Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, September 16, 1880, Image 2

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THE MESSENGER. A. Mcllam, Editor. E. A. McHa.v, l*ub. nml Pro. . LAFAYETTE G.V, Skv. 10. 1880. ■g""* i- " " " FOR I ’lf KS11»I. \ | : WIA F IF. Ll> S. Ill!% ((Hit Os Penney) v anin. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: WILLIAM 11. i:\ULISII, Os liuliiiiiii. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. For the State at large—(’. C. Black and H. E. Kennon. Alter nate A. P. Adams and 1, S. (Jlenn. First district—S. 1). Braswell, ol Liberty. Alternate Josephus Camp of Emanuel. Second district—\V. M. Ham mond, of Thomas. Alternate —Win Harrison, of Quitman. Thin! district—U. C. Smith, of Telfair. Alternate—James Bishop, | J r., t f Dodge. Fourth district —L. R. Ray, of ■>weta. Alternate —H. C. £umer ''f Harris. th Hall, of T*g. 'AtTmnile—D. P. Hill,of n. th district— R. N. Niahit. of iain. Alternate—F. F. Dubig of Baldwin. •• • ”• *t,;„ „f •i tor . It is not acy are af "'■m«, hut Read and Answer With Your Votes. Appreciating the honor and ad vantage of having the member of i Congress from their county. Bartow has for the last three terms, given her candidate, i)r. Felton, a major ity that second his election. Tliis county now ha* it in her power to win the honors, and n joy the Ad vantages secured, by having the member from this county, by elect ing the Hot.. J, C. Clements. There are many rea-ooft why Walker county should crime up sol id for Col. Clements, aside from county priie. Our peoj le have tried him, and liave fjtind him eqtlaUo every position to which trify called him in tlie past. He is tried and true, ulwiivson the side of retrenchment and ri form, and of that substantial kind that would idievo the people of the burdens that are pressing them dow n. If the people want a man that's i a farmer; a man that him toiled and home the heat and burden of the I day : Hon. J. C. Clements is the ! man. If the people want a self-made man ; a man that has struggled against fate and the difficulties that j environ the pathway of every one that would rise to eminence and exalted usefulness; one who lias fought the battle of life gallantly and won in every conflict: Hon. J. ' man. statesman, a ! o repre n the -m- I iis ipo- , V‘ on cay ~ or if e fact, carpet an for —then him. — . U tut '.ple/nnd .a that will js district — dicans, white eveii-hand / J/fieral conserva . J. C. Clements, tlie true, and tlie people will govern thern .tigly. Uive Thanks. to be tdilid,to r ." .'s no worse, this is the last instead of t of the hot weather. 1 the next president will tie ■man. ours is the balance of trade ‘•nope. iitt our girls are learning to iniand cultivate their muscle. That they wear their skirts con veniently short.— The Graphic. The Washington Post aa vs : “Per haps there is no other report in re lotion to General Hancock that ;is so disgruntling to the Chris- I ti:io statesmen as the rumor he lias been heard to use ir word*. lint those afflicted ren may find consolation in that General Hancock has ■n that he took a 85,000 •iditiuns that made the hv imprisonment ’ a tine of S 10,000." 'T|iH)d orators — oppose Hon. Senate be " -orgia a I ,ne cry six years ople have , re . would id they are _lements»At f next N'.Wetn- I astonish the wspaper in .mil in every id appreciated it- principle sup ra! and civil lib- j ('uiii|mign Notes. I)r. FelfoJ lias been shelling the woods ovcg)ui the independent state id Dude. ' Iluti. Amos T. Akermnn, Grant's ex-AUiirney General, is anti-Col quitt. Os course. That ought to re-elect tlie Governor. Just now lending political papers remind nnei f the little girl's prayer: “Ob. Lord ! lining brother Tom to his senses J|e lies, he steals, lie swear* ; all hoys do ; us girls don't. Amen.” Dade County G nzetle: It is the intention of the voters of