The looking glass. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1894-????, December 25, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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12 BE HAPPY NOW. [Written for the Looking Glass.] There is a land, where music dreaming Sings sweet and low; A thousand shadowy forms are gleaming In the pale glow Os memory’s half-light o’er them streaming— The long ago. There is a land of visions splendid— A golden clime. Where fame, love, happiness, seem blended, In hues sublime; The present by it how transcended — The coming time. There is a land whence airs entrancing Forever stray;' Where summer suns are ever glancing Athwart the day; A region filled with youth’s romancing— The far away. Why yearn beyond the bars that bound us, When year by year These visions ever fade beyond us? Why not uprear A heaven of happiness around us — The now and here? —J. A. Edgerton. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints Having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, and desiring to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who wish it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail, bv addressing, with stamp, naming this paper. W A. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, HAVE YOU SEEN IT? The Graphophone—“The Machine That Talks.” It is the wonder of the century and Edison’s crowning achievement for 1897 It reproduces sound in all its inflections and cadences; its range is unlimited. Music, oratory, song and laughter are caught and made subservient to its will. You can sing to it and it will sing back at you for years to come. It will repeat your laughter; you can dictate your busi ness letters to it, and turn it over to your typewriter who can then get off the cor respondence without your aid. You can talk to it now and converse with yourself years hence. It is a great thing; come and see it at 180 Peachtree Street, corner Ellis, opposite Aragon. Let us show it to you, it will cost you nothing to see, to hear and to enjoy, and if yo.i want to buy it will cost you only $lO, sl2, and $25. It is a most desirable Xmas or New Year gift. A Coal Innovation. New firms and new ideas are usually syn onymous. This is particularly true of the new firm under the style and name of the Keiley Coal and Ice Co., with offices at 45 Marietta Street. When ordering their supply of coal they bought a car load of coal scuttles, and propose to give away, free, one scuttle with every load of coal. They will handle only the best grades of standard coal and guarantee to give full 2,000 pounds for a ton, on the short est possible notice. They are prepared to fill all orders from 100 pounds to 100 car loads and invite public patronage and comparison of prices and qualities. Style, quality and workmanship can be had from McHugh the tailor, 14 E. Ala bama Street. RnwHptl Lithia Water speedily W UCU cures Insomnia. For Christmas presents go to head quarters where you find things both useful and ornamental. Toys that are serviceable and household furnishing suitable for the Miss or Madam. Largest stock south of New York. The Fitten- Methyin Company, 69 Whitehall Street. U? California 1 W/ Claret Wine. 1 a W e have just received 50 barrels °f Qaret W* ne from Rosenblatt o? & C°’’ L° s Angeles, California. JI , This is a very fine, full-bodied B CM, equal t 0 any high ' priced in W. \ / w * ne so *d- One Bot| les, 25c. $ One QalJu * 8 ’ £ ip / The price named is less than the • | - r ffl / Same quality ot Claret can be Op m {J / bought usually, but owing to the ab r ,f / larger quantity bought at once and « ill l 11 Iff I qa v i / / paying CASH enables us to make <a*a ’ j Vfi / this unusually low price. Every Ax' family should take advantage of C* <ao offer and supply themselves Bp with a high grade table Claret. £ JACOBS’ PHARMACY, 1 TWO STORES : J £ * T ? u ARIETTA STREET. fitfl voiv«.£.o. ( 23 WHITEHALL STREET ts ... The Birthplace of Cut Prices. ... S? STATEMENT. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Os AllanU, At the Glose ot Business December 15th, 1897. CONDENSED FROM REPORT TO COMPTROLLER. L ' AB ' U - TIES : U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000.00 Undivided Profits net 45,000.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds 4,484.38 CircuUfion 3i.pi.72 Stocks—Securities, etc 2.723.29 Deposits .11 .*’.ll 7. J Due from 8ank55221,414.18 ~ " In Vault 141,315.68 362,729.86 $1,362,792.39 STATE OF GEORGIA J $1,362,792.39 Fulton County. < b " fca " s ° ien ’" iy m ,o Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 17th dayiof December, 1897. W. D. Ellis, Jr., Correct, Attest: Notary Public Fulton Co. W. P. Inman, J. D. Turner, E. C. Peters. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OF ATLANTA, GA. At the Close of Business Dec. 15, 1897, as Called for by the Comptroller of Currency: RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discountsss69,B7l.7B Capital «. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 8,737.90 Surplus *200,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 9.489 a6 Net Profits .7. U.S. Bonds. 100,000.00 Circulation 87840 00 Premium on U. S. Bonds 13,225.00 Deposits 654’00? 70 Stocksand Bonds 1,00000 634,905 79 Redemption Fund Cash on Hand and in Banks 249,200.63 $956 ’ 024 ’57 “$956,024.57 OFFICERS : £ RA ?; K a Hawkins - President. Jos. A. McCord, Cashier. H. M. Atkinson, Vice-President. Thos. C. Erwin, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: 11. M. Atkinson, John W. Grant, H. Y. McCord, m. a, Pall, Frank Hawkins, J. Carroll Payne. The Inking Giass. Want Department Notices under this head will be published for ONE CENT A WORD. If you have a want to fill, advertise it here. Lowest price, 25 Cents, Miscellaneous, M. Greer & Co,. Jewelers and Opticians, 93 Peach tree Street, headquarters for pearls. Fine repairing a specialty. ts fyPIUM and Whisky habits cured at home without Vv pain. Book of particulars free. B. M.WOOL LEY, M.D., 104 N. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. iyrFebs-98 WALL PAPER, window shades and room-moldings. Low prices. Get estimates. Samples mailed to out-of-town customers. C. J. Daniel, Manager, 40 Mariettta street. ts. THE LOOKING GLASS Select Business Directory. The Best Known are the Best. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. DORSEY, BREWSTER & HOWELL 4-1-98 30% Whitehall Street. GLENN & ROUNTREE, 401-404 Temple Court GARRETT & NEUFVILLE, ROBERT WARE GRASTf, BANKS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANIC J. W. English, President. Capital. $400,000. Surplus and profits,s4o,ooo. INSURANCE ACENTS. CLARENCE KNOWLES, Manager Southern Department The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. and the Delaware Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, Pa- 311 to 317 Equitable Building. ..I AM SO GLAD . I Bought my Coal from Dunn & Francis. Such is the expression of all who pur chase their COAL of us. No soot, no clinkers. The best for the least money. Jellico! Bon Air! Anthracite! GIVE US A TRIAL. We have moved our offices to 39 Mari etta St. (Miller’s Book Store), and will be pleased to have you remember us when placing your orders for . . . GOAL, GOKE A - D WOOD. ..TELEPHONES:.. Office 374. - : - Yard 388. „ ATLANTA. GA, For the Safe and Permanent Cure of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Cocaine, Tobacco and „ , Cigarette Habits. Endorsed and Adopted by the U. S. Government. For information address Keeley Institute, Atlanta, Ga. New Sanitarium, s9l Whitehall St,