Newspaper Page Text
|bY A. & E. A. M C HAN,
v—-—l -
Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings,
Iron Pipe, Rifla and Blasting Powder, Ronfing Slate, J-ouudry Coke, Fire
Brick, Blacksmith Coal.
K**Vels’ Pumps, and Bit’lil Brothers’ Scales, lla-
Cltinrrj, Engines, Etc.
aA, m. «m. t
New and Second-Hand |
be l
■pTi "
. I* AYN E ,
' , V • DP.ALEK IN
' We have a splendid line of Also a fine assortment of
lloiisetiirnssliiiiK Goods, WliiMkies and everything
Factory Varus, Coflee, usually kept in a tirst
tiugar Salt and classtiROCERY
V Mackerel. STORE.
» f » All kinds of
' ,IJ Produce wanted
tor which we will pay
the highest market price.
of Xorth (Georgia miictfltilly -solicited
Between the W. &A. R. R. crossing and the A. &G. S. Depot.
■» «n iimi? -wi* l i nan ■■■■!■’ ii imm i , ihhiiiiimbii mi an
T. H. & UU.,
gnocessors to Patton and Payne
School Books, Station
ery, Blank Books,
Wall Paper, Pic
ana Moul
dings .
Our stock is complete in every
Una and prices
Envelops, Pens. Ink Pencils and
We make Picture Frame*
•f every description and price.
The Largest stock ot WA LL
PAPER in East Tennessee.
Set*. The best
and cheapest in
the market at £l.lO,
ti.2.1,*i.50, 5i.7.1, tab
oo, *2.50, *3.00, *3.50,
*s.ooperset. Basel»aifsand
bats of every description.
Send for Sample and prices
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Portrait and Landscape
hk) secured the exclusive right for the
eity of Chattanooga to use the
This is the process which has brought
about such a startling revolution in the
manner of producing photographic
prints. The arotype prints are made
with printer’s inks on a common hand
press, and are therefore absolutely per
manent. The most remarkable feature
of this improvement is the cheapness
e. with which the prints can be produced
We respectfully s#licit an inspection ot
the exquisite specimens of th# work on
exhibition 212 Market street, Chattauoo- 1
ga, Tenn. Respect fuly,
* Wife* AW. JUDD. I
Walker County MeSseniseu.
*-N •
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„ E S-*
ws jj y" Z X
$ =£* ~1 K
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D. I .cl
Ib an iibnolute ami Irresistible cure for*
enn«a, Intemperan'-*' and th* nse of Opium, To
bacco, Narcotn • a:.'l bcinnilaots, rcni-.viuK al:
taste, desire and ha.*.t of u.^i r.g any of them.rcn
dcring the taste or desire f'-r any of tl cm perfectly
odious and disgusting. Giving every one w-rfect
and irre-lstible control of the aobriety of them
selves and their friend*.
It prevent* that absolute physical and moral
prostration that follows the sudden breaking oil
irom using stimulants or narcotic a.
Package, prepaid, to cure 1 to 6 jiursons, *2, or at
your druggists, |1.75 per Lottie.
Temperance aodetiea should recommend It. It
1b penecuy hannlutu and n*jvcr-4aijuu;. y
Hop Bitters Mffl. Co., Rochester.N.Y. Oole Agentu
Hop Cough f’nre dcutreys all pa*-’. l<>r>ren*thc
cough, quicLs the nerves, produ-- s and never
fails to cure. ']
The nop Pad f or I !vrr and Kidney*.
is anp«*rlor t >uil others. Curej by aotorpi.aU. It
is perfect-oak orugg-i.-Ui. r .
The Mop Rtltera ll tg. Co., of I'.ocS«ur, X. Y. <mly, pr*-l
pare these remed. <-t, » -,» the II pl. - lli arefnnvß
tens* a beverage or In*, zte.-int.bu*. tlie J’ti-. : n . i Best
cme ever made, maku.g uiure turea tlrm a.. rctr.ealea. I
F. M. Nyman
Makes a trip to Chattanooga, passing !
! through LaFayetle ev< ry week. He
pays higher prices for produce, poultry
and eggs than anybody Hi? charges for
hauling from Chattanooga is very rea
sonable. and he take- better care of
giK)d.- than any man ou the line. He is
accommodating to a . and deserves a
l liberal patronage. Have your orders
; rea-ly every Saturday evening. He will
1 rvttra to iakkayettw oo W edaoolay.
A Mau Who Wanted to Engage Hoard
for Twenty Tears.
