The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1915-1947, December 30, 1921, Image 7

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THE NEW NAN HERALD, NEWNAN, GA. P FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1921. Local Happenings Told in Short Paragraphs. NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREBT TO OUB LOCAL BEADEBS, fallowing reduced hcuIo 1 ot' charges (or limlnnry trlnl, no data having boon sot work, viz Horseshoeing, $1 cash. Rub-1 (or tho hearing ns yot. It is umtor- ber tires, best grade, $14: second grade, stood "that Pressley is boing hold ns an ♦IB. Ford tops, $10. First-class paint- accessory to tho crime. Tho dead man lug, and tops (or nil cars. Now is « was formerly omployed nt tho McIntosh good time to have your car painted. Mills, nml had a number o( frionds lioro. C. .). Barron & Sons. |Ho loaves a wife itnd sovornl youug chil dren. LOVE IN A TREE. .A tree toad loved a she toad That Uvod up in a tree: She was n 3-toed tree toad, But -a 2-tocil toad was he. The 2-toed treo toad win The she toad’s friendly nod; For the 2-toed tree toad loved the ground That the 3-toed tree toad trod. But vainly the 2-tocd troo tond trled- He couldn’t plenso her whim; In her tree toad bower. With the V-toed power. The she tond vetoed him. r-: - -0—. . Next Tuesday is sale day. -Ordinary's Court next Mondny. The new City Council yill go - into -office next Mondny night. Regular .-monthly meeting of Couuty Commissioners noxt WedneBdny. Congressman Wright and wife arc spending the holidays nt home. Hall Sunday on a short visit to relatives, returning Tuesday, 4‘ Mr. nml Mre, II. N. Curiow, of Atlanta, spent tho holidays with Mr. and Mrs. -Tohn Kite! They wore nccompapied homo by Miss Myrtico Kite. Mr. A. B, Thomas, of .Waco, Texas, nftor nn nbseneo of twenty-seven years, visited relatives arid old frionds in Now- nnu and Coweta county recently, Lost.—Lndies’ silver fountain pen, with initials “D. E.’J,” in drop letters on the sldo. If found return to B. 0. Jones’ offlco and receive reward. Wear Potovs’ “Diamond Brand shoes. We honestly believe this to bo the grentost line of shoos that wo know of , Boouo ’8 We have a lot of 1922 calendars for our frionds and Customers. They will be given to grown people only—one to n customer. Boone’ft. Born, on tbe 24th last., to Mr. and Mrs. Loy Williams—n daughter. .Full line men’s, women’s and boys’ work shoes just received. Boone’s. We want your tfnde, be it little or .much. Boone’s. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Moore and chil dren and Mrs. Fred Callahan, of La- Fayette, Ala., will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. MeWutovs; on Temple avenue Col. Lewis L. Brown, of Fort Valley, • was in the city f6r a few hours Friday. Mr. J. E. Caudle spent the holidays with his parents in Birmingham, Ala. —-r^.-rO- Ten yards good yard-wide bleaching, .$1.25. Boone’s. Good blue work shirts, 75c. Best blue work shirts, $1. Boone’s. Special.—Ten yards good yard-wide sheeting, 95c. Boone’s. Mr. .T. P. Beckman, one of Palmetto’s pioneer citizens, died on the 28d iust.— agd '85. For Rent—Rooms at 4 Perry street, furnished or unfurnished. Appy to Mrs. E, J. Orr. - It was a quiet Christmas, but appa rently a happy one for most of our -people. The cotton market exhibited, a bit of life this week, after a long period, of dubiess. Mr. Featherston Bunn and family are spending the week with relatives ill Cc- davtown. New Year's falling on Sunday, tho postoffice and banks wil observe Monday - as a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Barnett had as guests during the holidays Judge and Mrs. T, E. Patterson, of College Park and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Proctor, of Goldsboro, N. C. For Rent.