the 7th to use a ‘‘Clement attachment 'on l*r. Felton. These attachments are be coming very popular, and we have j no doubt but what it wiR prove a success in the present instance. Atlanta Constitution : The candi dacy of Mr. Norwood—condemned to overwhelming defeat from its in ception— received its death blow in the failure of the attempt to se cure for it the indorsement of the Republican Convention. Home Courier: Col. J. C. Clem ents name in from Summerville Thursday evening and left yester- j day morning for Calhoun, where ! he speaks to-day. Col. Clements is in good spirits and fine trim. , He will return to-morrow, to fill i his uppointmemt litre on Satur day. We were at a loss to know where or how the Summerville Gazette, | stood on tlie congressional race un til we catne across tlie following, and which we suppose settles it: .7. C. Clements, candidate for ogress, gave a ringing talk Tues nonn. The court house was led, and many could not find irig room. We think he pro -11 very good impression.” •ita Constitution: The just oughtful pooplfe pf Georgia tolerate or indorse thecou if the Norwood nmh that in d Governor Colquitt at Macon, following is an extract from ore of many letters from formerly anti-Colquitt men : " After Governor Colquitt's sliame fii'’frpatment at Macon, I. for one, will not cant, my vote or give my influence to party or set v' men who can act 8() shameful a manner. For this season, to ether with the chain gang I am for Colquitt first and last. P.” “J” writes to the Atlanta Constilu■' lion an amusing amfrdota illustra tive of "the way Norwood got his nomination." Ilesaya: “Theother day after Norwood had made a speech at New ran, and made, it is said, a few converts (to Colquitt) j the irrepressible Jim Carmichael, ol Coweta, was called on fora speed i. Among other good things lie told how Norwood got his nomination. , He said some good colored folks were talking about special provi dence, when one said, ‘I don’t he- 1 lieve in it/* ‘For,’ said tie. 'IV I j be enpraying dese many years and j aJxing far de go >d Lord to send me j one oh old massn's fat gobblers, but | aldo I prayed and looked for de j Lord to send him on, he nebber i comes. Den I just conclude I quit praying and go for dat gobbler my- ; self and den you bet he comes in.’ j So Mr. Norwood had been praying j for many years for tlie nomination | and it no comes, then lie just goes after it, then it comes.” NEWS IN GENERAL. ('lipped With a Sharp l’alr of Scissors. Georgia has only twenty inhabi tants to the square mile. AJiiM has been horn to a female j con-ict in the Kentucky peniten tiary. \,j - Minnesota is said to he tlie great- i est wheat-producing State in the Union. > Over 32.00 Q pounds of grape* were shipp utf from Charlottsville, W, last week. A republican in Carter county. Ky„ has named his newest daugli >r for Garfield. The timber and lundier business Georgia w'll amount this year t<> fret, and will vSeeed .5,000,000 s'Tca?." ' ' The tcrriiiie storm which engulf ed the Vera Cruz also wrecked many ships, and washed away roads and bridges in Central Florida. Unde Lew Brady, a negro of j Westchester county, whose father "as emancipated by Washington, /has just celebrated ids 107th birth j day. Syria’s first railroad is just finish ed. It has steel tracks. No men are allowed ir. the ladies’ car, even the conductor being obliged to col lect fares from it through a hole in j the side. NJ'.wnan. Sr(jten tier 10. —Sum Hill not 'in the down height trnin Thursday morning ut lied Oak. Mr. Lovick Thorna*, a son of L. I*. Thomas, of A’laiua, nrxl one or two other Atlanta driiit'iinera, were on the cur and knew Jli 11. tint would not make him known. Finally, o little Jew on hoard, whore name I cannot get. recognized him and tried to get the imirrhal of Palmet to to arrest ''ini, hut the marshal refused to do so. Soon alter the