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Your Full-Service
Member FDIC.
Clayton County Nems and Farmer
The & ures?b]fiark Nefus
THE SPANISH CLUB of Forest Park Sen
ior High School voted to five the 9-year
boys and girls at the Georgia Baptist Chil
dren’s Home a Christmas Party. On Mon
day night, Dec. 18, the project was carried
out. With the help and donations made
Chairman Dixon Reminisces
P. K. Dixon said it seemed like only yesterday that B.
Clark and Marion Whaley, later stars at Oglethorpe, were
playing for his Jonesboro baseball team in the Flint River
a Stormy Petrel at Oglethorpe, he was as great a guard in
football as they come, and in baseball he was a catcher
of major league proportions.
The talk with P. K. continued, and he recalled a trip
he made to Kansas and remembered watching great Ne
gro star, Gayle Sayers, defeat rival Kansas State. (Say
ers, of the Chicago Bears, licked the Atlanta Falcons a
week ago Sunday).
“I could tell that Sayers, playing for Kansas that day,
was a great prospect for pro football,” P. K. said.
Probably no family anywhere can match the follow
ing: On the fourth Sunday in July, the Dixons will hold
their annual reunion. P. K. has four sisters who average
84 years in age—Bertha, who conceals her age; Odessa,
84; Mrs. J. T. Wilson, 86, and Mrs. Edna B. Waldon, 87.
Mrs. Waldon will be 88 on George Washington’s birthday.
Clayton County Commission Chairman P. K. Dixon is
ageless; but he has been around for a long, long time, He
was Clerk of Court for many, many years. And now, serv
ing as head of the Commissioners, he has done a very fine
Best wishes and a Happy New Year to you, sir!
Earl Evans
Promoted to
® °
(AHTNC)—EarI L. Evans, 20,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B.
Evans, 142 Arnold Place,
Jonesboro, Ga. was pro
moted to Army specialist
four Dec. 8 while serving as
a supply clerk in the 661st
Ordnance Company near
Qui Nhon, Vietnam.
"3 % I %k Kk
County Teacher
Mrs. Eleanor Gurley, first
.grade teacher at the Lee,
Street Elementary School in
Jonesboro, was recognized in
the December issue of
“Grade Teacher” magazine
as one of the outstanding
first grade teachers in
Y %k Xk K K
The Forest Park Free Press
Talking with P. K. this week in his
office at the Jonesboro Courthouse
he asked if I—also an Oglethorpe
man—knew that B. Clark had sud
denly died of a heart attack. I didn’t
know that, and it was something of
a shock.
Manager Dixon’s Jonesboro team
lost only one game, to McDonough
by a score of 4 to 3, in 1933. Stars
of the team were the late B. Clark
and Whaley, who now owns and op
erates Clayton Finance Company,
Forest Park. Marion lends money, in
case you don’'t already know it. As
In Morrow
Th Kiwanis Club of Mor
row was honored to have as
its guests the wives of the
club in a Ladies’ Night event
at its December 18th meet
Each lady present was
presented with a Kiwanis
pen in appreciation for their
help and support in the
many activities that has
been undertaken this year
by the Kiwanisians of Mor-
The retiring President, Mr.
Bob Kerr, was presented
with the President’s plaque
for his outstanding leader
Misters Ernest Duffey,
James O. Fleming, John
Glover, Harold Green, James
(Continued On Page 8)
by Eastern Air Lines, Crown Candy Co.,
Dobbs House Caterin% Service and along
with each club member who gave their
help, time and support the party was a big
|e : 9
I*Hi Mom
; °
| Winners
Mr. Lawson Sewell, Presi
dent Communication Work
ers of America, Local 3219,
announced the following
persons as winners in the
Eleventh (11th) annual “Hi
Mom” project sponsored by
the Communication Workers
of America and the USO.
1. Mrs. Luvenia Robertson,
Atlanta, Georgia.
2. Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges,
Kennesaw, Georgia.
3. Mrs. H. J. Callahan, Ma
rietta, Georgia.
4. Mrs. Lorine Whitten,
Marietta, Georgia.