—Dwelling on south sido Temple avenue nt $12,50 por month Possession given at onco, Dec. 20, 1921 , Apply-'to W. L. Stallings, administrator C. H. Newton estate. Dr. Frank Orr, of New York City, is spending tho week with Ills mother, Mrs. Dora Orr. Mr, Paul Orr came down from Atlanta Saturday and spent a couple of days at homo also, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bryant, Mrs, J, J. Cruse and Mr. Gordon Cruse left Sun day for Florida, and wilj visit Jackson ville, St. Augustine, Tninpn, 'nnd other points of interest while on the trip. We put our reputation bohind Peters shoes. All of them nro nil-leather, and you piny snfe when you buy them. A sizo for every foot—a price for every Purse. Boone’s. We are sincerely gratofu! for the lib ernl patronage extended us by our friends nnjl customers during the pust year, and hope to tmve a continuance of their fuvors in 1922. Boone’s. Missionary Meeting.—The Woman's . Missionary Society of tho First Baptist The death on Friday . last of Col. church will meet next Mondny oftornoon Henry Watterson, tho VOtorun journal- at half-past 2 o’clock, in tho annex. Tho 1st, ended a career ns spectacular as It society will observe next week as a was brilliant, and all tho loading news- week of prayer for foreign missions, I papers of the country have joined in mooting in the annex enuh nftornoon ut paying tribute to his ability and rare 2-30 o’clock, personality. During tho Civil War ho Mrs. H. E. Conley, Sec’.v. . edited a redliot socoBslonist dally nows- ———a * pnpor called “The Chattanooga Robol,” Hon. Walter Akernmu, recently np-1 whoso career was ns chockored hb that of minted U. S. Mnrshnl for tho Northern its brilliant and flory oditor. Wlion the District of Georgia, has muuod Mr, Wal- Federal troops wore closing In on Chattn- tor Cobh, of Carrollton, to succeed Mr, noogn Col. Watterson gnthorod up his Chris. G, Barber as Deputy Marshal at typo and printing press and moved down Newimn, and tho former will assume to Marietta, whore “ Tho ltobol ” was pub- office next Mondny. Mr. Bnrbdr has | llshod for sovornl weeks. Agniu tho on- been an exceptionally officiant officer, I emy approached too close for' the horn- nml made n line recent during his long I fort of tho migratory journal and its service as U. S, Donut,v Mnrshnl. | pugnacious editor, and they came to ——6 — iKownnu. Tho printing 'outfit was sot. Mr. H. C. Arnnll, sr., played Santa ue on the second floor of tho building Claus to his six children In a prodigal now ocenpied by Pope's hardware store, way on Christmas Day that has never and f 0 r about tbreo months ’ 1 Tho been equaled hereabouts, so far ns wo Rebel ’ ’ was lssuod dally from that. pllleO, know. He gave to onrli child stocks, rofugooing afterwards to Macon when bonds nnd money amounting to $25,000, jemmy troops threatened Nownan. Those making a totnl of $150,000 thus nlstri- interesting, rmlniBcicnees wore related bated in Christmas gifts. Tho children the other day by Mr. E. S. nro Mrs. I. E. Walker, Mrs. A. H. Free-1 Buchanan, who ns a small hoy was sent (Communicated) HOLIDAY VISIT TO GRANTVILLE. Thanks to tho. thoughtful klnilnoss of some frionds, I wns Included In a con genial party that visited in Grant- vlllo n few days before Christmas. Tho crispness of tile autumnal day made tho ndvontnro very chnrmlng, Wo found our friends deep in tho mystery of rondoring first -aid to Santa Claus, but Christmas preparations were laid aside, and their best was given to us In- genial entertain ment, whore hospitality always reigns supremo. Dolls were shown dressed la silk, luces and ribbons—loft-ovnrs from “Mnntero's wedding troiiBBeou,” nnd used for tholr sentimental association, ns woll ns to utilize tho scraps; and what could bo more appropriate for Henrietta Hnghoa' (IoIIh 1 drosses—tho first Imby daughtor that 1ms emno into any Colley borne within the rocollo<;tion of the old est inhabitant f But, Imah 11—footsteps approach I Tho toys must go back to their mystoi'lous hiding-place, ns enter the lovely children of Mr, nnd Mvs. Col ley, bringing additional clmrm to our Isit. Stowurt, jr., hud passed Jds fourth man, H. C„ jr., A. W„ J. G. and F. M Arnnll to “Tho Rebel” office oncli duy to pur- eluiso a copy of tho paper for his grand- Removal Notlce.