Newspaper Page Text
Realty, Inc.
(Ulagtnn (tamty Nms anh farmer
• - -
VOL. 46
NO. 28
Make Plans to See Clayton
County Premier Golf
Labor Day week-end will be Clayton County’s finest
golfing week-end as well.
The Lakeshore Country Club is presenting a big exhibi
tion match between Slammin' Sammy Snead and Georgia’s
Country Club on the shores of Lake Spivey.
Match play is set for 18 holes bn Sunday, Sept. 5, and
18 holes in the finishing play on Monday, Labor Day. The
finals should provide a great climax.
The Exchange Club of Jonesboro is making every effort
to make this one of the finest match play tournaments ever
held in the Greater Atlanta area.
All golfers of Clayton County and the Atlanta Army
Depot are especially invited. The Depot’s Commanding Os- !
fleer Col. Roland Savilla is an especially fine amateur golfer
and he heads the list of those invited from the Depot.
Lakeshore Country Club has many excellent amateur |
golfers and it is hoped that as many as 30 of these players ।
will qualify to play in the Exchange Club Invitation match
play tournament.
♦ * ♦
All Amateurs, Good Or Bad,
Are Invited to Play
John Cozad. Lacy Huie, Pro James Williams and Albert i
Wallace form the overall golf committee for the Exchange]
Club tournament and they invite all amateur golfers to'
qualify by Saturday morning, Sept. 5.
A lot of hard woia u as been put into preparation for
the tournament and it is hoped that the tournament also
will attract a large gallery.
Incidentally, young men of the area who would like to
caddy and make some extra money are invited to attend
the events of Sept. 4, 5 and 6
Those who haven’t seen Sam Snead and Dynamite
Goodloe will certainly enjoy some of the finest golf In fol
lowing this match play exhibition. Snead is one of those
fedows who doesn’t like to lose whether it’s exhibition or
tournament play, and he will go all out against Goodloe
There is no conflict between the Snead-Goodloe match
and the Exchange Club tournament. Qualifying Saturday
morning Sept. 4, will end well in advance of the Snead-
Goodloe free-for-all which is scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
You don’t have to be a really good golfer to play In the i
tournament; everyone is invited. Entry fee is a reasonable
yi v.
Bank of Forest Park Branch
Opens Wednesday, Sept. 8
The Bank of Forest Park
announces official opening
date for their new branch
office, at the corner of Ash
Street and Morrow Road,
will be Wednesday, Septem
ber 8, 1965.
The building is designed
for pleasant and efficient
banking services, including
« drive-in window, 24 hour
depository, safe deposit
boxes, free parking, and
other conveniences of a full
service bank.
Construction was under
* the supervision of Wilbur H.
Peacock and Pierce A. Pea
cock, of Peacock Brothers,
Incorporated, well known
residents and builders in
Clayton County. Phillips D.
Windsor, a specialist in this
particular type of construc
tion, was the architect.
Charles G. Duncan, Presi
dent of the Bank of Forest
Park, said that the new of
fice was the bank's answer
to the exciting challenge of I
progress in this area. “We
know”, said Mr. Duncan, of
the tremendous growth and
development in this county
and state, and have an abid
ing faith that greater prog
ress and prosperity will con
tinue in this county where
great things are happen
* 4 Know Your
County’ Is
। Main Topic
The ‘know Your County' i
survey will be the main top
ic of discussion at the reg
ular day meeting of the
Clayton County Provisional
League of Women Voters,
Wednesday, September 1, 10
a.m. to 12 noon, in the Coun
cil Chamber Room of the
(Continued On Page 4)
Purest ^ark IFm
Dynamite Goodloe, which will be
played Saturday afternoon, Sept. 4,
and the Exchange Club Invitation
tourney will be a big feature of Sun
day and Monday, Sept. 5 and 6.
Tickets for Snead-Goodloe match
play are $5 each.
Qualifying for the tournament
may be played through Saturday
morning, Sept. 4. There is a prospect
of 80 players being in the field.
Golfers from 100 miles around
the Greater Atlanta area are espe
cially invited for this fine golf tour
nament whicn will be the first tour
nament played at the new Lakeshore
The only way to really en
joy the Forest Park High
School Home Football sea
son this year is to know who
is playing and what their
number is. This is a problem
that the Forest Park Music
Club is solving by selling at
each game a larger and
more complete program for
twenty-five cents with pro
ceeds going to the high
school and the Music Club.
The members of the Forest
Park Music Club, who will be
selling these in the stands,
hope you will help support
your school and your band
as you have in the past by
purchasing these programs.
