Newspaper Page Text
Free Press—News & Farmer, Tues., Aug. 24, 1961
Woman's Page
Jonesboro Socials
105 Smith Street — Phone 478-6841
R. W. Scarbrough of Sa
vannah, Mrs. Charles
Discher and her son, Carl, of
Macon, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Irvine and
attended the graduation of
the Irvine's daughter, Lucy
Ann, from Grady Memorial
Hospital School of Nursing,
August 18 at North Avenue
Presbyterian Church. Mrs.
Merle Scarbrough and Lynn
Merrifield also attended.
Miss Susan Rutherford
and Miss Dare Martin of
Richmond, Va., are guests of
Mrs. W. F. Rutherford.
Mrs. Georgia Trobaugh,
who has returned from a
trip to Toronto, Canada, is
visiting her son, Allen K
Trobaugh, Mrs. Trobaugh
and family at their summer
home on Jekyll Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grist
and sons, Nelson, Scooter,
Ronny and Tony, left on Au
gust 14 for Kansas City,
Kan., where they will be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Potter and family
for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wynn
and family of Americus
spent several days last week
with Mrs. R. L. Wynn, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall
and family of Atlanta and
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hall
and family of Hapeville were
spend-the-day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hall on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peeples
and sons, Steve and Ed, of
Jackson, Miss., were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Bell and Tommy.
Chit Chat Club Meets
The Chit Chat Club oi;
Edgemoor West held their
117 Waldrop Drive
Forest Park
Resident Manager
I / \\Y £-1^
I I i Sponsored By
I lid Georgia Power Company
/ ^ ura ' ^vision
’ < In Cooperation With
North Georgia Technical and Vocational School
Towns and rural communities in Georgia need
more qualified electricians. This 1 l-week
course, beginning September 6, 1965, will pre
pare you for a career in a top-paying trade.
Tuition is free. All you pay is sl6 a month
room and board. High school diploma or equiva
lent is required. Interested? Mail coupon below.
Rural Division, Box 4545, Atlanta, Ga. 30302
[ Please semi »i< brochure on tin
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j Name
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I Citv State I
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Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harmon
and children of Donelson,
Tenn., visited Mrs. W. P.
Chambers on Wednesday.
The Rev. A. V. Huff, Mrs.
Margaret W. Huff of Colum
bia, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
McDuffie of Marietta and
Miss Ethel McDuffie of Can
dor, N. C„ were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hames last
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Betsill
and Carl and Mr. and Mrs.
James Betsill and family
spent three days last week
camping at Clark Hill Lake.
Mrs. Denzil Regenold of
Anderson, Ind., Mrs. John
Maginn and her daughter,
Mauri, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Davis and
daughters, Margie and Ann,
of Coral Gables, Fla., and
Carey Weaver, Jr., of San
Jose, Calif., were guests of
Mrs. J. B. Pulliam and Julius
the week of August 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jones
and children, Cindy and
Casey, of Denver, Colo.,
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Jones.
Miss Ruth Brown and Mrs.
C F. Duffee were luncheon
guests of Miss Sarah March
man in Atlanta on Tuesday.
Miss Brown and Mrs. Duf
fee’s luncheon guests on
Wednesday were: Miss
Elizabeth Goodwin of Mon
roe, Miss May Brooks of De
catur, Miss Francis Green,
Miss Sarah Marchman and
Miss Mary McCorkle of At
lanta and Mrs. Harold
Bridges of Newnan.
Mrs. Pauline Wilson of
Barnesville is visiting Mr.
August meeting at the home
of Mrs. Bernice Guttridge on
Brookwood Circle. Mrs.
Mary Alice Poole assisted as
co-hostess. After the busi
ness meeting the members
enjoyed the annual White
Elephant Sale. Mrs. Nancy
Bryant acted as auctioneer.
All proceeds from this sale
will go to the Smith Home
for Exceptional Children In
Atlanta. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs.
Jeanne Darner on Park
wood Way, September 14th
with Mrs. Dede Sims and
Mrs. Mable Trout as co
hostesses. At this meeting a
film on cancer will be shown.
Judy Ann Laney Engaged
To Charles Sewell, Jr.
and Mrs. Ronald Doster and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith
and children of Waycross
spent several days last week
with Mrs. Smith’s mother,
Mrs. J. B. Waldrop.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mum
mert and family left on
Saturday for Dallas, Tex.,
where they will be located
for six months or a year.
Mrs. H. F. Puckett, Mrs.
C. N. Landers and daughter,
Cindy, of Forest Park, and
Mrs. Joe Bell and son,
Tommy, were luncheon
guests of Mrs. A. A. Camp on
» * »
To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Dorsey, a son, Daniel Allen,
July 24, Army Hospital in
Augusta, Ga.
To Mr. and Mrs. James
Baker, a daughter, Donna
Cherie, August 10.