5. Mrs. Muszett Hall, At
lanta, Georgia.
6. Mrs. Roberta S. Nelms,
Greenville, Georgia.
7. Mrs. Samuel 8. Lord, At
lanta, Georgia.
8. Mrs. Connie Meadows,
Atlanta Georgia.
9. Mrs. Lewis R. Holland,
Marietta, Georgia.
10. Mrs. P. K. Gurley, Ma
rietta, Georgia.
Winners will receive by
mail, instructions and in
formation on completing the
phone calls.
Hear Voices
Voices from Clayton Coun
ty service families will be
heard this Christmas by
‘ military men stationed from
the icy wastelands of Ant
arctica to the combat areas
in Vietnam, thanks to Red
Cross’ holiday tape record
Over 160 relatives of serv
icemen here in Clayton
County have visited the Red
Cross office at 816 Main
Street, Forest Park, to be re
corded and photographed
for a Christmas mailing.
“Red Cross volunteers
have had the special pleas
ure of helping to bring
home a little closer to the
men who cannot be with
loved ones at Christmas,”
said Mrs. E. L. Cheaves,
Clayton County Coordinator.
This is the fourth consecu
tive year that Red Cross has
provided this service. Be
cause of the enthusiastic
response to this project, Red
Cross will continue to pro
vide tape-recording service
to families of the military
on a year-round basis.
Red Cross invites families
who receive tapes from
overseas but who do not own
recording equipment to come
in and play-back the mes
sages. The tape recordings
are made free of charge.
Please call 366-2228 for ap
Learning Disabilities
On November 30th, at the Lee Street Elementary
School, a local chapter was formed for children with
learning disabilities.
This chapter will be associated with the Georgia
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.
Learning disabilities are
hidden or invisible handi
caps which prevents a child
from learning the basic
three R’s in a standard
classroom situation. These
children are of average or
above average intelligence.
This invisible handicap is a
minimal neurological dys
functions in the brain which
causes faulty preception.
Mrs. Robert Spears, vice
president of the Georgia As
sociation, was the guest
speaker at the November 30
organizational meeting. She
informed those present as to
how and why the Georgia
Association was organized.
The Georgia Association was
organized by a group of con
cerned parents whose aim is
to help these children and
advance their education and
general welfare.
The Clayton County Chap
ter of the GACLD was or
ganized for the very same
purpose and by a group of
parents and teachers who
are concerned about these
children in our county.
At the November 30 meet
ing the organization elected
Ronald Shaw as chairman,
Mrs. Tom Shanks as co
chairman, Dr. Paul Planer as
secretary, Mrs. Sue Notting
ham as program chairman,
and Robert A. Lundquist as
legislative chairman.
The next meeting of the
Clayton County Chapter will
be held at 8 p.m. on Decem
ber 28 at the Lee Street Ele
mentary School in Jonesboro.
We will have as our guest
speaker S. R. Bobinski, who
is the director of the Henry
B. Russell School in Atlanta.
This school was established
to teach children with learn
ing disabilities. Mr. Bobinski
has been working with chil
dren with learning dis
abilities for many years.
Any parent in Clayton
County who has a child or
thinks that they have a child
with this invisible handicap
is urged to attend this meet
ing Dec. 28 at the Lee Street
Elementary School at 8 p.m.
@ °
Win Door
The Morrow Junior Wom
an’s Club held their annual
Bells and Evergreen door
decorating contest Dec. 13.
i Oa-Talll
; i
First prize went to Mr.
and Mrs. Henry A. Grilliot
and their three daughters,
6757 Wendy Jean Drive, Mor
row (shown above.)
Second prize went to the
W. R. Whites, 125 Mural
Drive, Morrow, and
Third prize was awarded
to the Rev. and Mrs, Randall
Williams and family, 6456
Peacock Boulevard, Morrow.
Also, there were six honor
able mentions as the judges
felt these deserved recogni
tion as well. They are as
(Continued On Page 8)
Mr. Bobinski will be able to
answer - any question that
you may have concerning
these children.
For additional information
call: Child Guidance Clinic
at 478-9911, Ronald Shaw,
366-9256, or Mrs. Tom
Shanks, 478-7951.