-D^T’ garage will | fathur ’ tho lute Jm g Dttvi ' 1 ° WL ' UB ' THE HOME TOWN. move the first of the year from LaGrnngo street to No. 9 W. Broad street, and will lift prepared to render tho host service mechanically that 1ms ever been given A patriotic citizen is the ono that puts his homo fbwil ahead of nil otliors. Ho jiiui'iiuiiii'iiiiy i imi. mis evur uwni mivoji i _ , , : : ... , . in Newimn. Beginning Jnn. 1 rodueed I trades with his neighbors, in spite of in- elmrges will go into effect tiB follows: Iducemonts offered by tho mail order Mechanic.’s tlmo, 75c per hour; helper's I house. time, 50c per hour—strictly cnBh. This I tahos pride in his school uud stop is taken to moot other declines. I churches. Beers’ Garage. 1 Ho tolls evory prospector that ho lives n B ' j among tho best people God ovor mudo. Week of Prayer.— 1 There will be- aj Ho boosts oaoh now enterprise aud do- series of irrayor-nieetings next woek at clnres there is room for more, the city churches named below, bogln-1 No man ougiit to live in a town unless ing Mondny evening, viz: Mondny, 7 p. he thought tliat Whs tho boat location in.. First Baptist church. Tuosday, 7 p. I beneath tho sun. He reflects *<jn his in- m., Central Baptist church. Wednesday, I tclllgenco wlien ho kicks, boenuso ho has 7 p. in., each church will hold its own I frdl freedom to go whore ho plonses. Mon meeting. Thursday, 7 p. m., Presbyto-1 who are worth something to ft community, rian church. Friday, 7 p. m., First Moth-1 t.o society, to civilization, are the ones odist church. Let us nil gather together I who have faith in those around them, in His name nml-ask His blessing upon laud who find that which is commondnblo our churches and homos. I in their town. When we vielt n city tho individual Centra^ Baptist Church.—Frank L. | who wins our respect nml friendship is Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Brazzll and chil dren, of LnGrnngo, are visiting relatives in Newnan this week, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Smith, of Fair fax, S. C, are spendiag the holidays with Mrs. C. D. Hollis. Mcssi's. Arthur Pni'kor uud Howard McNeil, of Nownan, were bore Sunday to attend the mnvriago of Miss Kate Hulsey, of this city, ami Mr. H. W. Jen nings, of Newimn—Carrollton Times, 23d inst. Hnvdy, D. D., minister, Sunday-school the ono who begins to tell us about all 9.30 a. m.; B. M. Blackburn, Huporin-1 the good things in tho city. The more temlent. Morning worship II a, in.; enthusiastic lie beeomoB tho better wo subject, “Marching Through tho Sea. ” like him. But when n follow begins, to Evening sorviee 7:15 p. m.; subjoot, I knock nnd talk hard times, nnd to quos- The First Coining of Christ.” Everyltion tho honesty of those about him, wo Member canvnss for home oxpeiisos for novor go back to have another conversu- tho year nt 2:30 p. m. All members ofjtlon with that follow, tho church are requested to bo nt homo Hnvd times conio to every community from 2:30 to 5 p. in. Senior B. Y. P. U. I there are seasons when it tftkoB a stout 0:15 p. m.; Tlios. Govor, president, and hopeful heart to boo the sunshine, Junior B. Y. P. U. 0:15 p. m.; Geo. But thoro is somotliing so likable ia tho Jackson, president. Prayer and praise eitlzon who talks of silvor linings in tho mooting Woduosday 7 p.m. Public in- clouds gathered aboiit him. vited to all sorvicos. ;| Someone lias said somotliing similar to fills, bat wo are going to repeat it any The Alamo Theatre has received and installed over one hundred now seats, and Manager Smith is much pleased that he will now have no occasion to worry whether or not a big mail will sit down on a- broken chair and go to tho floor. Mr. Marvin B. Sowell, well-Mown cot- L. ay . The man who is an optimist might ton buyer and popular citizen of Now- , nm ke IiIh homo in tho poorest town/ on nnn, died suddenly Sunday night at thoi i ar th yet tho people will make a bouton Ansloy Hotel, Atlanta, whore- he- roglsJ (path, to his dbor to hear him boost it, torod Saturday afternoon. He Wns For Rent.—Eight-room house an north -aide Of Temple avenue. All modern con- 'venicnees. ’Phone 366. Mr. C. R, Crane and family, of At lanta, were with Mr. anil Mrs. C- D. ’•Crane during the holidays. Have Your Blankets and Quilts Laun dered.