To Mr. and Mrs. Will
Bailey, a daughter, August
20, Crawford Long.
♦ * •
Mrs. Charles Gee—Craw
ford Long Hospital.
Otis Bartley — Georgia
Baptist Hospital.
♦ ♦ ♦
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Long
attended the Foreign Mis
sion Week at Ridgecrest last
Alec Hopper will help lead
the Sunday School Conven
tions this year under the
leaedership of Dr. Julian
Pipkin. This week he will be
in Macon on Monday and in
Rome on Friday.
Mrs. J. O. Oliver and sons,
Tim, Tony and Len, spent
last week with S/Sgt. and
Mrs. Ronald Davis and fam
ily in Plattsburgh, N. Y.
While there they visited
points of interest in the
Adirondack Mountains and
Canada. Mr. Oliver flew up
on Friday to return home
with the family.
Get Acquainted
Tea Planned
The executive committee
Os the Forest Park Junior
High School Parent Teach
er Association will welcome
the faculty and teachers at
a “get acquainted” tea on
Friday, August 27, at the
Junior High School on Col
lege. Ave
Mrs. Homer Parker, PTA
president, expects that be
tween sixty and sixty five
faculty members will join
the executive committee for
this first meeting of the
school year.
Officers for this year are,
in addition to Mrs. Parker,
Mrs. J. D. Buie, Ist vice-pres
ident; Mrs. A. N. Dougherty,
2nd vice president; Mrs. B. L.
Lawrence, secretary; and
Mrs. Randolph Sandlin,
Club Studies
Pollution and
Mental Health
The Morrow Home Dem
onstration Club met August
17 at the home of Mrs. O. B.
Cook Morrow.
Two visitors, Mrs. Charles
Rogers, Washington, D. C.
and Mrs. C. C. Gaughf, Lake
City, fourteen members and
five children enjoyed the
beautiful grounds and swim
ming pool.
The program on Water
Pollution and Mental Health
was given by Mrs J. B. Yan
All future meetings will be
on the second Wednesday
of each month at the Mor
row Methodist Church at 10
A work day will be Sep
tember 14 at the home of
Mrs. R. B. Phillips, 301 Pine
Creek Road, Forest Park.
A picnic followed the
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Laney,
Morrow, Georgia announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Judy Ann, to
Charles Thomas Sewell, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Sewell, Sr. of Forest Park.
Miss Laney is employed by
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Mr.
Sewell is presently serving
in the United States Navy in
Great Lakes, Illinois.
A late August wedding is
planned at the Rock Baptist
Church, Rex, Georgia.
Proteins are the scarcest of
all foods.
jjM |
Wal uh]
■’V *
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P.
Sewell of East Point an
nounce the marriage of their
daughter, Lynda Faye, to
John L. Hulsey, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hulsey,
Sr., of Forest Park, on Au
gust 21 at St. Anthony’s
Catholic Church.
The Rev. Donald Kiernan,
pastor, officiated at the
double ring ceremony.
Nuptial selections were
“Ave Marla” and “Panis
Angelicus.” Miss Sandra
Grohoski played the organ.
Soloist was Miss Melanie
Mrs. James G. Tilley 111 of
Decatur was matron of
honor. Miss Iris Gayle Par
ham, cousin of the bride,
served as bridesmaid. They
wore floor length dresses of
yellow organza over taffeta,
styled with scooped neck
lines, and soft gathered
skirts. Their veil type hats
matched the color of their
dresses. They carried nose
gay bouquets of yellow and
white carnations.
The flower girl, Ruth
— Concrete Products —
W. H. Huddleston, Manager
Phone 474-7271-474-7272
Night: Charles Mundy 478-8019 — Charles Cox
478-8793 — W. H. Huddleston 478-8181.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Dease, and Kenny, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Reeves, have re
turned home after a week’s
vacation at Jacksonville
Beach, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Trippe, were recent visitors
to Vidallia and Waycross,
Ga. and while in Waycross
Tommy played in the Golf
Rex Community welcomes
Pearl and Lloyd Sanders and
their family. The Sanders
have recently moved into
their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hutchinson and Mrs. Edith
Little, .spent a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hutchin
son in Dallas, Tex.
Mrs. Pearl Deßolt, and
her son Gene of Columbia,
Ohio were house guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Justice,
Gene had recently won a
scholarship to Duke Univer
sity and on route home reg
istered for enrollment at
Mrs. J. M. Stevens, enter
tained at a surprise birth
day dinner in honor of Mr.
Steven’s birthday, eight
guests were present.
Mr. Chester Williamson
will leave on Sunday for
two weeks stay at Fort Ste
wart, Savannah, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd San
ders, wishes to announce the
birth of a son, born at Pied
mont, on Aug. 6th. The son
was named Brian Patric
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G.
