Newspaper Page Text
Submitting a proposed amendment
to the Constitution of Oeorgla to be
Toted on at the General election to be
held on Tuesday, November 4th, 1924,
said amendment to Paragraph 2, Sec
tion 1, Article 11, of the Constitution
of the State of Georria, for the creation
By His Excellency,
Clifford Walker, Governor,
State of Georgia,
Executive Department,
August 21, 1924.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly
at Its session In 1924 proposed an
amendment to the Constitution of this
State as set forth In an Act approved
July 18, 1924, to-wit:
No 274.
An Act to propone to the qualified rlec
tor.n of this State an amendment to
Paragraph 2 S ction 1, Article 11. of
the Constitution of the State of Geor
gia as amended by the rat
ification of the qualified elec
tors of this State of the nev
eral Acts approved, respectively, on
July 19, 1994. July 21. 1996, July 30.
1912. August 14. 1912. July 7, 1911, July
17, 1914. July 27. 1914. August 11, 1914
August 15, 1917, August 21. 1917; July
SO, 1918, August 11. 1919, July 8, 1920.
August 7. 1920, August 14, 1920, and
August 17, 1920, and for other pur
Section 1 Re It enacted bv the Gen
eral Assembly of the state of Georgia,
and It is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, that the following amend
ment la hereby proposed to Paragraph 2.
Section 1. Article 11. of the Constltu- |
tlon of the State of Georgia, as amend
ed hy the ratification of the qualified
Voters of said State of the several Acts
approved, respectively, on July 19, 1994.
July 81, 1996. July 89, 1912. August 14.
1912, July 7. 1914, July 17. 1914, July 27.
1914, August 11, 1914, August 15. 1917,
August 21. 1917. July 30. 1918. August 11.
1919 July 8. 1920, August 7. 1920, August
14. 1020, and August 17, 1920, to-wit:
Tty adding to said paragraph the fol
lowing language:
■w- !l ProVlded, nOWever, that In addition to
the counties now provided for by this Con
stitution there shall be a new county laid
out and created from the territory now
composing Houston and Macon Counties,
to he made up and composed of all that
part of the territory of Houston and Ma
con Counties described and contained
Within the boundaries as follows:"
•"Beginning at the point where the
Counties of Bibb, Houston and Crawford
oomer, running thence along the line be
tween the Counties of Houston and
Crawford to the point where the Coun
ties of Houston Crawford and Macon
corner; thence In a southwesterly direc
tion alone the line between the Counties
of Crawford and Macon to the middle of
the run o' Flint River; thence In a
southerly ill r'-"t lon along the middle of
the run of Flint River to the south
ern line of fractional lot num
ber 161 In the oth district of Macon
Countv thence east along the southern
line of In's 151, 188 and 119 to the south
west comer of lot number 106 in the oth
district nf Macon County; thenoe north
along the western line of lot number
106 to the southwest comer of lot num
ber 106 In the Bth district of Macon
County; thence east along the south line
of lots 106'and 88 to the northwest cor
ner of lot 74 in the Bth district of Ma
con County; thenoe south along the west
ern line of lot 74 to the southwost ow
ner of lot 74, thence east along the
southern line of lots 74. 55.- 42 and 28 to
the southwest comer of lot number 10
In the Bth district of Macon County;
thence north along the west line of lot
number 10 to where said western
tersocta With the public road leading
west from the Dixie Highway
Marshallvllle and Fort Valley to the o d
Neil plantation; thence along the said
public road to the enter of the said
Highway lending from Marshall -
villi* to Fort Valloy; thenoe In a youth- |
erlv direction along the center of said
Dixie Highway to the south line of the
nrooertv of D c. Strother and C. 7.
McArthur In lot 13 In the Bth district
of Macon county: thence east along the
said south line of the property of D. C.
91 rot her and C 7 McArthur to the west
ern line of lot 253 In tlio 9th district
of Macon County, thence north along
the western line of lots 253 and
to the southwest comer of lot number
251 In the 9th district of Macon County,
thence east along the south line of lots
251 and 239 to the middle of the run
of Ilig Indian Creek; thence In a gen- j
erallv southeasterly direction along the ,
middle of the run of Rig Indian Creek
to the point where the western line of
lot 96 In the 9th district of Houston
County inter»ectn the run of Big In
dtan Creek; thence south ulnng
the western line of lots 96 and
11 In the 9th district of Houston
Gountv anfl lot 52 fiMi.c 14th ijlstrlct of |
Houston County to the northern line of ,
the public road lending from Marshall- |
vine to Perry; thence east along the |
northern line of the public road leading
from Marshallvllle to Perry to the west
ern line of the public road leading from '
small Academy ly Fort VW? via Nor- ,
wood Springs: thence north along the |
Western line of the public rigid leading j
from Small Academy to Fort Valley via
Norwood Springs to the southwest comer
of lot 12 In the »th distrlet of Houston !
