ashamed of at reason able prices. Visit our store. We are always glad to see you. LEE-KING DRUG COMPANY “A GOOD DRUG STORE" TWO PHONES ee QUALITY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SERYlCB