The looking glass. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1894-????, December 25, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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**************** ♦ : Out-of<own Gossip: ♦ » MARIETTA. As I anticipated in my article of two weeks ago. Marietta was treated to one of the hottest political campaigns in the history of Cobb county on Tuesday of last week. Some months ago I reviewed the situation and ex plained the manner in which Glover's old political opponents had finally become reconciled to his can didacy. It was thought at the time that this sudden change of front was really a deep-laid scheme to hide a deal of some kind, and such has proven to be the case. Had Glover acted on the advice of his friends and named his councilmen several weeks ago he would have doubtless been elected. As it was, he withheld their names until the last moment, and only mad e them public when directly requested to do so by his opponents, who were, at the time, considering the ad visability of placing another candidate in the field. When he finally gave out the names of the gentle men who would run on his ticket they proved unsatis factory to the gentlemen who composed the meeting, and Mr. Brumby was immediately suggested as a formidable candidate by which to beat the Glover combine. All of this happened on Monday night. The Brumby forces immediately went to work and before morning had secured enough votes to frighten the Gloverites into feverish activity. No one thought of going to bed, and the town was in a turmoil all night. Tuesday the battle began, and was fought bitterly until the polls closed. Both sides used questionable methods in securing votes, and money was spent freely. Early in the day a serious difficulty was nar rowly averted. Brumby attempted to vote a negro who, so Glover claimed, was not of age. A dispute arose between the two gentlemen and .Brumby finally drew a pistol and attempted to shoot Glover. He was disarmed, however, by friends of both parties, and the trouble quieted down. Marietta is a prohibition town, but a stranger would never have known it had he been here on Tuesday. It is true that no liquor was sold openly, but it was to be had for the asking, and the number of drunks was unprecedented. The result of the election was a complete surprise to everyone. The Brumby forces are jubilant, and the Gloverites correspondingly dejected. Glover has announced that he will contest the elec tion, and if he does some sensational developments may be expected on both sides. Taken as a whole the election was about the most thoroughly disgraceful affair that has ever taken place in Cobb county. Fights and drunkenness were the order of the day, and reputable citizens used all sorts of shady methods to further the ends of their respective candidates. For good service, cooking, and food, go to the Kimball Case. It is the best. THOMASVILLE. I have referred from time to time to the corrupt methods of some of our local politicians who manage somehow to keep in office, although their records are well-known to every one in the city. The board of aidermen is practically dominated by one man; his influence is due to the fact that every member of the board with one exception is under obligations to him. Two or three years ago the city established a fire department, and through the autocratic alderman’s in fluence his nephew was elected chief of the depart ment. The young fellow is totally incompetant, and spends fully half his time in an intoxicated condi tion. On several occasions the engines of the de partment have come very near being blown up as a result of his carelessness. Several ineffectual efforts have been made to have him removed, but his uncle’s puissant pull has de feated them. He seems to have no regard whatever for public opinion, so sure is he that no conduct of his can cause his removal. RnwdPtl Lithia Water cures Kidney UU Yv civil an( j kj n( i re d troubles. LULA. A sensation which involves some of the most promi nent people of Belton, a small town near this place, is just now one of the absorbing topics of the day, and some racy developments may be looked for In the near future. The story, as I hear it, is as follows: A prominent merchant of Belton, who is a deacon in the church and has a widespread reputation for piety, induced a widow and her daughter