County; thence east along the south line
of lots 12 and 13 to the southwest comer
of lot 14 in the 9th district of Houston
Countv; thence north along the western
line of lots 14. 33, 34. 35, 36 and 37.
In the 9th district of Houston County;
to tho southwest corner of lot 99
In the 9th district of Houston County:
thence east along the south line of lot
38 to the southwest oomer of lot 27;
thence north along the west line of lots
27 and 26 to the southwest comer of lot
25; thence oast along the southern line
of lot 25 to the northwest comer of lot
7 In the 9th district of Houston County;
thenoe south along the western line of
lot 7 to the southwest comer of lot 7;
thence east along the south line of lot
7 In the 9th district and lots 10 and 23
In the 10th district of Houstoo County
to the southwest comer of lot 42 tn the
10th district of Houston County; thence
north along the western line of lots 42.
41 and 40 In the 10th district of Houston |
County to the run of Mossy Creek: ,
thence southeasterly along the run of I
Mossy Creek to the bridge over said
Mossy Creek on the National Highway !
tn Houston County and to the western
line of the National Highway: thence
north along the western ltne of the Na
tional Highway to the south line of lot
69 In the sth district of Houston County: i
thenoe west along the southern line of
said lot number 69 to the southwest cor
ner thereof, thence north along the west
ern line of lots numbered 69. 79 and
71 to the southwest comer of lot num
ber 72 In the sth district of Houston
County; thence west along the southern
line of lot number 59 to the southwest
corner of lot number 69; thence north
along the western line of lots numbered
69 and 58 to the southwest corner of
lot 57 In the sth district of Houston
County; thence east along the southern
line of lots numbered 57 and 74 to the
western line of the National Highway.
lh« nee north along the western line of
the National Highway to the run of
Echeeoonnee Creek; which Is the divid
ing line between ltlbb and Houston Coun
ties; thence west along the line between
the Counties of Houston and Bibb to
the point where Houston. Mibb and Craw
ford comer, same being the point or pilot
Os beginning '
'Thai the said new county -ball h.-
knewn as Peach County and the City
of Fort Valley shall be the county site
of the same ."
"Thai irrespective of other provision
•i this Constitution, saia Teach Count;
shall, upon ft« /*rofMon h<» to
Representative In ‘he House of Represen
tatives of this Staff, and said
County shall he entitled to on* 1 R'”' l ’’' 4 ’
sentatlve In the House of Representa
tives of Georgia until the apportionment
shall he changed by law. In accordance
with the provisions of this Constitution "
"That the jqni'l peach Countv shall be
attached to the s: me congressional dis
trict, and to the same judicial circuit
and to the same FPrit» f? notorial district
< ns those to which the County of Hous
ton is attached at the date of the rati
fication of this amendment."
"That all legal voters residing in the
limits of Peach County entitled to vote ,
for members of the General Assembly
under the Haws of Georgia shall on the
first Wednesday In January following the
ratification of this proposed amendment
, elect a Representative in the House of j
Representatives of this State, and an or- j
dlnary, a clerk of the Superior Court, i
a sheriff, a coroner a tax collector, a
tax receiver, a countv treasurer and a
county surveyor. Raid special election
shall be held at the several election pre- t
elncts. existing within the limits of said
Peach County at the time of the adop- j
tlon of this proposed amendment and the
ordinary of Houston County shall appoint
managers for such election precincts as
may be located in Houston County at
the time of the adoption of this proposed
; amendment. On the day succeeding the
holding of said election, the election man
agers shall meet at the council chamber
of the Mayor and Council of the City of
i Fort Valley and consolidate the vote for
J the officers named; and the general laws
of this State now In force as to elec- j
i tlons. consolidation of the votes, the j
return of the election and the commis
sion of officers shall he applicable to
the officers elected at the election here
jln provided for. The officers ejected .
