The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, March 14, 1968, Page 2, Image 2

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Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs. Mar. 14, 1968
(Womans Page |
Jonesboro Socials
105 Smith Street — Phone 478-6841
The following group re
turned by air from a vaca
tion in Holland on Thursday.
February 22nd: Mrs. Frank
Dunn. Mrs. Willard Hogan.
Mrs Floyd Scott, and Miss
Laura Cofield
While there they visited in
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and
The Hague In Alsmeer they
went to the famous flower
auction. In Rotterdam, they
visited the Delft-famous
Pmcelain and China Works
and saw it being hand
shaped on the potter's wheel
and hand painted They
toured the wooden shoe fac
tory. cheese factory, and
through the country where
they saw the* famous Dutch
wind mills.
* * *
Mrs Roland S Brown has
been confined at home for
two weeks suffering from
two broken ribs she received
from an accidental fall
Mrs M H. Thames of Red
Oak was the guest of his sis
ter Mrs A A Camp, last
week end.
Mrs Charles C Jordon re
turned from Hartwell and
from Seneca. South Caro
lina on Friday. March Ist.
where she visited Mrs P E
Adams and Mrs A W Ad
ams for two weeks.
Mrs David Knox arrived
mi Wednesday. March 6th
and will remain with her
parents. Mr and Mrs. Earl
Allen tor nine months while
her husband is in Guam.
Mis Pearl Tyree attended
the Dixie Hair and Beauty
Fair March 10 and 11. at the
Atlanta Biltmore Hotel Mrs.
Tyree spent last week in
Crescent City. Florida, vis
iting her Godchildren. Miss
Janet Marie Suggs and T R
Suggs Jr
I iidei>kiii<lin<* Fabrics
Have you ever gone into
’. iir favorite fabric center,
picked up a piece of material
and wondered what fibers
were used to make the fab
ric ’
Clayton County home
niakers have an opportunity
to develop their knowledge in
buying textile products as
they attend one of the Ex
tcn.smn Home Economics
Chib programs in their com
miimty during March.
lave H Spates, County Ex
teiinon Home Economist,
pie -mis the program to all
inten ted homemakers. In-
f I S 'J I I
Real Estate Agents Im
I> . I
J, ic New profit sharing plan affords unlimited I I
!’ C earning; opportunity h r top producers. Will j j
consider go getters only, in order that profit i j I
sharing profits will Lx- increased for allpar- < ’ I
I tn mating sale- agents. I[l
, ■
Experienced Only |
a s< V( 1 8° getters I,
M? j® in ;■th ar Atlanta and Douglasville offices. J
Mu t haw good empk yment records and show j)
3 minimum ot $8,000.00 per year regular
ImRH ■■ariiin. s. Licensed and full time only. f?T
i.w Any Os These Areas
I II leu fill' C ascade. Clayton C ounty, Cobb
I ‘ ill County. Douglas County, South Fulton County,
I til College Park, Browns Mill Rd.. East Point.