The Kiwanis Club of
Mountain View observed in
stallation night at its last
week's meeting. Ernest L.
Cheaves, past president of
the Forest Park club and
new Lieutenant Governor of
the Twelfth Division of the
Georgia Kiwanis District,
conducted the ceremonies.
Officers installed for 1968
were: Edward J. Banke,
nresident; C. Henry Goss,
vice-president; Joseph D.
Gallman, immediate past
president; Jewell L. Nash,
secretary; Augustine C. El
liott, treasurer.
Directors for 1968 are J.
Vernon Ashmore, William D.
Gilmer, Wilson C. Cook, H.
Edwin Pitts, A. Jay Dison,
Robert B, Bowers and Julius
G. Jarrett.
Cheaves presented a
plaque from the club to the
outgoing president. Robert
Staines presented bronze
book end sets as Christmas
gifts from the club to the
retiring president and vice
Other guests attending
were Mrs, Cheaves and for
mer Lt. Gov. Robert K. Price,
the latter of Fayetteville.
Forest Park
A parade majorette pro
gram is being added to the
twirling program at the
Forest Park Recreation Cen
ter under Susan Tarpley.
Girls will be taught a rou
tine for parades and will
participate in at least one
parade. The other programs
include tumbling and acro
batic classes for boys and
girls and beginning through
advanced classes in twirling
for girls. Anyone interested
in the new parade majorette
program must attend a try
out meeting on January 2
in the Recreation Center
Gym at 4 pm.
All interested in joining
the parade group must dem
onstrate that they have the
ability to keep in step with
march music and can do
pasic twirls. None of the oth
er programs have require
ments and can be joined by
calling the Recreation Office
at 366-4720 or by calling Su
san Tarpley at 482-2578. All
programs will begin the sec
ond week in January.
Council to Meet
January 2
In accordance with
the Forest Park Code of
Ordinances, the regular
meeting of Mayor and
Council normally held
on the first Monday of
each month will be held
on Tuesday, January 2,
1968 at 7:30 p.m. due to
the holiday.
“"s\ E 2
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\s; m.‘. :
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Arthur Cox
On Committee
Mr. Arthur Cox, Cur
riculum Director for the
Clayton County School
System, has been named
to the Georgia Elemen
tary Education Commit
tee, Dr. Walter Mathews
has announced. His
term will begin in Jan
uary, 1968, and run
through 1970.
* % %k kK Kk
Christmas Story
Depot Highlight
ATLANTA ARMY DEPOT—Highlighting the De
cember meeting of the Depot Officers Wives Club was
the Christmas Story, in readings, music and song,
presented by a cadet choral group from the Salvation
Army. .
Depot Chaplain (Capt.)\
Jerry Woodbery brought a
cadet choral group presents Christmas
musical program at December meeting of
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United Appeal Elects
Three New Officers
Dakin B. Ferris, vice-president and resident
manager, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith,
Inc., and chairman of the 1966 United Appeal cam
paign, has been elected president of the United Ap
peal"f Board of Trustees, succeeding John C. Wilson,
president, Horne-Wilson,
Elected vice-president of
the 36-member board that
directs the annual United
Appeal for Community
Chest and Red Cross was
C. B. (Bud) Livezey, general
manager, Catalog Order
Plant, Sears, Roebuck and
devotional on the true mean
ing of Christmas. He con-
Depot Officers Wives Club—(U, S. Army
~ywuey, IRC,
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Company and chairman of
this fall’s successful cam
paign. Mr. Livezey reported
that funds contributed to
date total $6,266,386 or
100.8% of the campaign goal
and 83% more than was
raised last year. He added
(Continued On Page 10)
cluded with a tribute to
Handel and his gift to
Christendom of the great
Messiah. “The text was given
to Handel by Dr. Charles
Jennings in 1741,” Chaplain
Woodbery related. “Handel
remained in his study 23
days. The oratorio com
| pleted, he exclaimed to his
valet: ‘I did think I saw all
| heaven before me and the
great God Himself!””
, Dolls dressed by OWC
members were presented to
(Continued On Page 10)