1 at said election and *he Representative In
the House of Repressntatfves shall hold
I their officers until the next general elec-
I tlon for such officers throughout the
! and until their successors are
I elected and qualified. The General As
! rembly Is hereby given power to cre
ate any additional statutory offices In
I said county or statutory courts therein, ;
l and to provide for filling said offices. >
I Any vacancies that may occur before
| the next general election after the elec
| done as herein provided may be filled 1
In the same manner as such vacancies ,
are now filled under the law The jus
tices of the peace and constables resid
ing In the territory Included within the
limits of said Peach County shall ex
ercise the duties and powers of their
offices until new militia districts are laid
out In said Peach County and Justices
of the peace and constables thereof
"That the Superior Courts of said
Peach County shall be held on the first
Monday In March and the first Monday
In September of each year."
‘That the congressional and senatorial
districts, the Judicial circuit to which
said Peach County Is attached, the times
of holding the terms of the Superior
Court, and the limits of the county shall
be as designated above until changed by
••Provided, that the laws applicable to
the organisation of new counties as found
In Sections 829 to 848, Inclusive, of the
Code of 1910 of Georgia, and In any other
Acts or sections having applicability are
hereby made applicable to said Peach
County, whenever the same may be cre
ated by the proposed amendment to the
Constitution and that said county, when ‘
created, shall become a statutory county
and shall be subject at all times to all
laws applicable to all other counties of
this State."
"That the property of all taxpayers In
cluded within the limits of said Peach
County as herein above designated Is
hereby made ratably chargeable with any
debt that may have been incurred by
either of the counties from which the
territory included in the new Peach Ooun- I
ty in taken by the legally constituted au
thorities of the counties for the purpose !
of raising revenues for the benefit of
either of said counties, whether the said
debt Is a bonded debt or one which
has been Incurred for the benefit in any
way of either of said counties. The j
value of the taxable property included
within the limits of said Peach County .
at the time of the adoption of this amend- J
ment to the Constitution in proportion ,
to the value of the property in the coun- 1
ties from which the said Peach County
is taken shall determine the proportion '
ate amount of the indebtedness which
shall he borne by the property of the tax «
payers located within the limits of said ‘
proposed l’each County."
"Authority is hereby given the ordi- 1
nary of said Peach County and to the j
officers of the counties from which said <
territory Is t.iken who are charged with
the management of the business of said
counties to settle and agree upon an *
amount of said indebtedness that shall '
be assessed against and paid by the
said Peach County; and it Is hereby (
made the duty of the ordinary of the
said Peach County when the amount of
said indebtedness with which the said I
Peach County is chargeable is so ascer- 1
tulned to cause a tax to be levied upon
all the property within the limits of the i
said Peach County sufficient to pay off !
tmd discharge the proportionate part of
the indetbedness due by said Peach ■
thT event of the failure or refusal i
of th<; ordinary of Peach County to'
levy such a tax, it shall he the duty !
of the Judge of the Superior Court of
the circuit to which the said Peach
County Is attached to compel the ordinary j
of said Peach County to perform the |
duty herein required of him. In the
event of the failure of the authorities
of the counties from which the said
Peach County is created ami the ordinary
of the said Peach County to ascertain
and agree upon the amount of said in- i
debtednes. then either of said coun- 1
ties may bring a suit against the said
County of Peach in the Superior Court
of Peach County tor the purpose of hav
ing the proportion of said debt so as
sumed by the said Peach County ascer
tained and the said Superior Court Is
hereby given authority oml power to en
force whatever Judgment may be had
the result of such trial by compelling
the ordinary of said Peach County to
levy a tax sufficient for the payment
of the Indebtedness found to be due by
the said Peach County; cause the same
to be collected and paid to the const! -
tuted authorities of the county or coun
ties from which said Peach County Is cre
ased entitled to receive the same."
"It Is especially provided that all ad
I valorem and special taxes and all other
i revenues realised for the year in which
trhAs amendment is adopted or ratified
by the qualified voters of this State
shall he applied to any indebtedness, ex
cept bonded indebtedness due and ow- |
!ng by either of the counties from which i
the said Peach County is created; It j
being the purpose of this provision to
fix the basis of settlement between the I
counties Involved upon their financial |
condition on the 31st day of December
next following the ratification of this
“Sec. 2. He it further enacted by the
tuthority aforesaid and it is hereby en
icted by authority of same. That wh-n
--'ver the proposed amendment to the
'(institution shall be agreed upon by two
'.birds of the members elected to each
I >f the two Houses of the Genera! As- •
temhly and the same has been entered I
»n their Journals, with the yeas and nays
i taken thereon, the Governor shall be, i
1 uul he is. hereby authorised and in- '
j struct ed to cause the above proposed
amendment to he published in at least
j two newspapers in each congressional
district of this State, for the \h riod i
| of two months next preceding the time
of holding the next gt neral election.