to move to his farm, which is situated about a mile from town. The girl is a young, unsophisticated country lass, and soon fell a victim to the wiles of the canting old hypocrite. Before many months had elapsed her con dition became apparent, and the deacon was fright ened almost to death. He secured the services of his family physician to perform a certain operation, but the girl absolutely refused to hear of such a proceed ing. Seeing certain exposure staring him grimly in the face he became desperate and finally made a propo sition to a well-known young man to marry the girl. It is said that he offered a large farm and a good sum of money to the couple if they would consent to the marriage, but both of them scornfully rejected his overtures. It is probable that the matter will be taken up by the church authorities and the deacon unceremoniously fired from the flock. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy corrects in digestion in five minutes. Try it. CALHOUN. Among the bloods of Calhoun is a young fellow who is one of ths officers of a social organization known as the W. W. L.’s. He has been desperately smitten on the daughter of one of our most prominent citizens, but that gentlemen has refused him the house on account of his dissipated habits. Several nights ago he attended church, and was to all appearances in a semi-intoxicated state. He oc cupied a seat on the very front row,and was soon snor ing sonorously. In vain the preacher tried to drown the noise made by the sleeper. Each time he paused in his discourse the nasal notes of the slumberer rang out ciear and distinct, and could be heard all over the house. He was finally awakened, and unceremoniously hustled out of the church. For fine custom-made clothing, go to McHugh, 14 E. Alabama Street. JACKSON. The sensation of the hour in Jackson is the attempt of a well-known merchant of this place to show that one of his competitors is in an insolvent condition. The trouble dates back some months, and arose from various causes. The two firms have been rivals in business for some time and each has used every effort to gain the trade of the other. A few days ago, so the story goes, the head of one of the firms is said to have written a large Northern house, with whom his rivals dealt extensively, and stated that they were in a bankrupt condition, and advised immediate col lection of all outstanding accounts. The libeled firm demanded the author of this letter and is said to have obtained not only the name of the writer but the letter itself. The letter has been refer red to a prominent attorney, and I understand that suit for $20,000 has been instituted. Grl tTI P oysters, fish and all seasona- ViuniVj fcj e v j an( j s are served quickly and properly at Durand’s, in the depot. The epicurean and fastidious can there find just what they want with a service unexcelled anywhere in Atlanta. EDWARDSVILLE, ALA. A certain young man who resides at Bell’s Mills makes an occasional visit to Anniston, accompanied by a dashing looking creature who is passed as his wife. On several occasions the couple have regis tered at different hotels and boarding-houses and spent several days in each other’s company. In some manner the authorities found out that the man’s companion was really a woman of the half worid, and have determined to nab them the first time they arrive in the city. The man comes of an excellent family and moves in good society in Bell’s Mills. Messrs. J. E. Burgess, W. H. Greer, W. H. Howie, and H. S. Abercrombie, who have been attending Chattanooga Medical College, are at home spending the holidays. They will return January 3d. Robert Bober, a student at Athens, Tenn., is at home for the Christmas holidays. Caql Best Jellico lump, $4.00 ton. tvui. Best j e uj c 0 nut, $3.50 ton. A good nut coal, for stove, $2.50 ton. Geor gia Coal Co., 48 West Alabama. Tele phone 794. CARROLLTON. I notice that the Carroll county papers are jumping on the judge and solicitor of the city court with both feet. In an editorial in the Carroll county Times it is openly charged that a poor devil was sent to the chain-gang for six months for carrying concealed weapons, and that a fellow attorney who was charged with the same offense was only fined sls. This happens to be an absolute fact about which there can be no possible dispute, and is a fine com mentary on the manner in