Yesterday afternoon, shortly nf
ter the arrival of the train, a man
entered a hotel in thi3 city and ask
ed the clerk, who stood busying
him«elf with a patent blotter, the
terms-upon which he could engage
‘‘Owing to the location of your
room, sir. Big demand for our
room. Feed wrU-*-
“I don’t care so much tfiKbut the
pulin' part,” replied the man. “I
am -10 odd years old, and have been
eatiu’ about all my life. It’s gettin’
to be an old thing with me. W.ell.
say, give me a respectable room —
how much you'll charge ?”
“Just yourself, sir?” f
“Well, in a manner.'”
“Twenty-five dollars per month,
in case you are alone.”
“You see it is this way : My wife
will be with me, but «3 times are
pretty tight, I concluded to arrange
it in this way : I’ll take breakfast,
my wife will take dinner, and we’ll
throw up—wet or dry—for supper
By that means, we can both get
board for one price. I reckon I’m
a little the best manager you ever
“Fifty dollars the two.” „
“I don’t underhand that sort o'! 1
’riihmetic. , Both together, we’d
only eat thejmeals allowed for one
person. If on’t hurt a bed any
more fore two to sleep on it tjn>*/
for one. I’ve got a bed out in the
country that was presented to my
wife when we got married, and I’ll
be dinged if it ain’t just about as
good is new. It’s one of these old
fashioned beds, with high, yallpr
posts with knobs on the tops as big
as young pumpkins. I’ll furnish
the room with this bed and one
chair. My wife can sleep on the
floor. I’ve lived in the country all
my life, and Bavin’ made a little
money last year, I concluded to
come into town and splurge a little
Thar’s a woman down the courtrv
that has been buckin agin my wife,
and to git away with her we have
concluded to board at a hotel.” •
“Fifty dollars per month is our
lowest rate.”
“How much by the year? I am
going’ into the business right.” ■,
•‘.Six hundred dollars.”
“This is a wholerale business
with me. How much for ten
yearn ?”
“Six thousnrd dollars.”
“All right. Mark me down for
a snack right now and check it off
for twenty years.”
‘See that card ?” said the clerk,
pointing to the hotel maxim of per
sons without baggage are required
to pay in advance.
“Oh. I’ve got, the baggage,” and
the man lifted up a carpet hag.
“That won’t go.”
“Won’t you tuke this as secu-i
--ty ?”
“No; get out of here.”
“But I want to board here twenty
“Go on away.”
“I’ll leave your snide hotel, sir,
but first let me show you. He lift
ed up his carpet hag, opened it and
displayed 850,000 in government
“You can stay, sir”
“No I believe not. It takes too
much money to put up in this ho
tel. Guess I’ll go round and put
up in wagon yard.”
Ever since Cain gave Able a clip
with a club, people have lost money
by not observing the laws ofpoliet
ness —Little Rack Gazette.
The Marriage at Great Hen.
Shakespeare loved and wedded a
farmer’s daughter.
Humboldt married a poor girl,
because he loved her. Os course
they were happy.
Robert Burns married a poor
farm girl, with w hom he fell in love j
while they worked on a farm to
Peter the great of Russia, married
a peasant. She made him an ex
cellent wife and a sagacious em
John Adams married a daughter j
of a Presbyterian clergyman. Her |
father objected on account of John j ,
beir.g a lawver. j I
Andrew Jackson married a wo- j j
man whose husband an. still liv
ing. She was an amiable woman,
and was most devotedly attached
to the old warrior and statesman.
Washington married, a widow
with children. It is enough to say
she was worthy of him ; and they
lived as married people should live
in perfect harmony with each oth
- er -
Prince Albert and Queen Victoria
were cousins, a rare« xa in pie in the
long line of English monarch*
wherein the martial vows were sa
credly observed and sincere afll c
tion existed.
Milton married the daughter of a
country squire, and lie lived with
her but a sh*>rt time. He was an
austere literary recluse, while she
was a rosy, romping country lass,
who could not - ndure the restraint
placed upon her, so they seperated.
Subsequently, however, she return
ed. and they lived tolerably happy
A .Mattel Girl.
Do you want to read - this wood
picture of a modest girl? I wish
more of her class existed, tor the
sake of society at large. She is not
what ia cubed though
|ei»sessed of a quiet attractiveness
all of ber own. Her wardrobe is
f-hosen for quality according to her
Tunancial circumstances ; the colors
lare selected with caro, suitable to
each other and favorable to her
complexion, (von rnav call this
taste, so it is, “Modest taste”) tlie
style must, of course, tie as near
the popular fashion as she dare ap
proach, but never quite to the height;
when out calling or shopping, she
dresses with^neltn-88 and care; if
walking she neither moves too fas'
or too slow, but glides along with n
natural and graceful step which is
very bee ming, recognizing her
friends by a polite how or weltayne
grasp of the band; but there are
no demonstrative embrace or gush
ing words. She is strictly truthful.