—Now is a good time to have your blanketB, quilts and rag rugs laundered. The Newimn Steam Laundry docs tills work, and does it well. Call ’phono 290,T and. wagon will eall for the articles. "Mayor-elect J. L. Brown Bpent n few -days in Cedprtown this week, tbe guest' of Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Brooks. 'Money-raising sale prices on many ‘items over :tbe store will be continued “through January. Boone's. The Herald had a pleasant call yester day from Mr. 0- W. Coffee, of West Point—one of tho famous “Coffee Boys” .who are associated in the publi cation of the West Point News and the Chattahoochee Valley Times. There nro five or six of them, and all good prin ters. Do you need a -suit for your boy? One hundred and fifty in stock at special ■prices. ' Boone’s. Coal orders left with Cates Drug Co. ■will have my prompt attention. A. B Cates. Ladies, do you need a hat? If so, you -can get one here at a fraction of regular -price. Boone’s. The Herald desires, to make correction of an error made in Inst week’s issuo, in the account of tho supper at the fire department. It was stated that, Chief Gilbert was host at the supper, waen as a matter of fact all the men of the de partment joined- with the chief in the affair. Mr. W. O. Cox and family, of Marietta, spent 1 a couple of days with Mr. and Mis. -J. T. Mayfield the first of the week. Special prices on rtiany numbers of •cliidren’s shoes. Small lots'to close out. Boone’s. For Sale.—Saw-mill, with portable ?n ,-gine and boiler. Liberal 'terms. Hall & Jones, Attorneys. Best overalls, while they last. $1.75.. full cut, $1.50 puir Regular vrilue today, Boone’s. A good assortment of men’s and young men’s suits—all underpriced. Boone's. Mr. W. T. Beers bus about recovered from injuries sustained when lie was -struck by an automohile two weoks ago. Cnpt. T. C. Banks returned Friday from a visit of several wedks with his daughter, Mrs. Frances Roe, in St Louis, !Mo. Mr. Will Hood, of San Antonio, Texas, -•came Friday for a short visit to his sis ter, Mrs. Roy Merrell, returning home Wednesday. Lost.—Friday, between Second avenue mud Greenville street, a mink-colored choker. Finder please notify Mrs. E. -J. Shannon. Congressman Gordon Lee and wife, of 'Chickniunuga, came yesterday for a short visit to Newimn friends before-going to "Washington. Not a single “drunk and disorderly •was reported by the city police last week, everybody seeming to be on their -good behavior. Friday, Dec. 30, lacks but one minute -of being Die shortest day of tbe year. "The sun rose at 7:06 a. m., and will set •at -4:o4 p. ra. Messrs. Lynwood and William Beers motored down to Sliilob and Wuverly y Mrs. Helen Hollis, widow of the late Capt: Magnus Hollis, .died suddenly on' the 24th inst. at her home in Duxbury, Mass. Mrs. Hollis resided in Newnan Home years ago, mid her relatives and friends here were muith shocked to learn of her death. She Icrvcb two daughters. Tho Coweta County Singing Convim tion will hold its first meeting for the new year next Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the First Baptist church. Prof. C. R. Mullins, of Fayetteville, and other good singers arc expected. Let's start tho new year right with a big at tendance. Col. T. G. Farmer, jr,, for several yearB attorney ami clerk of the County Commissioners, wilj leave that office on Jnn. 1 and open a law office in the Now- nnn Bank and Trust Co. building, hav ing secured excellent quarters there. He wilj devote himself exclusively here after to the practice of his profession. found dead in his bed about 9 o ’dock GOVERNMENT HAS NEW PLAN TO Monday morning, his death having oc- ENCOURAGE SAVINGS, curved soirib time during the night, Mr. ,, S SMbaiate sflB L-dMRrM 5 EllJfe fes? -bffli iiSWgjjB! the family lot nt_ Oak Hill. . (Thousands of postofflees throughout tho operating through our subsidiaries bi the future. “The democratic responsibility of se lection nnd rejection must remain with tho public, ilespito tho actions of a logfllly constituted boards of censors, nml in ■ presenting pictures in out theatres, we shall at all times bo guided by our best judgment regarding public opin ion. ’' Tlio theatre oporntud by the Marietta Amusomont Co., subsidiary to the South ern Entorprisos, Ilia., in Nowdan, ta the Alamo Theatre. