Newspaper Page Text
Georgia, Walker County.
To the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of A. E. Tates, E. F.
Wheeland and Z W. Wheeland res
pectfully shows unto the court:
1. That heretofoVe, at the February
Term 1920 of the Superior Court of
Walker County, Georgia, and on
March 4th., 1920, A. E. Yates, Don
Harris and E. F. Wheeland tiled their
petition seeking a charter for the cor
poration known as the Yates Bleach
ery Company, setting forth in said
petition certain reasons why said
company should be incorporated and
providing certain provisions in said
petition, and that thereafter, on April
14th, 1920, they were granted a char
ter providing certain limitations and
provisions, which said charter ap
pears of record in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Walk
er County, Georgia, in Book of Char
ters No. 2, page 19, said charter ap
pearing in Book 11 of the Minutes of
the Superior Court at page 344.
2. These petitioners, A. E. Yates, E.
F Wheeland and Z W Wheeland, show
that in the original charter, as grant
ed, there was a maximum provision
that there could be issued only SIOO,-
000.00 of common stock, and SIOO,-
000.00 of preferred stock, at the par
value of SIOO.OO each, and these pe
titioners now desire, for themselves
and their associates, that said charter
as originally issued, be so amended as
to provide that said corporation, by
proper corporate authority may issue,
if desired, a maximum of $250,-
000.00 of common stock and $100,000.-
00 of preferred stock, so that when
said charter is amended said corpora
tion may, by proper authority, issue
as much as $250,000.00 of common
stock, if desired, by corporate author
ity at any time hereafter.
3. These petitioners further show
that heretofore, on' September 29th.,
1924 at a meeting of the stockholders
of the Yates Bleachery Company, this
provision was authorized by proper
corporate authority, of said corpora
tion that a request be made to file a
petition and request that the charter
be sa amended as to provide a maxi
mum provision of $250,000. of com
mon stock, whereas the original char
ter now provides for a miximum of
only $100,000.00.
4. Petitioners show that the author*
ity given as designated in the last
paragraph above, is hereto attached
by copy and made a part of this pe
5. Petitioners show that in the pur
view of the law they have a right to
request and have provided for them
the right to issue the stock, as re
quested in this amendment to the ori
ginal charter.
Wherefore, petitioner prays that
the amendment sought may be allow
ed and granted, and that these peti
tioners have all the powers, privileges
and immunities set forth and that the
original charter be so amended as to
embrace and carry the provisions
herein sought.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
Georgia, Walker County.
Office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Walker County, Georgia.
I, Thomas WBryan, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Walker County,
Georgia, hereby certify that the fore
going is a true and correct copy of
the application for an amendment to
the original charter, as same appears
of file in this office.
This 3rd day of October, 1924.
10-31 4t Clerk Superior Court.
And Pencils from Henry’s Store,
LaFayette, Ga.
The Buicks
in daily service
Buick performance.
Huick leads inperformance/
Buick-Cadillac .Company
329-31-33 Market Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Wh— betfr automobfl— f bulk, B«kk wfll build thmm
Statement of the Ownership. Manage
ment. Circulation Etc., Required
By the Act of Congress of Aug
ust 24, 1912.
Os Walker County Messenger, pub
lished weekly at LaFayette, Georgia
For October 8, 1924.
State of Georgia, County of Walker.
Before me, a Notary Public in and
for the State and county aforesaid,
personally appeared E. P. Hall, Jr.,
who having been duly sworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he
is The publisher of the Walker County
Messenger and that the following is;
to the best of his knowledge and be
lief, a true statement of the owner
ship, management etc of the aforesaid
publication for the date shown in the
above caption, required by the Act
of August 24, 1912, embodied in sec
tion 443, Postal Laws and Regula
tions. to-wit:
1. That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor
and business managers are: E. P.
Hall, Jr., LaFayette, Ga.
2. That the owners are: E. P. Hall
Jr., LaFayette, Ga.
That the known bondholders, mort
gagees and other security holders
owning or holding 1 per cent or more
of total amount of bonds, mortgages,
or other securities are: None.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 7th day of October 1924.
Walke* County, Georgia.
Seal. My commission expires 4-7-28
Georgia, Walker County. •
Will be sold before the courthouse
door of said county, within the legai
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
November, Nov. 4, to the highest and
best bidder for cash the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit: All that
tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the Bth District and 4th Sec
tion of said county, and being thirty
(30) acres off of lot of land No. 128.
in said district and county, commenc
ing at Ringgold road, runnnig thence
south 15 rods along the original west
line of said lot No. 128, to a corner,
said corner being one-half way be
tween the northwest corner and south
west corner of said lot No 128; thence
due east 160 rods to original east
boundary line of said lot No. 128;
thence due north along said boundary
'33rods; thence due west along the
northern boundary line of said lot No.