I 'III fairburn. Forest Park, Hapeville, Mableton,*4
tlv Morrow, Perkerson Park, Red Oak. Smyrna ! I
I I ‘|W areas only. I
ri :
Join The Leader
c Join Atlanta's Number 1 sales organiza- | p. i
tion on a profit-sharing basis We listed J; ;
Bt । 226 houses for 53.854.846 during January t|, •
J! and February Go where there is enough 1 j H
Bn act l vit y to assure you of success if you ; j
D il are w *m n B t 0 work. New, modern, air-
< | conditioned offices with private office Hi
Ui I: for each sales agent. HI
64 Real Estate Agents IT
“ 64 Will Sell More” M
3131 Campbellton Rd., S.W., 344 9800 VyS
pI B Across from Greenbriar Shopping Center »
Mrs. Bruce Brogdon and
children of Greensboro,
North Carolina, were guests
of Mr and Mrs G L Brog
don and Mr. and Mrs Burton
Kenney, of Rex-, over the
week end
Mrs. Grace Neville of
Hyattsville. Maryland, has
returned home after spend
ing two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs T R Thornton. Pvt
Andy Neville from Fort Mc-
Clellan. Alabama was the
Thornton’s guest last week
Many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Wells from Jones
boro attended the funeral of
Mrs. Wells’ brother. W. F
Lane at Locust Grove Meth
odist Church in Locust
Grove, on Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Alan Kemp
er spent last week end with
Mrs. Mattie Crawford in
Mrs John J Rambo of
Athens and daughter Hope
visited her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W H Huddleston four
days last week while her
husband was swimming in
the Southeastern Conference
Swim Meet at the University
of Tennessee in Knoxville,
Mrs. Winnie M Brown vis
ited her children. Mr and
Mrs. Randall Ellis and Ran
dy in Decatur, Alabama, last
• * ♦
Miss Reba Stewart-Pied
Tom Busby—South Fulton
Lisa Meeks—Piedmont.
• ♦ •
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dix
on and family were spend
the day guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe McGahee and fam
ily in Cornelia on Sunday.
eluded are a slide presenta
tion to help distinguish be
tween trade names and ge
neric names of fibers. She
also discusses some of the
new fabrics on the market
and relates fiber characteris
tics to care of textiles and
care information presented
on labels and hangtags.
A special feature of the
program will introduce the
newest bath-towel robe
• made in a jiffy). Special
workshops are scheduled in
April for any homemaker
wishing to make one. These
workshops will be held in the
Herrington - Cole
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herrington, residents of Forest Park,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Charlotte Lou
ise, to Robert Lawrence Cole, son of Mrs. Marvin Edge of
Forest Park and the late J. Rob Cole of Newnan.
The bride-elect was a 1967 graduate of Forest Park Senior
High. She attended Greenleaf Business College-and is em
ployed with the Lanier Service Management headquarters
in Atlanta.
Mr. Cole, also a 1967 graduate of Forest Park High,
served with the Georgia Air National Guard in Amarillo
Tex., and is employed with Eastern Airlines.
Wedding vows will be spoken at the Second Baptist
Church of Forest Park on April 14 in the presence of rela
tives and friends. No invitations will be mailed
Demonstration Kitchen lo
cated in the Courthouse An
nex in Jonesboro April 16, 17,
23 and 24, 10 a.m.-12 noon.
Homemakers interested in
participating in one of the
above workshops should reg
ister by calling 478-9911, Ex
tension 28. Classes will be
filled on a first-come first
served basis.
Extension Home Eco
nomics Club schedule for
rest of March:
March 14—Rock Springs,
10 a.m., Forest Park Recrea
tion Center.
March 20- Mountain View,
10 am., Mountain View Ele
mentary School.
March 26 West Clayton.
10 a.m., Riverdale First Bap
tist Church.
March 26—Woodview, 8
p.m.. Second Baptist Church.
Forest Park.
March 28 —Holiday, 10
a m.. Second Baptist Church,
Forest Park.
Over 1,000 Georgia 4-H
j members gave talks or dem
onstrations on television
during 1967, according to Dr.
T. L. Walton, state 4-H lead
er with the Cooperative Ex
tension Service.
y ßonnie’s
TO a 5 00
Includes Group of
Bonnie’s, i™
Dress Shop
PHONE 366-8906
812 Ash-Morrow Plata
Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. Until 6 p.m.—Fridays Til 7 p.m.
Mrs. Wetmore New Junior
Woman’s Club President
PTA. News
“Today's Discipline” is the
theme for the March 19
meeting of Ash Street School
PTA. The time is 8 sharp.
What is the difference be
tween discipline and punish
ment! What kind of discip
line? How and who should
draw the line? How can the
parent help? These are ques
tions, as parents and teach
ers, we all would like help
and answers to. Our speaker
for the evening is well qual
ified to do that.