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted.—To buy all kinds of field peas. Bee J. T. CnrpoiitBr, Newnan. Wanted.—District agent to represent Prudential- Insurance Co. for city of Nowiinn and surrounding territory. Flna contract offered for right party. Write Akers & Skinner, Mgra., Atlanta, Gn. birthdny the day before ami wns ioy ou» in his. recital of his prosonts, party, and cakd tvlth four figures imulc of divinity candy bearing burning candles. Their bountiful coloring, bright eyes tind perfect behavior Hindu ait' artistic pic ture. Snntn Claus hud lmd tho little boy’s Hiitomobllo made over, modernized, repainted, upholstered and inonogram- med, ns the boll weovll had loft ordors, “No money to bo wasted this year.” So llttlo Boy Blue will never drenip that Kris Krluglo ovor brought his cur to him before. On tho tenth of January Henrietta Hnglios will roneh her first milostono on tho happy journey of life. With the only gmmlson’s birthday in Docoinbor, and tho little .girl’s in Jan uary, and with Christmus snmlwlohod in between, I expect grandmother says— „01d Santa Claus is a great old fraud, Wo growu, folks can’t forgot it; Ho works us nearly out of breath, And then tnkofl nil tho credit. ’ ’ The children brought in an invitation from tholr gracious mother to a mooting of the Parsonage Society that sho was ontertainlng. It would hnvo given pleas ure to aocopt, ns ouch of tho party nt different times hod beon regulnr attend ants nt the Grantvillo Methodist church and members of the Sundny-sohool, but a abort Deeombor duy forbndo its ac ceptance. Visitor. !«■ Week Beginning lan. 2 ALAMO THEATRE ..THUfiWFi* - '-'■H-ir"' MONDAY Noll Shipman in “Tho Girl from God’s Country !- , $1 I W TUESDAY Max Linder In ‘BIS MY WIFE” .'tor*.,,, Pathe News - ..., -I 1 " WEDNESDAY Alice Brady in | “HUSH MONEY” leta.ift THURSDAY Gloria Swanson in “UNDER THE LASH” Paths News. •WSiWl "HI AN INTERESTING OLD PAPER.' Carrollton Tbnes. Arnold Smith brought us a copy of tho Georgia Bannor nnd Sentinel, pub- liuhorl Juno 211, 1858, by J. A. Welch at Nownan, Gn. This particular paper wns No. 1, Vol. 19. It was a 4-pngo 6-i-olunin pnpor, nnd had not a display mlvort,Iffemont nor a single column “local” or “personal” nows item in it. Outside of the adver tisements tho only local Information con veyed wns mi nnnouiicnmdivt of the mnr- riugo of Mr. David I’. Wnodroof, of Richmond, Va„ to Miss Dnrtlium Brew ster, at tlio residence of Mr, Henry U. BroWHtor, Rev. Goo. K. Smith perform ing tlio ceremony; ami Urn nmiOuueemOut of tho (loath of Mrs. Juno Elizabeth Stncy, wife of Rov, James Stacy, on Thursday morning, June 8, at (he resi dence of hor father, Mr. Hawley, of Columbus, Ga. Sho was ill her 23d FRIDAY Betty Compson in “THE LITTLE MINISTER’ Roiins Comedy a..* -M SATURDAY Adventures of Tarzan No. 10 Harold Lloyd in “A SAILOR-MADE MAN" Four Reels This is Lloyd's first four-reel comedy- and his best. year. , The R. D. Colo Mfg. Co. shipped last, country will be the Government's bank- week one of- the largost and heaviest^1 mg agencies, through which Secretary pieces of apparatus that has over been Mellon hopes to encourage thrift, ana nt handled at this station. It was a large ^ fe me obtain funds for finan- cylinder, used to treat' telegraph poleB Government s current otien. with creosote, and of such size as to Efforts have been made to make the new permit the processing of twonty-four of I I iyaten ', nfi 08 poi ®, ! c ‘. . tho largest telegraph poles at one time. U“to effect Dec. 15, on which date thoro The railroad furnished special ears for I waa P u *' on s!L e . an en ^!!