Much appreciation goes to
each of our advertisers who
made these programs pos
2 Residents
M.A. Degrees
Nashville, Tenn. — Two
Clayton County residents
have received MA degrees
in physical education from
George Peabody College for
Teachers here. They are
John R. Michael, 120 Dear
ing, Forest Park, and Roy
W. Pierce, 113 The Inlet,
Dr. Felix C. Robb, Peabody
president, conferred degrees
at the college’s 187th Com-
(Continued On Page 9)
Sergeant C. W. Shiver, (R) Non-Commis
sioned Officer-in-Charge of the Marine
Corps Recruiting Substation, Atlanta, ac
cepts the first place “Outstanding Sub
station” trophy from Colonel R. R Amer-
Important Hospital Bond
Vote Is September 1
The voters of Clayton
County will go to the polls
on Wednesday, September 1,
to express their feelings
about a new general hospi
tal for the area. If the
voters give their approval,
the Hospital Authority pro
poses to construct a 150 bed
general hospital together
with a 20 bed psychiatric
unit. Although no specific
site has as yet been se
lected for the facility, it will
be located so as to serve all
the citizens of Clayton, as
well as those in nearby sec
tions of adjacent counties.
Grand Jury Recommends
‘Yes’ for Hospital Issue
Whereas, it has come to
the attention of the Clayton
County Grand Jury in regu
lar session on August 26,
1965, that a special Bond
Referendum has been called
for September 1, 1965 for the
purpose of deciding whether
to provide the necessary
matching funds for a mod
ern 150-170 bed Hospital so
badly needed by the people
of Clayton County, and,
Whereas, the proposal
being made seems finan
cially sound and within the
S2OO IN CASH will be given free in weekly
drawings of SSO each celebrating the
Grand Opening of Charlie’s Market, 513
N. Main (Hwy. 54) in Morrow. Low cut
prices are offered in their sale starting
Sept. 2 and continuing through Labor Day.
Pictured above is Store Manager George
ine (L), director, Sixth Marine Corps Dis
trict. This is the second consecutive year
that Atlanta recruiters have won the dis
trict title. A native Georgian, MGy-Sgt.
Shiver resides in Jonesboro.
For long range planning
purposes, the Clayton Coun
ty Hospital Service Area is
defined as all of Clayton
County plus a portion of
Fayette County, including
the city of Fayetteville and
areas of the county north
and east of Fayetteville, plus
a portion of Henry County,
including the city of Mc-
Donough and areas of the
county northwest, west and
southwest of McDonough.
In defining this area of
service—the predicted geo
graphical origin of patients
—the planners considered
means of Clayton County
without great burden on any
taxpayer, and,
Whereas, the increase in
bonded indebtedness can, in
all likelihood, be absorbed in
whole or considerable part
by the steady increases in
the tax digest of Clayton
County, and,
Whereas, the providing of
such a modern health care
facility will serve as an ad
ditional attraction to our
County by industries, seek
ing new location in their ex-
Terry. Charlie’s Markets, Inc., headed by
Charles H. Schiffer and his son, Hugh,
operates other markets located on Roose
velt Highway at Jamestown Shopping
Center and on Old Dixie Highway in
Mountain View.
magnitude, distribution, and
characteristics of popula
tion, transportation arteries,
and other socioeconomic
factors. Considering dis
tance, roads, and traffic
conditions, a hospital cen
trally located in Clayton
County would be more con
venient to residents of the
above area than existing
hospitals in surrounding
The area otherwise con
forms to requirements for
delineation as a hospital
service area in that
• Continued On Page 101
pansion programs,
We, the Clayton County
Grand Jury in regular ses
sion, make this “special rec
ommendation” to all regis
tered citizens of our County
to make the plans necessary
to vote favorably in this
Bond Referendum to be held
on Wednesday, September 1,
Deryk P. Spiker, Foreman
Robert McMullen, Acting
Blanket Invitation
For Exchange Club
Golf Tournament
Dear Golfer:
You, your Golf Widow,
and each of your children
are cordially invited to par
ticipate in the Labor Day
Match Play Tournament
being sponsored by the
Jonesboro Exchange Club
and being held at the Lake
shore Country Club on the
shores of Lake Spivey. The
field is limited to the first
80 to qualify, September 4,
1965. The course will be re
served for the balance of the
day for an exhibition golf
match featuring Sam Snead
and Dynamite Goodloe.
The first matches will be
gin play Sunday, September
5, 1965 with two nine hole
matches scheduled for each
golfer. The following day
will consist of a nine hole
semi-final match and an 18
hole final match. A consola
tion flight will be included
in each flight. Prizes will
consist of both trophies and
a wide selection of golf mer
chandise. The entrance fee
is SIO.OO.