When any question is being discus
sed, and her opinion is asked, she
gives it hesitatingly, not doubt fully ,
and, if not accepted, never allows
herself to utter a contradiction, but
calmly and quietly withdraws Iron
the discussion, although tier opit
ion is not lost or defeated by so do
ing on tlie contrary it almost al
ways carries weight and effect. —
Her acts and words ore unobtru
sive, but her influence is great in
the home which it is her happiness
to adorn.
- um ♦ -
All’ Throw Yourself In.
The Sioux city and Pacific train
stopped at Ottawa, and the smart
man on tlie train leaned out of the
window and shouted to a native :
“What is the name of this town?”
“Onawa,” replied the native.
“On a what?” quered the smart
Patiently tlie native repeated the
name of the hamlet.
“Do you want to sell it ?” asked !
the smart man.
The patient, native “didn’t know;
’lowed maybe they’d sell if any
body wanted to buy it, bail enough."
I’ll give you twenty-eight cents
for it,” hid the smart man.
The native turned his head
thoughtfully on one side and con
sidered the propostion in silence.
F’inally he raised his head with the
air of a man who had about made
up his mind to trade.
‘ An’ throw yourself in ?” he asde
The window came down .with a
slam, a tit! a« the train pulled out,
there was laughter in Hie cif, but
the smart man couldn’t tell iwlieth
it was meant fur himself <>g the na
tive, although he was inclined to
think it was.
- r -
The Burlington Htncfceye has
reached the last straw of fashion.
It says : "We have endured with
commendable patience the appal
ling phantom of the young man
who wears two watches. With
Christian resignation and patience
we have borne with the young man
who wears bis watch in the outside
pocket of his coat, but when we
meet tiie elegant youth who wears
his silk embroidered socks outside
his Slippers to show the monogram
on the toes, there is going to he
bloodshed, and don’t you forget to !
remember itA-^a
Escape of Sam ..ill.
Early Friday morning it was dis
covered that Sam Hill had escaped
from the asylum at Milledgsville.
where he had been sent hv a second
jury ll pity atrial of lunacy, after he
had he,-n round guilty of the mur
der of Simmon* in Atlanta, and
sentenced to the penitentiary for
life. The following-particulars arc
obtained from a gentleman visiting
tlie asylum at the time of his es
cape :
It will he remembered that near
ly oyery reporter who has visited
the asylum and Hill has descrined
»n extraordinary picture which the
unfortunate man was painting upon
the wall of his room—a picture
representing the court room and
the various figures therein—himself
wife, judge, etc. This picture was
mere outlined when last we saw it.
Hill appears to have had other in
tentions than mere amusement
when lie began tlmt picture. He
was allowed to have paints and
materials necessary for It is work,
for no attempt to e«cape was antic
ipated by the authorities. His
room opetnd into a corridor on th'
third floor. At each end of the C
tutor there was u door, which •
kept, locked. Hills method of
cape can only be guessed at I
the‘racks l)e left. It is stipi
to he as follows: His room
was always locked from the ou
He wanted to get a key to fit
lock, and to get an impression,
a square Id. ok'not of the door, la
iuu bare, the lock. This block n. >
tinder an old piece of canvas, which I
hung over the lock for Weeks, and
upon which he was accustomed •. I
try his colors. The block w- -" d
ly replaced, and the 1:1)1 place
i Having thus uh'- !l)np, l :)l1 impres
sion of his lock , it wms an ensv
matter for him lo turn it over to
any one of the \ numerous friends
wflto visited him. and to receive in
return a key a day* later.'
with tin- means e.f issuing from his
room at his disposal, he doubtless
slipped down the ha'l one night and
nl tained an impression of the cor
ridor door lock, from which n friend
likewise obtained for him tl kev.—
He had then the means of leaving
the asylum at his pleasure, for tin
path to tlie front door was unob
On the evening of the second, It
replied to n little girl who asKed
him about his picture, that he had
done all he intended to do .vilh it. ,
The next morning he was s't* >
.There was several letters upon his
‘table addressed to various parties.
I One to Dr. Powell, stated that dur
ing all the time he was allowed to
exercise in the front yard, Ii- Inid
nev-r sought to escape, because of,
his promise, but that the instant In
was locked up again that promise
ended, and being wrongfully in
carcerated, he could not consent m
remain. He stated that he would
never again enter the asvlum alive.