® ^ . Iiew , handling the shipment, and two cars K Tr ®u»u r y ay,mgs cortiificates, having chained together were required to carry ™ uofl " iatllrlt y of „* 20 > the load. There have been comparatively.! T K “ rt i^ ateB JL;n fow plants of this type constructed, and 9^ * 20 > $80 and $800. They will attain the handling of so large a piece of their maturity value ini fivei years. The machinery successfully iB quite a com- interest is equivalent to 4% per cent., plimont to tlie R. D, Cole Mfg. Co. compounded somi-annually. Deposits in which designed nml built this immense tho postal savings banks may be ex cylinder, together with its accessories. changed) for the Trossmy certificates without loss of interest. At tho same Tho front page, first column, contain oil an lulvortlHomont of Swnn & Co.’s lottery, authorized by tlio State of Geor gia. There were throe or four of those lottery ads. In the paper. It was ttt that time the official organ of Coweta, Carroll, Hoilrd nml Mori- wntliur counties. Subscription price, if pnid in advance, was $2, but if not pnid in advance it was $2.50. Advertising rates ‘ $1 por square qf 10 lines, or fraction thereof. On the front pngo was a long letter from Jefferson Davis, written May 10, then U. S, Senator from Mississippi, and written on the Kansas antl-slnvory situ Considerable, space was given to a discussion, of the Mormons and Utab- Thore was a long account of the hang ing of Sanford Crockett, of Haralson county, but who was executed in At lanta. The editor of The TimcB, as a 7-year- old boy, was going to school at that time in Newnan, and well remembers the location of Mr. Welch's printing office—-n small one-story ' building sit uated in one cornor of Mr. Welch’s yard. One of the most enjoyable occasions -time Treasury savings stamps in onc- of the holiday season was tho community I dollar denominations will remain on solo, Christmas tree celebration hold at t.hc as a convenience to those who wish to fire department on Christmns eve at 6 accumulate the purchase price through o’clock', at which one hundred and fifty stamps. Tho now’certificates will bo re- children were “guests of honor.” The deemable bbfore maturity, and if so re- boys each recoived a knife, a toy, candy doomed bear only 3% per cent. They and fruit, a horn and a puzzle, while are registered to avoid loss, and oach cor- the girls were given .a doll, a tea set, tifjeato will bear the name of Its owner, horn, puzzle, fruit and candy. Santa Tho small war savings securities will be Claus was In great form and distributed dicontinued; thrift stomps outstanding his gifts with a lavish haifd. Music was may be redeemed, or exchanged for tho furnished'by an .orchestra under tho rli- new issue. feotion of Mrs. W. M. Askew. Tho cel- For further information inquire at tho obration- was directed by Chief Gilbert j.postofflco. ami Mrs. Annie Lnzoiiby, who were ably Presbyterian Church.—Rev. J. E. Han nah, .pastor. Sunday-school 9.30 a. m.; Frank Wilkinson and T. S. Parrott, su perintendents. Preaching hours 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Morning subject, “His People;” evening, “The Man With tho Muck Rake.” Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. in. Prayer-meeting Wednesday 7 p.m. The Her.ild received a pleasant eall Tuesday fronff Mr. W. T. Houseworth, of Atlanta, who is an old Carroll county boy, residing formerly at Whitesburg. Mr. Houseworth haB been a reader of The Herald from childhood, and says no newspaper will ever have just the place in his home that The Herald has. Notice.—Will be sold at public outcry, nt my place of business, at 10 a. m. on the first Tuesday iq February, 1922, four automobiles, as follows: Overlands, one model 75, one model 90, and one model 83—all 4-cylinder cars—and one 1910 American 4-cylinder. Sold for cash, to pay storage charges and repair Bills. Title guaranteed. W, Y. Barnes. Reduced Prices For New Year—Begin- fling Jan. 1 we will pot into effect the assisted by Mrs. W. I.. Gilbert. Mrs. !). SENOIA PREACHER POUNDED AND 8. Cuttino, Mrs. Geo. Meyer, Mrs, R. A. REPOUNDED. Field, Mrs. Lutio Powers, Mra. G. W. Brother Editor: I fully expect that Podily, Mrs. E. L. Osborn, Mr. J. H. this will be tlio last issue of Tho Herald, Chandler and Mr. C. J. Owens. Mr. for when you have read this account of W. H. Gooddy provided the tree, whicli what It means to be a