Miss Mary Gordon, State
Department of Education for
Pre-school and Kindergarten,
is a graduate of Oglethorpe
College. She started what is
now the largest kindergar
ten in Georgia. Miss Gordon
helped to organize the pre
school at Jonesboro, and has
held classes for parents that
were overflowing before the
six-week course was over
Before you say to yourself,
"This isn’t for me, my child
is in his last year in grade
school, and I don't have any
more little ones,” stop and
think. What was it like when
you went to Junior High? A
new school, new people,
books, everything different.
It's almost like starting all
over, and as parents and
teachers it is up to us to
help, and now is the time to
find out how.
See you Tuesday night.
The regular meeting of the
Hendrix Drive School PTA
will be held on Tuesday,
March 19, at 7:30 p.m. After
the meeting, parents may en
joy the Science Fair exhibits
on display at the school.
The March meeting of the
Mountain View PTA was
held on the 7th. The presi
dent. Mrs. C. R Jones, pre
The flag ceremony was
Forest Park Junior Wom
■ an's Club held its February
meeting in the Banquet
Room of the Clayton Citizens
Bank Building.
The Club Collect was read
and a short business session
was held. The following of
ficers were selected for the
President, Margaret Wet
more; first vice-president,
Betty Goodlitt; second vice
president, Claire Preto; re
cording secretary, Dot Hal
ley; corresponding secretary,
Dora Anderson; treasurer,
Tony Paradess, and parlia
mentarian, Lucile Pearson.
The Home Life Dept., in
charge of the program, pre
sented the spring sewing
fashion contest. Background
decorations were furnished
by Sazon’s Dress Shop. Mrs.
Barbara Stanford narrated
the fashion show as mem
bers modeled their lovely
spring fashions.
The judges, Mrs. Pat
Smith. Miss Eva Jackson and
Mrs. Betty Mullins, chose
Mrs. Margaret Wetmore win
ner, second place Mrs. Rachel
Cole, third place Mrs. Edna
Cooper. Door prizes were won
by Lucile Pearson, Dot Hal
ley and Betty Sazon.
Mrs. Mary Norton, repre
senting Vivian Woodard Cos
metics, narrated a most in
teresting film on the new
look of make-up for spring.
The March meeting will be
the Annual Installation Ban
quet, to be held at the
Regency Hyatt House, March
21. Mrs. Elandia Quinn of the
Atlanta Journal will be guest
speaker. Mrs. Lucile Pearson
is in charge of banquet ar
Hostesses for the fashion
show were Mrs. Faye Greg
gory and Mrs. Freida Can
trell. Delicious refreshments
were served and a good time
had by all.
—Freida Cantrell
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Geddie- Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Don Geddie of College Park announce the
engagement of their daughter, Emily Marlene, to Jerry Al
lan Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Watson J. Holland of East
Miss Geddie is the granddaughter of Mrs. Ira H. Brown
of College Park and the late Mr. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
D. M Geddie of Deatsville, Ala.
The bride-elect was an honor graduate of North Clayton
High School and attends Georgia State College, where she
is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. She is employed by
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp, and is a member of
Women of the Motion Picture Industry, International.
Mr. Holland is the grandson of Mrs. J. E. Holland of At
lanta and the late Mr. Holland and the late Mr and Mrs
P. W. Smith.
The future groom was graduated from Murphy High
School in Atlanta and served for four years in the U S.
Navy Submarine Service. He will graduate from Southern
Tech in December where he is on the Dean’s List.
The wedding will be solemnized June 14 at East Point
Christian Church.
A big celebration was held
recently for Allen and Miss
Jane Neyhart, who were
given a birthday party by
friends and relatives. They
received the usual nice gifts
and the usual birthday song
was rendered by a well
known band. Both are stu-
presented by Girl Scout
Troop 187. The inspiration
was given in song by the
Festival chorus under the di
rection of Mrs. S. L. Stike
Officers for 1968-69 were
elected, as follows: presi
dent. Mrs. W. R. Jackson:
vice president, Mrs. G. M.