Aldrich of 285 Port-a-Prince
Dr., Forest Park, announce
the birth of a daughter Re
becca Lynn, July 30 at Geor
gia Baptist Hospital. Re
becca Lynn has “evened up"
a lovely family of two boys
and two girls. Her brothers
are Jerry (111. Brian (5)
and sister Nancy, (9). And
they are all “sold” on Re
becca Lynn.
Maria Azurmendl, wore a
| floor length dress of yellow
organza, with matching veil
type hat, and carried a small
nosegay bouquet similar to
I that of the other attend
The bride, given in mar
| riage by her father, wore a
wedding gown of antique
taffeta with inserts of Ve
netian lace, which was fash
ioned with a fitted bodice,
V-neckline and elbow length
sleeves. The bell skirt, with
a redingote front, was en
hanced by a floral motif of
Venetian lace appliqued at
the top of the hemline. The
back fell into large, un
-1 pressed pleats from a French
I bow extending in a chapel
Her elbow length veil of
' imported silk bridal illusion
i was attached to a small
, crown of Aurora stones. The
। bridal bouquet was of Prin
j cess Anne orchids with
French carnations, Stepha
notis and ivy.
She wore a single strand
| of pearls, a gift from the
fl • fl ■ A
Wells - Buchart
Troth Is Told
The marriage between
Miss Edna Jeannette Wells
and Sheffer Gilbert Buchart
was solemnized on July 6 in
The bride is the daughter
of Mrs. W. T. Bartlett and
the late Martin L. Wells of
Forest Park. Mrs. Buchart
was employed with Pied
mont Reservations in At
lanta. Mr. Buchart is with
the Foreign Distributors Di
vision of General Motors
Corp, in San Juan. Puerto
Rico, where the couple will
reside until making their
home in Atlanta after the
first of the year.
bridegroom, and short white
John L. Hulsey, Sr., served
as his son’s best man. Usher
groomsmen were James
Ernest Knight of LaGrange,
Jerry L. Birchfield of
Huntsville, Alabama, and
Joseph Couch of Atlanta.
Mrs. Marvin P. Sewell,
mother of the bride, wore a
dress of powder blue with
white accessories. Her cor
sage was of white orchids.
The mother of the groom
wore a beige dress with
matching accessories. Her
corsage was of bronze or-
<Continued On Page 10)
I L I -J -
■ ti /A
Safety Checked
State Inspected
1961 Chevrolet Impala SIOO Down, S4B Mo.
1961 Chevrolet Wagon $795
1959 Chevrolet V-8 Convertible, Stick $895
1960 Chevrolet Impala, H. T„ Air $1095
RAY and JOE, Owners
Forest Park
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wil
liams of W. Fayetteville
Road. College Park, are de
lighted to have guests from
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mr.
I and Mrs. Max Sutter, whose
i son married Miss Williams.
The young Sutters live in
Palmetter, Ga., and much of
the visitors time is being
spent there, but they are
also getting be 11 e r ac
quainted with their daugh
. ter-in-law’s family.
Mrs. Wylma Sidle is home
after a trip to Bermuda to
visit her daughter and son
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Beasley. She flew jet, break
ing the trip home to visit
her sister in Ft. Lauderdale.
But for Mrs. Sidle more
pleasure was in store. After
she reached home, the Beas
ley’s arrived from a “quicky”
visit on their way to New
{ York
Mrs. Mamie Smith of Ash
j Street. Forest Park, is at
Georgia Baptist Hospital
with a broken leg. She
slipped at her home causing
the injury, the second time
she has sustained a broken
Notes On
In the United States there
are 18 million people who
have reached their 65th
birthday. Each day another
3,000 of our
reach that
As those 3,-
000 cross the
threshold to
social se
curity age to
morrow, the
next day and
each suc
ceeding day
what will be the condition
of their spinal columns?
Will it be such as to con
tribute to health, or to dis
Spinal nerves lead to all
organs of the body to affect
the health of those organs.
All through life people use
and abuse the spinal col
umn. That column is
shocked by impact accidents
and such as falls and colli
sions. During life postural
habits and work habits sub
ject that spinal column to
stresses and strains.
These shocks, these stresses
and strains, have a tendency
to disturb the alignment of
the spinal column in such
away as to interfere with
the action of spinal nerves
and harm the health of the
structures to which the af
fected spinal nerves dis
Will someone dear to you
cross that threshold to so
cial security tomorrow with
health security a question
mark because of neglect of
the spinal column? Will gov
ernment assistance in pay
ing for the cost of disease
restore health if the cause
of that disease lies in a
spinal column that has
been, and is currently being
Yes, it is true that chiro
practic adds “life to years”
and “years to life.”
1134 Main St.,
Forest Park, Ga.
(Next door to Post Office)
leg. This time it is her left
leg, and she underwent sur
gery last Monday. She is re
covering nicely and will be
delighted to receive cards at
her room 233 while she is
Ladies’ & Children’s
Elkins Dept Store
Hapeville, Ga.