which our courts are con ducted. The action of the judge and solicitor has caused a good deal of unfavorable comment, but there is little The Inking Giass- possibility that any action will be taken. The only thing to do under the circumstances is to grin and bear it. It is practically useless for our grand juries to find true-bills against men for running blind tigers. If the offender be a man with a pull, the judge is sure to impose as light a fine as possible. The sillcitor is perfectly willing to agree to such an arrangement, as all he is after is the costs. In the event that a heavy fine is imposed he stands little chance of getting any thing, MOULTRIE. W. F. Rodgers, a young married man about thirty years of age, who has been in the jewelry business in this place for some months, skipped out one night recently, taking with him a valuable collection of jewelry and repair tools. A young girl who had been employed by him as clerk, Miss Josie Kennedy, accompanied him. He leaves a wife and child who have been visiting friends in a neighboring county for some time past. Rodgers has excellent family connections, and since his residence in Moultrie has been regarded as an upright, industrious fellow, His business has apparently been in a flourishing condition, and it was generally supposed that he was making money. The couple were last seen in Thomasville, but all efforts to find out where they went from that place have failed. They took the late train from Thomas ville and have not been seen since. i vans Produce Co. f J Wholesale and Retail Commission I 1 Merchants. F 1 ....headquarters f0r.... J Dress’d Poultry, P. New York = Spare-Ribs, / \ Burback and = = Back-Bone, / I \ Jersey 1 = Apples, (, 5 Sweet Potatoes, =• J Oranges. f Tennessee 1 = Cranberries, K Creamery = Eggs, w Table 1 1 Cheese. Butter, etc. j Che Evans Produce Co., t I 26 Ulest Ittitcbeii street. f I They are the Best in Town. f T. This is the verdict of hundreds T of smart buyers. > ( MEN’S SUITS: * | SPiClflh*** Kat slo.oo A X Holiday Sale. ( $12.50 Each. Tj o We also ( MEN’S TROUSERS: <3 X continue ' $5.00 4,, X Y our sale ) $4.50 at ~ K of ... ' M $4.00 a pair. K " 15 doz. Derbys, worth from $2.00 to $3.00 each, * J- Ht $1.50 each. $ 9 Sale Continues Until Xmas. * > Eiseman & Weil, S No. 3 Whitehall St. | He that getteth A WIFE Getteth A GOOD THING But he may LOSE HER Unless he gets A HOME. AVOID THIS DISASTER BY CONSULTING South Kirkwood Land Company, 23% Marietta Street, Room 313, ’Phone 392. SULLIVAN & CRICHTON’S ANO SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. QQk FOR A FULL BUSINESS COURSE. Including .Stationery, text-books,etc., yvU Bi« demand for grad uates-more than 3000 in positions Awarded silve- Medal b- Atlanta Exposition. Cata logue Free. SULLIVAN t’RJi'HT'QN. Atlanta. Gn. GRAND SUNDAY AND MONDAY i at . . . .NIGHTS. ... I At D. 15 Sacred Concert Sunday Night. The Clara Schumann Ladies’ Orchestra. The Host Unique Musical Organization in America. Composed Entirely of Ladies. Prices, 25, 50 and 75 cts. Sale at Grand Box-Oftice. ’Phone 1079. Wednesday and Thursday I Matinee Dec. 29th and 30th. ( Thursday. OTIS SKINNER PRESENTING THE NEW ROMANTIC PLAY Prince Rudolph. A COMPLETE PRODUCTION. SPECIAL SCENERY. BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES, A GREAT CAST. Sale Opens Monday at Grand Box-Office. 'Phone 1079. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Dec. 31st. Matinee Saturday. ban. Ist. MR. JAMES O’NeiLL AND AN EXCELLENT COMPANY, IN TWO GREAT PRODUCTIONS. Friday Eve and... ( L * x Saturday Matinee '( v, I*IStO. The Dead Heart! n!ght. D . A . Y . (HENRY IRVING'S VERSION). Tour directed by Wm. F. Connor. Sale Opens WEDNESDAY at Grand Box-Office. COLUMBIA ONE Beginning F| nn AT Matinees solid MUNDAY,UeC. LI t WEEK * Saturday. The Peters & Green COMEDY CO. Presenting a New Series of Farce Comedies, New Dances, New Songs, New Specialties, New Faces. POPULAR PRICES. ( LADIES FREE Monday I k _ night if with a person hold- IO C . J ing a paid 35-cent ticket. 25c. I 000 35 c. I Sale at Miller’s Book-Store. All Run Down? Blood thin, stomach out of trim, bowels and kidneys stopped act ing ? Right them quick. Start at seat of trouble—the digestion. “ Taber’s Pepsin Compound ” cor rects all stomach ills, aids diges tion naturally, surely, brings back health. SI.OO at druggists, or Dr. TABER MFC. CO., Savannah, Ga. 11