128, 118 rods to LaFayette and Ring
gold road; thence along said road
southwest to point of beginning. The
aforesaid real estate levied upon and 1
to be sold as the property of Missou
ri Wise ,to satisfy a fi fa lately issued
from the Superior Court of said
county in favor of S. P. Hall vs Mis
souri Wise. Tenant in possession no
L. W. HARMON, Sheriff.
It Started Somethiing
“Your medicine is the talk of the
town since pulling me from the grave.
I have told dozens about it and I
know of at least ten who are now tak
ing Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy, all
with good results. I never saw any
thing like it. One man who had been
operated on for gall stones and had
them come back, took it and says his
symptoms are all gone now and he
swears he is cured.”
It is a simple harmless
preparation that removes
the catarrhal mucus from the intestin
al tract that allays the inflammation
which causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, inc'ud
ing appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded.—Loach’s
and druggists everywhere.
Walker County Messenger. October 10. 1924.
Georgia, Walker County.
Will he sold before the courthouse
door of said county within the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
November, 1924, Nov. 4th, 1924, to
the highest and best bidder for cash,
the following described real estate
All that traTt or parcel of land ly
ing and bei lg in the 9th District and
4th Section of Walker Countv, Geor
gia, being nine (9) acres, more or
less, of lot of land No. 222, bounded
on the west by land of Wallaceville
church; on the north by lands of J.
L. Miller, Jr; on the east by lands of
J. H. Dalton and W. L. Hixon, and
on the south by the Durham Branch
of the Central of Georgia Railway Co.
The aforesaid real estate levied up
on and to be sold as the property of
Mollie Johnson Baker to satisfy a fi
fa lately issued from the Superior
Court of said county, in favor of G.
L. Bonds and against Mollie Johnson
Baker. Tenant in possession notified.
This 29th day of Sept. 1924.
10-31 L. W. HARMON, Sheriff.
We wish to thank the good people
of Walker and Catoosa Counties for
their kindness shown us during the
loss of our home by fire. May God
bless them all—R. L. Mitchell and
Advance Fall Sale
At Winer Department Store
to attend This Sale; We save you money on Your Purchases.
The Reasons Why—we buy for several stores and buy in large
quantities and do a Wholesale Business and we have Resident
Buyers in the Eastern Markets.
Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear 82 Men’s y ’
127 Ladies’ High Grade Pirot Twill (yjj
Dresses, Latest Styles; value 07 JJQ ———l—
to sls. Special on This Sale V' •03 384 Yardiofeheßestorade , .
168 Extra High Grade Dresses. These are CIQ QC Outing; 22c value, per Yd AOC
$20.00 Dresses. Sale Price
$9.95 Shoes For The Entire Family
S^.. u . d !?:' $5.95 to $29.50 One Rack of Ladies’ Shoes, value <M AD
$5. Close-Out Price . . . V ■
Sweaters Sculfler Shoe Special
tjust like Picture, $7.50 value All Solid Leather,
One Lot of Ladies’All-Wool 1 1 QC. , r* ,
Sweaters; $3.50 values ▼ l.ww $2.50 ValUeS. Sale
Boys’ All-Wool School Pfice
See These Wonderful
Values. ‘ < ggE gg>
11. 1 Army Qoods Winer Department Sta MILLINERY
Men's Wool Hose, Coats, , „ . . „ 246 t 0 select from '
Shirts, Blankets, Pants, Navy Ijar ayette, VjeOTgia Value to JB.OO
Sweaters Hob-Naii and Field stores Also at Chattanooga and 98
bhoes; all these are genuine . S
Government Goods. * DftlwOH, NONE HIGHER.
TECH, OCT. 11, 1924.
Fare and one-half round trip.
Tickets on sale October 10, and for
trains scheduled to reach Atlanta by
noon of October 11; final limit Oct. 13,
Ask ticket agent for further infor
10-10 2t THE RIGHT WAY
STOP—When in Summerville stop at
the New Depot Case. 10-17 4t
Plies Cured In 6 to 1-4 Days
Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails
to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Precluding
Piles Instantly relieves Itching Piles, ou
can get restful sleeo after first auolication 60c.
Direct To The
Established 1873
In Business For 51 Years
4-10 25 G mos.
Habitual Constipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
“LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly and
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to indace regular action. It Stimulates and
Regulates. _ Very Pleasant to Take. 60c
per bottle. *
Auction Sale
On October 18th, beginning at 10 A. M., at my resi
dence on Cove Street in the City of LaF.ayette, I will
offer for .sale to the highest bidders for cash, all my
household and kitchen furniture, consisting of kitchen
range, kitchen utensils, dishes, cutlery, Beds and bed
steads, dressers, chairs, carpets, rugs, matting and many
other articles too numerous to mention. Also garden
tools and lawn mower. All these articles will positive
ly be sold to the highest bidders.
Mrs. S. J. Shaw