train left Palmetto Hill jumped off and hade his Jewish friend no af fectionate adieu, hy throwing a kiss at him as the cor passed. The Cedar Key (Fb .) Journal sin,« that whatever may fie Said ahout the colored people, they are cer tainly kind and charitable. During the stor n on last, Monday when the house of the Misses Hearn, of that place, Mew down, the colored pen*, pie gathered there and offered them their services. The Misses Hearn being disinclined to leave, the col ored people told .them if they didn’t go with them out of the storm, they (the colored people) would he com pelled to take them (the Misses Hearn) up and carry them to their own houses out of the storm. They finally yielded and sought re'Cuge beneath the roof of one of their colored friends. No while person 4 was living near. Forney’s Life of (fen. Hancock. It is a singular fact that the most eulogistic and exhaustive campaign biography of Gen. Hancock should he written hy one whose pen and tongue for years have done the most signal service for the Repub lican party. Col. John W. Forney of Philadelphia, whose reputation as a graceful and forcible writers i and man of letters, is so well knpwn | h ith in his country and Europe, a pet of republican administrations, and most of the time an office hold | er for 20 years, has not only severed j his connection with the Garfield j crowd, hut has thrown all his abili | ty and enthusiasm into the cim | paigti for llie Democrat cat didaie. | The most important service of j which i« a full and exhaustive life |of Gen. Hancock. ill is jiestined in high rank as a campaign hiog ' rnphy. Though different in pol itics, the author and tiie subject been intimate life-long friends, j Mini hence C"l. Korney has petson j nf knowledge of most of the bril j limit achievements of Gwi Hancock ! oid all the circumstances connected with them. Added to this, Gen. Hancock has so approved his work | as to place at his disposal his per j soiuil memoranda, correspondent e, ! official and private papers. With 1 such facilities the work will lie j absolutely full and authentic, the i standard on the subject. Asa biographer. Cel. Kornev will be to Gen. Hancock what Boswell was to Johnson, Lockhart to Wal ter Scott, or Ahott to Bonaparte. It is a “Labor of Love,” act mated by a grand enthnelasni and carried with a degree of ability and grace that will place it in front rank of A,mrriean biographies. The career of the brilliant soldier with an army record extending through 35 years, is worthy of such a pen. It is full of evnt and is soon to he crowned hy the more im portant one of a transfer to the White House, which will make the hook one of permanent value. It will lie sold by subscription and will surely meet with a large sale. It is being published hv the well know n house of 11UBBARD BROS., Atlanta, Georgia. Investigation. Evry man should he willing, and we think should he anxious to investigate every thing which is so Jikely to benefit all mankind as [lie discovery of Kendall's Spavin (Pure, because it is now being used on'human flesh with innstfremark able beneficial rheuma tism and deep seated pains, and it has proved by experience that it is equally yts good for human flesh as for any animal. It is penetrating and powerful, and yet it can be us ed full strength with perfect safety on a child rts well as on a grown person. For all blemishes on horses, it never has had an equal. Read the advertisement for Kendall's Spavin Cure. Is it possible Tiiat a remedy made of such com mon,simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, Ac., make so many mid much marvelous and wonderful cures us Hops Bitters do? It must tie, for when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured hy them, we I must believe and doubt no longer. See ether column. /■ -• RKHI ROBINSON WAGON COMPANY MANUFACTURER* OF Spring* WAGONS Buggies Ci Phaetons. WE DO XO'l WANT AGENTS! v:r. ofFtm nrn STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES TO THE TRADE ll'm k that has an cstahli-hed re put a tied, .'tut lee can hr In ml led with ,-ai i-iuc'ion hoi It to timer and seller. >eoii i t d<* e.