His slippers were found in the (rout
yard. His wife’s picture he carried
with him — Macon lelcyrayh.
A Learned Judge.
Tall, yellow-skinned and haggard I Lyons drew nigh to the
railing in the Jefferson Market po
lite court, yesterday, his limbs
trembling as t ottgh with palsy.
I “Samuel," said Justice Murray,
“you were tound in Ola.i-k street,
lust night, very drunk, and the
horse and wagon you were driving
wandered about the sidewalk fol
lowed by a crowd of small boys. —
This is a had case.”
“Ain’t I going ter tie hea d at all j
in this uartde hall of justice?”
muttered the prisoner, gazing j
mournfully at Ins tVi' ) ,ViV, r . 'An uin t (
tny wife going ter give rue a hang
up character ter being a C’hrist’n
an’ a lov’n husband ”
Mrs. Lyons, * stout little lady,
dressed in deep mourning, testified
that her husband was not in the s
habit of drinking much, hut was
easily intoxicated. “We have a
nice little home in Valiev Park,
N. J., hut drink has brought a curse
upon it; I walked the II or the
whole blessed night, and i m near
ly crazy ; make him take the
pledge, judge, before he stirs from
thi* spot and I’ll bless you all my
days.” i
nudge Murray n.vtned moved tiy
tbe womitn'* earnest tie**. “Saniu-
I,” said lie, “place your Valid upon
th*- Bible and look at me. Now, do
you solemn swear to abstain fro?>:
drinking all Lot rums, stone fenpcs, |
egg iioggs, Tom Collinses, Sat# Cru*
sours, gin fiati-s, wines, sherry cob
blers. tangle find, brandy snni*he'
and Old Toma, beaides all kind# r<
spirituous liquors?”
"I do," said Lyons with a bright
“And weiss beer,’’ added the
"Ali-o-of course, I mean," an
swered tlie prisoner, hie counte
nance falling as he saw his last
hope gone.
And the spectator* marvelled
how his honor knew the name* of
so many drinks. —AVtu York Jlerald.
A Detective*
There is a s'
and gent!
<>m an >’
; th-
I into
| veil '
| " N ‘
you ->n,
trouble y
dnw, for I
to make 1
‘ GVrt a i
tleman ; .
ly contpl
“Now, t
To '*i S gr.,
ing his seat, th
male attire I'm.
ion transformed
laughed anti sail,
“It appears that W( .
unis to escape rccogi,;,
have you done ? J h av ,
a hank.”
“And I,” said the whi.
as lie dexter. Ilsly fettered
I's' ioii" wrists with a o- ; > .<
cull's, “I am ’detective J —,
I ’ d Yard, and in female a;
'have shadowed you for two da
row,” drawing a revolver “l
Too Mach for Even a Goat.
The Boston Journal \ A troll!
.«.mie old marsh goat which b
been the pest of the neighborhood t
in which he bus foraged around the
past twenty .yearn, ended his vi
cious career in a somewhat tragic
manner last Tuesday noon. He
crawled through a broken fence c
dowt. in Brookline street and ate i 1
up H tin-pa’lfull of planter of Paris I ;
w hich had just been mixed up .
mason, who was plugging up a fi».
sure in the cellar wall. A few m
rneius after Ids stolen lunch
commenced acting in funi.
I >icr : he blinked fiercely
under jaw swung from
with terrific swiftness
a furiotc bellow of
through a kitche
a serva t girl
ti>o ki ig h
don. i
It woUlu
the Ilepublil
is not ultageh . ■
“Sunset" L‘>.'
negro who went
“Were there
there ’. ’ ;
“ Yes, right sTii;
“Any Republic..
‘•Hell Will full o
“tVhat were t
“Holdin’ <’e i.
and de fire”
Leaves are prepurL
to iouYu.
VOL. IV. NO. 9.
Fiiiding (lie Bond.
A man with a grip-sack in his
hand halted before a Jefferson avo
nue fruit stand yesterday and pric
ed a choice variety of peaches. —
I When fold that thay were twenty
rents a rioien he whistled to himself,
walked softly around, and Anally
asked :
“Are you a Baptist?”
“Neither am I. I didn’t know but
that if w« both belonged to the
•ame denomination you’d throw
off a little. Do you lean to the
“Can’t say that I do.”
“That's my case. I never
take much stock in the Method
Twenty a doaen is an awlul p
on those peaches, considering h
tight nmit) is. I exoert v«- -
A bookseller
cured a "con*
employe' 1