McClure, secretary. Mrs E. J.
Fuselier; treasurer. Mrs.
W. R. Hendrick.
Mr. Vernon Burke’s sixth
grade homeroom won the
attendance banner.
The program was a movie
produced by the National
Football League, entitled,
Elements of Victory.
—Mrs. A. E. Anderson
Have You Ever Heard of
Anything Easier
Dialing Your
Phone ft;
i AT
for a Loan?
Securing o Loan by Telephone is '/ ’
only ONE of the new services ot TZ J S
Bank of Jonesboro . \ I 1 , /
■ /Ml I 1/ I
When you find yourself o bar- , ML M
gam and need money in a hurry I ; A M
just diol 478 7252 | f /
Ask for Telephone Loan Depart- f yKMB
ment, and, with approved credit, I
you may have cosh or a check I
waiting for you’
Dash in - dash out 1 There’s no
waiting when you line up a
loan by phoning 418-7252
® an k °f Jonesboro
I—« Member F. D. I. C.
<***—■ r Cali
Ml s.~. Now in our 65th year of serving Jonesboro and a || O s Clayton County 476-7252
dents at North Clayton High.
Students at North Clayton
Junior High took part in a
science fair held at McDon
ough High School. The stu
dents were supervised by
Mr. Osburn, teacher.
College Park Second Bap
tist Church youth division
recently held a Valentine
Banquet at the church which
consisted of a big steak with
all the extras. Total attend
ing was 110 teen-agers and
adutls who work with them.
The special entertainment
was a group of Georgia Tech
fellows who sang folk songs.
This youth division is di
rected by Roger Miller who
just came to the church
from Florida.
Notice to all young teen
agers concerning Vacation
Bible School at Second Bap
tist of College Park. You are
invited to attend the VBS be
ginning in June for two won
derful weeks. It will be con
cluded with a trip some
place of real interest and a
good time is expected for all
who attend. The attendance
Notes on
AGING — Considerable re
search has been done to de
termine what changes occur
in body tis
sues as age
advances. Re
learned that
the number
of cells in
organs de
creases with
age. However,
they have not
learned why
some people
age more rapidly than
others. When this is learned,
it may be possible to enable
"many more people to live
as long as those who live
longest today.”
Research has revealed that
nerve fibers decline less rap
idly with age than other tis
sues. For example, we read.
"The nerve fibers that con
nect directly with the mus
cles show little decline with
This durability of the
nerve system is interesting.
In the study of embryology
we learn that nerve tissue
develops early in the newly
forming body. These facts of
early-to-develop and late-to
decline indicate the great
importance of the nerve
system to the function and
health of all organs.
There is scientific support
for the chiropractic asser
tion that, "The most common
basic cause of disease is in
terference with normal nerve
780 Main St., Forest Park,
(Next door to Post Office)
GEA Chapter
Has Luncheon
Forest Park area members
of the Georgia State College
chapter of the Georgia Edu
cation Association are in
vited to attend a luncheon
meeting Friday, March 15.
The luncheon will be held
at 12:30 p.m. in the Student
Activities Bldg, on Courtland
in years past has been ex
North Clayton Junior High
PTA meeting will be held
March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the
school. The P.E. department
will be in charge of the pro
gram and all parents are en
couraged to attend. New of
ficers will be voted on.
Time is near for the tal
ent show at North Clayton
Junior High March 21-22.
Tickets will be 50 cents per
person and many door prizes
will be drawn. Sp .a ' iter
tainment will be Miss Cyn
thia Ledbetter and Miss Eu
genia Martz who have been
popular folk singers. There
will be at least 20 acts and
a good show is expected. We
know you will not want to
miss this show. You may re
turn on the same ticket
Thursday if you wish to
come both nights.
—Mrs. Lois Bailey