-n-* in I orioes to ROBINSON W ALIGN CO., CINCINNATI. 0- /*\ I f% Gtcat chance to make m< uny. I II I II Wf need (i person in every town Ij 111 II in take Ktiltsrripiidiis for Km* lar- W 1— U •j. vt, cliFnp.Tf ami b-ettvfliuistra i»’d f iiiflv |HtMlrati'ti) in ili#» . world Aiiy nn« can b**r«iiic a Mtc-'«*st*fu! agent, -if nli-gant work* of art giwn Ire.!Mu MibwciUterv. Tli*’ price P so low that almovt overybmly «ub j scribes. one sgetil re porn taki g |-20 HtWnh-rs a day A lad* agent report* over 42i;(j ch ar In ten Inyo. All who • ngnge inakc moccy j fa t. You cen devote all your time to the liiistiiesa, or only your spate tin** You need not he away I row lion**- ov-s iiigltL You . «u» do It an well an oil ten* h directions and term* Uni*. Hegdnt and • fp-n-ivc • »nilit ir» e. If you v» am profitable J work n* your nddinss at one**. It costa noth \ mg c t»y the buxines.'. No one who engages fails in make great pay. Address Georgs . w tinson, k i*o., Portland, Maine. Hep. 16. ly THK BONANZA FOR BOUK-AUENTS i-* “‘iflog our two s|i|cndidlv iiiii»trat«-d hook**, Life of GEN. HANCOCKS 111*-* lona tin ml Hii*. J. W. F KNEY (an author of nntl nal fame), highly endorsed hy Gen. Han cock. ih** pattyv'e nli <•*. am! pres*; also Life of GEN.<;ARFILEIX:,r ratle in arms and i» r*onal Iricud. Gen. J s. ItKIS BIN ( hi auihoi of wide C' L briiy), also etronglv en dorsed H"TH official, imniensi Iv pouu'ar, a* lling over 10,1)0(1 a week !! Agents making $lO a day ! « »•*ifil- 50c. each. For beat books a d terms, ad dress quick, lIfJBIIAUD HR«»S., Atlanta, Ga. f*X business now hefere ihc imhllc. L,J| L I You c m mak- money faster at |j j I work for us that at any thing vise. 1 t'api-Hi rot required. We will start you #l2 a day and (towards made at home hy the industrious. Men, women, hoys a (1 girls want'd everywhere to work lor us. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time Jo the work, or O! I> your span; mom* uts. No Other i Business will pay you nearly as well, 'o one will ; Dig in work i*iiu fail t<» make euarmous pay hy en i goging at once. Costly outfit >nd terms free. A ; great opportunity for inukiug money easily and hou nrably. Address I rue Ut Co., Augusta, Maine. I 16 ly week In your own town. #3 Outfit \ I "free. No risk* Render, II you want a X W|| Ij oisioess at wlAch person- of either sex • make. gr»fat pay all the time they work, write particulars f> 11. H*l | ] mrrr^fi^Oo^^nrHand^l^Do*^^/jiep^^r^^ Kendall' sopavin Cure TIIK MOST >UOt'F.SSFUL RKMEOY ever dia coveied, as H l> cerialn in its effects end does not , blister Read proof Below I'cniu Itcv, P. N. Granger, I Pr. siding F.ider «»f he t. Mhans District St. • m-»nh, Vt.. Jan. 20 h, 'BBO. Ha. RJ. Kendall fc so , G uts lit r* pi* to yom j h tier l Hill say ilihi my expert'uc hl’»i • K miall s ( -i avin «*ure*» has been verv satis-; ciory imDro. I Thr* eor mur years ago proc red a buttle of yi ur j agent, and with it, • nr* d a it r- ■ oi lamenesa eaW »■(! hy a f-pavi •• : ast season mv horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks wh» n he became better, hut "hen 1 put him on the road he gr'-w wore, when I discoveren that a ringbone eas lormiti '. I procured a buttle of KeudaD’s pax in < ure and with less than a botlle cured him s<> ft at he is not tame, ii iiher can the nuimh i»e f und. Reepcclfully ynuis, P. N. GR ANGER. Perseverance Will Tell. M romilT'iN, Mass., March 6th, IBtfO. It. J. Kkndali. A C.I (Its In justice to you and myself, / think f ouch' to let v u know that I hive rc»"<.v.d tw notir sp.ivins with “Kendall’s .’Sp.ivio Cure,” one v» ry large on , do- ’t know how long the spavin had been there I have •* ned the the in rse e gilt months. It took tin in ir months to lake/ihe large one «»H and two for the small one I hav U'Cil ten hollies. I’ll* horse Is entirely Well, not at nil stiff, and no bunch to he s. en or felt. This i* a woinh rfu* medicine. It is a new thing here, hut if t docs for a>l nhat it has done for mr Its sale V* iff be verv great. Respectfully yours, CHAB. E. PARKER. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. i on cord, N. li., January 2nd Ibßo. B. J. Kendall A. i e., Genth mail: —We have a beautiful roan mar that was given to us on account o' a spavin on her leg, winch unde her dead lame We took off her -hoes an allowed her to run in the ham yard in the fill if the year,applying • -Kendall’* -pavin Cure” Hccotdiitg to direction We did iot use Iter for;» hi nth. f*he was • ntlr- ly cured, and the bunch compl' telv r» moved, ami has nev*r been I..me since. Wes ate what we know to be a fact. We have Mild twelve dozen bottle* in the short time that we have acted as your agents in Concoid. Respect oily yours, UNDt-KUJLL. k KITTKEDGE. Statement MADE UNDER OATH. To Whom it May 1 oncer* —ln the year 1873 I treater wt»h Kdid ill’s Spavin C.,rr,a bone spavin of several iiiouihs’ growth, ncarlv half as large as a lien’s egg, ami completely slopped the lamen s- and temoveit the enlaryineot. I have worked the horae ever since very hard, and h • never has been lame, nor conl'i I ever s" 1 any difference in th€ size of the hock joints since 1 treated him with Kend.ill’i spavin Cure. H A GAINES. Fimsburgh Falls. Vt., Feb. 25. 1879. -worn tiul subscribed to before me ibis 25th,d 'j of Feb., I). 1679. JOHN IS. JKNNE, Justice of the Peace. Kendall’s Spavin Cure On Human Flesh. Pattkn’s Mtt.t.a, Washington Co., N. Y., ) Feb 21st, 1878. ( B. J. K endaLt., M. 0.: Dear >ir The particu lar as« #ii which I used your “spavin i 'ure” was h malign 'lit auk e sprain of slxt-en mouths’ stand mg » had tro d many things, hut in vain. Ynur “ pavin Cure” put the loot to the ground ag in, for the time since hurt, in a natural position. Fora family liniment it excels anything we eyer used. Yours truly, Ki-V. M. P BELI>, Pasto M E. cuarcli, Patten’s Mills, N. Y. >* kid ans Spavin Cure insure in its effects, mild i i i's action as it does not (ills er yet it is pen etrating and poweriul to reach every d- ep seated pain or to remove ai v bony growth or other enlarge in- nt, sucti as spavii s, splints, curbs, callous, prai s, swellings, any lameness aud all enlarge meut* of the j dnts or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for a > puipo-e for which a liniment is used tor man oi*bea<t It is now kn -wn to b.* the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and y et cer - lain in its i If cts. Semi address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive prnn of its virtues. No remedv lias ever met w itlt such unqualiit'd success to our knowledge, for ncast as well as man. Price .sl. per hot He, or six bottles for #5. At.L Druggists have i' or can get it tor you, or it will be >eut to any address on receipt of price hy the proprietors PH. B. J. KRNIIxL*!* k CO., Knos burg rail-. Vermont. Hi nt. lUnkin & Lamar, Atlanta. Ga. l Ukrry, Dvmovili.k k Co., Nashville, > Agents. ieiuiMMiee. ) June 18 ly Makes a trip to Uhatianootnt, pas.