preacher you will was decorated by the Bunn Service'Co. stop 'the editoring business ami go to The fund tn provide for the affair was preaching. I know your mouth will wa- secured by Chief Gilbert from friends ter, nnd all that, ami if I wore sure you among tho city business men, and he lire a light cater I would invito you desires The Herald to express his thanks 'down'to spend a few days with us. As to all contributing to the success of the it is, our invitation is to come and tako occasion for their generous co-operation. | potluck with us some time. Listen; First, we were pounded by the A lamentable tragedy of the holidays good people of Sonoin, when more than was the killing of John Richardson nt fifty visitors came-to the parsonage and Rnmiinrr U>in/ln<r «Pi .. 1... in.. ..i I . . . ... .. • Banning SuiKJajr afternoon by Taytor brought everything, from a live turkey gmitn, or East Newnan. It seems that to a cake of soap. Sixty'two packages Kill 1 4- It ........ «... TV — f ' I . J. .. - - - Smith drove over to Banning in company j were counted. Then the good folk of with Eck Pressley, of LaGrange, and Haralson thought of us, and knowing wont to. a little store near tjie Hutcheson 1 how weak-looking this preacher is, they Cotton Mills operated by Richardson; came in with a big pounding, numbering that soon after entering the place Smith thirty odd. packages. On Christmas Day, drew a pistol and without warning fired our other church (Carmol, in Morlwoth- point-blnnk at Richardson, killing him in- er j took up the " cudgels, and wo had stnntly. There were several eye-witnesses thirty odd packages from there, to the tragedy, it is said. Smith and So now we are so well stocked with Pressley left the scene immediately and I good things that when we issue a call came to Newnan, where the former sur- to dinner we just pass the children down rendered to Sheriff Brewster, who in turn I tho line and say, ‘ ’ What do you want notified Sheriff Garrett at Carrollton, I for dinner”—cafeteria style, servo-your- the killing having occurred in Carroll I self, etc. county. Sheriff Garrett and. '-Deputy I We thank everyone for everything, and Sheriffs Brown nnd Boyd caine about 8Isay, “May God reward each of those o’clock and arrested both Taylor and 1 who helped! ’’ Thank you. Pressley, who are being held In jail atj Sanford B. Street. Carrollton without bail pending a pie-1 Methodist Pastor, Scnoin. LOCAL THEATRES DAN PICTURE OF BEAUVAIS NAMED IN STILLMAN CASE. ' Atlanta, On., Dec, 29—That the Fred K. Beauvais picture, entitled “A Lonely Trail,” featuring the Canadian Guido sonsationnlly named in tho Stillman di vorce case, will not bo exhibited in any of tho theatres operated by companies subsidiary to the Southern Enterprises, Inc., in the six southeastern States, is the announcement Issued from the gen eral offices of the company liorc today. 'Phis action waa taken a/tor n conference with IicuiIh of all subsidiary companies, despite the fact that tho picture was re cently passed approved by tlio New York State Board of Consorsliip. The fact tliat BonuvaiH was named as corespondent by James Stillman, Now York bunker, in, his suit for divorce and in this manner gained nation-wide noto riety, is assumed to lie the reason for '.Ills decision. “The policy of this company in I he past,” declared Y. F. Freeman, general manager, “has been to avoid exploiting individual actors or pictures which would plnco a false premium upon pro-judiciu) notoriety. We prefor to present nctors who have come to the screen solely through dramatic ability and merit. That policy will be strictly adhered to in ALAMO THEATRE JANUARY 17-18 Twice Daily ' (REGISTERED.) CIGAR The Best 5c. Cigar on the Market To-day! Sold by procerymen and druggists generally. -BUII/T BY- Reese Cigar Co. 27% Court Square. Do You Wont “Tho Old Nos!” at The Alamo for a Return Engagement? A good many people have asked the manager to have the picture returned, and if there is sufficient demand on the part of the patrons it will be done. dust sign the coupon and hand or mail ii to The Alamo Theatre, Newnan. -Pa iron.