Newspaper Page Text
Representative coverage of Wilkinson County and surrounding territory ^or over 60 years
Street of Irwinton
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Hatfield and family were
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rackley of
Uvalda. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gra
ham of Unadilla, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Bragg and daughter, Susan
of Eglin, Florida.
Sunday was Mr. Julian. Blood
worth’s birthday and his I ible
Class surprised him with a gift,-
a tie clasp. Mr. Julian is a fine
teacher and we wish more Meth
odists would come out and hear
him. It might take a little plan
ning, but we nearly always find
time to do what we really want
to do. We have gocfd leaders and
teachers and singers. Last Sun
day Mrs. Roy Burgamy had one
pupil in her class,- her own little
son. Mr. J, T. Roberts says all
other Sunday Schools around us
except the Irwinton Methodists
are growing-by leaps and bounds
How about making Sunday
School attendance a New Years
resolution,- and come next Sun
Lindsey Parker has fuond a
beautiful collie dog in the woods
about 4 miles from town on the
Dublin road. He thinks it must
have been lost from a car. Lind
sey has been giving it each day
its daily bread, but the poor dog
is too frightened to come to him.
Like mv little wild black kittens,
we have to put the food down
and turn our backs before they
come to dinner.
Dr. and Mrs. Ned Davis and
children will celebrate Christ
mas in their new home
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landers are
in their new home in Irwinton.
Hope Santa has been notified as
to the whereabouts of Butch and
his sister!
The office force of Edgar Fro
thers was entertained at a dinner
party Saturday night.
Mr and Mrs. Ben Harrison of
Milledgeville were guests of Mrs.
Rosa Lindsey and Mrs. Byington
Sunday afternoon.
Edgar Pendleton is at Macon
Hospital. His car and one driven
by a negro collided between Gor
dons and Irwinton Sunday morn
ing. Edgar had several ribs frac
tured and his lip badly cut. They
say his car was damaged beyond
Taylor Justice has come home
after aseige of flu in the Macon
Among those recovering from
attacks of flu are Mrs. Irwin Ev
erett, Mrs, John Boyd Jackson.
Ed and Dana Byington. And we
don’t feel very chioper ourselves.
We miss the Toomsboro news
this week. Guess ever.' body is
too busy baking cake.
C Perhaps - You’d like to please your patrons with a nice appropriate Christmas Greeting in our Dec. 24th issue,
® We have ’em. Call 2263 and we’d be glad to show you. Your friends will appreciate your Xmas thoughtfulness.
Vol. 60 Irwinton. Wilkinson County, Georgia. Friday. Dec. 17, 1954 £\p.49
4-H Sectional Award to Georgia Boy
SECTIONAL winner in the 4-H
Entomology program, Sam
Lewis, 17, of Culverton, was among
the 12 4-H’ers chosen to attend the
33rd National 4-H Club Congress in
His splendid record showed that
he had completed four years work in
identifying and collection of insects.
He has learned which are harmful
and which are helpful to man, and
how to control the harmful ones.
He has collected 225 insects of 125
different varieties. He has made his
own mounting boxes and keeps a
record of his progress. Seeing Dr.
Lund’s collection in Athens opened
his eyes to what can be done in ento
mological pursuits and he plans to
continue his interest and perhaps
make it his career.
Sam has taken six years in 11 other
projects, including, Garden, Wild
Life, Forestry, Orchard and Live
For six years Sam has been leader
of Entomology in his club, which is
led by James Cheely. He has made
18 insect exhibits, winnir ~ top place
in the county for the past two years.
Sam belongs to the elee club and is
Rose Garden Club
The Rose Garden Club’s De
cember meeting with Mrs. R. W.
Culpepper turned out to be a de
lightful Christmas Party.