-ins through LaFayette eviry week. He pays higher prices fir produce, poultry and eggs than anybody. His eharges for hauling from Chattanooga is very rea sonable. and he takes better earo ot goods than any man ou the line. He is accommodating to all. and deserves a liberal patronage. Have your orders ready every Saturday evening. He will return to LaFayette on Wednesday. Take the MegfPve.Eß. At the Balloon! At the Balloon’■ H p : i|H-r Patterns !l| E ftu Superior to nil others E FOR LiOW PRICES CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Everything guaranteed as represented or money re re funded. r~ Siuce we have decided not to sell out, our New York buyer has been idling io the good* by the car load, until every corner is full and running over WITH BARGAINS ALL OVER THE HOUSE/ Wress Hoods, Notions, Fancy Hoods, Millinery HooJs Hass imeres, Jeans, Hottouades, Prints, Domestic, Ladies Linen S»lts. THE aCT. CO'JJJTER !5 FULL OF NEW AND USEFUL ARTIC£? at a much lers price than you can get them elsewhere. THE «>GT. COUNTER HAS MANY ARTICLES THAT WOlA^, j cost you 25 to 50cent at other places you will save money by making your chases at the BALLOON. - ‘ THE SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT The largest rarie’y of first class Machines in the State, such as,^| The Eldridge, Whi e, Royal, St John, WieedS Victor, Remington Domestic, Ameri- \ can, Davis, Singer, and Wanzer. j The Wnns , 'r ami Singer are our cheapest machines. Persons wishing cheap 2nd Hand machines, can always find a mod assortment. Exchange new ®a* ' chines for old ones. Sell for easli an on monthly pa} ments. Don’t fall to call at the Balloon before buying anything in our line. H. H. SOUDER,>. Chattanooga, TennesseeJ^ LICHTNINC~SEWER VILSOFS SJJS NEW * OSCILLATING} SHUTTLE SEWING^ACHINE "m best SEWING MACHINE f j; 1 WORM, 1 SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA- g'iJW : «JL fyj[ %7* LOGUE No. 230. IST AN AGENT I fi WILL DELIVER A MACHINE AT YOUR #„# fjgig^lfgfe&KaA RESIDENCE, FREE OF CHARGE, ITTcloled^ SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 129 & 131 State St., Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. For Sale by .5. Reed A: C’o., Rome, Hr. BUCKEYE MOWERS AND REAPERS, SWEE PST A KESTIIRESH ERS, CANTON MONITOR ENGINES, WHITKWATEB WAGONS, WHEAT DRILLS, HAY RAKES, STEEL and CHILLED PLOWS, Walking and Riding CULTIVATORS, DOUBLE SEOVEL PLOWS, FULL STOCK OF BEST FIELD SEEDS, AT C. 11 LT V! A S & Cos., ISSIIICII norsE, Chattanooga, Tenn. OPPOSITE ATLANTA DEPOT. R. A.KIHK, Hanagir Take the M THE REST PAPER ! TRY IT I! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED 85tU YEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The Scientific American Is a large Firet-Claa* Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen rases, printed In the most beautiful >lyle, pr"tu*ely Blue-rated uhhspieu did en ravings, representing the newest Inventions, amt tin* most Advances mi the Arts and Sciences; Id eluding New and Interest! g Facts in Agricultur* Horticulture, the Home, Henl.h, Medical Progress Social Science, Natural History, Geology. Astrone my. The most valuable practical papers, by etninet writers in all departments of Science, will be foue in the Scientific American. Terms #3 -.20 per year. 9 1.60 half year, which I* clud's postage. Dhcount to Agents. Single copl«, t-11 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers, Remit h postal order to Ml T NN & U« Publishers, 37 Pa*' How. New Yn k. Dtrp n rp ri fn connection with th# X X XIiXN X Scientific American, Messrs. Munn M o. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had thirty-five year*’ ex perience, and now intve the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of ail inventions pate ted through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation tints given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction Is often easily effected. Any person who lias tn *de a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Munn h. Co. We nt-o semi free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws. Patents, 1 aveats. Trade-Marks, their co ts and how procured, with hints for pro cu'icg advances on inventions. Address sot tho- Paper or concerning Patents MCNN & • 0.37 Park Row, N. T. Branch Office, cor. F fit 7th Sts. Washington f». H. 'pLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT office, at fifty oentn per hnn dred.