! and the Governor Is further authorised
and directed to provide for the sub
‘ mission of the amendment proposed for
» ratification or rejection to the electors
J of this State at the next general Hec
l tlon to be held after such publication.
■ at which election every person shall be
qualified to vote who is entitled to rote
for members of the General Assembly
All persons voting at said election in fa
vor of adopting the sjud proposed amend
' men’ «Uali have Written or printed on
.Walker County Messenger, October 10, 1924.
1 their ballot the worAs 'For am-nta"!
i to the Constitution creating Peach Coun
■ tv.’ and all persons voting at said elec
\ tion against the adoption of said pro
-1 posed amendment shall have written or
printed on their ballot tie- words 'Against
the amendment to the Constitution cre
ating Peach County.’ ”
"If a majority of the electors qualified
I to vote for members of the General As
-1 semMy votlne thereon shall vote for the
ratification of said proposed amendment,
then the ’ said Peach County shall have
been duly created, and the Governor may,
when he ascertains the result from the
; Secretary of State, to whom the returns
! of said election shall be referred in the
manner as in cases of elections of mem
, bers of the General Assembly to count
anti ascertain the results, issue his proc
lamation for one insertion in one daily pa
pt r of this State, announcing such re
sult, and declaring the amendment rati
| fled."
| See. 3. "Re it further enacted, That all
.laws and parts of laws in conflict with
I this Act, be, and the same are, hereby
1 repealed."
Walker, Governor of said State, do
Issue this my proclamation hereby de
| daring that the proposed foregoing
amendment to the Constitution is sub
mitted for ratification or rejection to
the voters of the State qualified to
vote for members of the General As
sembly at the General election to be
held on Tuesday, November 4th, 1324.
By the Governor,
js. G. McLendon,
Secretary of State. ;• i ’
Georgia, Walker County.
John M. Mallicoat versus Rex Hen
ry, B. M. Henry, Hayden Henry, T. T.
, Henry, Mrs Rachel Roan, Suit to re
’ cover land, etc, in the Superior Court
of said county. No. 76, August term
I To the non-resident defendants,
j Hayden Henry, T. T. Henry and Mrs.
! Rachel Roan:
You are commanded to be and ap
pear at the next term of said Court,
! to be held on the first Monday in No
j vember 1924, and make answers in
! the above-named and stated case, as
i required by the order and process of
| said court.
Witness the Honorable Moses
Wright, Judge of said Court, this 4th.'
day of September 1924.
Deputy Clerk Superior Court,
Walker County, Ga.
! 1923 Ford Touring $175.00
1923 Ford Touring 200.00
1923 Ford Touring 250.00
, 1923 Ford Touring 190.00
1918 Ford Touring 75.00
1917 Light Covered Truck ... 100.00
1923 1-Ton Truck 175.00 1
1921 Ford Coupe 100.00
,1917 Light Truck 70.00
LaFayette, Ga.
To Stop a Cough Qulck
cough medicine which stops the cough by ,
healing the inflamed and irritated tissues.
SALVE for Cnest Colds, Head Colds and
Croup is enclosed with every bottle of
should be rubbed on the chest and throat
of children suffering from a Cold or Croup.
The Healing effect of Hayes’ Healing Honey in
side the throat combined with the healing effect of
Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of
he skin soon stops a cough.
Both remedies are packed in one carton and the
cost of the combined treatment is 35c. 0
Just* ask ycur druggist for HAYES’
(NOTE: Dr. Pierce !• president of
the Invalid*’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to
which for 50 year* past chronic suf
ferer* have been coming for special
ised treatment from all over the U. S.
A., Canada and foreign lands.)
Will Undo Much Evil
By Dr. V. M. Pierce
Knowing the vast amount of harm
wrought by diseases of the kidneys, and
having had opportunity to observe the
analyses and the successful methods of
treatment in thousands of cases of kid
ney trouble at the Invalids’ Hotel, I
have recently given to the public the
latest and perhaps most important of
the Dr. Pierce home remedies, “An
j uric" (anti-uric-acid) Tablets, which
1 now recommend to those who suffer
. with kidney backache, irregularity of
■ urination and the pains and disturbances
that come from excess of uric acid in
the blood.