The living room was decorated
with Holiday arrangements in
white and vivid blue:- the tele
vision cabinet was topped bv a
madonna with a 1 fan arrange
ment of white glads for back
ground and a cluster of blue bau
bles for accent. A manger snow
scene adcrned the mantel and
other decorations carried out the
The lace covered dining table
held an arrangement of nandinas
and the silver candelbra, sent by
Major and Mrs. V itsellfrom Lon
don, held red candles. Red-coat
ed Santa sped across the buffet
in his sleigh, and added bis bit
to the red and silver color scheme
of this room
Mrs J H Skelton introduced
Mr. < harlton, who cleared u p
some points about the new natu
ral gas system now being install
ed in town. Mrs T. W Player
gave a talk on Poinsettia culture.
During the social hour gifts
were exchanged and Mrs M E.
Beck won a prize.
As this was the last meeting
of the year, the members gave
Mrs Council a hand made, ha> d
painted plate, (the work of Mrs.
A K Mathis ) as a token of ap
preciation for her fine service as
president of the club. And as we
‘ sped the parting” we also “wel
comed the coming” president,
Mrs Mathis, who will fill the of
fice in 1955.
Delicious refreshments were
served bv the hostess assisted bv
Mrs. J Marvin Hall. Mrs. Ralph
Culpepper Jr. was also a guest.
% — '
Folks away from home like to
read The Bulletin.
1-^ ■J I
W < J
Sam Lewis
on the football team at Sparta High
School. He is a Boy Scout and be
longs to the FFA.
Sam’s educational trip was pro
vided by Hercules Powder Co.
He was presented a 19-jewel wrist
watch as state winner in the program.
Mr H. A Price of the Georgia
Power Company writes as follows
*‘We thought that the citizens
of Wilkinson County would be
interested to know that the Ga.
Power Company tax payment on
property in Wilkinson County
for the year 1954 totaled $9. 351.
• 73.
A check is being delivered to
to the Countv Tax Collector in
amount of $8,931 08. $4,490.54 of
which is for general county pur
poses and $4,490.54 for. school
district taxes. We are delivering
this week to Gordon. Mclntvee
and Toomsboro a total of $370.65
for municipal taxes. This mak
ing a grand total of $9 351.73 ”
Many thaks and best wishes
to our good friend, the Georgia
Power Company.
Completion of the nearly S3OO,
000 Wilkinson County School
plant, made-possible by a county
Wide bond issue of $220,000, has
written another chapter in the
local education program On Sun
day afternoon, Dec. 19, from two
to five o’clock open house will be
held At this time parents and
friends are invited to visit the
new school Refreshments will
be served in the lunchroom by a
committee of senior students.
The modern structure consoli
dated four schools throughout
the county when some 350 young
sters marched into the new build
ing on Sept. 6.
This new plant is in keeping
with the recommendations made
to the County Board of Education
by a Reviewing committee This
committee spent three days in
the county in June of 1951 review
ing the findings of a county sur
vey committee and making first
Irwintoh, Ga.
2 Shows Daily -7 & 9
Saturday 3 Shows Plus
Late Show at 10 P. M.
Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday & Thursday
Gloria Graha mt-Cesar Rcmtio
Friday & Saturday
Audie Murphy-Dao Duryea
Susan Cabot
Son of Geronimo No 8
Bill Williams-Jtan Porter- Jim Bo\d
A Christmas play-pageant will
be presented at the Mclntyre
Baptist f hurch Sunday night at
7:30 o’clock
This pageant will differ from
the usual in certain respects and
should be a great blessing to all
who see it
Those having part in the pag
eant are as follows: Carol Eady,
Delma Daniels, Brenda Blesset,
Evie v 'ood. Mrs. J. W. Harwell.
Svlvia Hall, Jerome Tavlor, Clau
dia Philips. Paul Vood. Joo Phil
ips. and a hidden chorus. Lynne
Carpenter will be soloist and Mrs
Carpenter, pianist.
Everyone is cordially invited
to attend.
hand observations of the school
plants of the system.
This modern plant consists of
eighteen instructional units and
a gymnasium.
The school was designed to pro
vide maximum com fort and
learning experiences for all stu