Lakeshore Country Club
will extend the facilities of
the Club to you and all of
your family for this entire
week-end. While you play
golf, your wife and children
can enjoy the large pool, the
sandy beach on Lake Spivey,
fish from the dock, play
tennis, enjoy superb meals
in the dining room or on the
terrace (or at poolside.) You
can join them as soon as
your match is completed
each day. Please remember
to send your application in
Club Pro Chairman
Ph. 478-5282
Vice Chairman
Ph. 478-6011
Chuck Wells’
Mr. Edward James Wells
of Mt. Vernon, Ga., passed
away on Sunday, August 22,
after an illness lasting just
a few months. He was the
father of Charles E. Wells,
President of the Citizens
Bank of Clayton County.
Mr. Wells is survived by
his wife, the former Eliza
beth Martin, sons, Charles
E. Wells and James R. Wells
of Gastonia, N. C„ daughter,
Mrs. Royce A. Breedlove of
Columbus, two brothers and
four sisters.
Funeral services were held
Monday at Longpond Bap
tist Church in Montgomery
County, with interment in
the Longpond Baptist ceme
Sincere sympathy is ex
tended to Mr. Charles Wells
and all the family in their
sad bereavement.
Ask for
I 1/ •z* In (j t[) I
•to* • ••io
At Your
Favorite Restaurant
Forest Park Auto
Serves for 14 Years
George Taylor, owner of
Forest Park Auto Service,
has been serving the people
of Clayton County for 14
years at the company’s lo
cation on east Main Street a
block from Highway 54.
Not many business men
can claim the distinction of
serving people in Forest
Park for so long a period.
This is a significant sum
mer for Mr. Taylor. He re
cently celebrated a 20th
wedding anniversary and, in
May, he observed the 14th
anniversary of Forest Park
Auto Service.
The popular Mr. Taylor
reminds motorists that fall
is just around the corner
and advises all of you to
drop around for the usual
auto inspection to get the
vehicle ready for the winter
months ahead
You’ll want to check cool
ing system and get an over
all check of the main sea- .
tures of good auto perform
“We invite all area motor
ists to come by for a check
up; we promise to do the
work in a minimum of time
and not keep our customers
waiting,’’ Mr. Taylor said.
Dawn Holman Enters
Miss Southland Pageant
Miss Dawn Holman is one
of twenty-five contestants
who have been selected from
all over the South to par
ticipate in the 24th Annual
Miss Southland Beauty Pag
eant, sponsored by a group
of civic leaders in the
Greater Daytona Beach
Area. She and her chaper
one will be guests at the
fabulous Castaway Beach
Motel, one of Florida’s finest
and newest motels on Day
tona Beach.
The Miss Southland Con
test has become the high
light of the big ten days of
festivities held annually on
“The World’s Most Famous
Beach,” with dinners, tours,
and dances planned in the
contestant’s honor. They
will receive the “red carpet
treatment” and each con
testant will be presented the
key to the city by the Mayor.
In addition, this year’s con
testants will be entertained
at a splash party, an Ha
waiian luau, and a Corona
tion Ball.
Dawn, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Holman of 54
Parkwood Drive, Jonesboro,
is a graduate of Forest Park
Speir Insurant
Agency, Inc.
A late afternoon raid on a
Clayton County moonshine
operation Tuesday resulted
in the arrest of two men and
the confiscation of their car
along with 61 gallons of il
legal whiskey, law officers
Being held in Clayton
County jail under SI,OOO
bond each were Ralph J.
Preston of Route 1, Hamp
ton, and Robert Minnifield
of 285 Fairfax St., Atlanta.
The two were nabbed at
the site of two 500-gallon
capacity groundhog-type
stills, officers said. The
plant was in operation at
the time of the raid about
7:30 p.m,
Offcers said the stills were
located in a wooded area
about three-and-o n e-half
miles southwest of Jones
Preston and Minnifield
(Continued On Page 4i
High School, and attended
the University of Georgia
where she majored in Re
tailing in the School of
Business Administration.
For the past two and a half
years she has been employed
at Delta Air Lines.
Buy Season
Tickets Now
Ten-dollar season foot
ball tickets to the Forest
Park High home games
have been going good, ac
cording to Coach Fred
Bowers, but the time is
short now and he urges
the public to get theirs
before the best ones are
These are reserved seats
for all five home games
and purchase of one
means the same seat for
every game.
They can be bought at
McLendon’s Sports Shop
on Main Street or at the
high school.