"An-uric” can be had now at all the
drug stores. The mere drinking of a
cup of hot water each morning and a
little "An-uric” before even' meal
should bring remarkably quick improve
ment. Yc a may have ki -’nev trouble
and not know it. The danger signals
to be watched for and quickly heeded
are backache, depression, aches, pains,
heaviness, drowsiness, dizziness, irrita
bility, headaches, chilliness, rheumatic ■
twinges, swollen joints, gout.
1 »
Are you tired all the time; worn
out night and day? Does your back
ache as if it would break ? Do you
suffer dizziness, headaches, rheumatic
twinges or distressing urinary disor
ders? You have good cause, then, to
be alarmed about your kidneys. Do as
many of your townfolk recommend.
Use Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diure
tic to the kidneys. This LaFayette
case is convincing:
Mrs. W. F. Hegwood, Daugherty
St., says: “My kidneys were disorder
ed and acted too freely. My back both
ered me a great deal, especially dur
ing the day when I worked hard. The
bearing-down pains ■were very trouble
some. Headaches were also .constant
and were accompanied with. dizzy
spells. I used Doan’s Pills and they
put me in fine shape. I have had no
need of a kidney remedy since Doan’s
cured me.”
Mrs. Hegwood is only one of many
LaFayette People who have grate
fully endorsed Doan’s Pills. If your
back aches—if your kidneys bother
you, don’t simply ask for a kidney
remedy—ask distinctly for Doan’s
Pills the same that Mrs Hegwood had
—the remedy backed by home testir
mony. 60 cents at all dealers—Foster
Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
“When Your Back is Lame—Remem
ber the Name.”
18-25, 1924.
Fare and one half round trip from
stations in Georgia.
Tickets on sale daily from October
18 to 24, inclusive, also on October
25 for trains scheduled to arrive in
Macon before noon of that date. Final
limit October 27, 1924.
Ask ticket agent for further infor
10-24 stx THE RIGHT WAY
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones 63 and 212
LaFayette, Georgia.
HENRY’ STORE—Emporium for
We get the best and sell the best at
the lowest possible price. We deliver
—Use your telephone and let us serve
you. Phone 164, LaFayette, Ga.
FOR SALE—Cheap, one John S. Noel
gas lighting plant, complete; includ
in generator, pipe, fixtures and iron
Never been used. Good reason for sell -
ing. Address M. N. Morse, R. 6, Chat
tanooga, Tenn. 10-17 3tx
Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores
Energy and Vitality by Purifying and
Enriching the Blood. When you feel its
Strengthening, invigorating effect, see how
it brings color to the cheeks and how
it improves the appetite, you will ther
appreciate its true tonic value.
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simp!
Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. S
pleasant even children like it. The bloo
needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON tv
Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and
Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor
ating Effect 60c.
Delco Repairing and Parts.
18 Carlisle Apartments
W. 9th St. Chattanooga, Tenn
Tel. Main 5300. J
\ WC PLAN- k
li \ anal /II
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/Aiv / m j;p|
© \ mm
yA \ A ■ p
i>r \ A / I* i»i ,
ucjfai jj&/ m ii w*
QPK hu»ine*e com* *
want a new structure, jjj^
PL vt u want an old one JP
Q ijj|
i 1
Feast for Children!
Spread it with Peanut Butter
This is the appetite age—always hungry, because they
are so active and need so much good wholesome food to “play
on and to "grow on." If they arc to grow into healthy ro
bust men and women, do not let them go undernourished
when they are young.
Give them lots of rich weil-baked bread spread with pea
nut butter or jam. If you give them Merita Bread they will
get well-balanced portions of flesh, bone and nerve building
materials. Serve this wonderfully fine flavored bread to
grown-ups, too, for they will enjoy its rich milk-like flavor.
Old people may eat all they want, for only pure vegetable
shortening is used and therefore it is easy to digest. More
than a million people know and appreciate the superiority of
Merita Bread. You must try it. You will enjoy it.
Qvh daily A*
/ at your grocers
TT'OR a large temporary structure
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For a large permanent building—
the heaviest roofing.
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inexpensive, light roofing.
For a small permanent building
the best light roofing.
Carey Ready Roofings give you the
ideal roofings for all these require
ments resistant to sun, wind,
ice, storms, snow, gas, fumes, cin
ders, and smoke at the lowest
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Tell us your building specifications,
and let us show you the righ t Carey
Ready Roofing for your purpose.
“A Roof for Every Building”
JAMES SUPPLY CO., Distributor., Chattanooga, Tenn.
LaFayette. Geo rgia.
1 New Fordson
1 Used
2 “ Sampsons
1 “ 25 b. p. Skid Boiler ,
2 “ Steam Engines
Hardware Co.